ML3300 Series & ML5500 Series ‘eco’ Product Briefing
The Microline range of products is about to undergo a change with the ML3300 Series and the ML5500
Series being replaced by near identical models which will have the ‘eco’ suffix in the model name.
The key driver for this change is to ensure the products adhere to new EU regulations and which in turn
deliver products with reduced power consumption for our end user customers.
Due to the longevity of the Microline products and to make like for like replacement easier we decided
not to change model names but simply to use the ‘eco’ suffix to illustrate the energy usage reduction to
our customers. (Example ML3320 becomes ML3320eco).
All the new ‘eco’ models are Energy Star Ver. 1.1 compliant.
Pricing for the ML3300eco Series is the same as current.
Pricing for the ML5500eco Series is reduced compared to existing models.
(A new ML5700 Series which is faster and has more paper feed paths is about to join the Microline range
at a similar price point to the current ML5500 Series.)
A full list of models is shown below.
SAP Code Model Number
01308202 ML 3320eco (9 pin - 80 COLUMN)
01308302 ML 3321eco (9 pin - 136 COLUMN)
01308402 ML 3390eco (24 pin - 80 COLUMN)
01308502 ML 3391eco (24 pin - 136 COLUMN)
01308602 ML 5520eco (9 pin - 80 COLUMN)
01308702 ML 5521eco (9 pin - 136 COLUMN)
01308802 ML 5590eco (24 pin - 80 COLUMN)
01308902 ML 5591eco (24 pin - 136 COLUMN)
In addition to changes to the printer some accessories are also changing. Please refer to the price lists
for a full list of the accessories but the following is an overview.
Push and Pull Tractors and Roll Paper stands remain as current.
Single Bin Cut Sheet Feeders are new for the ‘eco’ models.
**Network cards and RS232 Interfaces are new for the ‘eco’ models.**
New Network cards and RS232 Interfaces are not backward compatible with current (non ‘eco’) models.
Existing Network cards and RS232 Interfaces will continue to be available but are not forward compatible to new (‘eco’) models.
**RS422 and Current Loop Interfaces are discontinued
Existing RS422 and Current Loop Interfaces are not forward compatible to new (‘eco’) models.
for the ‘eco’ models.**
The new ‘eco’ models as described above will phased in over the next weeks/months as and when stocks
of existing models are exhausted.