Portable Multifunction
U Sources Milliamps, Millivolts,
Volts, Sine Wave, Square
Wave, Triangular Wave, and
11 Thermocouple Types
U 13-Point Calibration
U Measures Current (mA),
Voltage (mV, V) and
Temperature (°C or °F)
U Short Circuit Protection
U Audio Frequency
U Auto-Step and
Auto-Ramp Functions
U Simulation of PLC
U Rechargeable Lithium
Battery (Included)
U Data Logging Software
and Data Storage for
Field Calibrations
U Function Generation
for Vibration Testing
CL427 shown
smaller than
actual size.
Laptop not
USB port.
Free Thermocouple
This model includes a free 1 m (40")
Type K insulated beaded wire thermocouple
with subminiature connector and wire spool
caddy (1 per channel). Order a Spare!
Model No. SC-GG-K-30-36
U Calibration of:
• Panel Meters or
Instruments for 11 Types
of Thermocouples
• 4 to 20 mA Transmitters
and Panel Meters
• Valve Opening by
Changing Duty Cycle of a
PWM Signal
• Chart Recorder with
Different Waveforms
(Sine, Square, or
Triangular Wave)
U Generation of Selected Test
Frequency and Waveform
for Electronic Device
A highly accurate and powerful
system for testing, measuring
and calibrating built into a single
compact portable instrument.
The OMEGA® CL427 indicatorsimulator is a multifunction
instrument designed to meet,
in a modern and practical way,
the needs of instrumentation
engineers, both in laboratory and
field work. Accurate, compact,
rugged and easy to use, it is
the ideal solution for measuring
and simulating: millivolts, volts,
milliamperes, frequency, sine,
square and triangular waveforms,
and thermocouples.
The CL427 has been developed
using the most advanced
microprocessor technology
to provide high accuracy on
extended ranges and a powerful
operating flexibility.
A unique internal automatic RJ
compensation system allows the
CL427 to provide accurate input
and output readings in operating
conditions with a temperature
range of 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F).
Further, external compensation
is available that allows users to
fine tune temperature output and
The model CL427 has been
designed for use in industrial
environments such as factory floors,
process plants, service departments
and maintenance workshops.
Millivolts, Volts, milliamps, and
frequency can be measured
or generated. Both accuracy
performance and stability allow
you to calibrate field and control
room instrumentation. Square
wave pulses can be generated with
frequencies from 0.3 Hz to 20 kHz.
Pulse height is adjustable between
100 mV and 20 Volts. With this
powerful function, the user can even
test electro mechanical devices
such as counters and relays.
Simulating non-linearized
temperature transmitters (Tx)
allows the user to check and
calibrate 4 to 20 mA system input
hardware and software quickly and
easily. User can set or manipulate
temperatures in °C or °F related to
any available sensor and send the
appropriate milliamps to the system
input. Milliamps can be monitored
simultaneously on calibrator display.

Electrical Specifications
(23 ±5°C, 10 minutes after turning on the power)
mA (Source) (Vopen > 15V); mA (Measure)
Range Resolution Accuracy of Reading
-4 to -0.005 mA 1 uA ±0.03% ±5 dgts
0.005 to 4 mA 1 uA ±0.03% ±5 dgts
4 to 20 mA 1 uA ±0.03% ±3 dgts
20 to 24 mA 1 uA ±0.03% ±5 dgts
V (Source) (Maximum Load 1 mA, Short Circuit Protection < 100 mA); V (Measure)
Range Resolution Accuracy of Reading
-3V to -0.005V 0.001V ±0.03% ±5 dgts
0.005 to 10V 0.001V ±0.03% ±5 dgts
10 to 15V
[10 to 24V for V (measure)]
Frequency (Source, 10 Vpp, 0V Offset, Square Wave, Duty Cycle = 50%)
Range (Hz) Input Resolution Accuracy
0.3 to 99.999 0.1 Hz 0.002Hz
10.00 to 999.99 0.1 Hz 0.02Hz
1000.0 to 9999.9 0.1 Hz 0.2Hz
10000 to 20000 1 Hz 2Hz
±0.03% ±5 dgts
Voltage Peak to Peak for Sine Wave (Vpp, 0.3 to 20 KHz, 50% Duty Cycle, Sine Wave, 0V Offset)
Range (V) Resolution Accuracy of Reading
0.1 to 20V 0.001V 5% ±0.3V
Voltage Peak to Peak for Non-Sine Wave (Vpp, 0.3 to 20 KHz, 0V Offset)
Range (V) Resolution Accuracy of Reading
0.1 to 20V 0.001V 6% ±0.4V
Voltage Peak to Peak (Vpp, 0.3 to 20 KHz, 50% Duty Cycle, Square Wave, 0V Offset)
Range (V) Resolution Accuracy of Reading
1 to 20V 0.001V 6% ±0.4V
Voltage of Offset (Maximum Vpp < 20V)
Range (V) Resolution Accuracy of Reading
-5 to 5V 0.001V 5% ±0.5V ±5% x Vpp
Duty Cycle (%, Square Wave, 10 Vpp, 0.3 to 20 KHz)
Range Resolution Rise Time of Vpp Fall Time of Vpp
0 to 100% 1% 10μS max, 5μS max typical 15μS, 7.5μS typical