GoCard and the Olicom cla s ped hands log o ar e registered trademarks of Olicom A/S. Ce ll D river,
ClearServer, ClearSession, ClearSight, CrossFire, LANscout, PowerMACH, RapidFire and RapidLAN
are trad emarks of Ol icom A/S. ClearCare, C learPartn er , ClearStep and ExpertWatch are s ervice marks
of Olicom A /S. Olicom is a registered trademark. Oth e r brand and product names are trademarks,
register ed trademarks, service marks or registered service marks of their respect ive holders.
Olicom A/S reserves the rig ht to modify t he informa ti on given in t his publication wit hout pri or notice.
The war ranty te rms and conditions applicable fo r your purchase of this equipment are given at t he time
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transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
. No part of this publication may be r eproduce d, stored in a ret rieval system, or
Denmark, March 1999
FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the FC C Rul es. Thes e limi ts a re desi gned t o pro vide r easonab le protect ion ag ai nst har mful
interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate rad io frequency energy and, if not inst alle d and used in accordance with the
instruct ion manual, may cause harmf ul interfe rence to radio communications. Operation of this
equipmen t i n a r es idential ar ea is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user w ill be
required to correct the interfe rence at his own expense.
interfer ence in which case the user may be requi red to take adequate measures.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
condit ions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interfere nce, and (2) this device must accept any
interfe r ence received, including interference that may caus e undesired operation.
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio
Declaration of Conformity
WeOlicom A /S
Nybrovej 114
DK-280 0 Lyngby
declar e under our sole responsibility that the product
CrossFi re 8730 Fast Ethernet Tr anslat ion Switch
to which this declaration relates are in conformity with the following standards or other normative
EN 50082-1
EN 55022
EN 60950 including Amendments
EN 60825-1
following the pro visions of 89/336/EEC D irective and 73/23/EEC Directive.
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1
If the device i s changed or modifi ed w ithout the express approval of Olicom A/S the user may void his
or her authority to operate the equipment.
Safety N otic e s
maint enance, or reconfiguring of the Cross Fire 8730 Fast Ethernet Translation Switch during an
electrical storm.
the outlet before detaching the pow er cord from the CrossFire 8730 Fast Ethernet Trans lation Swi tch.
recept acle. Any equipment to which the CrossF ire 8730 Fast Ethernet Translation Swi tch will be
attach ed must also be connected to pr operly wired and earthed receptacles.
To avoid sho ck hazard, do not connect or di s connect any cables or perfor m installa tion,
To avoid the possibility of electrical shock, switch power off and unplug the power cord from
Do not open the CrossFire 8730 Fas t Ethernet Translat ion Switch. Dangerous voltages inside.
To avoid sho ck hazard the power cord must be connected to a properly wired a nd ear thed
Obser ve the following power cable considerations before you begin instal lation of the CrossFire 8730
Fast Ethernet Translation Switch.
1.The socket outlet shal l be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.
2.To prevent electrical shock, the power cord set used must comply with national regulations.
2a.The female receptacle of th e cord must meet CEE- 22 r equirements .
2b.The cord must be UL liste d, CSA lab elle d , and cons ist of thre e condu cto rs with a maxi mum
of 15 fee t i n length.
Type SVT or SJ T cord sets s hall be used for units which stand on a desk or table. T ype SJT
cord sets shall be us ed f or units which stand on floor.
2c.The male plug for units operating at 115 VA C shall consi s t of a parallel bl ade, grounding
type attachment plug rated 15 A, 125 VAC.
The male plug for units op erating at 230 VA C s hall consist of a tandem blade , grounding
type attachment plug rated 15 A, 250 VAC.
The male plug for units op erating at 230 VA C (outside of the United States and Canada) s hall
consis t of a grounding type attachment plug r a ted 15 A, 250 VAC and have the ap propriate
safety approvals for the country in w hich the equi pment will be installed.
to avoi d dropping i t on the floor or any equipment beneath i t in the rack. T he C rossFire 8730 Fast
Ethernet Translation Swit ch unit weighs approximately 9. 5 kg ( 20.9 lbs).
loca l area ne t w o r king (L A N ) .
Support the CrossFire 8730 Fast Ethernet Translation Switch while you are installing the unit
All RJ45 connectors must only be connected to safety extra low voltage (SELV) circuits like
CrossFire 8 730 Switch Ref erenc e Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1
About this Guide
This reference guide contains in f o rmation needed to o per ate th e CrossFireTM 8730
Fast Ethernet Translation Switch. The user of this guide is assumed to be a network
technician familiar with the installation and operation of networking equipment.
In addition to this reference guide, the CrossFire 8730 Switch is delivered with the
CrossFire 8730 Fast Ethernet Translation Switch Installation Guide
as a printed manual and as a pdf file in the package. The installation guide contains
information needed to install and get started with the switch.
This reference guide contains the following chapters:
enclosed both
Chapter 1, “Introduction”
and lists features and benefits of the switch.
Chapter 2, “Switch Overview”
network performance and describes the various features supported on the switch.
Chapter 3, “Switch Configuration”
switch using a direct console connection.
Chapter 4, “Monitoring the Network from the Statistics Menu”
to monitor the switch using the
Chapter 5, “Monitoring the Network with SNMP”
switch from a Network Management System using an application that supports
Simple Network Management Protocol.
Chapter 6, “Monitoring Port Traffic”
switch using SwitchProbe.
Chapter 7, “Getting in Touch with Technical Support”
services such as hotline support, fax support and the support web, as well as other
services such as bulletin board service, FTP server and e-mail.
, discusses translation from Token-Ring to Ethernet
, gives an overview of how the switch improves
, deals with setting up and configuring the
, explains how
menu through a direct console connection.
, explains how to monitor the
, explains how to monitor ports on the
, lists Olicom’s support
Appendix A, “Abbreviations”
Document Conventions
The following conventions are used in this guide:
Items displayed on the screen, such as menus and parameters, are indicated
with bold. For example, “Select
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1
, lists the abbreviations used in this manual.
indicates keystrokes, as in
to select the item.”
in the main menu.”
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1
This chapter discusses translation fromToken-Ring to Ethernet on a general level
and lists important features and benefits of the CrossFire 8730 Switch.
For information on the specific physical features of the switch, please refer to the
CrossFire 8730 Fast Ethernet Translation Switch Installation Guide.
About the CrossFire 8730
The CrossFire 8730 is a simple and inexpensive solution to the challenge of
connecting Token-Ring and Ethernet networks, enabling data to quickly and easily
flow between the two architectures - at nearly wire speed.
The CrossFire 8730 translates all Token-Ring packets directly into Fast Ethernet
frames. This avoids the limitations of proprietary encapsulation techniques.
The CrossFire 8730 supports translational bridging for the key network protocols
SNA, IP, IPX, and NetBios. Moreover, all native Token-Ring features, including
source routing and IEEE 802.1Q tagged VLAN are supported as well as all network
speeds for both standard Token-Ring (16/4 Mbps) and Ethernet (10/100 Mbps).
Also, the CrossFire 8730 supports four different switching modes to provide
maximum flexibility in all installation environments. The switching modes are
Source Route Switching (SRS), Source Route Bridging (SRB), Source Route
Transparent (SRT) and SRT/SRB.
For more infor matio n o n these features read
Chapter 2, “Switch Overview”
32 54
21-22 25-2622 2625
151211 1413 1716 1918 20
Figure 1. CrossFire 8730 Fas t Ethe rnet T ranslation Switch
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1 Introduction
Translation from Token-Ring to Fast Ethernet
The configur ation options of the CrossFire 8730 Switc h pr ovide for several
translation strategies, thereby providing extra flexibility for managers when
designing their integrated network. The best option will depend on the cu rrent
network and the migration strategy.
This section describes a typical migration strategy and gives an example of an
application of the CrossFire 8730.
Isolated Ethernet Segments or Servers
As the sta rting p oint for mig rat ing a br idge d Toke n-Ring ne twork to Fast Ethe rnet,
the switch could be set up with the four Fast Et hernet ports conn ec ted to four
isolated E thernet segments or Fast Ethernet Attached servers. The CrossFire 8730
Switch will mak e servers and workstations attache d to the Fast Ether n et ports
appear to be on a single logical Ethernet segment connected to the Toke n-Ring
network through the switch. This configuration will provide a translation
bandwidth corresponding to that of four Fast Ethernet ports.
FastEthernet Translation Switch
Token-Ring cloud
Figure 2. Translation Strategy: Fast Ethernet Ports Operating as 400 Mbps
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
Application Example
The CrossFire 8730 Fast Ethernet Translation Switch is ideal for sit uations in
which the plan is to connect To ken-Ring cli ents to a Fast Ethernet backbone. It
provid es switched Token-Ring ports for legacy users and Fast Ethernet ports to
connect to a new Fast Etherne t backbone. Tr anslation be tween Etherne t and TokenRing is perf ormed within the Cross F ire 8730 Switch, making the migration
The Fast Ethernet backbone can be forme d usi ng se veral CrossFir e 8720 Fast
Ethernet Ba ckbone Switches or the CrossFi re 8710 Fast Ethernet Stackabl e Switch.
This provides a high-performance Eth erne t backbone, adds Layer 3 and Layer 4
capabi lities to the Ethernet network, and introduces the possibi lities of integrat ing
ATM and Gigabit Et hernet.
CrossFire 8730 Fast Ethernet Translation Switch
CrossFire 8720 Fast Ethernet
Backbone Switch
CrossFire 8711 Fast Ethernet
Workgroup Switch
RapidLan 2800
Fast Ethernet Hub
CrossFire 8710 Fast Ethernet
Stackable Switch
CrossFire 8710 Fast Ethernet
Stackable Switch
Figure 3. Integrating Ethernet and Token-Ring Networks Using a
CrossFir e 8730
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
Benefits of the CrossFire 8730
This section looks into the benefits that can be deri ved from the technical featur es
of the switch.
Translational Switching
translation between
Fast Ethernet and
Next-generatio n
switch architecture
IEEE 802.1Q
tagged VLAN
support over the
Fast Ethernet li n k
Support for IP
Translates frames
between Token-Ring
and Fast Et hernet at
nearly line spe ed
switching for
performance and
Industry standard
that enables fram es
belonging to
diff erent VLANsto
be carried over the
same physical link
Transmissions from
a single source ca n
be delivered to
se veral subscribing
participants .
Fast and efficie nt integr ation of
Token-Ring and Fast Ethernet
Segment legacy LAN to
improve performance until
migration is complete.
Translation to Fast Ethernet
Avoids unnecessary
broadcasting to provide an
efficient use of bandwidth.
Support for IP
NetBios Address
Table 1. Translational Switching Benefits
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
Provides tight
compatibility with
IP-based networks
Provides tight
compatibility for
networks using
Ensures fast, simple
connections between IP,
Token-Ring and Ethernet
Ensures fast, efficient
Multiple Bridging Modes
and Source Route
Swit c h ing (S R S )
Source Route
Bridging (SRB)
Switchi ng is based on
MAC addresses only.
Learns MAC
addresses and source
routing route
descriptors of So urce
Route Bridge s
attached to local
switch port s.
The switch ports may
be grouped into logical
rings. The switch acts
as a standar d
multiport Source
Route Bridg e between
logical ri ngs. Non
Source Route frames
(NSR) are not
forwarded outside the
logical ring.
Allows easy ins tallati on in
environments with no need for
Source Route Bridging.
Allows easy ins tallati on in
exis ting Token-Ring networks
where S our ce Rout e Bridg es are
used. Al low s ea s y replacem en t
of bridges with switches.
Source Route
Bridging (SRT)
NSR frames are
forwarded betw ee n
Logical Rings based
Allows the mix of source route
and non source rout e protocols
in the n et wo r k.
on MAC address.
Source Route frames
are for w ard ed as by
Combines the SRT
and SRB modes.
Allows the use of duplicate
MA C addresses when running in
SRT. Ports with duplicate MAC
addresses are reachable only via
source routing. Duplicate MAC
addresses are typically found in
installations utilizing SNA
gate ways and/or front-ends.
Table 2. Benefi ts of the Multiple Bridging Modes
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
Token-Ring Port Operation Modes
Each port can be independently configured to one of the fol lowing operating
concentrator port
Half-duplex station
concentrator port
Full-duplex station
Port behaves lik e an
active MAU po rt fo r
classical T o k en-Ring.
The Token-Ring port
is c onnected to a p ort
on a M AU.
Connects to a single
station in full-duplex.
Connect s to another
switch in full-duplex
Connects to a s ingle station in
half-duple x mode . Compatibl e
with ol d er ad ap t er s .
Connects to classical TokenRing segments with multiple
stations in existing
Allows high-performance
station and server connection
and allows high performance
server attachments with up to
97% improvement over a hal f duplex Token-Ring
Allows easy connection
between switc hes.
on Token-Ri ng ports
19 and 20
Allows connection
of the RI/RO p or t
from a MA U or CAU
directly to th e
Enables easy integration into
exis ti n g in s t allat io n s .
Automatic port
sensing of operating
Au to-c onfiguration
The port senses
automatically which
mode to operate in.
All Token-Ring and
Makes ins tallation easier and
Easy, plu g and play in stal lati on
Ethernet switch ports
automatically sense
connection speed
and duple x mode.
Table 3. Benefits of Token-Ri ng Port Operation Mod es
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
FeatureFunctionBenefi t
Congestion control
The size of each
port’s output queue
Minim i ze s the effect of
congestion on output ports
is monitore d. I n case
of congestion the
queue size is
adjusted through
frame priority
adjustmen t an d
frame purging.
Table 3. Benefits of Token-Ring Port Operation Modes
Fast Ethernet Port Operation Modes
Each port can be independently configured to one of the following operating
Feature FunctionBenefit
10 Mbps
Half-duplex 100
10 Mbps
Full-duplex 100
switch-toworkstation or
switch-toworkstation or
Switch-to-switch or
Switch-to-switch or
Compatibility with older
adapters in half-duplex mode.
Allows high performance
connection in half-dupl ex
Compatibility with older
adapters in full-duplex mode.
Allows high performance
server or switch connection in
full duplex mode.
Table 4. Benefi t of Ethernet Port Operati on Modes
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
Three S wi t chin g M odes
Note th at th e Fas t Eth e r ne t p o rt s al w ay s us e th e
Feature Function Benefit
for Token-Ring
Switches with
minimum and
constant latency,
app r ox ima tely 35 µs
Store an d Forward
for both Token-Ring
and Fast Ethernet.
Each packet is
forwarded only after
the ent ir e pac ket has
been re ce ived by th e
switch. Thi s is u s ed
for data transfer
between L A N
segments of different
speeds or for LAN
segments with a high
error rate.
Store and Forwar d
Lowest possible switch-latency,
which means optim al response
time for end-users.
Does not propagat e errors to
other segments.
for Token-Ring.
switching that checks
for error packets . If a
port’s errors exceed a
user-defined threshold
then the port switches
to store and forwar d.
Table 5. Benefit s of the Switching Modes
Same speed as cut-through
switching, but with built-in
adaptation to errors which
means th at bandwidth is
effectively preserved
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
Spanning Tree Protocol
IEEE 802.1D
Allows redundant
network paths to be
defined in both SRB and
transparent switching
Enables Spanning Tree
to be implemented on
both Ethernet and
Token-Ring networks,
as well as IBM
Spanning Tree on the
Token-Ring side.
for Token-Ring
When in SRB/SRT
mode, a combination of
IBM spanning tree a nd
IEEE 802.1D is used.
Table 6. Spanning Tree Protocol Benefits
No single point of failure. The
duplicate STP modes allow
operation in both transparent
and source route bridging
Easy compa tibil it y wi th
existing Ethernet and TokenRing installations
Same as above, and in addition
ensures compatibility in IBM
SRB installations.
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
VLAN support
HP OpenView for
Additional Network
applications available
for Unix platforms:
HP OpenView NNM
for HP- UX
T ivoli TME 10
NetView for AIX
Can be configured
and managed usi ng
SNMP management
stat ion.
Ensures the
av ai labil it y of a high
number of switched,
port based, VLANs
for an enterprise
Full Graphical HP
OpenView for
Allows integr ation into any
SNMP-based management
Eases network-wide
administration by enabling
ports to be grouped toge th er in
a logical way. Provid es
performance and security
control. Enables effective
broadcast control. Improves
and simplifies adds, moves,
and changes in th e net w ork.
Allows full graphical
integra tion into HP OpenView
management environments.
Telnet management
Table 7. Management Benefi ts
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
Allows management
from a any LAN
stat ion via Telnet.
Allows out-of-band
management from an
external VT100 type
terminal connected
directly or via a
Makes management flexible by
enabling managem ent from
any station.
Enables management of
switches in remote locations.
Network Monitoring
RMON support
Passive Port
Active Port
Support for To kenRing spe cif i c r emote
mon itor i ng.
All traf fic flo wing on
the moni tored p ort is
copi ed to th e
monitoring port (the
monitoring port is a
true copy of the
monitored port).
All tr affic swi t c h ed
to and from the
monitored port is
also sent to the
monitoring port (the
order and timing of
frames on the
monitoring port can
be different).
Enab les collection and anal ysis
of enhanced tr affic-
management data.
Eases the m anagement tas k by
making it easy to collect
Toke n- R ing statis t i c s w ith a
special passive network
Eases the m anagement tas k by
making it easy to collect
network s tatis tics and c arry ou t
protocol analysis. Active
monitoring respects the MAC
protocol, allowing the use of a
standard net work analyzer.
Buil t -i n p o rt
Many MAC layer,
erro r, an d frame
forwarding counters
are collect ed per port
Port Mirro ri n g
Allows any port to b e
used for connect ing a
network analyzer.
Can then duplicate
traffic n any other
por t to troubleshoo t
attach ed se g ments.
Table 8. Network Monitori ng Benefits
Provides a detailed picture of
port traffic.
Greatly simplifies system
management a nd f acilitat es
collec tion of net work stati stic s.
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
MAC address
Allows filtering
based on f r am e
source and
dest inati on MAC
Logical Link
Control (LLC):
Allows filtering
based on LLC
parameters DSAP
(Destination Source
Acce ss Point) and
SNAP (Subnetwork
Access Protocol).
Table 9. Filte ri ng Be nefi ts
Preserves available network
bandwidth b y restrict ing traf fic
from propagating beyond the
needed lim i ts . E n ab le s
enhanced network security
policies to be establi shed.
Same as ab ov e.
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
Connect ivit y Options
CrossLink highspeed in t e r-s w itch
connection for
Token-Ring (
up to
256 Mbps using
eight ports)
3 possibilities:
A. 2 switch stack
B. 5 switch stack
C. 8 switch stack
redundant power
Allows switches to
be interconnected
usi ng 1- 8 TokenRi ng po rts.
Stack Products
A. 2 x 8630
B. 1 x 8635 and
4 x 8630
C. 1 x 8300 and
8 x 8630
Up to six sw itches
can recei ve backup
power from one
CrossFire 8310
Redundant Power
supply, fully
equipped with six
CrossFire 8311
power sup ply units.
(Note that CrossFire
8311 is
Pro v ides easy and s calable
switch inter connection.
Allows sev eral switche s to be
stacked, accommodating
switch scalability up to 160
switched Token-Ring ports and
32 Fast Ethernet ports.
Gives a high degree of
resilience to power supply
failures when used in critical
Table 10. Connecti vity Benefits
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Introduction
2.Switch Overview
This chapt er explains how the CrossFire 8730 Fast Etherne t Translation Switch
improve network performance.
How the CrossFire 8730 Works
The swit ch contains the f o llowing main elements, as listed below:
Switchin g Bus—the a rch itect ure of the swit ch cent ers a round the AXIS bus , a
520 Mbps switching fabric through which all switched ports communicate.
The AXIS bus is a partially asynchronous time divisi on multiplexed bus used
for switching packets between heterogeneous LAN modules.
Token-Ring Ports—e ac h port can attach to a classical Token-Ring s egment or
to a dedicated s tation. Now users running basic applicat ions are able to sha r e
bandwidth, and use r s r unning bandwidth -intensive applic ations can receive
their own dedicated 16 Mbps port. Ea ch dedicated port can also be s et up in
full-duplex communication mode, so that each 16 Mbps port doubles to 32
Fast Etherne t Ports— each port can attach to a 10/100 Mbps Fas t Et hernet
network or Fast Ethernet station.
Stack Link Module— the switc h support s a stac k lin k module that can be used
to connect two switches in a back-to-back configu r ation. Alternatively, up to
fiv e switc hes can be c onnected toge ther usi ng and inte rnal sta cker module , and
up to eight s witches can be connect ed togethe r using the sta ck link mod ule and
an additiona l switch stack unit. By connect ing switches together throug h the
stack link modu le, the switches virtually combine to form a single unit,
providing scalability, simplified mana gement, and enhanced performance.
Multiple Simultaneous Conversations
A limitation of a shared media LAN is that it supports only one packe t at a time.
The CrossFire 8730 improve data throughput by suppor ting multiple,
simultaneous, full-duplex conversations. By using High-Speed bus switching
technology, the switch creates multiple data paths. These switched connecti ons
between LAN segments last only for the duration of a byte transmi ssion. New
connections are made “on-the-fly” between di fferent ports on the switch for the
next byte.
CrossFire 8 730 Switch Ref erenc e Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Switch Overview
Host B
Host A
CrossFire 8730
Host D
Figure 4. Multiple Conversations Through a CrossFire 8730
Host C
For example, as s hown in F igure 4, while host A is transmitting a byte to host B,
the swi tch connects only the line s from A to B since th ere is no need to send pac kets
to all other ports. At the same time, a second switc hing circuit can connect host C
to host D. The result: Two packets are sent simultaneously.
The switc h transmits broad cast and mult icast pack ets on se veral swi tch ports
simult aneou sly.
The incr ease in throughput is directly propo rtional to the numbe r of physical LAN
segments that are interconnected through the switch. A switch with 20 port s
interconnected provides up to ten concurrent paths. With ten simultaneous TokenRing conve rsations, the switch creates 160 Mbps throughput in half-duplex mode,
or 320 Mbps throughput in full-duplex mode.
A single s egment c an be de dicated to a s ingle ho st or s hared by several. To optimiz e
throughput, high-speed servers can be given dedicated switch ports.
By transporting Token-Ring packets si multaneously, the CrossFire 8730 boosts
overall ne twork throughput.
CrossFire 8730 Switch Reference Guide, DOC-7047 v. 1.1Switch Overview
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