Oce PRISMAspool, PRISMAspool V4.04 User Manual

Océ | User Guide
Océ PRISMAspool V4.04
Copyright © Océ Printing Systems GmbH 2003 - 2011 All rights reserved, including rights of translation, reprinting, reproduction by copying or any other method. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserverd. Delivery subject to availability; right of technical modification reserved. All hardware and software names used are trademarks of their respective owners.
March 2011 Edition
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Océ Printing Systems GmbH Postfach 1260 85581 Poing Germany
A29247-X30-X-9-70 US
Notes on the
Description of PRISMAspool
System Requirements
Print Manager Spool
Extended Line Printer Server
Windows Print Extension
Job Router
PJM Server
Print Manager Web
More Chapters ->
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1 Notes on the Documentation .............................................................................. 11
2 Description of PRISMASpool V4.04 ................................................................... 13
2.1 Introduction to PRISMAspool................................................................................. 13
2.2 Supported MS Windows Operating Systems......................................................... 14
2.3 PRISMAspool Components ................................................................................... 15
2.4 PRISMAspool Functionalities ................................................................................ 16
2.5 PRISMAspool Licenses ........................................................................................ 18
3 System Requirements ......................................................................................... 21
3.1 Hardware Requirements ........................................................................................ 21
3.2 Software Requirements ......................................................................................... 22
4 Installation............................................................................................................ 23
4.1 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Installing PRISMAspool Components and Remote Administration ....................... 24
4.2.1 Installing PRISMAspool Components (Setup Type "Custom") .................... 25
4.2.2 Installing the Remote Administration Feature ............................................. 33
4.3 Installing Plug-ins................................................................................................... 37
4.3.1 Input Filter.................................................................................................... 41
4.3.2 The PCL Barcode translator ........................................................................ 42
4.3.3 Data Encryption ........................................................................................... 46
4.3.4 Support of "File Plugins" .............................................................................. 47
4.3.5 UNICODE Conversion Module .................................................................... 49
4.4 Add/Remove Components..................................................................................... 51
4.4.1 Extended Line Printer Server....................................................................... 55
4.5 Security issues and known problems .................................................................... 55
4.6 Software Modification Packages............................................................................ 55
5 Print Manager Spool............................................................................................ 57
5.1 Managing Print Jobs .............................................................................................. 57
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5.1.1 Job Control/Editing ...................................................................................... 58
5.1.2 Printer Control/Status .................................................................................. 59
5.1.3 Form Properties ........................................................................................... 60
5.1.4 Delivery of Error Information if Job/Form/Device Properties
do not match ................................................................................................ 61
5.1.5 Input Filters .................................................................................................. 62
5.2 Quick Start - Installing and configuring printers ..................................................... 63
5.2.1 Printer properties ......................................................................................... 63
5.2.2 Parallel printers............................................................................................ 69
5.2.3 TCP / IP Printers.......................................................................................... 71
5.2.4 SCSI Printers ............................................................................................... 76
5.2.5 Local (shared) Window Printers................................................................... 78
5.2.6 COMMAND Printer ...................................................................................... 79
5.2.7 Checking Printers via SNMP ....................................................................... 84
5.2.8 Activate a Printer ......................................................................................... 85
5.2.9 Display of current printer capabilities ........................................................... 87
5.3 Advanced Configuration ........................................................................................ 89
5.3.1 Input Filter Configuration ............................................................................. 90
5.3.2 LIP Control File .......................................................................................... 100
5.3.3 Output Filter ............................................................................................... 104
5.3.4 Hot Directories ........................................................................................... 111
5.4 Spool Administration ............................................................................................ 114
5.4.1 Server Properties....................................................................................... 115
5.4.2 Security Settings........................................................................................ 131
5.4.3 Forms......................................................................................................... 139
5.4.4 Principles for checking compatibility between Job / Form / Devices
properties ................................................................................................... 154
5.4.5 Viewing Documents ................................................................................... 157
5.4.6 Integration of the Océ Professional Document Viewer (PDViewer)........... 160
5.4.7 LDAP server configuration ......................................................................... 161
5.4.8 Post Processing Definition......................................................................... 163
5.4.9 Remote Administration .............................................................................. 164
5.5 Print Manager Spool User Interface .................................................................... 166
5.5.1 Customizing the Appearance of the User Interface ................................... 167
5.5.2 Working with the In-Place Editable Dialog Boxes ...................................... 171
5.5.3 Toolbar and Menu Functions ..................................................................... 172
5.5.4 Job Handling.............................................................................................. 179
5.5.5 Printer Handling ......................................................................................... 193
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6 Extended Line Printer Server ........................................................................... 197
6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 197
6.2 Installation and Configuration .............................................................................. 197
6.3 Editing of the configuration file (printcap and lpd.ini) ........................................... 198
6.4 Advanced settings ............................................................................................... 200
6.4.1 Additional configuration settings ................................................................ 200
6.4.2 Lpr on Windows platforms ......................................................................... 200
6.4.3 Lpr on Linux / Unix platforms ..................................................................... 202
6.4.4 Security issues and known problems ........................................................ 202
7 Windows Print Extension.................................................................................. 205
7.1 Definition of a WPE printer .................................................................................. 205
7.2 Configuration of a WPE printer ............................................................................ 216
8 The Job Router .................................................................................................. 223
8.1 Description........................................................................................................... 223
8.2 How does the Job Router work?.......................................................................... 223
8.3 Configuration ....................................................................................................... 224
8.3.1 Installation.................................................................................................. 224
8.3.2 Configuration File....................................................................................... 224
8.3.3 Content format of the configuration file...................................................... 225
9 PJM Server ......................................................................................................... 227
9.1 Installation of the PJM component....................................................................... 227
9.2 Customize the PJM job ticket file......................................................................... 229
9.3 Submitting a job ................................................................................................... 230
9.4 Fast Range Printing for big Files (larger than 4 GB)............................................ 233
10 Print Manager Web ............................................................................................ 235
10.1 Web Service ........................................................................................................ 235
10.2 Installation and Configuration of the Windows SNMP Agent ............................... 236
10.2.1 SNMP Agent on WINDOWS XP SP3 ........................................................ 238
10.2.2 SNMP Agent on WINDOWS Server 2003 R2 SP2 .................................... 240
10.2.3 SNMP Agent on WINDOWS VISTA .......................................................... 241
10.2.4 SNMP Agent on WINDOWS Server 2008 ................................................. 243
10.2.5 SNMP Agent on WINDOWS 7................................................................... 245
10.3 Setting up Microsoft Internet Information Services .............................................. 247
10.3.1 Microsoft Internet Information Services on Windows XP SP3 ................... 248
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10.3.2 Microsoft Internet Information Services on Windows 2003 R2 SP2 .......... 256
10.3.3 Microsoft Internet Information Services on Windows VISTA SP1.............. 263
10.3.4 Microsoft Internet Information Services on Windows server 2008 SP1 .....270
10.3.5 Microsoft Internet Information Services on Windows 7.............................. 279
10.4 Setting up Apache Web Server 2.2 ..................................................................... 287
10.4.1 How to get and install the Apache Web Server ......................................... 287
10.4.2 How to configure the Apache Web Server................................................. 288
10.5 Customizing HTML and Script Files .................................................................... 291
10.6 Submitting Files ................................................................................................... 294
10.7 Getting Information from PRISMAspool Server ................................................... 299
10.7.1 General Information ................................................................................... 299
10.7.2 Jobs (Print Queue)..................................................................................... 300
10.7.3 Jobs (Reprint Queue) ................................................................................ 301
10.7.4 Printers ...................................................................................................... 302
11 Appendix ............................................................................................................ 303
12 Glossary ............................................................................................................. 309
13 Annexes.............................................................................................................. 313
13.1 Annex I: Parameters for OSPPRINT ................................................................... 314
13.2 Annex II: PRISMAspool Event list (not exhaustive) ............................................. 317
13.3 Annex III: How to configure a SCSI printer in Windows....................................... 326
13.4 Annex IV: Supported printers............................................................................... 329
13.5 Annex V: How to configure Windows Securities to connect WPE and RemoteAdmin to
Windows XP/Vista/Server 2008/Windows 7 ........................................................ 332
13.6 Annex VI: How to configure Windows Securities
to connect WPE on Windows Server 2003.......................................................... 346
13.7 Annex VII: How to configure Windows Securities to connect RemoteAdmin to Windows
Server 2003 ......................................................................................................... 358
13.8 Annex VIII: Used SNMP OID’s ............................................................................ 376
13.9 Annex IX: How to create WPE Port in Windows Server 2008 ............................. 377
13.10 Annex X: How to create WPE Port in Windows 7................................................ 381
13.11 Annex XI: How to install the LPR Client in Windows 2008 .................................. 387
13.12 Annex XII: How to install the LPR Client on Windows 7 ...................................... 389
Index .............................................................................................................................. 391
Notes on the Documentation
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1 Notes on the Documentation
This manual describes the functionality, installation, administration and usage of the PRISMAspool.
Guide through the documentation
2 Description of PRISMASpool V4.04 on page 13
3 System Requirements on page 21
4 Installation on page 23
5 Print Manager Spool on page 57
6 Extended Line Printer Server on page 197
7 Windows Print Extension on page 205
8 The Job Router on page 223
9 PJM Server on page 227
10 Print Manager Web on page 235
11 Appendix on page 303
12 Glossary on page 309
13 Annexes on page 313
Purpose of the Documentation
The purpose of this documentation is to ensure that all software-related work is carried out safely and correctly.
Each section is divided into small, easy-to-understand subject areas. Overviews at the be­ginning of the sections help you to find quickly the precise information you are looking for.
Notes on the Documentation
12 A29247-X30-X-9-70 US
Display of operating elements of the user interface
Operating elements are marked by quotation marks.
"File" menu "OK" button
The Index on page 391 provides a fast way to find particular topics is via the detailed index at the end of this user guide.
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Description of PRISMASpool V4.04 Introduction to PRISMAspool
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2 Description of PRISMASpool V4.04
You will find information on the following topics:
2.1 Introduction to PRISMAspool, page 13
2.2 Supported MS Windows Operating Systems, page 14
2.3 PRISMAspool Components, page 15
2.4 PRISMAspool Functionalities, page 16
2.5 PRISMAspool Licenses, page 18
2.1 Introduction to PRISMAspool
PRISMAspool is a powerful product family, which offers scalable and efficient print solu­tions for the professional office-printing environment. PRISMAspool supports all kinds of PCL printers. It is designed to accommodate the demands of business with heavy print volumes and to make work for operating persons as easy as possible.
The PRISMAspool systems environment
Supported MS Windows Operating Systems Description of PRISMASpool V4.04
14 A29247-X30-X-9-70 US
2.2 Supported MS Windows Operating Systems
PRISMAspool is supported by the following Microsoft Windows Operating Systems (in the following referred to as "Windows"):
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 (32 and 64 bit *)
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition Service Pack 2 (32 and 64 bit *)
Windows Vista Service Pack 2 (32 and 64 bit *)
Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (32 bit) and Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit *)
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (32 bit and 64 bit *)
The Windows user interface makes the spool system easy to work with. Since Windows supports many network protocols, the PRISMAspool system integrates into virtually every network environment and prints from every application.
PRISMAspool enables easy installation and administration of all kind of printers via SCSI, TCP/IP and more. You even can address printers that are connected to other servers in the network. So you can distribute print jobs between several print servers and access all PCL network printers which are supported by Windows.
Comfortable user interfaces of the different components of PRISMAspool make it easy to submit and control print jobs. Tracking the print jobs is provided via job tickets. An account­ing function gives control of quantity of printing and makes cost calculation easy and effec­tive.
For the history of products and versions leading to PRISMAspool see chapter 11, "Appen­dix" on page 303.
*) PRISMAspool is not full 64bits mode compliant, it will run in the 32 bits compatibility mode that is called WOW64 (Win-
dows on Windows 64 bits) by Microsoft.
Description of PRISMASpool V4.04 PRISMAspool Components
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2.3 PRISMAspool Components
The PRISMAspool software component structure:
Software Components
PRISMAspool V4.0 Professional Edition
Contains: Spool server, SCSI connection, security package (data encryption, secure viewing)
Network Connection lp daemon (Extended Line Printer Server - ELPS), web job submission
Windows Job Ticket Enhancement Port monitor extensions for job tickets
PCL BarCode Translation Input filter for replacement of PCL ESC sequences through bit­maps
Remote Administration, PRISMAspool User Interface through network Further information see page 16
UNICODE Conversion Module The Suchy MIPS UNICODE conversion module is a "filter" able to transform data coded accordingly to UNICODE into PCL data with soft fonts printable by any printer
PRISMAspool Functionalities Description of PRISMASpool V4.04
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2.4 PRISMAspool Functionalities
The Extended Line Printer Server contains a RFC 1179 compatible lp daemon which
accepts lpr generated print requests from the network. This gives you access to PRISMAspool from computers of the non-Windows world.
The Windows Print Extension is an Windows conform port monitor which adds a job
ticket for advanced print job and output management to the print job.
The Job Router allows routing waiting job to available printers when a used printer is
unavailable for a specified timeout.
The PJM Interface allows to use PRISMAspool from other tools, e.g. Windows Printer
Driver for PRISMA, via the PJM server which can be installed with PRISMAspool. The PJM server allows generating print jobs with a general PRISMA job generator and PRISMA job ticket. The PJM Interface requires a Java Runtime Environment (Version
This JRE is installed automatically when you install the component PJM Server from PRISMAspool V4.0. Existing JRE versions are not overwritten.
The Print Manager Web enables users to submit print jobs, query spool status informa-
tion and general information via an usual web browser, i.e. without the installation of a special client software. On a server (i.e. the machine, where the spool system is in­stalled) a web server (e.g. Microsoft Internet Information Server) has to be installed. On the clients only a common web browser need to be installed.
The "Remote Administration" Component, details see page 16.
Description of PRISMASpool V4.04 PRISMAspool Functionalities
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Remote Administration
The advantage of remote administration is that you can administer several PRISMAspool systems from one computer. You can centrally administer PRISMAspool systems at differ­ent locations and you can administer PRISMAspool systems that may not have physical ac­cess to the PC where the PRISMAspool is installed.
Note: You need a valid Remote Admin license (SPOOL_REM_ADMIN 4.0) on the
PRISMAspool system you want to administer remotely.
The Remote Administration component has to be installed on the client.
PRISMAspool Licenses Description of PRISMASpool V4.04
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2.5 PRISMAspool Licenses
Note: After installation, the license file is copied in the PRISMAspool target directory.
Licensing Mechanism Tier based
A mechanism is provided to control the PRISMAspool "productivity" (supported page per minute) against the installed license.
The installed license set a limit on the total pages per minute printable by the PRISMAspool configuration. The following tiers are supported by PRISMAspool V4.0 :
Each time a printer is activated, the printer pages per minute is evaluated (real speed if au­tomatic detection possible, else 40 pages per minute). If the result is above the allowed pag­es per minute, the added printer with desired properties cannot be activated.
Software Components License Key (FLEXlm)
PRISMAspool 4.0
Professional Edition SPOOL_PROF 4.0
Network Connection SPOOL_NET_CONN 4.0
Windows Job Ticket Enhancement
PCL BarCode Translation SPOOL_BARCODE_PCL 4.0
Remote Administration SPOOL_REM_ADMIN 4.0
UNICODE Conversion Module
License Pages per Minute
Description of PRISMASpool V4.04 PRISMAspool Licenses
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A new log file will log information about printer configuration modification in order to allow later audit. The name of this log file depends on year + month and a new one is created at the beginning of each month.
PRISMAspool System Overview
PRISMAspool Licenses Description of PRISMASpool V4.04
20 A29247-X30-X-9-70 US
System Requirements Hardware Requirements
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3 System Requirements
It is recommended to use the OPS Printer Servers starting from PRISMA-Base 0 upwards with PRISMAspool products.
Note: In various countries different hardware could be recommended.
This chapter contains information about:
3.1 Hardware Requirements, page 21
3.2 Software Requirements, page 22
3.1 Hardware Requirements
Minimum hardware requirements for PRISMAspool:
Pentium IV > 2 GHz processor
1 GB main memory; 2GB recommended and in case of large printing files.
30 GB free hard disk capacity
SVGA screen with a resolution of 800x600 or higher
SCSI adapter for SCSI printer: Adaptec 29160 (LVD) or Adaptec 2944 (differential HVD).
Maximum number of SCSI cards : 1
Gigabit network card for connection of VarioStream and ColorStream family (all VS7xxx, VS8xxx, VS92xx, VS95xx, VS96xx, VS97xx, CS10xxx)
Be sure to respect the requirements from the used Operating System (especially Win­dows Vista and Windows Server 2008)
Note: Printing with a SCSI connection to a printer is not possible with the original EZ-
SCSI CD from Adaptec, but only with the SCSI driver installed automatically from the Windows CD.
Software Requirements System Requirements
22 A29247-X30-X-9-70 US
3.2 Software Requirements
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 (32 and 64 bit *)
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition Service Pack 2 (32 and 64 bit *)
Windows Vista Service Pack 2 (32 and 64 bit *)
Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (32 bit) and Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit *)
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (32 bit and 64 bit *)
*) PRISMAspool is not full 64bits mode compliant, it will run in the 32 bits compatibility mode that is called WOW64 (Win-
dows on Windows 64 bits) by Microsoft.
A Server variant is recommended for all customers who want to make use of full connectiv­ity capabilities .
Languages : English or German
Pre-installed Windows SNMP Agent if Web job submission component has to be installed.
Installation Prerequisites
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4 Installation
In this chapter you will find a description of the installation of PRISMAspool, the necessary preliminaries and the specialties:
4.1 Prerequisites, page 23
4.2 Installing PRISMAspool Components and Remote Administration, page 24
4.3 Installing Plug-ins, page 37
4.4 Add/Remove Components, page 51
4.5 Security issues and known problems, page 55
4.6 Software Modification Packages, page 55
4.1 Prerequisites
The following sections describe important notes and prerequisites for the installation. We recommend to read this chapter thoroughly before you begin installing PRISMAspool.
Important notes:
To install PRISMAspool you have to be logged in as user with administration rights.
Before starting the installation, close all open applications.
Stop all active print jobs. During the installation a window will pop up reminding you to stop all print jobs, but it is more useful to deactivate all print jobs before the instal­lation.
It is strongly recommended that you make a backup of your system before you install or update PRISMAspool
In some cases will need a Windows CD, so be sure that you have it present when you start the installation of PRISMAspool. For all actions that you have to do on your Windows system, please refer to the re­spective Microsoft manuals or contact your system administration.
Installing PRISMAspool Components and Remote Administration Installation
24 A29247-X30-X-9-70 US
4.2 Installing PRISMAspool Components and Remote Administration
The PRISMAspool installation is divided into two routines:
Installation of PRISMASpool Components see 4.2.1 Installing PRISMAspool Components (Setup Type "Custom"), page 25
Installation of the Remote Admin Feature, see 4.2.2 Installing the Remote Administration Feature, page 33
When installing the "Print Manager Web" component:
If you want to install the PRISMAspool Print Manager Web component you have to install the Microsoft SNMP service at first. Without this component, PRISMAspool aborts the installation and displays a corresponding error message. How to check and install the SNMP service is described in detail in chapter "10.2 In­stallation and Configuration of the Windows SNMP Agent", page 236.
When installing the "Extended Line Printer Server" component:
If you want to install the "Extended Line Printer Server" from PRISMAspool, you need to deactivate the service "TCP/IP Print Server" from Windows. As both the Mi­crosoft "TCP/IP Print Server" and the "Extended Line Printer Server" use the same LPD protocol and port, they cannot be activated simultaneously. Instead, you need to activate the "Simple TCP/IP Services", which are necessary for using "Extended Line Printer Server".
After these settings, reboot your computer again to have it ready for installation
When using the parallel port
If you are using the parallel port the computer BIOS needs to be set to ECP mode. Follow the instructions of your computer manual how to do this.
Installation Installing PRISMAspool Components and Remote Administration
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4.2.1 Installing PRISMAspool Components (Setup Type "Custom")
1. Insert the PRISMAspool CD into your CD drive
2. Have your license file at hand. If you have it on media (e.g. USBstick) put the media into the appropriate media drive.
3. In case the setup procedure does not start automatically, open the Windows explorer and navigate to your CD drive. Double-click ’setup.exe’ to start the installation proce­dure.
4. At the beginning of the installation procedure you’ll be asked in a dialog to select the language for the installation. Select either English or German, then click ’OK’:
5. In the welcome screen click ’Next’ to proceed with the installation.
Installing PRISMAspool Components and Remote Administration Installation
26 A29247-X30-X-9-70 US
In case of an upgrade installation (your system holds the configuration of a previously installed PRISMAoffice or PRISMAspool server), you have to install in the same folder as the previous installation.
In case you install on a system that does not hold the configuration of a previously in­stalled PRISMAoffice or PRISMAspool server, the installation routine proposes the path for the PRISMAspool folder.
Installation Installing PRISMAspool Components and Remote Administration
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6. Accept the default settings or click ’Browse’ to select a different path. Then click ’Next’.
7. In the "Setup Type" dialog select ’Custom’, then click ’Next’ to proceed.
Installing PRISMAspool Components and Remote Administration Installation
28 A29247-X30-X-9-70 US
The "Select Components" dialog opens.
The following modules are selected by default:
PCL Bar Code Translation
8. Select every module that you want to install by clicking the corresponding check boxes on the left.
Note: There are certain correlations between the products.
If you select one item that has to be combined with certain others, these will be marked automatically and have grayed out boxes you cannot deselect.
Installation Installing PRISMAspool Components and Remote Administration
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9. In the "Select Program Folder" dialog select where the PRISMAspool program icon shall be installed. You can either select an existing folder, type a new one or accept the default folder. Click then "Next" to continue.
10. An information dialog appears to tell you that no print job has to be active during instal­lation. Make sure that no print job is active, e.g. by stopping open print jobs, then click ’OK’.
Installing PRISMAspool Components and Remote Administration Installation
30 A29247-X30-X-9-70 US
11. The installation proposes the folder for the HTML and script files, necessary for the ’Web Job Submission’. If the default folder is not accepted for the HTML and script files change the paths for ’Web Job Submission’, then click ’Next’.
Note: After the installation you may still move the files to another location. You need
to modify the configuration of your web server.
In the next window you have to select the path for the license file.
Note: Make sure that the license file is named "License.dat".
The licenses which you will install are written into an event log so you can check later which licenses are installed on your system. If the licenses are incorrect, it may happen that some component services are not started. Please make a secure copy of your licence file as the licence data could be re­moved if PRISMAspool is completely removed from your system.
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