Addendum for “TX41” & "DP41Z"
TX41 Series Smart Transmitters/
DP41Z Series Split Meters
This Addendum is for the Following Manuals:
Process 11277ML-XX (M1297)
Strain 11279ML-XX (M1291)
Temperature/RTD 11275ML-XX (M1296)
Scale/Weight 11575ML-XX (M2378)
The TX41 Series smart transmitters is a meter without a display. It can be
mounted on a standard DIN rail or flat surface with two (2) screws. The TX41
has an optional remote programmer/display with red or green LED’s. Only one
programmer is needed to program any of the models, but if all enunciators
and/or push buttons are required for remote display mounting, you must order
the TX41-RM (red display) or TX41-RM-GR (green display).
The DP41Z Series is the same as TX41 except it includes the remote display
with standart 3 foot cable. If a longer distance is required, you may use up to
200 feet of 26 conductor IDC flat ribbon or shielded round cable available from
many suppliers.
Unpacking and Safety Considerations
Refer to appropriate section of the operators manual.
Mounting Meter to DIN Rail:
Unit mounts to a standard 35mm DIN rail by placing the upper catch over the
top of the DIN rail and then rotating the case downward until the bottom latch
snaps on to the bottom of the rail; locking the meter in place (Figure 3).
To remove from rail, press down in the center of the plastic movable rib at the
top of the meter and rotate bottom outward then lift up (Figure 3).
Mounting Meter to Surface:
Use the meter template (Figure 5) to mark location of mounting screws on a flat
surface. Take care to leave room at the display connector door end of the meter
to slide meter in or out of sleeve once mounted. The meter can be moved from
the sleeve by unscrewing 2 thumb nuts (easiest if clear plastic cover removed
and connectors are unplugged).
Mounting Programmer/Display Through Panel:
Using the panel diagram (Figure 4), cut a hole in the panel. (Panel thickness
should be between 0.03” to 0.25” thick). Remove screws at back of remote
display to remove back cover. Slide tree end of ribbon cable and back cover
through panel cutout from front side of panel. Align back cover to remote display
and reinstall screws. Take care to seat gasket on front panel property (Figure 1).
Mounting Programmer/Display on Bail:
Use the programmer/display template (Figure 6) to mark the location of
mounting screws on a flat surface. Be sure to leave enough room around the
bail (as noted on the template drawing) to allow for removal and rotation of the
display. The display can be rotated to 12 positions for the best viewing angle. To
remove the display from the bail, spread mounting ears.
Refer to appropriate section of the operators manual.