For FTB690, FTB790 & FTB890 Series
1. Attac h t he co mpute r d isplay to the adapt er us ing
four (#4-20 x 7/8) plastite screws (#904003-88). Reference
#1 on diagram.
2. Attach adapter to FTB890 Turbine bodies using four (#4-20 x
3/8) plastite screws (#904003-21). Reference #2 on diagram.
3. Attach adapter to FTB790 & FTB690 Turbine bodies using
four (#4-40 x 5/16) machine screws (#904004-79). Reference
#2 on diagram.
4. Place one O-ring (#901002-52) between adapter and turbine
body. Reference #3 on diagram.
5. For all FTB690 Models, place five foam spacers (#113233-4)
between coil and adapter.
a. Dislodge coil from present position and remove exist ing foam spacer.
b. Remove liners from each of the five new foam spacers
and position as shown below.
90° Adapter
Foam Spacers
Computer Electronics
6. For all FTB790 & FTB890 Models, place one foam spacer
(#113233-4) between coil and adapter.
a. Dislodge coil from present position and remove exist ing foam spacer.
b. Remove liner from one of the new foam spacers and
position as shown below.
Foam Spacer
Computer Electronics
90° Adapter
Flow should always
go upward through
your meter.