DIN-170 digital output modules
contain open-collector transistor
switches that may be controlled by
the host processors. These
switches may be used to control
solid-state relays which in turn may
control heaters, pumps and other
power equipment. The digital inputs
may be read by the host processor
and used to sense the state of
remote digital signals. They are
ideal for sensing the state of limit or
safety switches.
The DIN-100 analog input modules
include two unique programmable
single pole digital filters. The filter is
used to smooth analog data in noisy
environments. Separate time
constants may be specified for small
and large signal changes. Typically
a large time constant is specified for
small signal changes to filter out
noise and provide stable output
readings. A smaller time constant
may be chosen for large signal
changes to provide fast response to
such changes.
The DIN-100 Series uses the
Modbus RTU or ASCII protocol for
communication. The Modbus RTU
binary protocol uses a master-slave
technique, in which only the master
device can initiate transactions. The
slave devices respond by supplying
the requested data to the master or
by taking the action requested in the
query. The master can address any
slave device. The returned
messages are considered response
messages. The supported master
codes are below in the chart.
Modbus RTU Functions
and Descriptions
01 Read Coil Status
(Digital Inputs)
04 Read Input Register
(Analog Inputs)
05 Force Single Coil
(One Digital Output)
06 Preset Single Register
(RTU Protocol)
15 Force Multiple Coils
(Multiple Digital Output)
The ASCII protocol is a command and response protocol using ASCII
characters for easy troubleshooting and interpretation of data values.
DIN-100 modules are initiated at the
factory using the ASCII protocol.
This allows setup and configuration,
including the Modbus device
address, to be easily performed
using the utility setup software or a
dumb terminal. Each DIN-100
module must be properly configured
before installation into a Modbus
Complimentary Utility Software is
included with each purchase order.
The software is compatible with
Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0+, 2000
operating systems and distributed
on CD-ROM. The Utility Software
simplifies configuration of all userselectable options such as device
address, baud rate and filtering
constants. The latest version of the
software is always downloadable
from our web site.
Modbus RTU protocol is supported
by virtually all commercial process
control software programs available
today. These programs operate on
IBM and compatible personal
computers in the Windows 95, 98,
NT and IBM OS/2 environments.
DIN-100 Series ASCII Command Set
Command and Definition Typical Command Typical Response
Message ($ prompt) Message
DI Digital Input $1D1 *0003
DO Digital Output $1DOFF *
RD Read Data $1RD *+00072.00
RS Read Setup $1RS *31070142
RZ Read Zero $1RZ *+00000.00
WE Write Enable $1WE *
Write Protected Commands
CZ Clear Zero $1CZ *
RR Remote Reset $1RR *
SU Setup Module $1SU31070142 *
TS Trim Span $ITS+00600.00 *
TZ Trim Zero $1TZ+00000.00 *