Explorer® Balances
Instruction Manual
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................5
1.1 Description ................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Features ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Safety Precautions ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2. INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................6
2.1 Unpacking .................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Installing Components .................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.1 Terminal Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Installing the Wind Ring, Weighing Platform on Models EX124, EX224, and EX324 ............................. 7
2.2.3 Installing the Sub-Platform and Weighing Pan on Models EX223, EX423, EX623 and EX1103 ............ 7
2.2.4 Installing the Weighing Pan on Models EX12001, EX24001 and EX35001 ............................................ 7
2.2.5 Installing the Draft Shield Glass and Doors on Draft Shield Models ........................................................ 8
2.2.6 Installing the Weighing Pan & Wind Shield – Non-Draft Shield Models .................................................. 9
2.3 Selecting the Location .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4 Leveling the Equipment ................................................................................................................................ 9
2.5 Connecting Power ...................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.1 Models with AC Adapter ......................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.2 Models with AC Power Cord .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.5.3 Power ON Button on EX12001, EX24001 and EX35001 ....................................................................... 10
2.6 Connecting the Interface ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.7 Adjusting the View Angle of the Terminal .................................................................................................. 11
2.8 Remote Terminal Operation ................................................................................................................... 11
2.8.1 Separating the Terminal from the Weighing Base ................................................................................. 11
2.8.2 Terminal Mounting .................................................................................................................................. 12
2.9 Initial Calibration ......................................................................................................................................... 12
3. OPERATION ........................................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Overview of Display, Home Screen ........................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Principal Functions and Main Menu .......................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Overview of Parts and Features –Draft Shield Models .............................................................................. 14
3.4 Overview of Parts and Features – Non-Draft Shield Models ..................................................................... 15
3.5 Overview of Parts and Features – EX12001, EX24001, EX35001 ............................................................ 15
3.6 Overview of Parts and Features – Terminal .............................................................................................. 17
3.7 Functions and Their Icons .......................................................................................................................... 18
3.7.1 Standby .................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.7.2 Printing Data ........................................................................................................................................... 18
3.7.3 Zero Operation ....................................................................................................................................... 18
3.7.4 TouchLess Sensor Status ...................................................................................................................... 18
3.7.5 AutoCal ................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.7.6 Menu. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18
3.7.7 More… .................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.7.8 Level Assist ............................................................................................................................................ 18
3.7.9 Applications ............................................................................................................................................ 18
3.7.10 Taring a Container .................................................................................................................................. 18
3.7.11 Weighing Units ....................................................................................................................................... 19
3.7.12 Preset Tare ............................................................................................................................................. 19
3.7.13 Calibration Test ...................................................................................................................................... 19
3.7.14 Calculator ............................................................................................................................................... 19
3.7.15 Stopwatch ............................................................................................................................................... 19
3.7.16 Logout .................................................................................................................................................... 19
4. APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................................... 20
4.1 Weighing .................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Edit Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.2 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.3 Statistics for Weighing ............................................................................................................................ 23
4.2 Parts Counting............................................................................................................................................ 24
4.2.1 Standard Parts Counting (default) .......................................................................................................... 24
4.2.2 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.3 Parts Counting – Check ......................................................................................................................... 28
4.2.4 Parts Counting – Fill ............................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.5 Statistics for Parts Counting ................................................................................................................... 30
4.3 Percent Weighing ....................................................................................................................................... 32
4.3.1 Edit Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 32
4.3.2 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 35
4.4 Check Weighing ......................................................................................................................................... 36
4.4.1 Standard Check Weighing (default) ....................................................................................................... 36
4.4.2 Edit Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 36
4.4.3 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 37
4.4.4 Check Weighing – Nominal/Weight Tolerance Mode ............................................................................ 38
4.4.5 Check Weighing – Nominal/Percent Tolerance Mode ........................................................................... 39
4.4.6 Display Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 40
4.4.7 Statistics for Check Weighing ................................................................................................................ 41
4.5 Dynamic/Animal Weighing ......................................................................................................................... 42
4.5.1 Edit Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 43
4.5.2 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 43
4.5.3 Dynamic Weighing – Semi-Auto ............................................................................................................ 44
4.5.4 Dynamic Weighing – Automatic ............................................................................................................. 45
4.5.5 Statistics for Dynamic Weighing ............................................................................................................. 46
4.6 Filling .......................................................................................................................................................... 47
4.6.1 Edit Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 47
4.6.2 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 48
4.6.3 Statistics for Filling ................................................................................................................................. 49
4.7 Totalization ................................................................................................................................................. 51
4.7.1 Totalization – Manual (Default) .............................................................................................................. 51
4.7.2 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 52
4.7.3 Totalization – Automatic ......................................................................................................................... 53
4.8 Formulation ................................................................................................................................................ 54
4.8.1 Free Formulation (default) ...................................................................................................................... 54
4.8.2 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 55
4.8.3 Recipe Formulation ................................................................................................................................ 56
4.9 Differential Weighing .................................................................................................................................. 59
4.9.1 Item Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 59
4.9.2 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 61
4.9.3 Differential Weighing with Auto-Process On .......................................................................................... 62
4.10 Density Determination ................................................................................................................................ 63
4.10.1 Measuring the Density of a Solid Using Water (default) ........................................................................ 63
4.10.2 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 65
4.10.3 Measuring the Density of a Buoyant Material Using Water ................................................................... 66
4.10.4 Measuring the Density of a Solid Using an Auxiliary Liquid ................................................................... 66
4.10.5 Measuring the Density of a liquid using a Calibrated Sinker (not supplied) ........................................... 67
4.10.6 Measuring the Density of Porous Material Using Oil ............................................................................. 69
4.11 Peak Hold ................................................................................................................................................... 71
4.11.1 Peak Hold – Semi-Automatic (default) ................................................................................................... 71
4.11.2 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 72
4.11.3 Peak Hold – Manual ............................................................................................................................... 73
4.11.4 Peak Hold – Automatic ........................................................................................................................... 74
4.12 Ingredient Costing ...................................................................................................................................... 75
4.12.1 Item Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 75
4.12.2 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 78
4.13 Pipette Adjustment (not available in EX12001, EX24001, EX35001) ........................................................ 79
4.13.1 Pipette Adjustment – Manual (default) ................................................................................................... 79
4.13.2 Begin Pipette Adjustment Process ......................................................................................................... 81
4.13.3 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 82
4.14 Statistical Quality Control (SQC) ................................................................................................................ 83
4.14.1 Edit Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 83
4.14.2 Begin the SQC Process ......................................................................................................................... 84
4.14.3 Application Setup ................................................................................................................................... 86
4.15 Statistics ..................................................................................................................................................... 87
4.16 Library ........................................................................................................................................................ 87
4.16.1 Creating a Library Record ...................................................................................................................... 87
4.16.2 Retrieving a Library Record ................................................................................................................... 88
4.16.3 Deleting a Stored Library Record ........................................................................................................... 88
4.17 Additional Features .................................................................................................................................... 89
4.17.1 Weigh Below .......................................................................................................................................... 89
5. MENU SETTINGS ................................................................................................................ 90
5.1 Menu Navigation ........................................................................................................................................ 90
5.1.1 Changing Settings .................................................................................................................................. 90
5.2 Main Menu .................................................................................................................................................. 91
5.3 Calibration .................................................................................................................................................. 91
5.3.1 Calibration sub-menu ............................................................................................................................. 91
5.3.2 Internal Calibration (AutoCal) ............................................................................................................. 91
5.3.3 Automatic Calibration ............................................................................................................................. 91
5.3.4 AutoCal Adjustment ............................................................................................................................ 92
5.3.5 Span Calibration ..................................................................................................................................... 92
5.3.6 User Calibration ...................................................................................................................................... 93
5.3.7 Calibration Test ...................................................................................................................................... 93
5.4 User Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 94
5.4.1 User Settings Sub-menu ........................................................................................................................ 94
5.4.2 Language ............................................................................................................................................... 94
5.4.3 Volume ................................................................................................................................................... 94
5.4.4 Display Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 94
5.4.5 User Manager ......................................................................................................................................... 94
5.4.6 Functions Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 95
5.4.7 TouchLess Sensor Setup ....................................................................................................................... 95
5.4.8 Draft Shield light ..................................................................................................................................... 95
5.5 Balance Setup ............................................................................................................................................ 96
5.5.1 Balance Set-up sub-menu ...................................................................................................................... 96
5.5.2 Stable Range .......................................................................................................................................... 96
5.5.3 Filter level ............................................................................................................................................... 96
5.5.4 Auto Zero Tracking ................................................................................................................................. 96
5.5.5 Auto Tare ................................................................................................................................................ 97
5.5.6 Gross Indicator ....................................................................................................................................... 97
5.5.7 Legal For Trade ...................................................................................................................................... 97
5.5.8 Graduations ............................................................................................................................................ 97
5.5.9 Date & Time ........................................................................................................................................... 97
5.6 Applications ................................................................................................................................................ 98
5.6.1 Turning an Application ON/OFF ............................................................................................................. 98
5.7 Weighing Units ........................................................................................................................................... 98
5.7.1 Units Sub-menu ...................................................................................................................................... 98
5.7.2 Turning a Unit ON/OFF .......................................................................................................................... 99
5.7.3 Custom Units .......................................................................................................................................... 99
5.8 GLP and GMP Data ................................................................................................................................. 100
5.8.1 GLP Data Sub-menu ............................................................................................................................ 100
5.8.2 Header .................................................................................................................................................. 100
5.8.3 Balance Name ...................................................................................................................................... 100
5.8.4 User Name ........................................................................................................................................... 100
5.8.5 Project Name ........................................................................................................................................ 100
5.9 Communication ........................................................................................................................................ 101
5.9.1 Communication Sub-menu ................................................................................................................... 101
5.9.2 Baud Rate ............................................................................................................................................ 101
5.9.3 Transmission ........................................................................................................................................ 101
5.9.4 Handshake ........................................................................................................................................... 102
5.9.5 Alternate Command ............................................................................................................................. 102
5.9.6 Print Output .......................................................................................................................................... 102
5.9.7 Auto Print .............................................................................................................................................. 103
5.9.8 Print Calibration Data ........................................................................................................................... 103
5.9.9 Print Content ........................................................................................................................................ 103
5.9.10 Print Layout .......................................................................................................................................... 105
5.9.11 Data Transfer Function......................................................................................................................... 105
5.10 Library ...................................................................................................................................................... 107
5.11 I/O Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 107
5.12 Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................................... 107
5.12.1 Level Bubble Light (not available in EX12001, EX24001, EX35001) .................................................. 107
5.12.2 Draft Shield Light (Analytical models) .................................................................................................. 107
5.12.3 Sensors ................................................................................................................................................ 107
5.12.4 Automatic draftshield door ................................................................................................................... 107
5.12.5 Service Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 107
5.13 Factory Reset ........................................................................................................................................... 108
5.13.1 Factory Reset Sub-menu ..................................................................................................................... 108
5.13.2 Reset Calibration .................................................................................................................................. 108
5.13.3 Reset User Settings ............................................................................................................................. 108
5.13.4 Reset Balance Setup............................................................................................................................ 108
5.13.5 Reset Application Modes ..................................................................................................................... 108
5.13.6 Reset Weighing Units ........................................................................................................................... 108
5.13.7 Reset GLP and GMP Data ................................................................................................................... 108
5.13.8 Reset Communication .......................................................................................................................... 108
5.13.9 Reset I/O Settings ................................................................................................................................ 108
5.13.10 Reset All (Global Reset) ....................................................................................................................... 108
5.14 Lockout ..................................................................................................................................................... 109
5.14.1 Lockout Sub-menu ............................................................................................................................... 109
5.14.2 Lock Calibration .................................................................................................................................... 109
5.14.3 Lock User Settings ............................................................................................................................... 109
5.14.4 Lock Balance Setup ............................................................................................................................. 109
5.14.5 Lock Application Modes ....................................................................................................................... 109
5.14.6 Lock Weighing Units............................................................................................................................. 109
5.14.7 Lock GLP and GMP Data ..................................................................................................................... 109
5.14.8 Lock Communication ............................................................................................................................ 110
5.14.9 Lock Library .......................................................................................................................................... 110
5.14.10 Lock I/O Settings .................................................................................................................................. 110
5.14.11 Factory Reset ....................................................................................................................................... 110
5.15 Securing the Menu and Key Lock menu settings..................................................................................... 110
5.16 Information ............................................................................................................................................... 111
5.16.1 Using Information ................................................................................................................................. 111
6. LEGAL FOR TRADE .......................................................................................................... 112
6.1 Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 112
6.2 Verification ................................................................................................................................................ 112
6.3 Sealing ..................................................................................................................................................... 112
7. PRINTING .......................................................................................................................... 113
7.1 Connecting, Configuring and Testing the Printer/Computer Interface ..................................................... 113
7.2 Printout Examples .................................................................................................................................... 114
7.3 Output Format .......................................................................................................................................... 122
8. MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................. 123
8.1 Calibration ................................................................................................................................................ 123
8.2 Cleaning ................................................................................................................................................... 123
8.3 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................... 123
8.4 Service Information .................................................................................................................................. 123
9. TECHNICAL DATA ............................................................................................................ 124
9.1 Specifications ........................................................................................................................................... 124
9.2 Drawings and Dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 135
9.3 Parts and Accessories ............................................................................................................................. 136
9.4 Icons List .................................................................................................................................................. 137
9.5 Communication ........................................................................................................................................ 143
9.5.1 Interface Commands ............................................................................................................................ 143
9.5.2 RS232 (DB9) Pin Connections ............................................................................................................. 146
9.6 The USB Interface .................................................................................................................................... 146
10. SOFTWARE UPDATES ..................................................................................................... 149
11. COMPLIANCE.................................................................................................................... 150
Touch Controls: Quick, graphical access to all control
functions, over a dozen applications and many features. Touchless Sensors: can be assigned functions when
activated: Zero, Print, Tare, Automatic draftshield door etc.
Statistics: available in Weighing, Counting, Percent Weighing, Check Weighing, Dynamic Weighing, Filling.
Caution: Read all safety warnings before installing, making connections, or servicing this equipment. Failure to comply with these warnings could result in personal injury and/or property damage. Retain all instructions for future reference.
1.1 Description
The Explorer balance is a precision weighing instrument that will provide you with years of service if properly cared for. The Ohaus Explorer balances are available in capacities from 120 grams to 35,000 grams.
1.2 Features
Modular Design: Ohaus Explorer balances are composed of two interconnected modules: a Terminal and a Base.
Depending on the user’s needs, the unit can be operated with the Terminal either attached to, or remote from, the Base, with a single interconnect cord 1 meter long.
1.3 Safety Precautions
Verify that the input voltage range printed on the data label and the plug type matches the local AC power
to be used.
Make sure that the power cord does not pose a potential obstacle or tripping hazard. Use the balance only in dry locations. Do not drop loads on the pan. Use only approved accessories and peripherals. Operate the equipment only under ambient conditions specified in these instructions. Disconnect the equipment from the power supply when cleaning. Do not operate the equipment in hazardous or unstable environments. Service should only be performed by authorized personnel. Do not position the balance such that it is difficult to reach the power connection.
Included Component
EX1241 EX2241 EX3241
EX2232 EX4232
EX22022 EX42022 EX62012
EX62022 EX10201 EX10202
EX12001 EX24001 EX35001
Weighing Base
Weighing Platform
90 mm Diameter
130 mm Diameter
180 x 210 mm
311 x 371 mm
130 mm Diameter
Support Caps (4 Pcs)
X Wind Ring
Wind Shield
Draft Shield Assembly
Power Adapter
Power Cord
(Country specific)
Use Cover
Compact Disk:
USB Software, Instruction Manual, SPDC , Quick Start Guide
Warranty Card
2.1 Unpacking
Carefully remove your Explorer balance and each of its components from the package. The included components vary depending on the balance model (see table below). Save the packaging to ensure safe storage and transport.
Notes: 1 Includes Automatic draftshield door Model
Includes ExCal Model
1. Place the Wind Ring in position.
2. Insert the Platform Assembly
onto the Mounting Cone located in the center of the Balance.
1. Place the Sub-platform in
2. Position the Platform on the
1. Position the Platform on the
2.2 Installing Components
Refer to the illustrations and instructions below to identify and assemble your Explorer balance with its components. All components must be assembled before using the balance.
2.2.1 Terminal Setup
When the Explorer is delivered, the Terminal is already attached (docked) to the Base. No additional setup is necessary. However, for Draft Shield models, the Terminal needs to be detached temporarily in order to assemble parts of the Draft Shield. Refer to the illustrations and instructions below to identify and assemble your Explorer Balance.
Note: The Terminal is identical for all Explorer Balance models.
2.2.2 Installing the Wind Ring, Weighing Platform on Models EX1241, EX2241, and EX324 Note: Assembly instructions also apply to models with the suffix M or N.
2.2.3 Installing the Sub-Platform and Weighing Pan on Models EX2232, EX4232, EX623 and EX1103
2.2.4 Installing the Weighing Pan on Models EX12001, EX24001 and EX35001
Includes Automatic draftshield door Model
Includes ExCal Model
Side Door Installation
1. Unlock
2. Align
3. Clear
4. Lock
Position glass door to slide. Open lock tab (top); insert in top groove and slide inside bottom groove. Close lock tab.
Front Panel Installation
1. Release terminal
2. Align
3. Push to rear
4. Reconnec t terminal
Press button to separate Terminal from Base. Seat panel’s hooked ends in base. Swing panel to vertical position.
Top Door Installation
1. Align
2. Press Down
2.2.5 Installing the Draft Shield Glass and Doors on Draft Shield Models
1. Carefully remove each of the four glass Draft Shield sections from the packaging. NOTE: Before installing side doors, be sure to set the lock tabs in the proper position, as shown here.
2. Follow the steps below to install side, front and top doors of the Draft Shield.
Insert Top Door’s hooked ends in grooved pegs. Press gently to seat. Check for smooth movement. Close door.
2.4 Leveling the Equipment
The Explorer has an illuminated level indicator as a reminder that the balance should be leveled for accurate weighing. There is a level bubble in a small round window on the front of the Base. To level the balance, adjust the Leveling Thumbwheels at each corner until the bubble is centered in the circle.
Be sure the equipment is level each time its location is changed. Note: The feet cannot rotate. The Thumbwheels must be used for leveling.
See the Level Assist screen in the Information Menu.
To see the Level Assist menu, touch More on the bottom-right corner of the main screen. Then touch Level Assist.
The Level Assist screen shows which direction to turn the thumbwheels to center the level bubble.
2.2.6 Installing the Weighing Pan & Wind Shield – Non-Draft Shield Models Note: Assembly instructions also apply to models with the suffix M or N.
1. Place the four Support Caps onto the Balance as shown.
2. Place the Weighing Pan on the Support Caps
3. Place the Wind Shield onto the Balance as shown.
Note: The balance can be operated without the Wind Shield. However, depending on ambient conditions the displayed results may be slightly less stable.
2.3 Selecting the Location
Avoid excessive vibrations, heat sources, air current, or rapid temperature changes. Allow sufficient space.
Note: Interface cables connect to the terminal. The terminal can be detached and mounted on a wall or positioned on a table separate from the balance.
Caution: For use with CSA certified (or equivalent approved) power source,
which must have a limited current output.
Note: Allow equipment to warm up for 60 minutes for optimal weighing performance.
Standby: When unit is plugged in, it starts in Standby mode. Press the Standby icon to start.
Use the built-in RS-232 (10101) Port to connect either to a computer or a printer with a standard (straight-through) serial cable. Or connect using the scale’s USB port.
Note: For configuration and interface commands, see the Communication Menu Settings section. For Connecting, Configuring and Testing the Printer/Computer Interface, and for sample Print Output Formats, see the Printing section.
Interface connections on back of Terminal.
Power ON Button
2.5 Connecting Power
2.5.1 Models with AC Adapter
For models supplied with an AC adapter, connect the DC output connector to the power receptacle on the rear of the base. Then connect the AC power cord to a suitable electrical outlet.
Note: EX12001, EX24001 and EX35001 do not have AC Adapter
2.5.2 Models with AC Power Cord
For models with an AC power cord, connect the power cord to a suitable electrical grounded outlet.
2.5.3 Power ON Button on EX12001, EX24001 and EX35001
The models EX12001, EX24001 and EX35001 have no AC Adapter. Just connect the power plug to a suitable electrical outlet and press the ON button on the side of the base (see figure below).
Power ON button on the side of the base (EX12001, EX24001 and EX35001)
2.6 Connecting the Interface
Thread printer cable along cable coils on bottom of balance. Or pass cable through groove near release button.
Release Button
Base and Terminal
Terminal Cable
2.7 Adjusting the View Angle of the Terminal
To adjust the Terminal display’s viewing angle, press in the Terminal Adjust buttons on both sides of the Terminal.
2.8 Remote Terminal Operation
The Terminal communicates with the weighing base via the Terminal cable. This cable must be plugged into the Terminal for the Explorer to display properly. If desired, the Explorer balance may be operated either with the Terminal attached (as-shipped), or remotely (up to 1 meter away).
2.8.1 Separating the Terminal from the Weighing Base
1. To detach, press both the Release buttons inward (both at the same time) and gently pull the Terminal towards you (outward) until the Terminal is detached. These Release buttons disengage the two hooks holding the Terminal to the Base. A cable is attached to the Terminal. Take care to not damage or disconnect this cable.
2. To reattach the Terminal, press in the two Release buttons and slide the Terminal into the Base until the Terminal hooks click and engage to hold the Terminal in place.
Note: If a longer operation distance is required, a Terminal Extension cable is available as an accessory.
Figure 2-1. Terminal Mounting Dimensions.
56.5 mm
2.2 in 112 mm / 4.4 in
48.5 mm
1.9 in
2.8.2 Terminal Mounting
If desired, the Terminal may be mounted to a wall or table using fasteners (not supplied) that are appropriate for the type of mounting surface The Terminal bracket will accommodate 4mm (#8) screws. Locate the mounting holes as shown in Figure 2-1.
2.9 Initial Calibration
When the Balance is first installed, and when it is moved to another location, it must be calibrated to ensure accurate weighing results. The Explorer Balances have built in AutoCal which can calibrate the balance automatically and does not require calibration masses. If preferred, the balance can be manually calibrated with external masses. Have the appropriate calibration masses available before beginning calibration. Refer to the Calibration Section for masses and calibration procedure.
Touch to access application setup menu
Touch to change
Touch to access
available libraries
Touch for information menu
Instructional Messages
Stability (*), Net (NET), Gross (G) and/or center of zero (>0<) indicators
Battery life indicator (shown when powered by optional battery pack) Touch unit indicator to change weighing unit
Capacity or Status Guides: Vary by application
Result Fields: Information varies by application
Application Buttons: Functions vary by application
Touch icons to perform specific functions or access other functions
Touch Menu to open the menu list. Touch and drag the Scroll bar to view additional items.
Calibration: Touch to view calibration options.
User Settings:
Touch to view user preferences.
Balance Setup:
Touch to view balance settings.
Application Modes:
Touch to view application modes.
Weighing Units:
Touch to view weighing units.
GLP and GMP Data: Insert user data for traceability.
Diagnostics: Touch to view Diagnostics items.
Touch to view COM Device Settings and Print Settings.
Factory Reset:
Touch to do a Factory reset.
Library: Touch to delete all Library records.
Touch to access the Lockout menu list.
Secondary result line and unit-of-measure indicator
Instructional Message line
Stability indicator,
NET, G, and/or
>0< (center of 0).
Capacity Bar: Color indicates capacity used. Meaning varies by application.
Primary result line and unit-of-measure indicator
Results lines meaning varies by application.
Touch control function Icons to
…access more functions
…Call up the menu or specific functions…
Tare and application buttons functions vary by application
3.1 Overview of Display, Home Screen
This equipment utilizes a touch-sensitive display. Touch areas and Buttons to control the equipment’s functions.
3.2 Principal Functions and Main Menu
Weighing: Press Tare to set the display to zero. Place an item on the pan. Display indicates gross weight. Taring: With no load on the pan, press Tare to set the display to zero. Place an empty container on the pan
and press Tare. Add material to the container and its net weight is displayed. Remove container and container’s weight appears as a negative number. Press Tare to clear.
I/O Settings:
Touch to view remote I/O Settings.
Touch to view list of topics.
Top View
Rear View
Bottom View
Side View
Figure 3-1. Explorer Balance (including Automatic draftshield door and ExCal models)
Leveling Thumbwheels
Data label
Terminal cable storage clips
Lock switch
Weigh Below Access
Foot; Non­Adjustable
Type label (Far side) (M, N models only)
Touchless Sensors
Power Connection
Draft Shield Light
Illuminated Level Indicator (hidden)
Touchless Sensors with Indicator Lights
3.3 Overview of Parts and Features –Draft Shield Models
Top View
Rear View
Bottom View
Side View
Figure 3-2. Explorer Base
Illuminated Level Indicator
Touchless Sensors
Touchless Sensors with Indicator Lights
Type label (Far side) (M, N models only)
Data label
Terminal cable storage clips
Lock switch
Weigh Below Access
Foot; Non­Adjustable
Leveling Thumbwheels
Power Connection
3.4 Overview of Parts and Features – Non-Draft Shield Models
Touchless Sensors
Level Indicator
Power Connection
Leveling Thumbwheels
Foot; Non­Adjustable
Terminal cable storage clips
Battery cover
Power button
3.5 Overview of Parts and Features – EX12001, EX24001 and EX35001
Top View Bottom View
Rear View Side View
Figure 3-3. Explorer Base
Top View
Back View
Side View
Figure 3-3. Explorer Terminal
Hooks (to attach
Capacity sticker
(Approved models
Touchless Sensors with Indicator Lights
Terminal Bracket
Terminal Release Buttons
Angular Adjust Buttons
USB Device Connection
Terminal Cable (from Base)
Terminal Cable Clamp
RS232 Connection
Option Port
3.6 Overview of Parts and Features – Terminal
3.7.1 Standby
Touch Standby to shut down the display. Note: After initial start-up (Section 2), in Standby your balance needs no warm-up time and is
immediately available for weighing by touching the Start-up icon.
3.7.2 Printing Data Touch Print to send the displayed value to a printer or computer via the active COM port.
Note: Ensure proper setup of connections, printing and interface parameters. Note: Data may also be printed using the Touchless Sensors by configuring these for Printing.
Data may also be printed using the P command from a computer connected to the COM port.
3.7.3 Zero Operation
Remove the load from the pan and touch Zero to set the display to zero. When weighing pan is empty, the >0< indicator turns on when the measurement is within + ¼ division (d) of the zero setting.
Note: The balance also features Auto Zero Tracking (AZT) that automatically maintains a Center of Zero within the tolerances set in the AZT menu (see Balance Settings).
3.7.4 TouchLess Sensor Status
Explorer balances have four TouchLess sensors that can be assigned a unique function when activated (e.g., zero, print, tare, Automatic draftshield door etc). To assign a task for each TouchLess sensor, press Sensors. Note: To activate a sensor, move an object over it (from a distance of 1-2 inches or 3 cm). The sensor shows a green light and beeps when activated. If the sensor cannot be activated (sensor is disabled during certain instances, like when the Menu is displayed) the sensor shows a red light.
3.7.5 AutoCal
When AutoCal is ON, the balance performs a self-calibration. AutoCal will automatically calibrate the Balance (using the internal mass) each time a change in temperature significant enough to affect accuracy, or after every 11 hours. Touch AutoCal to initiate. (Default status is ON.)
Note: Not available in ExCal
3.7.6 Menu Touch Menu to enter the balance’s menu list.
3.7.7 More…
Touch More to access Level Assist, Zero, Tare, Units, Pretare, Cal Test, Calculator, and Stopwatch.
3.7.8 Level Assist
For assistance with Leveling the Balance; the Level Assist screen shows which direction to turn the thumbwheels to center the level bubble.
3.7.9 Applications
The balance can be configured to operate in various Application modes. Touch Applications to choose – or the top button in the Application area.
3.7.10 Taring a Container
Taring sets the weight of a container as zero, so only the weight of objects held in the container (net weight) is displayed. Manual Tare Place the empty container on the pan and touch Tare when stable. Add material to the container. The net weight of the material is displayed. To clear the Tare value, remove the container from the pan and touch Tare.
3.7 Functions and Their Icons
Seven Icons are initially available to operate the Balance and access the Menu. These Icons can be customized based on user preference. For setup information, see User Settings.
3.7.11 Weighing Units
The balance can be configured to measure in a variety of weighing units, including three (3) custom units. Touch Units to choose from the displayed list. (Scroll down to see all options.)
Note: The active weighing Unit can also be accessed by touching the unit area of the Main Display line; If a unit is not displayed in the list, it must first be turned on via the User Menu.
3.7.12 Preset Tare
To enter a Preset Tare, press the Icon and then enter a value; enter 0 to clear the Preset Tare. The display will show the PT symbol and the tare value as a negative number.
3.7.13 Calibration Test
is used to compare a known calibration weight against the last stored span calibration data.
3.7.14 Calculator
To use the built-in calculator application, touch Calculator. A four function calculator with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division mathematical operations is available.
Perform a numeric operation using the keypad.  Press = to view the result.  To Clear the display: Press CE to clear the entry, C to clear
Touch x to close and return to the current Application.
Note: Calculator is not available in software version 1.10.
3.7.15 Stopwatch
To use the built-in stopwatch application, touch Stopwatch. A countdown timer with interval (lap) timer is available.
Press Start to begin using the Stopwatch timer.  Press Reset to reset the timer to Zero.  Touch Close to close and return to the current Application.
3.7.16 Logout
Used for User logout and return to User Login screen. This feature is only active if a user profile has been created and a User has logged in.
Note: If an application mode does not appear in the list of available Applications it must be enabled in the User Menu: touch Menu, then select Application Modes. The full list of modes appears. Touch the one you want to enable. Then touch Enabled in the setup menu for that application mode – Percent Weighing in the example below. Each enabled mode appears in the Applications menu.
Parts Counting
Peak Hold
(High Point)
(not available in
EX12001, EX24001,
Quality Control
(complements most Applications)
The balance can be configured to operate in various Application modes. Touch Applications to choose – or the top button in the Application area:
The Explorer Balance incorporates the following Applications.
The WEIGHING Home screen
Main Display Line Second Display Line (not shown)
Reference Fields
Application Buttons Functions
Application Icon
To view or adjust the current settings
Touch the
Edit Settings
button. The Settings screen appears.
Minimum Weight: establish a minimum weight value to be used to verify a reading. If an actual weight is below the established Minimum Weight value, it is flagged by a color change: yellow.
To adjust the Minimum Weight value, touch the
Minimum Weight
A numeric input window appears. Use the keys to enter the desired Minimum Weight,
then press . The display reverts to the previous screen with the
new Minimum Weight value highlighted: orange. To return to the Weighing home screen, touch
Return to Application at bottom-right of that screen.
4.1 Weighing
Note: Before using any application, be sure the balance has been leveled and calibrated.
Use this application to determine the weight of items in the selected unit of measure.
Note: The Explorer is shipped with all units enabled. Weighing
1. In the upper left portion of the home screen, select Weighing (this application is the default).
2. Press Tare or Zero if necessary to begin.
3. Place objects on the pan to display the weight. When stable, the * appears.
4. The resulting value is displayed in the main Weighing Line in the active unit of measure.
4.1.1 Edit Settings
Touch the
Setup Icon
(wrench) to enter
Application Setup
The Application Setup Menu is now displayed.
Select the list item to view or change the setting as desired.
To return to the Application home screen, touch Done.
Available Settings
On, Off
Turns Application on/off
Secondary Unit
On, Off
To show the Second Display line
Minimum Weight
On, Off
To enable Min Weight
Off, Manual, Auto
Lock Settings
On, Off
Press to lock the current setting(s) so they cannot be changed.
Reference fields
Min Weight
On, Off
Min Weight is displayed
On, Off
Gross weight is displayed
On, Off
Net weight is displayed
On, Off
Tare weight is displayed
Print Options
See Printing Section.
Min Weight
On, Off
4.1.2 Application Setup
The Application can be customized for various user preferences.
The Weighing Application Setups are below (defaults in Bold)
Touch the Setup Icon (wrench) to enter Setup menu to enable Statistics.
The Statistics options screen appears.
Enable the desired mode (Manual, Auto) Press to return to the Setup menu.
After you click your preference, the window will close automatically.
Accumulating displayed values & viewing data – Manual
Once Statistics-Manual is enabled, two buttons appear on the Application screen: Statistics and Accumulate.
Application – Auto Mode
Statistics Auto mode is similar to Manual mode, except the Accumulate button is not shown. The weight of each sample is automatically captured. The current sample must be removed before capturing the next sample.
When stable, the
button lights briefly to show the item is added to the set, and the data set quantity increments by one.
Continue to add items to build the data set. Press the
button to view the results, as shown here.
Press Print to send results to the enabled COM port. Press
to return to the Application home screen without
clearing the current statistics set. Press
Clear Data
to clear results and return to the home
4.1.3 Statistics for Weighing
The Statistics function allows you to compare a number of samples and examine the relative deviation of each sample from the mean, along with other statistical data. A minimum of three samples is required.
Statistics can be determined manually (requires key press after each step) or automatically (weights are automatically recorded when stable). To use the Statistics function, enable it in the Application Setup menu.
This feature is available in Weighing, Counting, Check Weighing, Dynamic/Animal Weighing and Filling applications.
Application Setup: First, enable Statistics
The PARTS COUNTING­Standard Home screen
Main Display Line Second Display Line
Reference Fields Application Buttons Functions
Application Icon
Auto Optimization improves counting accuracy: it re-calculates the piece weight automatically as parts are added.
By default Auto Optimization is Off. Edit Settings: To view or adjust the current settings, touch the Edit Settings button:
The Settings screen is now displayed.
Settings available: APW, Sample Size, Functions available:
Recalculate APW,
Return to Application
Establish an Average Piece Weight (APW)
Each time a new type of part is counted, the nominal weight of one piece (Average Piece Weight or APW) must be established using a small quantity of pieces. This APW is stored until replaced by another APW.
There are two methods to establish the APW value:
1. The actual APW is known; or
2. The APW must be derived by weight. For this case the current sample size will be used
4.2 Parts Counting
Use this application to count samples of uniform weight. Three different modes can be selected:
Standard Counting, Check Counting, or Fill Counting.
4.2.1 Standard Parts Counting (default)
In the upper left portion of the home screen, select Counting. The default (or last) Average Piece Weight (APW) is displayed.
Place objects on the pan to display the number of pieces.
To choose a different value, establish it beforehand, using the Sample Size button. (See below.)
Set a known Average Piece Weight (APW)
To adjust the APW value directly, touch the
A numeric input window appears. Key in the desired APW Weight, then press . The display returns to the previous screen with the new APW value highlighted.
To return to the Counting home screen, touch Return to Application.
Set a new Average Piece Weight (APW) – Derived
To establish a new APW, touch the Recalculate APW button. The APW Screen is displayed.
Note: The sample size that is displayed will be used. To use a different sample size, change that first. (See below.)
Follow the screen instructions to establish a new APW. Actions available: Tare, Cancel, or Accept Press
to capture the value and return to the Settings
screen. The Settings screen returns with the new APW value
To return to the Counting home screen, touch
Return to Application.
The home screen shows 10 pieces at the new APW
The sample size can be 1 to 10 000 pieces. The default sample size is 10. Once a sample size is changed, the balance will immediately open the Recalculate APW screen, expecting to establish a new APW.
The current sample size is shown on the
To adjust the sample size, touch the
A numeric input window appears. Key in the desired Sample Size, then press . The next screen appears, with the message to place the number of pieces entered in the numeric input window.
Place the indicated number of pieces on the platform. Then touch either Tare, Cancel, or Accept. Press
to capture the value and return to
the Settings screen.
The Settings screen appears with the new APW value highlighted.
To begin counting pieces, touch
Return to Application
. Sample Size
Touch the
Setup Icon
(wrench) to enter
Application Setup
The Application Setup Menu appears.
Select the list item to view or change the setting as desired.
To return to the Application home screen, touch
Available Settings
On, Off
Turns Application on/off
Auto Optimization
On, Off
Counting Mode
Standard Counting, Check Counting, Fill Counting
Select the Mode
Secondary Unit
On, Off
To show the Second Display line
Off, Manual, Auto
Lock Settings
On, Off
Press to lock the current setting(s) so they cannot be changed.
Reference fields
On, Off
The APW is displayed
On, Off
Gross weight is displayed
On, Off
Net weight is displayed
On, Off
Tare weight is displayed
On, Off
Used for Check-Fill only
On, Off
Used for Check-Fill only
Over Limit
On, Off
Used for Check-Counting only
Under Limit
On, Off
Used for Check-Counting only
Print Options
See Printing Section.
On, Off
Sample Size
On, Off
On, Off
Used for Check-Fill only
On, Off
Used for Check-Fill only
Over Limit
On, Off
Used for Check-Counting only
Under Limit
On, Off
Used for Check-Counting only
4.2.2 Application Setup
The Application can be customized for various user preferences.
The Counting Application Setups are below (defaults in Bold).
Press the Setup (wrench) button to enter the Counting Setup menu.
Change Counting Mode to
Check Counting.
The PARTS COUNTING – Check Home screen
Main Display Line
Second Display Line
Reference Fields
Application Buttons
Functions The default (or last) Average Piece Weight (APW) is displayed. Place objects on the pan to display the
Check Status (number of pieces). Edit Settings: To use the Parts Counting-Check mode,
the Over Limit and Under Limit values must be set. The Average Piece Weight and standard sample size can also
be set. Follow these steps: Touch the
Edit Settings
button. The Settings screen appears.
The buttons for
APW, Samples, Over Limit
Under Limit
show default (or previously set) values. To change any value, touch the button. A keyboard screen appears.
(See keyboard screens, next page.)
To set a new average piece weight, press the Recalculate APW button.
A new screen appears with the message:
Place 30 pieces. Press Accept
(Default is 10 pieces, but message matches number of pieces in Samples button.)
After following these instructions, press Return to Application on the main Edit Settings screen.
4.2.3 Parts Counting – Check
This feature permits establishing a set quantity of pieces as criteria for similar items that can be quickly checked against a sample.
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