AC-2300L/CC-2300L/2400L Series
Lateral Tripod
You’re on steady ground
Thank You for choosing Oben!
Congra tu lations on your pu rchas e of this sturdy,
multi-featured Oben AC-2300L/CC-2300L /
CC-2 400L Se ries later al t ripod . It will del iver
lightw eight, rock-sol id support for yo ur camera
for years to come . In a dd iti on to p roviding no rm al
ver ti ca l tr ipod suppor t for you r ca mera, the center
colu mn of this tripod ca n be pl aced in a h or izontal
position an d rotated from 90° up to 90° down from
the h or izontal . Th e ca mera ca n be placed at a ny
point in t his 180 ° ra nge. This is id ea l for c lose-up
macro photography, document photography, or any
photog rap hy requiri ng a ca mera positi on that ’s not
ava il ab le in the traditiona l tripod config urati on .
Adjust in g th e tr ipod’s height is si mple: ju st open
the fl ip locks t o ex ten d or retrac t each telescopic
leg se pa rat ely. T he ce nte r col um n locking k nob
releases the ce nte r colum n in a s plit sec ond t o
sli de up o r down for further he ight adjust me nt. The
cent er co lumn h as a square shape to p reven t it from
rotating accidentally.
Eac h leg c an be positioned indep endently at 3
locki ng angles (24˚, 55˚, or 80˚), and a built-i n
bubble lev el helps keep the tripod a ligne d with the
hor izon — both essen tial when w ork in g on uneven
ter ra in . Ru bberi zed non-slip leg war mers (for
alu minu m model s on ly) on two of th e leg s protect
you r ha nds in ho t or co ld weat her.
Please read this entire manual before using the Oben
AC-2300L/CC-2300L/CC-2400L Series tripod.
Note: Images are for illustrative purposes only. Actual
product may vary.
tABLE oF contEntS
Key Features 5
Retractable Spiked Feet 6
Leg Length Adjustment 6
Leg Angle Adjustment 6
Center Column Adjustment 7
Low-Angle Setup 8
Mounting the Head 9
Warnings 10
Notes 11