Suitable for Direct Mounting onto FTB-930
and FTB-940 Series Flowmeters
0 to 5/0 to 10 Vdc Output
The FLSC-61 is a 3-wire analog
transmitter designed to linearly convert
a frequency input to an equivalent
voltage output whose level is switch
selectable @ 0 to 5V/0 to 10V.
A full scale frequency range of
75 Hz to 10 kHz is jumper-selectable.
The span adjustment establishes the
frequency point at which the full scale
voltage output (5 or 10V) is achieved.
A sensitivity adjustment permits the
FLSC-61 to discriminate between a
signal input and noise.
Operating: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
Storage: -65 to 125°C (-85 to 257°F)
Input Voltage: 12 to 28 Vdc @ 50 mA max
Signal Input: Frequency 0 to 10 kHz;
amplitude 50 mV to 35V sine or
square-wave; impedance 10 kΩ
Analog Output: 0V @ 0 Hz,
5 or 10V @ desired full scale frequency
Full Scale Range:
75 Hz to 10 kHz, selectable
Response Time:
95% of change in 1 second
Linearity: 0.3% FS
Temperature Coefficient: <2% of rdg
over entire temperature range
Minimum Load Resistance: 250 Ω
Enclosure: FM approved; Class I,
Groups, B, C, D; Class II, Groups E, F, G
Weight: 771 g (1.7 lb)
FLSC-61 shown
mounted onto
FTB-939 turbine.
Visit omega.com/
4 to 20 mA Output
The FLSC-62A is a 2-wire
loop-powered analog transmitter
designed to linearly convert a
frequency input to an equivalent
4 to 20 mA current output.
A full scale frequency range of
100 Hz to 10 kHz is switch
selectable. The span adjustment
establishes the frequency point at
which a 20 mA output is achieved.
A sensitivity adjustment permits the
FLSC-62A to discriminate between
signal input and noise.
Input Voltage:
Minimum: 7V + (20 mA x RL)
Maximum: 28V + (4 mA x RL)
Analog Output: 4 mA @ 0 Hz, 20 mA @
desired full scale frequency
Full Scale Range:
100 Hz to 10 kHz, selectable
Response Time:
95% of change in 1 second
Linearity: 0.3% FS
Temperature Coefficient: <2% of rdg
over entire temperature range
Minimum Load Resistance: 250 Ω
Maximum Load Resistance: 500 Ω
Enclosure: FM approved; Class I,
Groups, B, C, D; Class II, Groups E, F, G
Weight: 771 g (1.7 lb)
FLSC-64 shown
smaller than actual size.
All units are suitable for direct
mounting onto the FTB-930 turbines.
Visit omega.com/ftb930
Amplifier Squarewave Output
The FLSC-64 amplifies and conditions
low-amplitude signals such as those
developed by a magnetic pickup coil.
The amplitude of the squarewave
output equals the input supply
voltage of the FLSC-64.
A sensitivity adjustment permits the
FLSC-64 to discriminate between
an input signal and noise.The
FLSC-64 contains a built-in test
oscillator that enables the operator
to verify the amplifier’s operation
without a signal source. The power
LED illuminates when the input
supply voltage is present.
Operating: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
Storage: -65 to 125°C (-85 to 257°F)
Input Voltage:
5 to 28 Vdc, 12 mA @ 12 Vdc
Signal Input:
Frequency: 0 to 10 kHz
Amplitude: 20 mV pp minimum
-35V sine or square-wave
Impedance: 10 kΩ
Output: 5 to 28 Vdc squarewave
proportional to input voltage; minimum
load@ 250 Ω; short circuit protection
Features: Individual LED indicators for
power and output signal; built-in test
oscillator that injects 4 Hz test signal when
test P/B depressed
Enclosure: FM approved; Class I,
Groups, B, C, D; Class II, Groups E, F,G
Size: 142 W (without union coupling)
x 61 D x 95 mm Dia. (5.6 x 2.4 x 3.75")
771 g (
1.7 lb