Benchtop Digital
Single- and 10-Channel Models with
Embedded Ethernet Connectivity Option
Shown smaller
than actual size.
Transition junction and quick disconnect thermocouples sold
separately. TTSS-18U-6 shown. Visit omega.com/jtin
MDSi8 Series
U Totally Programmable
Color Displays, Standard
U Optional
Embedded Internet
U Portable, Rugged Metal
Benchtop Enclosure
with Tilt Handle
U Single- and
10-Channel Models
U Built Around OMEGA’s
New iSeries Meters
U High Quality
U 5-Year Warranty
U High Accuracy ±0.5°C
(±0.9°F), 0.03% Reading
U User-Friendly,
Simple to Configure
U Universal Inputs:
Thermocouple, RTD,
Process Voltage/
Current, Strain on
Single-Channel Models
Process Voltage
Process Current 0 to 20 mA (4 to 20 mA) 0.03% rdg
Iron–Constantan -210 to 760°C/-346 to 1400°F 0.4°C/0.7°F
-270 to -160°C/-160 to 1372°C 1.0°C/0.4°C
-270 to -190°C/-190 to 400°C 1.0°C/0.4°C
-270 to -220°C/-220 to 1000°C 1.0°C/0.4°C
-50 to 40°C/40 to 1768°C 1.0°C/0.5°C
-50 to 100°C/100 to 1768°C 1.0°C/0.5°C
100 to 640°C/640 to 1820°C 1.0°C/0.5°C
5%Re–W/26%Re-W 0 to 2320°C/32 to 4208°F 0.4°C/0.7°F
-250 to -100°C/-100 to 1300°C 1.0°C/0.4°C
J DIN -200 to 900°C/-328 to 1652°F 0.4°C/0.7°F
Pt, 0.00385, 100, 500, 1000 Ω -200 to 900°C/-328 to 1652°F 0.4°C/0.7°F
Pt, 0.00392, 100, 500, 1000 Ω -200 to 850°C/-328 to 1562°F 0.4°C/0.7°F
Miniature quick disconnect thermocouples
sold separately. GKMQSS-125U-6 shown.
Visit omega.com/gjmqss
U Optional Alarm Relays
or Analog Output
Input Type Range Accuracy
0 to 100 mV, 0 to 1 V, 0 to 10 Vdc
-454 to -256°F/-256 to 2502°F 1.8°F/0.7°F
-454 to -310°F/-310 to 752°F 1.8°F/0.7°F
-454 to -364°F/-364 to 1832°F 1.8°F/0.7°F
-58 to 104°F/104 to 3214°F 1.8°F/0.9°F
-58 to 212°F/212 to 3214°F 1.8°F/0.9°F
212 to 1184°F/1184 to 3308°F 1.8°F/0.9°F
-418 to -148°F/-148 to 2372°F 1.8°F/0.7°F
0.03% rdg

The OMEGA® MDSi8 is a 1⁄8 DIN
size (96 x 48 mm) digital panel
meter in a rugged benchtop metal
enclosure featuring the big iSeries
color-changing display. The digits
are twice the size of typical 1⁄8 DIN
panel meters. The iSeries meters
feature the only LED displays that
can be programmed to change
color between GREEN, AMBER,
and RED at any setpoint or alarm
point. Other options include isolated
programmable analog output, serial
communications, MODBUS and
The universal temperature and
process instrument (model “i”)
handles 10 common types of
thermocouples, multiple RTD’s, and
several rocess (DC) voltage and
current ranges.
at any
Totally Programmable
Color Displays
The OMEGA® i/8, i/16, and i/32 are
the first complete series of
⁄32 DIN process control instruments
with totally programmable color
displays. The display can be
to change
color at any
setpoint or
alarm point.
⁄8, 1⁄16 and
10-channel thermocouple model MDSSi8-TC-C4EI-AL, shown (top) with
Ethernet/RS232 and alarm relay option. Single-channel universal model
MDSi8-C4EI, shown (bottom) with Ethernet/RS232 option.
Single-Channel Universal and 10-Channel Dedicated
Temperature and Process Inputs
Accuracy: ±0.5°C (±0.9°F) temp; 0.03% reading process
Resolution: 1°/0.1°; 10 µV process
Temperature Stability:
RTD: 0.04°C/°C
Thermocouple @ 25°C (77°F): 0.05°C/°C (cold junction compensation)
Process: 50 ppm/°C
NMRR: 60 dB
CMRR: 120 dB
A/D Conversion: Dual slope
Reading Rate: 3 samples per second
Digital Filter: Programmable
Display: 4-digit, 9-segment LED, 10.2 mm (0.40")
i32, i16, i16D, i8DV: 21 mm (0.83")
i8: 10.2 mm (0.40") and 21 mm (0.83"), i8DH—GREEN, AMBER, and RED
programmable colors for process variable, setpoint and temperatureunits
Input Types: Thermocouple, RTD, analog voltage, analog current
Thermocouple Lead Resistance: 100 Ω max
Thermocouple Type (ITS 90): J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, N, L
RTD Input (ITS 68): 100/500/1000 Ω Pt sensor, 2-, 3- or 4-wire; 0.00385 or
0.00392 curve
Voltage Input: 0 to 100 mV, 0 to 1 V, 0 to 10 Vdc
Input Impedance: 10 MΩ for 100 mV, 1 MΩ for 1 or 10 Vdc
Current Input: 0 to 20 mA (5 Ω load)
Configuration: Single-ended
Polarity: Unipolar
Step Response: 0.7 s for 99.9%
Decimal Selection: None, 0.1 for temperature; none, 0.1, 0.01 or 0.001 for process
Setpoint Adjustment: -1999 to 9999 counts
Span Adjustment: 0.001 to 9999 counts
Offset Adjustment: -1999 to +9999
Network and Communications
Ethernet: Standards Compliance IEEE 802.3 10Base-T
Supported Protocols: TCP/IP, ARP, HTTPGET
RS232/RS422/RS485: Selectable from menu; both ASCII and MODBUS protocol
selectable from menu; programmable 300 to 19.2 Kb; complete programmable
setup capability; program to transmit current display, alarm status, min/max, actual
measured input value and status
RS485: Addressable from 0 to 199
Connection: DB-9 connector on rear panel; optional alarm 1 and 2 (programmable)