Olympus 45MG User Manual

Ultrasonic Thickness Gage
User’s Manual
DMTA-10022-01EN — Rev. C January 2015
This instruction manual contains essential information on how to use this Olympus product safely and effectively. Before using this product, thoroughly review this instruction manual. Use the product as instructed.
Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas, 48 Woerd Avenue, Waltham, MA 02453, USA
Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2015 by Olympus. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, or distributed without the express written permission of Olympus.
This document was prepared with particular attention to usage to ensure the accuracy of the information contained therein, and corresponds to the version of the product manufactured prior to the date appearing on the title page. There could, however, be some differences between the manual and the product if the product was modified thereafter.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Part number: DMTA-10022-01EN Rev. C January 2015
Printed in the United States of America
All brands are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and third party entities.
DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015

Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations ....................................................................................... ix
Labels and Symbols ........................................................................................... 1
Important Information — Please Read Before Use ..................................... 5
Intended Use .......................................................................................................................... 5
Instruction Manual ................................................................................................................ 5
Instrument Compatibility ..................................................................................................... 6
Repair and Modification ....................................................................................................... 7
Safety Symbols ....................................................................................................................... 7
Safety Signal Words ............................................................................................................... 8
Note Signal Words ................................................................................................................. 8
Safety ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Warnings ................................................................................................................................. 9
Battery Precautions .............................................................................................................. 10
Equipment Disposal ............................................................................................................ 11
WEEE Directive .................................................................................................................... 11
China RoHS .......................................................................................................................... 11
EMC Directive Compliance ................................................................................................ 12
FCC (USA) Compliance ...................................................................................................... 12
ICES-001 (Canada) Compliance ........................................................................................ 12
Regulatory Information ...................................................................................................... 13
Warranty Information ......................................................................................................... 13
Technical Support ................................................................................................................ 14
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 15
1. Instrument Description ............................................................................. 17
1.1 Product Description .................................................................................................. 17
Table of Contents iii
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1.2 Environmental Ratings ............................................................................................. 19
1.3 Instrument Hardware Components ....................................................................... 19
1.4 Connectors ................................................................................................................. 20
1.5 Keypad Functions ..................................................................................................... 22
2. Powering the 45MG ................................................................................... 27
2.1 Power Indicator ......................................................................................................... 27
2.2 Battery Power ............................................................................................................ 28
2.2.1 Battery Operating Time ................................................................................. 28
2.2.2 Battery Level and Storage ............................................................................. 29
2.2.3 Replacing the Batteries .................................................................................. 29
3. Software User Interface Elements ........................................................... 33
3.1 Measurement Screen ................................................................................................ 33
3.2 Menus and Submenus .............................................................................................. 37
3.3 Parameter Screens ..................................................................................................... 38
3.4 Selecting the Text Edit Mode ................................................................................... 39
3.4.1 Editing Text Parameters Using the Virtual Keyboard .............................. 39
3.4.2 Editing Text Parameters Using the Traditional Method ........................... 41
4. Initial Setup ................................................................................................ 43
4.1 Setting the User Interface Language and Other System Options ...................... 43
4.2 Selecting the Measurement Units ........................................................................... 44
4.3 Setting the Clock ....................................................................................................... 44
4.4 Changing Display Settings ...................................................................................... 45
4.4.1 Color Schemes ................................................................................................ 47
4.4.2 Display Brightness ......................................................................................... 48
4.5 Adjusting the Measurement Update Rate ............................................................. 48
4.6 Changing the Thickness Resolution ....................................................................... 50
5. Basic Operation .......................................................................................... 51
5.1 Setting Up the Transducer ....................................................................................... 51
5.2 Calibration .................................................................................................................. 54
5.2.1 Calibrating the Instrument ........................................................................... 55
5.2.2 Test Blocks ....................................................................................................... 58
5.2.3 Transducer Zero Compensation ................................................................... 58
5.2.4 Material Sound Velocity and the Zero Calibrations .................................. 59
5.2.5 Entering a Known Material Sound Velocity ............................................... 60
5.2.6 Locked Calibrations ....................................................................................... 60
5.2.7 Factors Affecting Performance and Accuracy ............................................ 61
5.3 Measuring Thicknesses ............................................................................................ 63
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5.4 Saving Data ................................................................................................................ 65
6. Software Options ....................................................................................... 67
6.1 Activating Software Options ................................................................................... 68
6.2 Echo Detection Modes with Dual Element Transducers ..................................... 70
6.2.1 Blanking Adjustments in Manual Echo-to-Echo Detection Mode .......... 73
6.2.2 Dual Element Transducer Selection in Echo-to-Echo Modes .................. 74
6.3 Measurements with Optional THRU-COAT, D7906, and D7908 Transducers 76
6.3.1 Enabling the THRU-COAT Function .......................................................... 76
6.3.2 Performing a THRU-COAT Calibration ..................................................... 77
6.4 Waveform Software Option ..................................................................................... 78
6.4.1 Waveform Rectification ................................................................................. 80
6.4.2 Waveform Trace .............................................................................................. 82
6.4.3 Range of the Waveform Display .................................................................. 82 Selecting the Range Value .................................................................. 83 Adjusting the Delay Value ................................................................. 84 Activating the Zoom Function (Available Only with the
Waveform Option) .............................................................................. 84
6.5 Single Element and High Resolution Option ....................................................... 86
6.5.1 Recalling Single Element Transducer Setups ............................................. 87
6.5.2 Creating Custom Single Element Transducer Setups ............................... 87
6.5.3 High-Resolution Thickness .......................................................................... 87
6.6 High-Penetration Software Option ........................................................................ 88
6.7 Datalogger Option .................................................................................................... 88
6.7.1 Datalogger ....................................................................................................... 89
6.7.2 Creating a Data File ....................................................................................... 92 Data File Types .................................................................................... 93 Incremental Data File Type ................................................................ 94 Sequential Data File Type ................................................................... 96 Sequential with Custom Point Data File Type ................................ 97 2-D Grid Data File Type ..................................................................... 98 Boiler Data File Type ......................................................................... 102
6.7.3 File Data Modes ............................................................................................ 104
6.7.4 Performing File Operations ........................................................................ 105 Opening a File .................................................................................... 106 Reviewing a File ................................................................................ 107 Copying a File .................................................................................... 107 Editing a File ...................................................................................... 108 Deleting a File or Its Contents ......................................................... 111 Deleting a Range of IDs .................................................................... 112 Deleting All Data Files ...................................................................... 113 Viewing the Memory Status ............................................................ 114
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6.7.5 Setting the ID Overwrite Protection .......................................................... 115
6.7.6 ID Review Screen ......................................................................................... 115 Reviewing Stored Data and Changing the Active ID .................. 117 Editing the ID ..................................................................................... 117 Erasing Data in the Active File ........................................................ 119
6.7.7 Generating Reports ...................................................................................... 120
7. Using Special Functions ......................................................................... 127
7.1 Activating and Configuring a Differential Mode ............................................... 127
7.2 Using the Minimum, Maximum, or Min/Max Thickness Mode ...................... 129
7.3 Preventing False Minimum/Maximum Thickness Readings ........................... 131
7.4 Using Alarms ........................................................................................................... 131
7.5 Locking the Instrument .......................................................................................... 136
7.6 Freezing the Measurement or Optional Waveform ........................................... 138
8. Configuring the Instrument ................................................................... 141
8.1 Configuring Measurement Parameters ................................................................ 141
8.2 Configuring System Parameters ........................................................................... 144
8.3 Configuring Communications .............................................................................. 145
9. Using Advanced Gaging Features ........................................................ 149
9.1 Adjusting the Gain with Dual Element Transducers ......................................... 149
9.2 Adjusting the Extended Blank with Dual Element Transducers ..................... 151
9.3 B-Scan ........................................................................................................................ 153
9.3.1 Using the B-Scan ........................................................................................... 156
9.3.2 Using the B-Scan Alarm Mode ................................................................... 157
9.3.3 Saving B-Scans or Thickness Readings (Optional Datalogger) ............. 157
9.4 DB Grid ..................................................................................................................... 159
9.4.1 Activating and Configuring the DB Grid ................................................. 160
9.4.2 Changing the Highlighted Cell in the DB Grid ....................................... 162
9.4.3 Saving Thickness Readings in the DB Grid .............................................. 163
9.4.4 Viewing an Inserted or an Appended Cell in the DB Grid .................... 163
10. Custom Setups for Single Element Transducers ............................... 165
10.1 Creating a Custom Setup for a Single Element Transducer .............................. 165
10.2 Quickly Adjusting Waveform Parameters For Single Element Transducers . 168
10.3 Detection Modes ..................................................................................................... 169
10.4 First Peak .................................................................................................................. 171
10.5 Pulser Power ............................................................................................................ 172
10.6 Time-Dependent Gain Curve ................................................................................ 173
10.6.1 Maximum Gain ............................................................................................. 174
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10.6.2 Initial Gain .................................................................................................... 175
10.6.3 TDG Slope ..................................................................................................... 175
10.7 Main Bang Blank ..................................................................................................... 175
10.8 Echo Window .......................................................................................................... 177
10.8.1 Detection of Echo 1 and Echo 2 .................................................................. 179
10.8.2 Interface Blank .............................................................................................. 180
10.8.3 Mode 3 Echo Blank ...................................................................................... 182
10.9 Saving Setup Parameters ....................................................................................... 183
10.10 Quickly Recalling a Custom Setup for Single Element Transducers .............. 184
11. Managing Communications and Data Transfer ................................. 187
11.1 GageView ................................................................................................................. 187
11.2 Setting Up USB Communication .......................................................................... 187
11.3 Exchanging Data with a Remote Device ............................................................. 189
11.3.1 Exporting a File to the Memory Card (Datalogger Option Only) ........ 189
11.3.2 Importing Survey Files from the External Memory Card ...................... 190
11.3.3 Receiving Files from a Computer .............................................................. 192
11.4 Capturing Screen Images ....................................................................................... 193
11.4.1 Sending a Screen Capture to GageView ................................................... 193
11.4.2 Sending a Screen Capture to the External microSD Card ...................... 195
11.5 Resetting the Communication Parameters .......................................................... 196
12. Maintaining and Troubleshooting the 45MG .................................... 199
12.1 Routine Gage Handling ......................................................................................... 199
12.2 Cleaning the Instrument ........................................................................................ 200
12.3 Maintaining Transducers ....................................................................................... 200
12.4 Using Instrument Resets ........................................................................................ 200
12.5 Performing Hardware Diagnostic Tests .............................................................. 203
12.6 Performing the Software Diagnostic Test ............................................................ 205
12.7 Viewing the Instrument Status ............................................................................. 206
12.8 Understanding Error Messages ............................................................................ 207
12.9 Resolving Battery Problems .................................................................................. 207
12.10 Resolving Measurement Problems ....................................................................... 208
Appendix A: Technical Specifications ....................................................... 209
Appendix B: Sound Velocities ..................................................................... 217
Appendix C: Accessories and Replacement Parts .................................... 219
List of Figures ................................................................................................. 223
Table of Contents vii
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List of Tables ................................................................................................... 227
Index ................................................................................................................. 229
Table of Contents
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List of Abbreviations

2-D two-dimensional
AEtoE automatic Echo-to-Echo
AGC automatic gain control
CSV comma separated variables
DB database
DIAG diagnostic
DIFF differential
EFUP environment-friendly use period
ESS electronic stress screening
EXT extended
FRP fiber-reinforced polymer
GB gigabytes
GRN green
HDPE high-density polyethylene
HI high
ID identification
LDPE low-density polyethylene
LOS loss-of-signal
MAX maximum
MB main bang
MEtoE manual Echo-to-Echo
MIL military
MIN minimum
NiMH nickel-metal hydride
List of Abbreviations ix
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PDF portable document format
PRF pulse repetition frequency
PVC polyvinyl chloride
RoHS restriction of hazardous substances
SE single element
STD standard
SW software
TDG time-dependent gain
TFT thin-film transistor (liquid crystal display technology)
TOF time-of-flight
USB universal serial bus
WEEE waste electrical and electronics equipment
YEL yellow
List of Abbreviations
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Warning symbol
USB symbol

Labels and Symbols

Safety-related labels and symbols are attached to the instrument at the locations shown in Figure i-1 on page 1 and Figure i-2 on page 2. If any or all of the labels or symbols are missing or illegible, please contact Olympus.
To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not touch the inner conductor of the T/R 1 and T/R 2 connectors. Up to 200 V can be present on the inner conductor. The warning symbol between the Transmit/Receive (T/R) connector markings warns of this electric shock risk.
Figure i-1 The symbols on the top of the 45MG
Labels and Symbols
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Instruction label
(see Table 1 on page 3)
Serial number labels
(two locations)
Labels and Symbols
Figure i-2 Labels attached to the back of the instrument
Serial number
Instruction label
DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015
Table 1 Label contents
yy: last two digits of the production year
nnnnn: five-digit non-duplicated incrementing number
representing the n
production unit of this product
mm: production month
Labels and Symbols
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Table 1 Label contents(continued)
The CE marking is a declaration that this product conforms to all the applicable directives of the European Community. See the Declaration of Conformity for details. Contact your Olympus representative for more information.
Seller and user shall be noticed that this equipment is suitable for electromagnetic equipment for office work (class A) and it can be used outside home. The MSIP code for the 45MG is the following: MSIP-REM-OYN-45MG.
The regulatory compliance mark (RCM) label indicates that the product complies with all applicable standards, and has been registered with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) for placement on the Australian market.
This symbol indicates the location of the membrane vent.
Labels and Symbols
The WEEE symbol indicates that the product must not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste, but should be collected separately.
The China RoHS mark indicates the product’s Environment­Friendly Use Period (EFUP). The EFUP is defined as the number of years for which listed controlled substances will not leak or chemically deteriorate while in the product. The EFUP for the 45MG has been determined to be 15 years. Note: The Environment-Friendly Use Period (EFUP) is not meant to be interpreted as the period assuring functionality and product performance.
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Important Information — Please Read Before Use

Intended Use

The 45MG instrument is designed to measure thicknesses of industrial and commercial materials.
Do not use the 45MG for any purpose other than its intended use. It must never be used to inspect or examine human or animal body parts.

Instruction Manual

This instruction manual contains essential information on how to use this Olympus product safely and effectively. Before using this product, thoroughly review this instruction manual. Use the product as instructed.
Keep this instruction manual in a safe, accessible location.
Important Information — Please Read Before Use
DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015
Some of the details of components illustrated in this manual may differ from the components installed on your instrument. However, the operating principles remain the same.
The 45MG documents are:
45MG Ultrasonic Thickness Gage — Getting Started (P/N: DMTA-10024-01EN
A short leaflet containing essential information for quick start-up of the 45MG instrument.
45MG Ultrasonic Thickness Gage — User’s Manual (P/N: DMTA-10022-01EN)
This document is in PDF format, and contains a detailed description of the instrument, in addition to the setup and operating procedures for all the instrument features. The PDF file is available on the documentation CD (P/N: 45MG-MAN-CD [U8147024]) that is shipped with the 45MG, and can also be downloaded at www.olympus-ims.com.
GageView Interface Program — User’s Manual (P/N: 910-259-EN [U8778347])
The 45MG also works with the GageView interface program. Refer to this document for detailed information on GageView. The document is available in PDF format on the GageView CD, and as online help within GageView.

Instrument Compatibility

Refer to “Accessories and Replacement Parts” on page 219 for information on accessories that are compatible with the 45MG.
Always use equipment and accessories that meet Olympus specifications. Using incompatible equipment could cause equipment malfunction and/or damage, or human injury.
Important Information — Please Read Before Use
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Repair and Modification

Apart from the batteries, the 45MG instrument does not contain any user-serviceable parts.
In order to prevent human injury and/or equipment damage, do not disassemble, modify, or attempt to repair the instrument.

Safety Symbols

The following safety symbols might appear on the instrument and in the instruction manual:
General warning symbol
This symbol is used to alert the user to potential hazards. All safety messages that follow this symbol shall be obeyed to avoid possible harm or material damage.
High voltage warning symbol
This symbol is used to alert the user to potential electric shock hazards greater than 1000 volts. All safety messages that follow this symbol shall be obeyed to avoid possible harm.
Important Information — Please Read Before Use
DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015

Safety Signal Words

The following safety symbols might appear in the documentation of the instrument:
The DANGER signal word indicates an imminently hazardous situation. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, will result in death or serious personal injury. Do not proceed beyond a DANGER signal word until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
The WARNING signal word indicates a potentially hazardous situation. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in death or serious personal injury. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING signal word until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
The CAUTION signal word indicates a potentially hazardous situation. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, may result in minor or moderate personal injury, material damage, particularly to the product, destruction of part or all of the product, or loss of data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION signal word until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.

Note Signal Words

The following safety symbols could appear in the documentation of the instrument:
The IMPORTANT signal word calls attention to a note that provides important information, or information essential to the completion of a task.
Important Information — Please Read Before Use
DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015
The NOTE signal word calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like, which requires special attention. A note also denotes related parenthetical information that is useful, but not imperative.
The TIP signal word calls attention to a type of note that helps you apply the techniques and procedures described in the manual to your specific needs, or provides hints on how to effectively use the capabilities of the product.


This instrument has been tested according to IEC Publication 61010: Safety Requirements for Electronic Measuring Apparatus. This instruction manual contains
warnings and safety rules that must be observed by the user to ensure safe operation of the instrument, and maintain it in safe condition. Please read through these operating instructions before using the instrument.
Before turning on the instrument, verify that the correct safety precautions have been taken (see the following warnings). In addition, note the external markings on the instrument, which are described under “Safety Symbols.”


General Warnings
Carefully read the instructions contained in this instruction manual prior to turning on the instrument.
Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for further reference.
Follow the installation and operation procedures.
It is imperative to respect the safety warnings on the instrument and in this instruction manual.
Important Information — Please Read Before Use
DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment could be impaired.
Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the instrument.
Service instructions, when applicable, are for trained service personnel. To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not perform any work on the instrument unless qualified to do so. For any problem or question regarding this instrument, contact Olympus or an authorized Olympus representative.
Do not touch the connectors directly by hand. Otherwise, a malfunction or electric shock may result.
Do not allow metallic or foreign objects to enter the device through connectors or any other openings. Otherwise, a malfunction or electric shock may result.

Battery Precautions

Before disposing of a battery, check your local laws, rules, and regulations, and follow them accordingly.
When lithium-metal batteries are used, transportation of the batteries is regulated by the United Nations under the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. It is expected that governments, intergovernmental organizations, and other international organizations shall conform to the principles laid down in these regulations, thus contributing to worldwide harmonization in this field. These international organizations include the International Civil Aviation organization (ICAO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the US Department of Transportation (USDOT), Transport Canada (TC), and others. Please contact the transporter and confirm current regulations before transportation of lithium-ion batteries.
Do not open, crush, or perforate batteries; doing so could cause injury.
Do not incinerate batteries. Keep batteries away from fire and other sources of extreme heat. Exposing batteries to extreme heat (over 80 °C) could result in an explosion or personal injury.
Do not drop, hit, or otherwise abuse a battery, as doing so could expose the cell contents, which are corrosive and explosive.
Important Information — Please Read Before Use
DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015
Do not short-circuit the battery terminals. A short circuit could cause injury and
severe damage to a battery making it unusable.
Do not expose a battery to moisture or rain; doing so could cause an electric
Do not leave batteries in the 45MG unit during instrument storage.

Equipment Disposal

Before disposing of the 45MG, check your local laws, rules, and regulations, and follow them accordingly.

WEEE Directive

In accordance with European Directive 2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), this symbol indicates that the product must not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste, but should be collected separately. Refer to your local Olympus distributor for return and/or collection systems available in your country.

China RoHS

China RoHS is the term used by industry generally to describe legislation implemented by the Ministry of Information Industry (MII) in the People’s Republic of China for the control of pollution by electronic information products (EIP).
The China RoHS mark indicates the product’s Environment­Friendly Use Period (EFUP). The EFUP is defined as the number of years for which listed controlled substances will not leak or chemically deteriorate while in the product. The EFUP for the 45MG has been determined to be 15 years.
Note: The Environment-Friendly Use Period (EFUP) is not meant to be interpreted as the period assuring functionality and product performance.
Important Information — Please Read Before Use 11
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EMC Directive Compliance

This equipment generates and uses radio-frequency energy and, if not installed and used properly (that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions), may cause interference. The 45MG has been tested and found to comply with the limits for an industrial device in accordance with the specifications of the EMC directive.

FCC (USA) Compliance

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, might cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case you will be required to correct the interference at your own expense.

ICES-001 (Canada) Compliance

This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-001.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-001 du Canada.
Important Information — Please Read Before Use
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Regulatory Information

The 45MG may display a regulatory screen that lists the specific regulation with which it complies.
To view the REGULATORY screen
1. In the measurement screen, press [SETUP], and then select SP MENU.
2. In the SP MENU (see Figure 4-2 on page 45), select REGULATORY to display the
REGULATORY screen (see Figure i-3 on page 13).
Figure i-3 The REGULATORY screen
3. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the different REGULATORY
4. Press [MEAS] to return to the measurement screen.

Warranty Information

Olympus guarantees your Olympus product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a specific period, and in accordance with conditions specified in the Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas Inc. Terms and Conditions available at http://www.olympus-ims.com/en/terms/.
Important Information — Please Read Before Use 13
DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015
The Olympus warranty only covers equipment that has been used in a proper manner, as described in this instruction manual, and that has not been subjected to excessive abuse, attempted unauthorized repair, or modification.
Inspect materials thoroughly on receipt for evidence of external or internal damage that might have occurred during shipment. Immediately notify the carrier making the delivery of any damage, because the carrier is normally liable for damage during shipment. Retain packing materials, waybills, and other shipping documentation needed in order to file a damage claim. After notifying the carrier, contact Olympus for assistance with the damage claim and equipment replacement, if necessary.
This instruction manual explains the proper operation of your Olympus product. The information contained herein is intended solely as a teaching aid, and shall not be used in any particular application without independent testing and/or verification by the operator or the supervisor. Such independent verification of procedures becomes increasingly important as the criticality of the application increases. For this reason, Olympus makes no warranty, expressed or implied, that the techniques, examples, or procedures described herein are consistent with industry standards, nor that they meet the requirements of any particular application.
Olympus reserves the right to modify any product without incurring the responsibility for modifying previously manufactured products.

Technical Support

Olympus is firmly committed to providing the highest level of customer service and product support. If you experience any difficulties when using our product, or if it fails to operate as described in the documentation, first consult the user’s manual, and then, if you are still in need of assistance, contact our After-Sales Service. To locate the nearest service center, visit the Service Centers page at: http://www.olympus­ims.com.
Important Information — Please Read Before Use
DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015


This user’s manual provides operating instruction for the 45MG ultrasonic thickness gage. The information in this manual is organized to explain the technology, safety details, hardware, and software. Practical measurement examples help the user become familiar with the instrument’s capabilities.
This manual describes how to use the 45MG instrument’s advanced features, including the use of special transducers, management of custom transducer setups, software options, the datalogger, and communication with external devices.
The PDF file for this manual is included on the documentation CD (P/N: 45MG-MAN-CD [U8147024]) that is shipped with the 45MG.
Figure i-4 The 45MG instrument
Introduction 15
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DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015

1. Instrument Description

This chapter describes the main features and hardware components of the 45MG instrument.

1.1 Product Description

The 45MG by Olympus is a handheld ultrasonic thickness gage designed for a wide variety of thickness-measurement applications. With the 45MG, you only need access to one side of a part in order to obtain nondestructive measurements of the thickness of corroded, pitted, scaled, granular, and other difficult materials.
The 45MG displays a thickness readout and offers an optional A-scan view for waveform verification. The microprocessor of the 45MG continuously adjusts the receiver setup so that every measurement is optimized for reliability, range, sensitivity, and accuracy. An optional advanced internal datalogger can store up to 475000 thickness measurements and 20000 waveforms.
With the Single Element option, the 45MG operates with a full line of single element transducers. Operation with dual element transducers is a standard feature. Depending on the software options, the 45MG is capable of measuring material thicknesses between 0.08 mm and 635.0 mm (0.003 in. and 25.0 in.). The temperature range of measured materials may vary between depending on the material characteristics, the transducer, and the measurement mode.
20 °C and 500 °C (4°F and 932°F),
Basic features
Measurement-related status flags and alarms
Quarter VGA color transflective LED back-lite display
Instrument Description 17
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Automatic probe recognition for the standard D79X and MTD705 series transducers
Warning against calibration doubling (for dual element transducers)
Calibration for unknown material sound velocity and/or transducer zero
Fast scan mode with 20 readings per second
Hold or blank thickness display during loss-of-signal (LOS) conditions
Hold minimum and maximum functions
Differential thickness display relative to the set point in absolute values or percentage ratios
Selection of password-protected lockout functions
Selectable resolution: low of 0.1 mm (0.01 in.), standard of 0.01 mm (0.001 in.), or high (optional) of 0.001 mm (0.0001 in.); [option not available for all transducers]
Optional features
Single element transducers
Echo-to-Echo and THRU-COAT measurements
High Penetration software for low-frequency single element transducers
A-scan or waveform display
— Real-time A-scan waveform display for verification of critical measurements
— Manual freeze mode with post processing
— Manual zoom and range control of waveform display
— Auto hold on loss of signal (LOS) and auto zoom (measured echo centering)
— Extended blank
— Blank after first received echo in Echo-to-Echo mode
— Receiver gain readout
— Ability to capture and display waveform associated with minimum thickness
during scanned measurements
— Display of stored and downloaded waveforms (Datalogger option only)
— Manual gain adjustment in 1-dB steps
Internal datalogger functions
— Internal data storage and possibility to export data to a removable microSD
memory card
— Capacity to store 475000 fully-documented thickness readings or
20000 waveforms with thickness readings
Chapter 1
DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015
— Database enhancements include 32-character file naming and 20-character ID
— Automatic ID number increments following a preset sequence, or manual ID
numbering using the keypad
— Save reading/waveform to an ID number
— Ability to simultaneously display ID number and stored reference thickness
while displaying active thickness and waveform
— Five file formats available
— Erase selected data or all stored data
— Standard USB directional communication

1.2 Environmental Ratings

The 45MG is a rugged and durable instrument that can be used in harsh environments. The 45MG was designed to meet the requirement of the IP67 rating (Ingress Protection rating).
Olympus cannot guarantee any level of ingress protection rating once the instrument seals have been manipulated. You must use sound judgment, and take proper precautions before exposing the instrument to harsh environments.
To maintain the original level of ingress protection, you are responsible for the proper care of all routinely exposed membrane seals. Additionally, you are responsible for returning the instrument to an authorized Olympus service center on an annual basis to ensure that the instrument seals are properly maintained.

1.3 Instrument Hardware Components

The 45MG front panel features a color display and a keypad. The instrument comes with a wrist strap. An optional protective rubber boot includes a dust flap seal for the USB communication connector, strap rings at the four corners, and a stand at the back of the instrument (see Figure 1-1 on page 20).
Instrument Description 19
DMTA-10022-01EN, Rev. C, January 2015
Protective rubber
Strap rings (at the four corners)
Color display
I/O door protecting USB connector
Transducer connectors
Power key
USB connector
microSD memory card
Figure 1-1 The 45MG hardware components — Front, top, and side views

1.4 Connectors

Figure 1-2 on page 20 illustrates the possible connections between the 45MG and external devices.
Figure 1-2 The 45MG connections
Chapter 1
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