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User’s Guide
Low-Flow Magmeter

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The FMG80 magmeter is designed for low-ow chemical injection or difcult-to-meter applications with pulsating metering pumps in 3/4” to 1/4” pipe/tube. The housing is made of
sturdy splashproof HDPE plastic.
With no moving parts, the FMG80 can handle uids containing particulate matter without clogging or jamming, keeping
maintenance at a minimum. With no metallic parts (100%
PVDF body and PVDF carbon ber-lled electrodes), the meter is corrosion-resistant and compatible with a wide range of
chemicals. Accuracy is maintained with conductive uids (>20
microSiemens) of varying viscosities and densities.
8-pin circular bulkhead connector
Internals made of chemical and corrosion-resistant PVDF
Sturdy HDPE housing
Mounting bracket
The FMG80 meter is compact enough to t most pump/injection systems. With zero straight pipe required after an elbow, it
can be easily mounted in tight spaces. The mounting bracket
adds stability.
The FMG80 meter has optocoupled current sinking or current
sourcing pulse output that can be connected to many Omega
rate/total displays or batch processors, as well as a 4-20 mA
loop for powering analog devices. Outputs and power are provided through a cable with 8-pin female circular connector.
Threaded NPT adapters
Pipe Size
Materials Body
Fittings (FlareTek)
Adapters (for NPT)
O-Rings (for NPT)
Temperature Ambient
Flow Range FMG83, FMG84
FMG81, FMG82
Accuracy FMG83, FMG84
FMG81, FMG82
Output Signal
FMG83, FMG84
FMG81, FMG82
Empty Pipe Detection
*Specifications subject to change • Please consult our website for current data (www.omega.com).
3/4”, 1/2”, 3/8”, 1/4”
NPT threaded adapters
PVDF carbon ber-lled
PVDF carbon ber-lled
HDPE with glass ber
EPDM or optional FKM
0˚ to 130˚ F (-18˚ to 54˚ C)
32˚ to 200˚ F (0˚ to 93˚ C)
150 psi
20 GPM Max. (0.2 GPM cut off)
3 GPM Max. (0.03 GPM cut off)
+/- 1%, +/- 0.005 GPM of reading across rated range
+/- 1%, +/- 0.002 GPM of reading across rated range
Optocoupled current sinking or current sourcing pulse output: 30 Vdc, 5 mA max
4-20 mA current loop: 7 Vdc plus load voltage drop min; 50 Vdc max
FMG83, FMG84: 500 pulses/liter (1892 pulses/gallon),
FMG81, FMG82: 1,000 pulses/liter (3785 pulses/gallon).
10-15 Vdc, 150 mA (linear power supply recommended)
>20 microSiemens
Hardware/software, conductivity-based
NEMA 4X standard; IP 66 Splashproof standard