Oki T410, T400 User Manual

- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
AC power cord with ferrite core must be used for RF interference suppression.
Name of Parts ............................... 2
Power .............................................. 6
Computer Connection ................... 8
Paper Setting ................................. 9
Ribbon Setting ..........………….. 11
Does not print correctly .............. 13
When error light is ON ............... 14
Failure? .................. .............. ....... 15
Name of Parts
Front View
Top cover
Paper check window
Operation switch
Power switch
Front cover
Top cover .................... Open th is co ver whe n you set th e pa pe r.
Power switch .............. Press th i s sw it c h to t u rn O N/ OF F t h e p ri n te r.
Paper check window ... To check the status of paper.
Front cover ................. Open this cover to refill or set DIP-SW.
Operation switch
• POWER .... When you turn on the power, the green light lights up. Refer to
• ERR OR ..... When an erro r o c c u r s , t h e re d light turns ON . Refer to
“When error light is ON”.
• ONLINE ... When the green light is ON, the printer can receive data. When the light is OFF, the printer cannot receive.
• [ ONLINE ] button ... Press this b utton to stop rec eiving d ata. Res ume by
pressing this button again. If this button is pressed while printing, the printing is suspended. To resume printing, press this button again.
• [FEED] but t o n ........ When yo u press this butto n in the offline state, you
can feed paper. If you turn on the power of the printer while you keep pressing this button, you can print out the printer status.
Back View
I/F Cover
Fanfold paper set in place
Optional interface
Power Connector ... Connects AC adapter.
Optional interface Connecter ... Connects computer.
Fanfold Paper set in place ...
Open this to use fanfold paper.To open the folder,
remove the Top Cover and release.
I/F Cover ... It removes by exchange of an I/F board.
Handling of an I/F Cover:
Please close with an I/F Cover after shutting off a power supply and attaching or removing an I/F board, in case an I/F Cover is opened.
Power Connector
Top Cover Open
Thermal head
Platen roller
Head Open/Close lever
Paper holder ... When you use a roll paper, set the paper here. You can
adjust the width according to the paper size.
Paper holder slide lever .. Press this lever to adjust the paper holder wid th.
Head ................ Open this p a rt to re fill p a pe r.
Head Open/Close lever .. Press this to open the head.
Thermal head .... This is the printing area. Please keep this part clean.
Platen roller ...... Thi s is th e pa rt th at fe ed s p ap e r. Please kee p th i s p a rt
Sensor ................ Paper travels over this.
Driver for darkness adjustment ... This is used to change the print darkness.
Driver for darkness adjustment
Paper holder
Paper holder slide lever
Front Cover Open
Error number display
Print darkness adjustment volume
Print darkness adjustment volume .. You can finely adjust the darkness that
Sensor level ...... Do not use this. Only f o r u s ed by service p e r s o nnel.
DIP-SW ............ Appropri at e settings a r e se t according t o yo u r printer
system environment. You can change the settings. See the manual for details.
Error number display .. When the error light is ON, check the displa yed
Sensor level DIP-SW
is set in the Printer Setting screen. See the manual for details.
number. This number represents the re ason of the error. See the manual for details.
Cable Connection
1 Connect the power cable with the
main unit and AC adapter as shown in the figure. When you insert the AC adapter in the main unit, set the stopper firmly.
2 Plug in the power cable to the outlet.
3 Use a Two-prong adapter if only a
two-prong outlet is available.
1 Connect the power cable with the
main unit and AC adapter as shown in the figure. When you insert the AC adapter in the main unit, set the stopper firmly.
2 Plug in the power cable to the outlet.
3 Use a Two-prong adapter if only a
two-prong outlet is available.
1 Connect the power cable with the
main unit and AC adapter as shown in the figure. When you insert the AC adapter in the main unit, set the stopper firmly.
2 Plug in the power cable to the outlet.
3 Use a Two-prong adapter if only a
two-prong outlet is available.
Always make sure to ground the power cable to the ground connector, otherwise electric shock may result. Construct the ground facility if it is not available.
Power Switch
Press the power switch at the front side of the main unit in the “|” direction.
* When you turn on the power, the POWER light lights up. Please confirm
When you turn off the printer, flip the switch to the “ ” direction.
Power Switch
Computer Connection
Connection example using Bi-directional parallel interface
Use [Bi-directional parallel interfa ce( sold sepa ra tel y)]. This printer operates by being connected to a computer.
interface cable connecting the bi-directional parallel interface connector at the rear panel of the printer.
* If you are using a different optional interface board, refer to the instructions of
Turn off the power of the printer and connect to the computer with an
its “Optional Interface”.
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