PVDF Turbine MeTer
U Indicates Both Rate
and Total
U Field Replaceable
Internal Rotor
U FM Approved
U Battery Operated
U For Use with Many
Aggressive Chemicals
U GPM and LPM Display
The OMEGA® FTB890 industrial
meter turbines are available with
turbine is designed to work with
onboard computer electronics and/
or with one of several accessory
modules that can interface to a wide
variety of reporting and collecting
Liquid flows through the turbine
housing causing an internal rotor
to spin. As the rotor spins, an
electrical signal is generated in the
pickup coil. The electrical signal
provides the output necessary to
operate the on-board computer
electronics for local indication.
The display can be installed directly
on the turbine, or one of several
accessory modules that transmit the
signal to external equipment.
or 1 NPT fittings. Each
Linear Range:
" Size: 10:1 @ ±2% of reading;
1" Size: 10:1 @ ±1.5% of reading
Extended Range:
" Size: 20:1 @ ±5.0% of reading;
1" Size: 20:1 @ ±5.0% of reading
Repeatability: ±0.3%
Pressure Rating: 150 PSIG (10.3 bar)
Wetted Components:
Housing: PVDF
Journal Bearings:
Ceramic (98% Alumina)
Shaft: Ceramic (98% Alumina)
Rotor and Supports: PVDF
O-Rings: FKM
Operating Temperature Range:
With Remote Electronics:
-10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F)
No Electronics: -28 to 82°C
(-20 to 180°F)
Battery Life: 5 years nominal
Power: Two 3V lithium batteries
Viscosity: Calibrated to 1 cSt (water)
meters with display can be used for
fluids up to 100 cSt with field calibration
FM Approvals: Turbine meters
with display and no accessories are
FM approved for Class 1 Div. 1
hazardous environments
Note: Outputs and accessories are not
designed for hazardous environments
FTB891 shown larger
than actual size.
Accessories for Turbine
Meters With the Display:
The FLSC790-MA provides a
4 to 20 mA or 0 to 5 Vdc output
for rate indication. Requires field
calibration. The 4 to 20 mA dc
is a two-wire system requiring
8 to 30 Vdc power (24 Vdc
The FLSC790-P pulse output
Module provides an unscaled open
collector sinking output operating on
an applied voltage of 0 to 60 Vdc.
The output is a squarewave pulse
with an amplitude that is equal to the
supplied voltage.
The FLSC790-P-DC external power
module for the FLSC790-P allows
for 9 to 30 Vdc external power for
the pulse output. Internal batteries
in the display can be used as an
auxiliary power source.
The FTB790-RK remote kit
allows remote mounting of display
electronics. This option expands
the applications into wider fluid
temperature ranges to -40 to 121°C
(-40 to 250°F). LCD display can be
mounted up to 90 m (300’) from the
turbine meter.
The FTB790-RK-FM is an FM
approved Remote Kit. It allows

Field replaceable
rotor included.
available, order
FTB891 shown
larger than
actual size.
the display electronics to be
mounted in a hazardous area up
to 30 m (100’) from the turbine
meter and for fluid temperatures of
from -40 to 121°C (-40 to 250°F).
The FLSC790-BATT is the
replacement battery for the display
electronics. Batteries provide
5 years of actual use.
The FLSC790-90D is a 90°
mounting adaptor designed to allow
displays to be mounted 90° from the
standard position.
To Order Visit omega.com/ftb891 for Pricing and Details
Extended Dimensions Weight
Range Max cm (inch) kg (lb)
Model No. Model No. Range Low FNPT Pressure includes
with Display without Display** GPM (LPM) Flow*** Size Drop (psi) Height Width Length display
FTB891 FTB891-ND 1.2 to 12 0.6
4.5 to 45.4 (2.27)
FTB893 FTB893-ND 5-50 2.5 1 6 8.4 (3.3) 7.1 (2.8) 20.6 (8.1) 0.8 (1.9)
(18.9-190) (9.5)
Requires signal output module model FLSC790-P-ND, ordered separately.
Extended low flow range and field calibration for viscosity not available on “-ND” (no display) units.
Field Installable Options and Accessories
Model Number Description
FLSC790-MA 4 to 20 mA/0 to 5 Vdc output module
FLSC790-P ††Pulse output module (open collector output)
FLSC790-P-DC External power module for FLSC790-P (9 to 30 Vdc)
FTB790-RK Remote display kit module
FTB790-RK-FM FM approved remote display kit module
FLSC790-P-ND ††Pulse output for models without displays (“-ND” suffix) open collector output
FLSC790-90D 90° display mounting adaptor
Except as noted, options and accessories are for display models only. Only one module can be installed per unit.
†† Customer supplied pull-up resistor required 820Ω (min).
¹⁄₂ 10 8.1 (3.2) 5.3 (2.1) 18.5 (7.3) 0.6 (1.3)
Replacement Parts
Model No. Description
FLSC790-BATT Two 3V replacement batteries
FTB891-RK Rotor assembly replacement kit for FTB891
FTB893-RK Rotor assembly replacement kit for FTB893
FTB891-ORING FKM O-ring for FTB891 union fitting
FTB893-ORING FKM O-ring for FTB893 union fitting
FTB899-ORING Computer cover O-ring
Comes complete with field replaceable rotor, two 3V lithium batteries and operator’s manual.
Ordering Examples: FTB893, 1" turbine meter.
FLSC790-MA, field installable 4 to 20 mA/0 to 5 Vdc output.