and what the parts of this User
Guide concentrate on.
· A general description of CL560s
· A general description of CL560s
· The modularity and options of
· Safety precautions and warnings.
· Briefly about how to service
Congratulations for selecting the ultimate calibration tool!
CL560 is a documenting All-In-One Multifunction Calibrator with calibration capability of pressure, temperature, electrical and frequency
signals. CL560s modularity allows customized construction. If requirements increase in the future, new functionality may be added
by getting additional modules, e.g. adding temperature and/or electrical modules to an CL560 that previously only included pressure
Thanks to the logical user interface CL560 is very easy to use. The
large backlit graphical display guides the user in different languages
and it displays results both numerically and graphically.
CL560 performs automatic calibration of pressure, electrical and
temperature process instruments. It is capable of communicating
with external devices such as pressure controllers. CL560 also communicates with HART field instruments.
CL560 represents the state of the art in accuracy, adaptability and
all-round usability.
About This Manual
This User Guide is divided in four parts: A, B, C and D.
· Part A discusses general matters. There is also a chapter about
· Part B describes the basic use of CL560 such as measuring
and generating signals.
· Part C handles configuration level usage, some optional
software utilities and also offers some additional information
concerning pressure measurement, RTD and T/C measurement/simulation.
· Part D concentrates on calibration and matters related to
calibration like handling instrument data.
The even page header displays the title of the active part. The odd
page header displays the main subject (Heading level 1).
The header of each odd page also indicates the active part as shown
in the adjacent picture (with Part B active). Use the information provided in the headers as a quick guide when searching for a particular subject.
Typographical Conventions
All examples of user interface texts are printed using 8 pt Arial
Black, e.g.
Selected port: ET:TCi(mea)
All front panel texts (fixed texts on MC5s cover) are printed using
8pt Eurostile, e.g.
Connectors marked T/C,LowV
Function and Menu keys are often referred to using both the key
name in 8 pt Eurostile and the corresponding text (function) displayed on the screen in 8 pt Arial Black, e.g.
Function key D/Menu
Unpacking and Inspection
At the factory each new MC5 passes a careful inspection. It should
be free of scrapes and scratches and in proper operation order
upon receipt. The receiver should, however, inspect the unit for any
damage that may have occurred during transit. If there are signs of
obvious mechanical damage, package contents are incomplete, or
the instrument does not operate according to specifications, contact the purchasing sales office as soon as possible. The standard
accessories are as follows:
· Calibration Certificate
· This User Guide
· Warranty Card
· Battery Pack, NiMH
· Charger for the Battery Pack
· Computer communication cable
· If any internal pressure modules are present:
A pressure hose set
· If the E module is present: Two test leads and clips
· If the ET module is present: Four additional test leads and
two clips
For a description of available hardware and software options, see
CL560s Modularity and Options on page 24.
If you have to return the instrument to the factory for any reason,
use the original packing whenever possible. Include a detailed description of the reason for the return.
The accessory polyurethane hose supplied with the calibrator
is rated to the maximum pressure of 20 bar at 21°C (290 psi at
70°F). Applying higher pressure can be hazardous.
CL560 Hardware
General features:
· IP65 water/dust proof case (EN60529)
Battery pack IP30.
· Integrated impact protectors
· Both a wrist strap and a neck support strap
· A support for using the calibrator on the table
· Operating temperature: -10 +50 °C (14122°F).
+10 +40 °C (50104°F) when charging the batteries.
· Storage temperature: -20 +60 °C (-4140°F).
Note: The stickers and the batteries may be affected when
storing longer periods in extreme conditions.
· Humidity: 0 80 %RH
More comprehensive specifications are available in Appendix 2.
Operational Sections and Connections
E x t e r n a l
P r e s s u r e
T h e
M o d u l e s
I n t e r n a l
P r e s s u r e
M o d u l e s
E n v i r o n m e n t
T e m p e r a t u r e
S e n s o r I n t e r f a c e
C o m p u t e r /
P r i n t e r
I n t e r f a c e
A u x i l i a r y
I n s t r u m e n t
I n t e r f a c e
T h e
L e f t
S i d e
U p p e r
P a n e l
E l e c t r i c a l
M o d u l e
( E M o d u l e )
E l e c t r i c a l a n d
T e m p e r a t u r e M o d u l e
( E T M o d u l e )
R e f e r e n c e
J u n c t i o n M o d u l e
( R J M o d u l e )
T h e
F r o n t
P a n e l
All sections and connections are presented in detail on the next
Keep in mind that the previous picture (as well as all pictures of
CL560 in this manual) has an example configuration of modules.
The configuration of your CL560 may vary significantly from the
one in the picture.
The Upper Panel
The upper panel has 5 places for the following modules/connectors:
External Pressure Modules
CL560 has a connector for External Pressure Modules (EXTs). The
connector is located on the right hand side of the upper panel and
is marked with PX1 in a sticker on the upper panel.
Internal Pressure Modules
Up to three Internal Pressure Modules may be installed in CL560.
One of them may be an internal barometric module. Although the
Barometric Module reserves the space allocated for an internal pressure module it does not need a connector in the upper panel, so the
space reserved for the connector may be used for, e.g. a connector
for an External Pressure Module.
The connectors for Internal Pressure modules start from the second connector on the left. The possible Barometric Module is always located as second from right and it measures the barometric
pressure through a connection in the back panel of MC5. Normally
nothing need to connected to the barometric pressure modules
Internal pressure modules are marked with P1 P3. The Barometric Module does not have an abbreviation. The whole name is
written on the module.
The recommended pressure medium for all internal pressure modules is clean air. Clean non-corrosive liquids may optionally be used
in modules with a measuring range of 20bar/300psi or more. Avoid
spilling liquid on CL560 when connecting/disconnecting pressure
hoses to/from pressure modules.
To avoid damaging the calibrator, use hand tightening only when
connecting the pressure measurement hoses (max. torque 5 Nm,
approx. 3.6 lbfft). If the use of tools is required to secure the connection (typically pressure modules with a pressure range higher
than 20 bar), apply the counterforce with a spanner on the connector bodys hexagonal part.
The overpressure protection of the internal pressure modules vents
to the back of the calibrator. Remember to be cautious when working with pressure and pressure modules. See also chapters Safety
on page 26 and Safety Precautions and Warnings on page 27.
CL560 Hardware
The Connectors on the Left Side of CL560
The left side of CL560 (front view) has three connectors as follows:
Environment Temperature Interface
This connector is for an optional temperature measurement sensor. This sensor is only meant for environment temperature measurement. It should not be used as a reference sensor when calibrating temperature instruments.
Computer/Printer Interface
The COMP/PRT connector may be used when connecting to a serial port in a PC. The PC may have a calibration software capable of
communicating with CL560 or, e.g. a software that reads data logging results in CL560 and transfers them to a PC.
The same connector can be used when CL560 is connected to an
optional portable printer. The printer may be used for printouts of
user interface screens (e.g. calibrations results).
Use only cables provided by Beamex when connecting CL560
to a PC or a printer.
Auxiliary Instrument Interface
The AUX connector is used when connecting pressure controllers,
temperature baths/dry blocks etc. to CL560.
Using auxiliary instruments is described in Part C of this manual.
The Front Panel
The front panel has several sections. Some of them are pointed out
with a callout in the picture of Operational Sections and Connections, and some of them not (e.g. display and keyboard). The ones
with a callout are discussed first in the following paragraphs.
Electrical Module (E module)
The E module can measure the following quantities: voltage, current and frequency. It can also be used when counting pulses ordetecting the state of a switch. Additionally there is a possibility to
generate current and supply an instrument with a 24VDC power
The E module also includes the optional HART modem. This allows
communication with an instrument with HART capabilities. When
HART is used in conjunction with MC5s power supply, an internal
270 ohm resistor
needed for HART communication is automatically included.
Additional information
on calibrating HART instruments is in Appendix 1.
CL560 Hardware
T / C IN T . R J
T / C , L o w V
T / C O R E X T
2 - w x m t r
+ 2 4 V
4 - w m e a s
R , R T D
3 & 4 - w m e a s
V , 1,
O U T P U TS E N S O R M E A S U R E & S I M U L A T E
6 0 V D C / 3 0 V A C
M a x in p u t :
V , ,
m e a s / s i n k
L o w V
Electrical and Temperature Module (ET module)
The ET module is specially designed for temperature instrument
calibration needs. It is not however restricted to only temperature
instrument use because it can also generate voltage, current, fre-quency and pulses.
Measuring capabilities:
· Low Voltage measurement and T/C measurement using ei-
ther the internal reference junction or the Low Voltage connectors.
· Resistance and RTD measurement.
Generation/simulation capabilities:
· T/C simulation using either the internal reference junction or
the Low Voltage
· Resistance and
RTD simulation.
· Voltage, current,
frequency and
pulse generation
T / C IN T . R J
T / C O R E X T
T / C , L o w V
2 - w x m t r
+ 2 4 V
4 - w m e a s
R , R T D
3 & 4 - w m e a s
V , 1,
O U T P U TS E N S O R M E A S U R E & S I M U L A T E
6 0 V D C / 3 0 V A C
M a x in p u t :
V , ,
m e a s / s i n k
L o w V
Reference Junction Module
The T/C measurement/simulation internal reference junction is an
optional addition to the ET module. It is specially designed for CL560
and therefore best suited for reference junction compensation when
calibrating thermocouples or instruments connected to a thermocouple.
The Reference Junction Module is suited for
all standard T/C plugs
and stripped wires.
Open the fixing screw
on the left side of
CL560 before connecting the wires/plug to the Reference Junction Module. Make sure to
connect the wires/plug as the polarity is indicated on the Reference
Junction Module. Remember to tighten the fastening screw when
the wires/plug are connected. Hand tightening is adequate. Do not
pull out the wires/plug without first opening the fixing screw. Otherwise you might damage the contact surface of the connectors.
T/C measurement and simulation may also be done without the
internal reference junction by using the Low Voltage terminals in
the ET module. Then the reference junction arrangements have to
be done outside CL560 and the correct reference junction settings
as well as the reference junction temperature have to be informed
to CL560.
Part B of this manual describes in detail what kind of reference
junction settings are available.
T / C IN T . R J
T / C O R E X T
T / C , L o w V
2 - w x m t r
+ 2 4 V
4 - w m e a s
R , R T D
3 & 4 - w m e a s
V , 1,
O U T P U TS E N S O R M E A S U R E & S I M U L A T E
6 0 V D C / 3 0 V A C
M a x in p u t :
V , ,
m e a s / s i n k
L o w V
CL560 has a backlit transreflective display. The resolution of the
display is 240 x 320 pixels.
To quickly tune the contrast of the display:
· Press and hold the light button
· Use the up
and down
arrow keys to change the contrast.
To quickly tune the backlight brightness:
· Press and hold the light button
· Use the left
and right
arrow keys to change the backlight
The changed settings are automatically saved as default settings.
CL560 Hardware
The keys on the CL560s keyboard are grouped according to their
function as follows:
The Cursor Keys and the Enter Key
The Cursor keys and the Enter key are located close to the upper
left corner of the display. The Cursor keys are used when moving
the cursor on the screen. They also have several special functions
in certain situations, e.g. when tuning the contrast of the display.
The Enter key finishes the entering of values.
The Keys Above the Display
The Light key toggles the back light of the display on and off. It is
also used when setting the contrast and the brightness of the display (see chapter Display on page 8) and when printing screenshots
(see chapter Printing on page 17).
The Help key displays case sensitive help.
The On/Off key switches CL560 on and off. Press the On/Off key
for about half-a-second to switch on/off. This delayed function prevents accidental on/off switching of CL560.
Pressing the +/- key toggles the sign of the entered numeric value.
Note. The +/- key is applicable only in numeric fields.
The Decimal key adds the decimal point to the numeric value that
is currently edited.
The Function Keys
The Function Keys are located below the display. The meaning of
each Function Key varies depending on the situation. The lower
part of the display indicates what the Function Key stands for at the
The Numeric Keys
The Numeric keys are not only used when entering numbers:
· Keys 1 to 7 are used as menu selector keys.
· Keys 0 and 8 are used to scroll through several pages of menu
options. They may also be used when browsing through options in a pop-up list.
· Key 9 can be used when accepting a selection or when finishing a data entry. The functionality of the 9 key is almost similar
to the
bers, the 9 key produces the number 9. To finish entering a
number, you will have to use the
Function Key when available.
key, except for one situation: When entering num-
key or use the D/OK
CL560 has a dynamic memory allocation system. This means that
there is not a specific area of memory reserved for, e.g. instrument
data. All free memory may be used for anything that requires more
memory. Thus there is no exact limit for the number of instruments
that CL560 can maintain in its memory. It all depends on how much
memory is allocated by other data.
Full batteries:
Empty batteries:
CL560 Hardware
CL560 supports the use of both rechargeable batteries and alkaline batteries. When using alkaline batteries, you need a Dry Battery Cartridge. CL560 automatically detects the battery type.
The alkaline batteries to be used are:
- Cell Voltage:1.5 V
- Amount: 6
- Type:AA
The charger for rechargeable batteries operates in the following
- Voltage: 100240 VAC,
- Frequency:50/60 Hz
The charging electronics is in the Battery Pack. Therefore the batteries may be charged although the Battery Pack is disconnected
from CL560s Base Unit. If you have two sets of rechargeable batteries you may charge the disconnected Battery Pack while at the
same time use CL560 with the connected Battery Pack.
The maximum operating time without recharging varies depending
on the usage and brightness setting of the display light. Also the
generated output current and the usage of the 24V transmitter supply affect the maximum operating time. Even with constant maximum load, the standard rechargeable batteries should last for 6
hours. A good average operating time is 10 hours.
If alkaline batteries are in use, the maximum operating time also
depends on the quality of the batteries. An average operating time
is approximately 4 hours.
The upper left corner of CL560s display shows a picture of a battery. The whiter the picture is, the more acute is the need for recharging (or changing of the alkaline batteries).
CL560s memory and the internal clock/calendar uses a small
amount of power although the calibrator is switched off. Remember
to check the capacity of the batteries from time to time although
CL560 is not in use.
Do not leave CL560 without a Battery Pack or a Dry Battery Cartridge for a long time. CL560 may loose its settings if it is left without
a support voltage for an extended period.
About the Charger and the Charging Procedure
The charger is connected to the charger connector at the bottom of
CL560. The charging electronics informs you of the phases of the
charging procedure with the help of the charge status light.
C h a r g e r c o n n e c t o r
C h a r g e s t a t u s l i g h t
When connecting the charger, the charging electronics first checks
the charge level of the batteries. At this stage, no light is visible in
the charge status light.
When the charge status light is red, a recharging is either starting
(blinking red light) or in progress (constant red light). CL560 may
be used during the recharging phase. Empty batteries are fully
charged in approx. 2½ hours.
When the charge status light is green, the batteries are charged. At
this stage the charging electronics provide a support voltage that
prevents the batteries from discharging
The charger accepts input voltages from 100 to 240VAC.
The charger should only be used indoors and the temperature
should not exceed 40 °C (104 °F).
Removing/Replacing the Battery Pack
To remove or replace the Battery Pack, perform the following procedure:
1. Turn CL560 upside down (the display facing the table top) and
lift the support.
2. Pull the lever that is hidden under the support. The Battery
Pack pops out allowing you to pull it out.
To replace the Battery Pack, simply slide it on its place. When you
hear a click, the Battery Pack is secured in its place.
CL560 Hardware
Although the Base Unit is IP65 protected, the Battery Pack is not.
The Battery Pack has holes in order to vent generated gas and
heat. Avoid exposing the Battery Pack to liquids.
Support for Table Top Use
The support gives you a good viewing angle when CL560 is placed
on a table top. Lift the support at the back of CL560 and place
CL560 on the table top as shown in the picture.
The Wrist Strap and the Neck Support Strap
CL560 has a wrist strap to enable ease of use
when CL560 is held in one hand. The neck
support strap helps you during field calibration: Position CL560 in an angle that allows
reading the display when working. Alternatively: Hang CL560 from, e.g. a valve shaft so
that the display is on the same level as your
eyes. Then your hands are free for working
with the connections etc.
The Optional Carrying Case
CL560s soft carrying case is practical when moving from a location
to another. The carrying case can also be used for transporting
utilities, like:
· Test hoses, test leads and clips
· External pressure modules
· A pressure pump
· Temperature sensors
· Charger and its cable
· User Guide (this book)
The carrying case is suited for use in normal industrial environment.
CL560 Firmware
CL560s firmware is saved in FLASH memory. Therefore it is relatively easy to update the firmware whenever a new version with
fresh capabilities is released. See Firmware Update on page 30
for more information on updating the firmware in your CL560.
General Description
The following picture shortly describes the functions of the firmware. All main functions are marked with a black border. Each main
function has several tasks which are displayed as shaded boxes
without a black border.
M e a s u r e m e n t / G e n e r a t i o n / S i m u l a t i o n
I n s t r u m e n t A d j u s t m e n t
I n s t r u m e n t C a l i b r a t i o n
V i e w i n g t h e R e s u l t s
I n s t r u m e n t D a t a b a s e M a i n t e n a n c e
CL560 Firmware
M A I N T E -
M A I N T E -
T r a n s m i t t e r S i m u l a t i o n
D a t a L o g g i n g
S t e p p i n g a n d R a m p i n g
C o n f i g u r i n g t h e C a l i b r a t o r
S e t t i n g T i m e a n d D a t e
A d j u s t i n g t h e C a l i b r a t o r
Startup Procedure
The following chapters briefly describe each main function.
Every time CL560 is started the Startup Procedure checks the functionality of the device by performing a self test.
If the self-test is passed successfully, some basic calibrator data is
After that CL560 automatically proceeds to Basic Mode. A more
comprehensive description of the Startup Procedure is in the beginning of Part B of this manual.
Basic Mode
Calibration Mode
In Basic Mode you can measure and generate/simulate signals.
There are two separately configurable windows available. Basic
Mode is often used for testing connections before starting the actual calibration procedure of an instrument.
Stepping and Ramping tools enable generating/simulating signals
that vary with time.
All main functions of Basic Mode are described in part B of this
Part C concentrates on Basis States higher level functions and
additional information.
This main function handles calibrator configuration settings.
Additionally there is the possibility to recalibrate CL560 (requires a
Maintenance level subjects are handled in Part C of this Manual.
CL560s main duty is calibrating instruments. Therefore very special attention was directed on this matter when creating the calibrator. CL560 may be used as a stand-alone calibrator i.e. all instrument data and calibration history data is saved in CL560s own
memory. Optionally CL560 also communicates with calibration software.
CL560 supports the use of instruction texts. They help the technician to perform the calibration as fluently as possible. You may enter three kinds of instruction texts: Starting Guide, Adjusting Guide
and Finishing Guide. Additionally, calibration notes can be entered
after the calibration procedure.
More calibration related information is available in Part D of this
Calibration Results
The graphical representation as well as numeric data of the calibration results may be viewed in CL560 (and printed if the optional
printer is available). Transferring the results to a calibration software makes it possible to view the results in PC environment.
More information concerning calibration results is presented in Part
D of this manual.
Help Function
CL560 Firmware
The Help function is not seen in the
picture of the menu structure because it is not a separate branch
but a utility available in almost any
situation. If you need help, just
press the
key. A window with
related help pops up.
2 2 . 0 9 . 2 0 0 0 1 2 : 1 5
V o l t a g e
E T : L o w V L o w V . S e n s o r M e a s .
B a s i c M o d e i s t h e f o c a l p o i n t o f
M C 5 ' s m e n u s t r u c t u r e .
A d v a n c e d f u n c t i o n s a r e i n D / M e n u
a n d C / O t h e r s .
T o m e a s u r e , g e n e r a t e o r s i m u l a t e ,
s e l e c t Q u a n t i t y a n d P o r t f r o m
W i n d o w 1 S e t u p o r
W i n d o w 2 S e t u p m e n u .
U s e r G u i d e :
P a r t B M e a s u r i n g
P a r t B G e n e r a t i n g / S i m u l a t i n g
C l o s e
You can print out screenshots of any situations in CL560 by pressing the
key and the
key simultaneously.
Additional information on printing is found in part C of this manual.
Only use the printer that is available as an option. Using any
other printers may damage the printer or CL560 or even both
of them.
The User Interface
The main elements of the User window can be seen in the following
All possible elements are not included in the previous picture, but
the important ones are discussed in the following chapters.
The Status Bar
The Status Bar at the top
of the display is visible all
the time. It is divided into
four main sections.
The first (leftmost) section displays the charge level of the battery.
The battery symbol is replaced by a plug symbol (
using the battery charger together with the optional Dry Battery
Cartridge. In this case the battery charger acts as a battery eliminator. The second section displays the time and date. The third section displays the temperature measured with the optional environment sensor, if the sensor is connected to CL560.
The fourth section (rightmost) section displays additional information in the form of symbols, like:
Note that the fourth section is empty for most of the time. The symbols are visible only when needed.
B a t t e r y ' s c h a r g e l e v e l
M e a s u r e m e n t r e a d i n g
A d d i t i o n a l d a t a r o w s :
S e n s o r S u p p l y
E x t e r n a l D e v i c e
S p e c i a l M e a s u r e m e n t
E x t r a I n f o
D i s p l a y a r e a d i v i d e d
i n t o W i n d o w 1 a n d 2
S t a t u s B a r
0 6 . 0 5 . 2 0 0 2 1 3 : 5 0
P r e s s u r e
P 1 : I N T 2 C / - 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . 2 bar
0 . 4 5 2 1
E T : V o l t a g e G e n e r a t i o n
P O C 4 , b a r
M a x i m u m v a l u e : 1 . 1 2 6 2 bar
I n t e r n a l t e m p e r a
2 C u r r e n t
E : C u r r e n t M e a s urement
M i n i m u m v a l u e : 0 . 0 0 0 0
S e t u pS e t u p
E x a m p l e o f S t a t u s
k P a
P a
b a r
p s i
m m H
0 . 112
m m H g
F u n c t i o n k e y b a r
B a r a p p e a r a n c e
O t h e r s
M e n u
Q u a n t i t y
[ P r e s s u r e ]
F u n c t / P o r t
[ P 1 : I N T 2 C ]
D i s p l a y M o d e
[ E n g . U n i t ]
U n i t
[ b a r ]
P r e s s u r e
T y p e
[ g a u g e ]
Z e r o
P r e s s u r e
M o d u l e
S e c t i o n s :
T i m e & D a t e
A d d i t i o n a l
i n f o r m a t i o n
I n d i c a t o r
f o r m u l t i p l e
m e n u p a g e s
P o p - u p l i s t
P r e s e n t
s e l e c t i o n
I n d i c a t o r
f o r m u l t i p l e
m e n u p a g e s
C l o s eW i n d o w 1 W i n d o w 2
M E N UM o d e
2 1 . 3 ° C
) if you are
· An hourglass when CL560 is working on something that takes
· A question mark when an error occurred.
· A symbol indicating communication with an external device,
e.g. a HART instrument or a controller (
The Function Key Bar
The Function Key Bar at the bottom of the display is visible all the
time. The meaning of the Function Keys varies depending on the
situation. A grayed Function key text means that the function is disabled at the moment.
CL560 Firmware
C a l i b r a t i o n
The Function Key for
opening the menu is always D/Menu. The same
key is used when closing
the menu. If a menu is not
needed for the current
subject, the fourth Function Key is used for other
If the opened menu has
several pages, the
menus uppermost and/or
lowermost item includes
F i e l dM E N U
S t o p
M o d eM o d e
R a m p i n g
0 6 . 0 5 . 2 0 0 2 1 3 : 5 7
P r e s s u r e
P 1 : I N T 2 C / - 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . 2 bar
0 . 7 0 8 3 4
2 C u r r e n t
E : C u r r e n t M e a s u r e m e n t
0 . 4 3 7 4
W i n d o w 1 W i n d o w 2
S e t u pS e t u p
C l o s e
Q u a n t i t y
[ P r e s s u r e ]
F u n c t / P o r t
[ P 1 : I N T 2 C ]
D i s p l a y M o d e
[ E n g . U n i t s ]
U n i t
[ b a r ]
P r e s s u r e
T y p e
[ g a u g e ]
Z e r o
P r e s s u r e
M o d u l e
C l o s e
O t h e r s
M E N UM o d e
W i n d o w 1 W i n d o w 2
S e t u pS e t u p
S p e c i a l
M e a s u r e m e n t
[ N o n e ]
A l a r m
[ - - ( - - ) ]
S e c o n d p o r t
[ P 2 : E X T 1 0 0 ]
F u n c t i o n a n d
P o r t I n f o
S e c o n d
P o r t I n f o
E x t r a I n f o
C l o s e
O t h e r s
M E N UM o d e
W i n d o w 1 W i n d o w 2
S e t u pS e t u p
C o n t r o l l e r
S e t t i n g s
S e n s o r S u p p l y
[ N o n e ]
O t h e r s
C l o s e
M E N UM o d e
an up/down triangle. In
keys to browse through the available
that case, use the
menu pages. A menu option is selected with the numeric keys
to . Selecting a menu option results in one of the following events:
1. An immediate action follows and the menu closes automati-
cally, e.g. when selecting the Zero Pressure Module option
in the picture above.
2. A pop-up list opens for selecting one of the available options.
The current selection is displayed inside brackets in the menu.
Use the
keys or the
keys to scroll the
pop-up list. To select an option in the pop-up list, use either the
key or the
lecting anything, press the
key. To close the pop-up menu without se-
key or the
D/Close Function Key.
3. Another menu with new options replaces the previous menu.
Sometimes the Function Keys can also open another menu.
In the previous picture, the Window 1 setup menu is opened.
In this case Function Key B/Window2Setup and Function
Key C/Others can be used for opening other menus.
4. A new window opens for, e.g. viewing additional information or
for configuring the selected task.
The Display Area
The layout of the display area varies according to the needs of the
active tasks/settings. The following
pictures give an overview of typical
elements seen in different display
area layouts.
Basic Measurement/Generation:
2 2 . 0 9 . 2 0 0 0 8 : 0 6
F r e q u e n c y
E T : F r e q u e n c y G e n .
1 . 0 0 0 0 0
A m p l i t u d e [ V p p ]
p o s . s q u a r e
k H z
5 . 0 0
The display area is divided into two
windows with informative texts and
numeric measurement/generation
C u r r e n t
E : C u r r e n t M e a s u r e m e n t
1 1 . 9 8 3 7
m A
A border surrounding a numeric
value indicates that the field is
editable. It is, e.g. a generation field
for entering generation values.
If several editable fields are visible,
choose the active field with the cursor keys or the
B/Field Function
The display area is divided into
three windows during a calibration.
The first window displays data related to the instruments input signal. The second corresponding
data related to the output signal.
The third window displays the error graph. The error graph is also
seen among calibration result data.
Configuration Window:
There are plenty of configuration
windows in CL560. The picture beside is the configuration window for
Ramping settings.
The common thing for all configuration windows is that they reserve
the whole display area for the con-
C a l i b r a t i o n
I n p u t
O u t p u t
E r r o r
0 . 4 0
Q u a n t i t y
P o r t
W a i t i n 0 %
R i s e T i m e
W a i t i n 1 0 0 %
F a l l T i m e
R e p e a t s
0 = c o n t i n u o u s
F i e l d
M o d e
2 2 . 0 9 . 2 0 0 0 8 : 1 4
R T D T e m p e r a t u r e [ E T : S i m u l . ]
5 0 . 0 0
C u r r e n t [ E : M e a s . ]
1 1 . 9 9 2 5
0 %5 0 %1 0 0 %
F o r c e
P a u s e
A c c e p t
2 2 . 0 9 . 2 0 0 0 8 : 3 7
C u r r e n t
E : I ( g e n )
P t 1 0 0 =3 8 5
° C ( I T S 9 0 )
m A
- 0 . 0 5 % o f s p a n
figuration fields.
Use the cursor keys to move between fields.
R a n g e0 %
C a n c e lS t a r t
1 0 0 %
8 . 0 0 0 0
1 6 . 0 0 0 0
m A
CL560 Firmware
Tables are used, e.g. when viewing calibration results in numeric
format. Tables reserve the whole
display area. The tables are often
larger than the display. In that case
there are small arrows added to the
table borders. They indicate that
more information may be seen by
using the arrow keys.
keys scroll the list
one line at a time. The
keys scroll the list one page at a
time (if applicable).
If the table has more columns than
can be seen, use the numeric keys
to quickly jump to corresponding
Help window:
The help window is a special window. It displays help text that the
user called using the
Display Area Elements that are Used for Editing Data
There are four different fields/elements that are used for editing data in the display area. Use the
B/Field Function Key to move between editable fields in Basic Mode.
In configuration windows, use the cursor keys.
Numeric Fields
There are two ways to start editing a
numeric field:
1. Press a numeric key,
key. Then the entered value replaces the old value.
2. Press the key or the C/Edit Function Key available in some
configuration windows. Then you can edit the old value. New
digits appear at the end of the old value.
Accept the new value by pressing the
value, use the
A/Cancel Function Key. See also Part B for special
features concerning numeric fields when generating a signal.
2 2 . 0 9 . 2 0 0 0 8 : 4 7
1 2 . 0 2 . 2 0 0 0 1 0 : 2 9 - A s F o u n d - P a s s e d
B a s i c M o d e i s t h e f o c a l p o i n t o f
M C 5 ' s m e n u s t r u c t u r e .
A d v a n c e d f u n c t i o n s a r e i n D / M e n u
a n d C / O t h e r s .
T o m e a s u r e , g e n e r a t e o r s i m u l a t e ,
s e l e c t Q u a n t i t y a n d P o r t f r o m
W i n d o w 1 S e t u p o r
W i n d o w 2 S e t u p m e n u .
U s e r G u i d e :
P a r t B M e a s u r i n g
P a r t B G e n e r a t i n g / S i m u l a t i n g
You cannot add more digits if the length of the number is at its
maximum limit. Use the C/çDelete Function Key to remove unwanted digits first and then enter the new digits.
The dual function of the keys: ,
is not available in a
numeric field. The keys only represent numbers.
Text fields
P o s i t i o n I D
P T 1 0 6 . 1
Press any of the numeric keys or
C/Edit Function Key available
in some configuration windows to
start editing a text field. Then the
menu with the available characters
opens for selecting. Use the numeric keys (1 to 7) to select the
character. Use the cursor keys to
move the cursor in the text field.
Select the character with the
key. Use the C/çDelete
Function Key to remove unwanted
characters. If the character you
want to use is not seen in the list of
available characters, try the
key to see more alternatives.
1 6 . 1 0 . 2 0 0 0 1 5 : 2 1
P T 1 0 6 . 1
D e v i c e I D
D e v i c e N a m e
E r r o r C a l c . M e t h o d
R e j e c t i f
A d j u s t i f
D o n o t A d j u s t i f
A d j u s t t o
C a n c e l D e l e t eA c c e p t
% o f s p a n
0 . 5 0
0 . 3 0
0 . 1 0
0 . 1 0
Û Ç ß
Accept the new text with the D/Accept Function Key. To discard
(cancel) the edited text, use the A/Cancel Function Key.
CL560 Firmware
Drop Down Lists
I n p u t M e t h o d
M e a s u r e d
Drop Down Lists are used when
there is a limited amount of preset
values. You have to select one of the
available options. The list of available options is displayed either be-
I n p u t M e t h o d
M e a s u r e d
M e a s u r e d
K e y e d
C o n t r o l l e d
low or above the Drop Down List
A Drop Down List opens when you press the
key or any of the
numeric keys or the C/Edit Function Key available in some configuration windows. Small arrows in the upper right and/or lower right
corner indicates that the list is longer than the visible part.
Use either the cursor keys
or the
keys to scroll
through the available options. Select one of the options with the
key or the
Pop-up Lists
Pop-up Lists are similar to Drop Down Lists except that Pop-up
Lists appear in conjunction with menus. Theres a picture of a Popup List in chapter The User Interface on page 18.
Scrolling a Pop-up List can be done with an additional way (compared Drop Down Lists): Each time you push the numeric menu
key that opened the Pop-up List, the cursor advances one step.
Selection Lists
Selection lists are used when you
have to choose one of several options. Selection lists are often large,
thus almost reserving the whole
Selection lists can be longer than
the visible part. When the cursor
(the row with the inverted text) is
1 6 . 1 0 . 2 0 0 0 1 5 : 2 1
P O S I T I O N / D E V I C E I D
1 0 1 - X L - 0 0 1 . 1
1 1 2 - T T - 0 0 3 . 1
1 1 2 - T T - 0 0 7 . 1
E S w
P T 1 0 6 . 1
P T 1 1 2 . 1 2
P T 1 1 2 . 1 5 - 1
P T 1 1 2 . 1 5 - 2
P T 1 1 2 . 1 6
on the bottom and you press the
key, the list scrolls and displays more options.
keys scroll the list one line at a time. The
keys to scroll the list one page at a time (if applicable).
Select one of the options with the C/Select Function Key or either
key or the
CL560s Modularity and Options
CL560 includes several optional modules both in hardware and firmware. This makes it possible to buy a calibrator with capabilities
according to current requirements. If additional needs arise later
on, add more modules to your CL560 and you will have a tool that
suits all demands.
Hardware modules/options
Base Unit (BU)
Internal Pressure
(P1, P2 and P3)
External Pressure
Module connector
Electrical Module
Electrical and
Module (ET)
Internal Reference
Junction Module
Required module. Includes the case,
display, keyboard, battery pack, common
electronics and the ENV, AUX and
COMP/PRT connectors as well as a
connector for an external pressure module
Modules with positive and compound
gauge pressure measurement capability
and a barometric module enabling also
absolute pressure measurement together
with other modules.
Connection for external modules capable
of measuring high pressures up to 1000
bar (approx. 14500 psi).
Voltage, low voltage, current and frequency
measurement. Also pulse counting, switch
testing, HART communication
generation, and 24 V loop supply.
Resistance, RTD and thermocouple
measurement/simulation. Low voltage
measurement/generation. Voltage, current,
frequency and pulse generation.
Internal reference junction compensation
for thermocouple measurement/simulation.
Cannot be used without the ET Module.
, current
All CL560s are built around the Base Unit (BU). All other modules
are optional, but at least one of the optional hardware modules has
to be available in order to measure/generate/simulate a signal.
There are some limits on the total amount of certain modules/
connectors. See chapter The Upper Panel on page 5 for additional information concerning this matter.
E modules HART communication requires that the respective
firmware option is installed.
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