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It is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly
pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every
appropriate device upon certification.
The information contained in this document is believed to be corrected but OMEGA Engineering Inc. accepts no liability for any errors it
WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient connected applications.
Postbus 8034, 1180 LA Amstelveen, The Netherlands
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contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.
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This manual has been with all the information you need to install, operate and maintain the 2 channels
multifunction calibrator CL520 series and its accessories.
OMEGA has used the best care and efforts in preparing this book and believes the information in this
publication are accurate. The OMEGA products are subjected to continuous improvement, in order to pursue
the technological leadership; these improvements could require changes to the information of this book.
OMEGA reserves the right to change such information without notice.
No part of this document may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, electronic or
mechanical, without prior written permission of OMEGA Engineering, inc..
CL520 series multifunction calibrator uses sophisticated analogic and digital technologies. Any maintenance
operation must be carried out by qualified personnel
ONLY. OMEGA supplies instructions and operative
procedures for any operation on the instrument. We recommend to contact our technicians for any support
CL520 series is fully tested in conformity with the directive n°89/336/CEE Electromagnetic Compatibility.
OMEGA shall not be liable in any event, technical and publishing error or omissions, for any incidental and
consequential damages, in connection with, or arising out of the use of this book.
1.3 Table of ranges and accuracy .......................................................................................................................... 8
2 GENERAL FEATURES........................................................................................................................ 9
2.4 Digital interface ................................................................................................................................................9
2.9 Transmitter simulation and calibration............................................................................................................ 10
2.10 Frequency - Counts........................................................................................................................................ 10
2.11 Programmable signal converter .....................................................................................................................10
2.16 Power supply.................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.17 Report of Calibration ...................................................................................................................................... 11
2.18 CL520-CPS Software - Documents calibration data ...................................................................................... 11
2.19 CL520-LGM Software for data acquisition ..................................................................................................... 11
2.20 CL520-SLS Software for special linearizations .............................................................................................. 11
4.1 Power supply.................................................................................................................................................. 13
4.7 Digital to analog converter ............................................................................................................................. 16
4.8 External battery charger or mains line operation............................................................................................ 16
4.9 Digital interface ..............................................................................................................................................17
4.10 Resistance and RTD measurements ............................................................................................................. 17
4.11 Resistance and RTD simulation ..................................................................................................................... 17
5.2.3 Table top use............................................................................................................................................. 19
6 POWER SUPPLY............................................................................................................................... 20
6.1 Power supply.................................................................................................................................................. 20
6.1.2 Charging the battery.................................................................................................................................. 20
6.1.3 How to maximize the life span of the battery............................................................................................. 20
7.1 Wiring practice ...............................................................................................................................................21
8.1 Power ON ...................................................................................................................................................... 24
8.3 Next Calibration date...................................................................................................................................... 25
8.7 General configuration set-up.......................................................................................................................... 29
8.10 Decimal point position .................................................................................................................................... 31
8.11 Average mode................................................................................................................................................ 31
8.13 Alarm function ................................................................................................................................................ 31
8.14 Parameter or sensor selection .......................................................................................................................32
8.19 IN-OUT data memories .................................................................................................................................. 36
8.20 Autoscan program mode................................................................................................................................ 36
8.21 Ramp program mode ..................................................................................................................................... 36
8.23 Switch test routine.......................................................................................................................................... 38
8.25 Frequency IN - OUT...................................................................................................................................... 40
8.25.1 Frequency OUT........................................................................................................................................ 40
8.25.2 Frequency IN............................................................................................................................................ 40
9.1.1 General recommendation .......................................................................................................................... 47
9.1.2 Printer operations: General .......................................................................................................................47
9.1.3 Printer operation: Normal In-Out mode ..................................................................................................... 48
9.2 Data Logging function .................................................................................................................................... 48
9.2.1 Printout of memory stored date .................................................................................................................51
10 DIGITAL INTERFACE........................................................................................................................ 53
10.1 Digital output wiring practice...................................................................................................................... 53
10.2 Communication protocol ................................................................................................................................ 54
10.2.1 Computer data request from CL520 series................................................................................................54
10.2.2 Computer data setting from PC ................................................................................................................. 60
A fundamental tool to monitor quality assurance test equipment as required by ISO 9000 and to mantain the traceability
in accordance with National Standards.
The indicator-simulator CL524 and CL525 are high accuracy multifunction instruments, with 2 isolated and independent
channels, designed to meet the needs of instrumentation engineers, both in laboratory and in field work.
Accurate, compact, rugged, easy to use; the ideal solution to measure and simulate:
Both Channel 1 (In) and Channel 2 (Out) have the following operative mode capability:
• millivolts
• volts
• milliamperes (active and passive loop)
• ohms
• temperature with thermocouples
• temperature with resistance thermometers
• frequency
• pulse and counter
Remote auxiliary inputs are available for :
• Relative humidity and temperature
(the temperature sensor uses the same input of the remote cold junction sensor. The above inputs are non isolated
from the "Out" channel)
CL520 series calibrators have been developed using the most advanced A/D conversion and a fast and powerful 32 bit
microcontroller to provide high accuracy on extended ranges and a powerful operative flexibility. The firmware is stored
in a flash memory to allow future upgrade directly from serial interface using a floppy disk in a Personal Computer
• All normalized IEC, DIN, JIS thermocouples
• Pt, Ni, Cu resistance thermometers, temperature measurement and active simulation with a proprietary circuit
(patent n. 206327).
• mA, mV, V,
• IPTS 68 and ITS 90 selection directly through keyboard
• Current INput/OUTput mode directly on active or passive loops
• Rechargeable Ni-Cd battery and line operations
• Bidirectional digital interface
• Portable, table top and panel mounting
• Report of Calibration
The CL525 has an improved performance and accuracy, is equipped with a PCMCIA Memory Card and with a
communication bus for an extension with pressure or optional modules.
Ω, frequency, pulse
1.2 Specifications
• IN/OUT parameters:
Signal type
thermocouples type
resistance thermometers
• Reference junction compensation:
internal automaticexternal adjustableremote with external Pt100
• Rj compensation drift: ±0.015°C/°C (from -10 °C to +55 °C)
• Common mode rejection: >140 dB at ac operation
• Normal mode rejection: >60 dB at 50 or 60 Hz
• Temperature stability:
full scalezero
• Output impedance (emf output): less than 0.5 ohm with a maximum current of 0.5 mA
Sensor or Total range Accuracy range Resolution Accuracy Accuracy
parameter (% of reading) (% of reading)
Tc type J -210 to 1200°C -190 to 1200°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.1°C) ± (0.02% +0.1 °C)
-350 to 2200°F -310 to 2192°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.18F) ± (0.02% +0.18 °F)
Tc type K -270 to 1370°C -160 to 1260°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.1°C) ± (0.02% +0.1 °C)
454 to 2500°F -256 to 2300°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.18°F) ± (0.02% +0.18 °F)
Tc type T -270 to 400°C -130 to 400°C 0.01°C ±(0.01% +0.1°C) ± (0.02% +0.1 °C)
-454 to 760°F -238 to 752°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.18°F) ± (0.02% +0.18 °F)
Tc type R -50 to 1760°C 150 to 1760°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.2°C) ± (0.02% +0.2 °C)
-60 to 3200°F 302 to 3200°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.36°F) ± (0.02% +0.36 °F)
Tc type S -50 to 1760°C 170 to 1760°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.2°C) ± (0.02% +0.2 °C)
-60 to 3200°F 338 to 3200°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.36°F) ± (0.02% +0.36 °F)
Tc type B 50 to 1820°C 920 to 1820°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.3°C) ± (0.02% +0.3 °C)
140 to 3310°F 1688 to 3308°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.54°F) ± (0.02% +0.54 °F)
Tc type C 0 to 2300°C 0 to 2000°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.2°C) ± (0.02% +0.2 °C)
32 to 4180°F 32 to 3632°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.36°F) ± (0.02% +0.36 °F)
Tc type G 0 to 2300°C 190 to 2300°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.3°C) ± (0.02% +0.3 °C)
32 to 4180°F 374 to 4172°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.54°F) ± (0.02% +0.54 °F)
Tc type D 0 to 2300°C 0 to 2130°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.3°C) ± (0.02% +0.3 °C)
32 to 4180°F 32 to 3866°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.54°F) ± (0.02% +0.54 °F)
Tc type U -200 to 400°C -160 to 400°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.1°C) ± (0.02% +0.1 °C)
-330 to 760°F -256 to 752°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.18°F) ± (0.02% +0.18 °F)
Tc type L -200 to 760°C -200 to 760°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.1°C) ± (0.02% + 0.1 °C)
-330 to 1400°F -328 to 1400°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.18°F) ± (0.02% +0.18 °F)
Tc type N -270 to 1300°C 0 to 1300°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.1°C) ± (0.02% +0.1 °C)
-450 to 2380°F 32 to 2372°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.18°F) ± (0.02% +0.18 °F)
Tc type E -270 to 1000°C -200 to 1000°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.1°C) ± (0.02% +0.1 °C)
-454 to 1840°F -328 to 1832°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.18°F) ± (0.02% +0.18 °F)
Tc type F 0 to 1400°C 0 to 1400°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.1°C) ± (0.02% +0.1 °C)
32 to 2560°F 32 to 2552°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.18°F) ± (0.02% +0.18 °F)
Pt100 IEC -200 to 850°C -200 to 850°C 0.01°C ±(0.01% +0.05°C) ± (0.02% +0.05 °C)
OIML, a 3926 -330 to 1570°F -328 to 1562 °F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.09°F) ± (0.02% +0.09 °F)
Pt100 -200 to 650°C -200 to 650°C 0.01°C ±(0.01% +0.05°C) ± (0.02% +0.05 °C)
a 3902 -330 to 1210°F -328 to 1210°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.09°F) ± (0.02% +0.09 °F)
Pt100 JIS -200 to 600°C -200 to 600°C 0.01°C ±(0.01% +0.05°C) ± (0.02% +0.05 °C)
SAMA -330 to 1120°F -328 to 1112°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.09°F) ± (0.02% +0.09 °F)
Pt 200 -200 to 850°C -200 to 850°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.15°C) ± (0.02% +0.15 °C)
-330 to 1570°F -328 to 1562°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.27°F) ± (0.02% +0.27 °F)
Pt 500 -200 to 850°C -200 to 530°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.1°C) ± (0.02% +0.1 °C)
-330 to 1570°F -328 to 986°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.18°F) ± (0.02% +0.18 °F)
Pt1000 IEC -200 to 850°C -200 to 850°C 0.01°C ±(0.01% +0.1°C) ± (0.02% +0.1 °C)
OIML -330 to 1570°F -328 to 1562°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.18°F) ± (0.02 % +0.18 °F)
CU10 -70 to 150°C -70 to 150°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.4°C) ± (0.02% +0.4 °C)
-100 to 310°F -94 to 302°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.72°F) ± (0.02% +0.72 °F)
CU100 -180 to 150°C -180 to 150°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.05°C) ± (0.02% +0.05 °C)
-300 to 310°F -292 to 302°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.09°F) ± (0.02% +0.09 °F)
Ni100 -60 to 180°C -60 to 180°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.05°C) ± (0.02% +0.05 °C)
-80 to 360°F -76 to 356°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.09°F) ± (0.02% +0.09 °F)
Ni120 0 to 150°C 0 to 150°C 0.1°C ±(0.01% +0.05°C) ± (0.02% +0.05 °C)
32 to 310°F 32 to 302°F 0.1°F ±(0.01% +0.09°F) ± (0.02% +0.09 °F)
mV -20 to +200mV 1µV ±(0.01% +2µV) ± (0.02% +2 µV)
mV -0.2 to +2 V 10 µV ±(0.01% +10 µV ± (0.02% +10 µV)
V -2 to +20 V 0.1mV ±(0.01% +0.08mV) ± (0.02% +0.08 mV)
mA (In) -5 to +50mA 0.1µA ±(0.01% +0.4µA) ± (0.02% +0.4 µA)
mA (Out) 0 to +50mA 0.1µA ±(0.01% +0.4µA) ± (0.02% +0.4 µA)
Ω IN 0 to 500Ω 1mΩ ±(0.01% +12mΩ) ± 0.02% +12 mΩ)
0 to 5000 Ω 0.01Ω ±(0.01% +120mΩ) ± (0.02% +120 mΩ)
Ω OUT 0 to 500 Ω 1 mΩ ±(0.01% +20mΩ) ± (0.02% +20 mΩ)
0 to 5000 Ω 0.01Ω ±(0.01% +200mΩ) ± (0.02% +200 mΩ)
Frequency 1 to 200 Hz 0.001 Hz ±(0.005% +0.001 Hz)
1 to 2000 Hz 0.01 ±(0.005% +0.001 Hz)
1 to 20000 Hz 0.1 Hz ±(0.005% +0.001 Hz)
Pulse counter 0 to 106 counts 1 count infinite
Pulse (Out) 0 to 6000 pulse/min 1 pulse/min 1 pulse / min
0 to 36000 pulse/h 1 pulse/h 1 pulse / min
• The relative accuracy shown above are stated for 360 days and the operative conditions are from +18°C to +28°C
• Typical 90 day relative accuracy can be estimated by dividing the "% of reading" specifications by 1.6.
• Typical 2 year relative accuracy can be estimated by multiplying the "% of reading" specifications by 1.4.
• All input ranges: additional error ±1 digit.
• OMEGA traceability chart and uncertainty can be supplied on request.
2.1 Innovative design
CL520 series calibrators use innovative electronics based an a powerful 32 bit microcontroller and sophisticated high
stability, low level signal, thermal e.m.f. free analog circuit.
A Flash memory allows firmware updating through serial interface and modem.
CL525 Incorporates a real time clock, PCMCIA Memory Card and improved performances.
2.2 Flexibility
The operative set-up mode is simplified by a sequence of menu pages that only require <Select> and <Enter>
instructions. A full set of operators notes are memory stored allowing a direct operator's assistance and instructions. Any
relevant instruction may be recalled through the <Help> key. Separate terminals for Channel 1 and Channel 2 are
installed on the front panel. The instrument accepts 2,3,4 wire resistance thermometers.
2.3 Keyboard - Display
A thermoformed metal-click polycarbonate membrane keyboard, with a working life of one million operations per key,
seals the internal electronics from the surrounding environment.
Contact closure of the membrane keys is acknowledged as a coded signal directly by the microprocessor.
The setting of the simulation signal value uses the typical OMEGA in-line single digit setting mode or a direct numerical
entry mode.
The high contrast LCD graphic display, equipped with a backlight device, allows easy reading even in poor light
The graphic display allows a simultaneous indication of the measured and simulated value (large digit), together with a
comprehensive number of messages related to engineering units, type of sensor or signal, temperature scale, cold
junction selection and battery level of charge.
A backlight auto power OFF mode is installed to save battery life.
A swap feature is also installed to change the position on the display of the IN and OUT parameters.
2.4 Digital interface
It is a full bi-directional TTL level digital interface for communication with computerized systems.
A RS232 adapter with galvanic insulation is available on request.
2.5 Firmware
The real time clock, Flash Memory and RAM handle logic functions, mathematical computation and data storage.
A removable Memory Card (PCMCIA) is installed on CL525 only.
The firmware includes the following capabilities:
• multiple measurements and generation mode
• signal processing: filter, average, peak, alarms
• downloadable test procedure (CL520-CPS)
• data acquisition (CL520-LGM)
• switch test routine
• ramping and stepping for dynamic testing
• user definable linearization (CL520-SLS)
• user entry of probe specific calibration coefficients (CL520-SLS)
2.6 Scale factor - Square root
All non temperature ranges are fully programmable to read both measured and output values in term of engineering unit.
Four characters, adjustable in an alphanumeric way, are available on the display to show the symbol of the parameter
(i.e. mbar, % RH, % CO, etc.) mA reading and output can be e.g. related to flow when using a ∆P transmitter across a
calibrated flange.
2.7 Cold Junction compensation
Accurate and fast response automatic internal Rj compensation through a special low thermal capacity design of binding
posts incorporating a thin film high accuracy Pt100.
The cold junction temperature is measured, acknowledged by the microprocessor, directly displayed for automatic Rj
In addiction to the automatic internal Rj compensation two alternative compensation modes can be selected: “external”
with a programmable temperature value or “remote” automatic with an external resistance thermometer.
2.8 Calculated readings
To allow measurements of unstable input signals by a programmable averaging of a programmable number of
conversions and min and max value identification.
A “hold” function is also present on the keyboard or external contact instructions.
2.9 Transmitter simulation and calibration
The instrument can be connected to system inputs to simulate a 4-20 mA transmitter.
It has an adequate power to drive 20 mA into a load of 1000
The operator can set and change temperature values while obtaining the equivalent mA output.
The mA mode may be connected directly either on passive or on active loops.
Ω in the source mode (50 mA su 350 Ω).
2.10 Frequency - Counts
The "Out" mode is designed to generate zero based pulses, with an adjustable amplitude, at a frequency up to 20 KHz.
A preset number of pulses may be programmed and transmitted to test or calibrate totalizers and counters.
The instrument can be configured to measure frequency and count pulse (totalizer mode).
Technical units in Hz, pulse/h and pulse/min.
The input threshold is adjustable from 0 to 20 V with 0.01 V resolution.
2.11 Programmable signal converter
The instrument can be used as a temporary signal convert replacement.
Any input signal (including the remote auxiliary inputs) can be converted into any of the available output signals while
maintaining full galvanic isolation.
2.12 Resistance thermometer
Although resistance and temperature with resistance thermometer may be measured on a 2, 3 wire connection, the
instrument is also designed for 4-wire measurements with a resolution as low as 0.01°C.
2.13 Remote temperature probe
A high accuracy probe is available on request for general purpose temperature measurement and/or remote cold junction
2.14 Graphic mode
To obtain a real time graph of the measured parameter.
The input data are memory stored and the actual values, relevant to the required time, can be digital displayed using the
cursor key.
2.15 Simulation programs
Menu-driven set up to generate:
• a continuous or step ramp output where the total time, the starting point, the final point and the size of the steps are
requested by the set-up procedure to run the program;
• a repetitive programmable cycle rises, soaks, falls;
• a manual requested increment through keyboard;
• an automatic sequence of up to 20 stored values (2 groups of 10 memories).
2.16 Power supply
External charger circuit and internal rechargeable battery.
The instrument can operate from mains line continuously without removing the battery.
When in normal operation from mains supply the battery is not recharged.
To recharge the battery the instrument must be switched off.
2.17 Report of Calibration
Each instrument is factory calibrated against Standards, that are periodically certified by an International recognized
Laboratory to ensure traceability, and shipped with a Report of Calibration stating the nominal and actual values and the
deviation errors. A special calibration report can be supplied on request.
2.18 CL520-CPS Software - Documents calibration data
Standard Agencies and Quality Auditors require the collections, organization and analysis of traceability documents.
A supporting software for DOS/Windows (CL520-CPS Calibration Procedure Manager) is available to transfer a selection
of calibration routines from a PC to the internal memory of the instrument in order to simplify field calibrations selecting
the appropriate tag number. Test and calibration data can be memory stored and downloaded to a PC to document the
calibration activity. ( “before" and “after” data).
2.19 CL520-LGM Software for data acquisition
Supporting software for DOS/Windows to download logged data from an internal memory to a PC. Data can be saved on
disks, loaded from disks, viewed in a numeric or graphic mode and also printed in a numeric or graphic mode.
2.20 CL520-SLS Software for special linearizations
Supporting software for DOS/Windows to configure the instrument with, Tcx, RTDx special linearization. The program
allows a highly accurate temperature measurement with a calibrated Pt100 loading the coefficients of the Calibration
The CL520 series calibrator consists of a rugged and compact case, a mother board with all base and IN/OUT circuits, a
tactile polycarbonate membrane keyboard, a LCD display and a group of four Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries.
The internal surface of the case is metal coated through a special process to improve the characteristics of electrical
noise shielding and thermal equalization of all internal circuits.
On the CL520 series the battery container is located on the upper part of the case, and it is accessible through a cover
with two fasteners.
The two sections of the case are joined together and fastened by five metal screws located on the bottom part of the
The optional leather case, with shoulder strap, assures better protection of the instrument against mechanical knocks or
The calibrator functional block diagram is shown below.
Power Supply
RAM card
Internal Rj In
Internal Rj Out
Remote Rj
Contrast &
Backlight adj.
A/D Converter
DisplayKeyboardA/D converter
IN Switch sel.
• external power supply module
• microprocessor (central unit + program)
• input circuit
• reference junction compensation (Rj)
• LCD display
• operative keyboard
• analog to digital converter
• digital to analog converter
• auxiliary power supply at 24Vdc
• RAM + Clock (optional on CL524, standard on CL525)
On - Off
+ Program
Input ampl.
OUT Switch sel.
Frequency IN
D/A converter
In/Out auxiliary
PS & excitation
current for Rtd
Digital Out
Serial interface
& printer Out
RAM + Clock
• PCMCIA Memory Card (on CL525 only)
4.1 Power supply
The instrument is powered by a group of four internal rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries. The battery is charged through an
external power supply module.
When required the instrument can be powered directly from the mains line without removing the batteries.
Pressing the <ON> key you will provide the dc voltage levels for the circuitry of the instrument:
IN Circuits
+ 24 V analog circuit
+ 5 V digital/analog circuit
-10 V analog circuit
..... auxiliary power supply In
OUT Circuits
+ 24 V analog circuit
+ 5 V digital/analog circuit
- 5 V analog circuit
- 10 V analog circuit
..... auxiliary power supply Out
Two separate groups of voltage levels respectively for Channel 1 and Channel 2 circuits.
A galvanic insulation of 250 Vac is present between the two group of voltage levels.
4.2 Keyboard
The front panel is a thermoformed metal-click tactile polycarbonate keyboard, and has a working life of one million
operations per key.
The contact closure of the membrane keyboard is acknowledged as a coded signal by the microprocessor that
recognizes the operators' instructions .
The ergonomics are simplified with a reduced number of instruction keys referring to the display for additional set-up
1 IN terminals
2 OUT terminals
ON Power ON switch
OFF Power OFF switch
STO Memory load
RCL Memory data recall
ÍÎ Parameter scanning during selection or decimal point position setting
0......9Single digit setting, numerical entry, parameter scanning during selection, IN/OUT
SELECT Operative menu-driven set-up
± Polarity simulation setting or parameter scanning during selection
, Decimal point simulation setting
IN/OUT Enable IN/OUT configuration set-up
MENU Scrolling between the auxiliary operative modes
ENTER Memory load - Operator's message acknowledgement
SHIFT Key secondary function
STATUS To view the pages of the actual installed operative mode and of memory stored data
HELP Operator's instruction menu pages
NUM Direct numerical setting of the simulated value
LAMP To switch the display backlight
RAMP To start the simulation program
IN and OUT displaying position swapping
ENTER + <4> or <9> Display contrast adjustment
ENTER + <±> or <,> Display backlight intensity adjustment
4.3 Input circuit
The A/D converter is a monolithic 20 bit ADC which uses a sigma delta conversion technique.
The analog input is continuously sampled by an analog modulator whose mean output duty cycle is proportional to the
input signal.
The modulator output is processed by an on-chip digital filter with a six-pole Gaussian response, which updates the
output data register with 20-bit binary words at word rates up to 4 kHz. The sampling rate, filter corner frequency and
output word rate are set by a master clock input supplied externally from a dedicated quartz with frequency multiple of
50/60 Hz to improve noise rejection.
The inherent linearity of the ADC is excellent (0.003%), and the endpoint accuracy is ensured by a self-calibration of
zero and a full scale which is started every 5 minutes.
The self-calibration scheme can also be extended to null system offset in the input channel.
Output data are accessed through a serial port by the microprocessor in a synchronous mode.
CMOS/HCCMOS construction ensures a low power dissipation and high speed.
Analog switches provide for the gain and input parameter selection.
The front end amplifier is a high performance amplifier with very low noise and zero-drift with a combination of low-frontend noise and dc precision and it is followed by an autozero circuit.
The internal clock is set at 5 KHz for an optimum low frequency noise and offset drift.
Input ampl.Microprocessor
Autozero circuitParameter select
A/D converter
Comparator (for frequency In only)
4.4 Microcontroller
The microprocontroller handles all the logic functions of the instrument, performs the linearization for non linear
transducers, compensates for the reference junction temperature, drives the digital display and acknowledges all the
operator's instructions.
The core of the circuit is the MC68332; a 32 bit integrated microcontroller, combining high performance data
manipulation capabilities with powerful peripheral subsystems and featuring a fully static, high speed complementary
metal oxide semiconductor (HCMOS) technology.
The MC68332 contains intelligent peripheral modules such as the time processor unit (TPU), which provides 16
macrocode channels to perform time related activities from a single input capture or output compared to sophisticated
pulse width modulation (PWM).
High speed serial communications are provided by the queued serial module (QSM) with available synchronous and
asynchronous protocols.
Two kilobytes of fully static standby RAM allow a fast two cycle access for system and data stacks and for variable
storage with provision for battery back-up.
Twelve chip selections enhance system integration for fast external memory or peripheral access.
These modules are connected on-chip via intermodule bus (IMB)
4.5 Firmware
The operating firmware system (256 Kbyte memory) is divided in to two sections:
• one section contains the boot-loader that is a routine to enable the base firmware loading through the serial port
• the second section contains the base firmware that handles all logic instructions for internal peripheral circuits and
performs the computation of the linearization equations. Moreover it contains the "Help" key operator's instructions
and gives instructions to the secondary graphic controller for the character generation.
The application system firmware (e.g. calibration data) is resident on a non-volatile ”Flash” EPROM.
It is used to store the installation parameters (calibration data, simulation program data, etc.)
4.6 Display
The Liquid Crystal Display module is a graphic display with high contrast and a wide viewing angle. It is equipped with a
LED backlight device to allow easy readings also in poor light conditions.
The character generation is made through the main microprocessor that gives pertinent instructions to a secondary
microprocessor driving the display in a graphic mode.
Pixel driver
Main microPAux. microP
Liquid Crystal
Segm. driver
4.7 Digital to analog converter
The D/A converter is based on a joint configuration, with a partial overlapping, of a 10-bit and 12-bit converter to obtain a
±21 bit resolution .
The two analog to digital converters are designed using the two PWM (pulse with modulation) processes available in the
micrprocessor chip.
These two PWM outputs drive the relevant switches to generate a voltage output proportional to Ton or Toff with an
accuracy theoretically absolute.
The resultant ±21 bit D/A device, driven directly by the microprocessor, converts the digital value of the selected
parameter into an analog voltage output function of the time modulation of the PWM and of the internal high stability,
high accuracy reference.
Analog switches are used to select one of the following six available output values as a function of the selected range:
-20 to +200 mV
-2 to +20 V
-200 to +2000 mV
0 to 500 Ω 0 to 5 K Ω
0 to 50 mA
The above signal, through an output buffer, is sent to an integrated circuit that will generate the voltage or current
requested by the operator's keyboard settings.
Output amplif.
Parameter select
D/A converter
4.8 External battery charger or mains line operation
The instrument is equipped with an external power supply module for line operation 100, 115, 230 Vac 50/60 Hz.
The external power supply module uses a step down transformer, a rectifier, a filter, a serial current controller, protection
sections for over current and a battery charge circuit equipped with a timer for three different ways of charge driven by
the battery status.
The charging circuit uses two different references for:
• voltage control to 5.5 Vdc during instrument operations (5 V dc internal lines)
• battery charge current controller with a maximum of 1 Adc (when the instrument is switched Off) and a maximum of
1.8 A , limited to 5.5 V with the instrument switched On.
Line ac
dc supply to the instrument
feedback from the instrument
Current controller
4.9 Digital interface
The serial digital interface circuit is essentially based on the serial communication interface subsystem (SCI) on the chip
of the microprocessor (0 to +5V level).
An external adapter is available on request to convert TTL to RS 232 voltage levels .
4.10 Resistance and RTD measurements
The instrument can measure temperature with 2, 3 or 4 wire resistance thermometers.
For the 2 and 4 wire resistance thermometers the method used is a special configuration of a potentiometric circuit where
a constant current is injected from terminals "I+" and "I-" and the voltage drop across the thermometer is measured and
converted in engineering unit.
With 3 wire thermometers a current equivalent to that generated on terminal "I+" is injected on terminal "V-" to
compensate for connecting cable unbalance.
O---- I +
O---- V +
O---- V O---- I -
4.11 Resistance and RTD simulation
This line of calibrators is equipped with a proprietary electronic circuit for the active simulations of platinum resistance
thermometers, nickel resistance thermometers, copper resistance thermometers and resistance.
It is based on the assumption that the instrument to be calibrated will supply the excitation current to the sensor; this
current must be between 0.1 and 2 mA for up to 100 Ω nominal value RTD and between 0.01 mA and 0.5 mA for
Pt1000 and KΩ ranges.
A lower value will cause a lower accuracy level and a higher current will not allow the simulation of high resistance
values (the maximum voltage drop on the simulated resistance is 2.5 V ).
The excitation current must be applied to the pertinent terminals as indicated in par. 7.1 (simulation).
The measured current is converted to voltage through an inverting amplifier and used as a reference for the digital to
analog converter.
The output amplifier will simulate the variation of the output resistance as a function of the value set by the operator
through the keyboard.
4.12 Thermocouples input/output circuit
A thermocouple is a temperature sensor that in its most common form, consists of two wires of different composition,
joined together at one end ("measuring" junction).
The two free ends of the thermocouple must be kept at the same known temperature. These joints are , by definition, the
“reference” junction (Rj).
The reference junction is also often, but less preferably, called the “cold” junction.
Tc wires
Reference Junction
Measuring junction
Copper wires
The temperature of the reference junction can be held constant or its variation can be electrically compensated in the
associated measuring instrumentation.
A thermocouple is useful for temperature sensing because it generates a measurable electrical signal.
The signal is proportional to the difference in temperature between the measurement and the reference junctions and
it is defined, by means of tables, based on the International Temperature Scale.
The CL520 series has the reference junction located in the negative (black) terminal post. To improve overall accuracy
the terminals are designed with a very low thermal capacity.
Inside the body of the negative terminal it is placed a thin film Pt100 resistance thermometer that dynamically
measures, with high accuracy and 0.01°C resolution , the temperature of the reference junction.
The microprocessor uses the above signal (Pt100) to adjust the input signal to compensate for the Rj temperature.
Reference junction compensation can be internal, external or remote, depending upon the application requirements.
5.1 Unpacking
Remove the instrument from its packing case and remove any shipping ties, clamps, or packing materials.
Carefully follow any instructions given on any attached tags.
Inspect the instrument from scratches, dents, damages to case corners etc. which may have occurred during shipment.
If any mechanical damage is noted, report the damage to the shipping carrier and then notify OMEGA directly or its
nearest agent, and retain the damaged packaging for inspection.
A label, on the back of the instrument case, indicates the serial number of the instrument. The serial number is also
shown in the display.
Refer to this number for any inquiry for service, spare parts supply or application and technical support requirements.
OMEGA will keep a data base with all information regarding your instrument.
5.2 Case
The instrument case, made in shock-resistant injection molded ABS has an internal metal coating for electric interference
protection. It allows the use of the instrument in three different ways:
• portable with leather case for an easy transport
• table top with tilting feet
• panel mounted (DIN cutout)
A leather protection case is supplied as an option only on request.
5.2.1 Portable cases
Two different leather cases, with cover and shoulder strap, are available on request for the instrument alone or
instrument, printer and accessories. These are extremely useful for a practical use since they allow to leave one hand
free for instruments under test tuning.
CL520-CASE is used with the instrument alone while CL520-COMBO has a zoom for the instrument, printer and
5.2.2 Panel mounting
For panel mounting each instrument is supplied with two mounting brackets to be installed on the two sides of the case.
The instrument bezel flange butts against the front of the mounting plate; the mounting brackets fit over the instrument
rear panel.
The bracket screws force it against the rear of the mounting panel, locking the instrument in place. Panel cutout
dimensions are 242 x 88 mm (max. panel thickness 6 mm). Rack mounting adapters (112 x 433 mm) are available with
openings for two instruments.
Front bezel 96 x 212 mm
88 mm
242 mm
5.2.3 Table top use
The case is equipped with 2 pivot feet to change the vertical viewing angle when using the instrument on the top of the
6.1 Power supply
6.1.1 Rechargeable battery
The CL520 series calibrator is powered by four built-in rechargeable batteries. The instrument is shipped with an
average level of charge.
After unpacking, a full charge of the batteries is recommended; connect the instrument to the charger module (“Off”
condition) for a period of 8 hours minimum.
Energize the display backlight device only in poor light conditions to limit battery discharge.
The Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries do not suffer when used in cyclic operations. The cyclic operation is understood as a
method of operation by which the battery is continually charged and discharged.
Avoid leaving the instrument, with batteries totally or partially discharged, for a long time without recharging.
In case of "low battery" (voltage lower than 4.6 V) the display will show the warning message indicated below and an
acoustic signal (internal buzzer) will inform the operator that he has only few additional minutes of operation and then the
battery should be recharged.
At "low battery" condition the display shows the following message.
Battery low
Battery voltage is critical
onnect the line power to recharge
6.1.2 Charging the battery
Battery is only partially charged at the time of purchase. Therefore charge it before using your calibrator. A total
discharge of the battery before recharging it, will allow the battery to be charged to its highest capacity.
When not in use, the battery slowly discharges. When not in use for a long period, the battery may be completely
discharged. The battery self-discharge time is minimum 2, maximum 6 months it depends, upon battery efficiency and
environment conditions. A full battery charge is obtained in 4 hours at 90% with the instrument switched "Off". Using the
instrument with line power supply the battery charge level is limited to 50% maximum.
A "plug" symbol on the upper-left side of the display indicates that the battery charging process is active.
A -red- LED, inside the battery charger module, indicates that the charging process is active.
A -green- LED, inside the battery charger module, indicates that the power supply is connected.
6.1.3 How to maximize the life span of the battery
Disconnect the external module from ac mains supply when the battery is charged. Use the battery until it is completely
discharged. Note that the operating time decreases at low temperatures.
A Ni-Cd battery can be recharged about 500 times when used following the recommended instructions.
When replacing the Ni-Cd batteries with a new set always replace simultaneously the four pieces.
For long period of storage it is also recommended to keep the instrument at temperatures below 40°C; higher
temperatures accelerate the battery self discharging process and derate battery performances.
Appropriate extension wires should be used between the thermocouple (or instrument under calibration) and the CL520 series unless the thermocouple leads permit direct connection. Make sure that both thermocouple and compensating
cable are connected with the correct polarity. If in doubt, the polarity of the compensating leads can be checked by
connecting a length of lead to the indicator, shortening the free ends of the wires together and noting that the indicator
reading increases when the wire connection is heated. Color codes of compensating cables change in different
countries. Check the appropriate table. For RTD connection use a cable of adequate gauge to lower the overall input
resistance. The use of a cable with a good resistance balance between conductors is also necessary.
7.1 Wiring practice
Although the CL520 series calibrator is designed to be insensitive to transients or noise, the following recommendations
should be followed to reduce ac pick up in the signal leads and to ensure a good performance.
The input leads should not be run near ac line wiring, transformers and heating elements.
Input/output leads should, if possible, be twisted and shielded with the shield grounded at the end of the cable. When
shielded wires are used the shield must be connected to the negative terminal.
For a better understanding of the appropriate connection when using the instrument to simulate current into industrial 2
wire loop please, note the meaning of the terminal used.
Passive loop
This type of connection is to be used when the external loop is not equipped with the loop power supplied.
The calibrator can be, as an example, connected directly to a recorder, controller, etc. with input circuits configured for
current measurements.
Active loop
This type of connection must be used when the external loop is equipped with its loop power supplied.
The power supply is not required to be disconnected.
The loop circuit must be opened and the CL520 series connections are placed in series on the loop.
The following figure shows some examples of input/output wiring of the instrument:
Trx mA
Use the
compensatin g
cable for conn ections
with a Tc recorder
for Tc
and dc
CL520 series
Thermocoupl e
dc signals
CL520 series
CL520 seriesCL520 series
Trx mA
acti ve
Trx mA
acti ve
for Rtd
(3 wires)
for Rtd
(2 wires)
for Rtd
(4 wires)
Trx (4 wires)
Rtd (2 wires)
Trx (2 wires)
Rtd (3 wires)
Rtd (4 wires)
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