Benchtop Digital Thermometer
Single- and Ten-Channel Models
Shown smaller
than actual size.
MDSS41-TC-GN, shown with TTSS-18U-6 transition
junction and quick-disconnect thermocouples, sold
separately. Visit omega.com/ktss_jtss_chb
MDS41 Series
U Front Panel Programmable for
9 Thermocouple Calibrations
U 0.2° Accuracy for Temperature
U 0.01° Resolution
U Min/Max Storage
U Optional Analog Output
U Optional RS232 Communications
U 115 Vac Power
The MDS41 is a high-precision digital benchtop meter,
with 2 models that accept either thermocouple or
RTD inputs. The large, easy-to-read 13 mm (0.5")
display features 6 digits with 0.01° resolution. The
thermocouple input model has 9 thermocouple
types in memory, any one of which can be selected
through the front panel. The RTD input model can be
programmed for a linear resistance or one of two
100 Ω platinum curves, 0.00385 or 0.00392 (2- or
3- wire RTD). The unit is switchable to °C/°F/K.
The single-channel unit includes a universal rear
connector which accepts either the miniature or
standard quick disconnect connector. The 10-channel
MDSS uses screw terminals for temperature input.
Optional scalable analog output is available and can
be ordered as a 0 to 10 Vdc or 4 to 20 mA. The analog
output provides a retransmission of the measured
temperature for recorders or dataloggers.
Visit omega.com/dp41 for more information on the
DP41 series.
MDS41-TC, shown with GKMQSS-125U-6
miniature quick-disconnect probes, sold
separately. Visit omega.com/gjmqss
Rear panel showing sub-D connector
for optional RS232 output.
To Order
Input No. of
Model No. Type Channels
MDS41-TC Thermocouple 1
MDSS41-TC Thermocouple 10
Red LED display and 115 Vac power are standard.
For green LED display, add suffix “-GN” to model number,
no additional
no additional cost.
Note: The analog output for the MDSS models is for the displayed
channel only. To order units with optional RS232 communications,
add suffix “-S2” to model number,
Ordering Examples: MDS41-TC, single-channel benchtop indicator,
thermocouple input.
MDS41-RTD-A, single-channel benchtop indicator, RTD input and
analog output.
Visit omega.com/mds_mdss for Pricing and Details
cost. For analog output, add suffix “-A” to model number,
no additional cost

MDS41-TC high-accuracy benchtop
thermometer shown smaller than
actual size, with KMTXL-125U-6 Type K
molded transition joint thermocouple.
Visit omega.com/kmtxl_nmtxl
Shown smaller
than actual size.
Economical Series
The DS (single-input) and the DSS
(10-input) benchtop cases are
OMEGA’s more economical cases.
The DS and DSS cases maintain
the versatility of panel meters and
the portability of a benchtop. The
DS and DSS are a beige color.
Monogram Series Description
MDS (*) Single-input benchtop meter
MDS-02 (*) Single-input with rechargeable battery option
MDSS (*) 10-input benchtop meter
MDSS-02 (*) 10-input with rechargeable battery option
Economical Series Description
Extended Warranty
warranty program is available
for models shown on this page.
Ask your sales representative
for full details when placing
covers parts, labor and
equivalent loaners.
DS (*) Single-input benchtop meter
DSS (*) 10-input benchtop meter
* Insert model number of meter and thermocouple type.
Refer to omega.com/sel_guide_meter for the digital Panel Meter Selection Guide
for Additional Meters and Specifications.
Benchtop Model No.
Battery Serial Analog
Single-Channel 10-Channel† Base Meter Specs Option Comm. Output
MDS41-TC MDSS41-TC DP41-TC M-27 MDS-02 Opt Opt
MDS41-RTD MDSS41-RTD DP41-RTD M-27 MDS-02 Opt Opt
MDS116-(*) MDSS116-(**) DP116-(**) M-13 MDS-02 — Std
MDS25B-(*) MDSS25B-(**) DP25B M-17 MDS-02 — Opt
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
Insert thermocouple type or the meter’s specific range code.
† For 10-channel models, communication port can only access input currently selected by 10-point selector switch on front of unit.
Note: The benchtop models using the DP41-TC is programmable for any thermocouple type listed on the meter’s specification sheet.
To order the DS version one channel replace the “MDS” in the model number with “DS”, and subtract cost from the MDS price.
To order the DSS ten channel version replace the “MDSS” in the model number with “DSS”, and subtract cost from the MDSS price.
Ordering Examples: MDS116-JF, single-channel benchtop indicator, Type J thermocouple input, °F.
OCW-2, OMEGACARESM extends standard 3-year warranty to a total of 5 years.