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WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient-connected applications.
GP901 M-3343 05/08

The Digital Probe is a gauging transducer combined with conditioning electronics in a permanently
connected ”smart connector” or PIE (Probe Interface Electronics).
The PIE converts and corrects the output from the gauge head and transmits the result in a digital format
using the Orbit protocol. Because the Digital Probe is factory calibrated using a reference Laser, the probe
has a very linear output with position.
The Digital Probe is one of an extensive range of Orbit Modules available for use with the Orbit
Measurement System, which provides an easy way to construct and maintain a complete measurement
system of up to 372 Orbit modules.
The Orbit protocol features an extensive set of commands that enable fast and efficient transmission of
data between the Orbit module and the PC.
Digital Probe Specifications
This section contains the specifications of the Digital Probe. There are two sections, the first are the
specifications for the complete Digital Probe (PIE + gauge head) and the second is mechanical data
relevant to the gauge head only.
PIE is designed to be primarily used with the T-CON connector. Full details of mounting with T-CON refer
to the section of PIE and T-CON installation.
Digital Probe Data
Performance Data
Basic Probe Type GP901-05 GP901-1 GP901-2 GP901-5 GP901-10 GP901-20
Calibrated Stroke mm 0.5 1 2 5 10 20
Full Mechanical Travel 0.58 1.5 3 (*2.5) 6 11 21
Resolution (14 bit over stroke) mm
0.03 0.061 0.122 0.305 0.610 1.22
Resolution (16 bit over stroke) N/A 0.015 0.03 0.076 0.152 0.305
Resolution (18 bit over stroke) N/A N/A N/A 0.019 0.038 0.076
Accuracy mm see Accuracy section below
<0.1 mm <0.15 mm
Reading Rate per Network channel 1000 readings / second minimum
Reading Rate (per PIE) 240 readings / second minimum (4 ms internal update)
in Normal Mode
Up to 3906 readings per second in dynamic (8 probes per network)
Calibration Temperature
Temperature Range
0 to 60°C
Warm up Period 30 minutes
General Data
Supply Voltage
5 60.25Vdc
Current Consumption 0.06 A max.
PIE per Orbit channel 31 modules
3GP901 M-3343 05/08

Network type Orbit - RS485 2-wire multi-drop (up to 31 per channel)
Network speed 1.5Mbaud, 187.5k Baud or 9600 Baud (do not use 9600
Baud for New Applications as this will be phased out)
Network Control Character Break Character - low (space) of >90 us (187.5k Baud) or
>1.2mS (9600 Baud)
Command Character Format 1 start, 8 data, 1 odd parity, 1 stop bit
The error quoted assumes periodic re-setting against a setting master in accordance with normal gauging
practice (not less than once per day). As the Digital Probe may be used anywhere on its stroke the setting
master itself must be of known dimensions, but does not need to be precisely on its nominal value. The error
quoted for the Digital Probe therefore includes a factor dependant on the distance between the setting master
and the component being gauged.
Where D = difference in mm between setting master and component.
Error at calibration temperature: -
0.5 mm Probes i.e. GP901-05-S 6 0.05 mm 6 0.2% x D
1 mm Probes i.e. GP901-1-S 6 0.1 mm 6 0.1% x D
2 mm Probes i.e. GP901-2-S, GP901-2-P 6 0.1 mm 6 0.1% x D
5 mm Probes i.e. GP901-5-S, GP901-5-P 6 0.1 mm 6 0.2% x D
10 mm Probes i.e. GP901-10-S, GP901-10-P 6 0.1 mm 6 0.2% x D
20 mm Probes i.e. GP901-20-S, GP901-20-P 6 0.1 mm 6 0.2% x D
Gauge Head Specications
Specications Common to All Gauge Head Types
Body Material Stainless Steel 400 Series
Probe tips various types available
Non-repeat <0.15 mm
Max. Angular Rotation of Tip 2°
Gaiter Material Viton®
Max. Probe tip tightening Torque 0.22 Nm – M2.5 Thread
(when changing tip please take care not to damage probe) 0.12 Nm – M2 Thread
Storage Temperature Range -20°C to +100°C
Operating Temperature +5°C to +80°C
Environmental Protection (see mounting notes) IP 65 (with gaiter)
Cable Standard (not all types) 2m screened, PUR, insulation
Option (not all types) Standard cable with stainless steel or plastic braid
Pneumatic Operation (Not GP901-05 version)
Minimum operating pressure With Gaiter
(bar) Without Gaiter
Maximum operating pressure With Gaiter
(bar) Without Gaiter
Air leak rate ml/min. at 1.0 bar With Gaiter
Without Gaiter
GP901 M-3343 05/08