This document contains information proprietary to Océ, to its subsidiaries, or to third parties to
which Océ may have a legal obligation to protect such information from unauthorized disclosure,
use or duplication. Any disclosure, use, or duplication of this document or of any of the information
contained herein for other than the specific purpose for which it was disclosed is expressly
prohibited, except as Océ may otherwise agree to in writing. Due to continuing research and
product improvements, features or product specifications may change at any time without notice.
Document Summary
Date RevisionSummary
Oct. 27, 2008 Revision A Initial release.
Dec 15, 2008 Revision BAdded harmonics and flicker info
Mar 12, 2009 Revision C Added 1600 series and 3200 XXL and XXXL models
Added 1600 M and additional power connections for the use
Jul 29, 2009 Revision D
Jul 11, 2010 Revision E
of a 2.2kW vacuum pump.
Also modified the width of the 1600 series to include the
Router Option (B3).
Added Cutter Extension specifications.
Updated Compressed Air specifications
Product Support, Documentation, and Service
For further information on documentation and support for your Océ ProCut Cutter or for information
on other Océ Display Graphics Systems products visit our web site:
Comments on this manual? email to:
Océ maintains a comprehensive support structure for its customers. Upon installation of your cutter,
you will be provided with the name of the sales and service office responsible
Océ ProCut Site Preparation Guide - Revision: E v
Océ ProCut Site Prep
This document contains information that will be helpful to you in determining the final location for
the cutter, transporting the cutter to its final location, and all specifications for power, space, and
environmental conditions required for the Océ ProCut manufactured by Zünd.
Determine where the cutter system will be located. Any and all construction measures must be
completed before the cutter system is installed.
Location of the cutter should not be in close proximity to printers due to the dust and particle
generation from this device.
Mark out the installation location to scale using adhesive tape. See the section "Technical data" for
the exterior measurements.
Ensure that the installation location meets the relevant requirements: - Room size - Subsurface Temperature - Cleanliness (free of dust and dirt)
Ensure that there are connections for electricity and compressed air at the installation location and
that these meet the required specifications.
Check whether it is possible to transport the cutter to the installation location. If necessary, arrange
for a forklift or mobile crane to be available on the installation day.
Examine the route to the desired location of the Cutter.
The following guidelines will help you determine the route and final location of your cutter:
• Ideally, the crates should be transported to the installation location using a forklift truck or
mobile crane. However, you can also transport the crates over short distances using a pallet
jack with long forks. The installation guide contains detailed information (center of gravity,
requirements) about transporting the crates.
• Determine a route to the installation location. Ensure that this route is as short as possible
and that it is sufficiently wide.
• Check the route for any obstacles (narrow passages, doors, railings, radiators, steps).
Remove these if required.
• Be aware of the size and weight of the cutter and be sure the floor of the route can support
the weight of the crates and forklift!
• This route must be wide and high enough to allow free movement of the cutter crate,
including corners and bends.
• For crate dimensions, see: section 5 Technical Data
Confirm a delivery/installation date.
• A well-prepared installation saves time and money for everyone involved!
Océ ProCut Site Prep
System Requirements
Receiving the Océ ProCut
Packed in its crate, the Océ ProCut can withstand normal vibrations from road or air travel. Severe
shock, however, may damage the components within the machine. Document all visible damage to
the packaging immediately upon delivery. Verify that the shipper records this damage on the
delivery bill of lading and report to your Océ Operating Company.
Only Océ trained service technicians should only open crates. Internal parts can be damaged if
The Océ ProCut is typically shipped in three wooden crates and one pallet. See Dimensions and
Weight. Due to the weight and delicate nature of the cutter it is essential to have the proper
equipment available for handling and moving the shipping crates.
Important: The majority of the installation will be carried out by a Océ trained Service
Technician. However, additional support is required for some tasks (transportation,
moving heavy parts, holding parts in place during assembly etc). The Océ Service
Technician should arrange for an assistant to be available during the assembly
Because of the weight of each crate, we recommend using a forklift to prevent personal injury
and/or damage to the equipment. If you do not have a forklift, you can use one palette jack on
smaller crates and two palette jacks on larger crates.
If an Océ trained technician is not present for the delivery of the system, then the transport crates
are not to be opened and the machine must not be unpacked. This must be kept in a dry place from
the time of delivery until the arrival of the technician.
Storage temperature: -20º / 55º C (-4° / 126° F)
Océ ProCut Site Preparation Guide - Revision: E 2
Figure 1: Shipping Crate
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