Thank You for choosing Oben!
This st ur dy Oben BC Se ries Du al-A ction ba llhead
provid es sm oot h, precise operation. T wo locks
provid e independent adjus tment a nd locking of
the b al l and pan ora mic base. A separ ate tension
thu mb screw in teg rated into th e main lo cking k nob
allow s you t o set a speci fic degr ee of f riction for
you r ca mer a set up. A s nap-in q uick-release plate is
includ ed, for eor tless mo untin g and dismount ing
of th e camera.
An i ntegrated bu bble level ensu res accurate
align ment of the ca mera with th e hor izon. T he
pan ora mic base of th e ballhead allows for f ul l 360 °
pan ning—idea l for s hoo ting pa nor am ic ph otos.
Please read through this entire manual before using the
BC series ballhead.
Note: Images are for illustrative purposes only. Actual
product may vary.
tABLE oF contEntS
Key Features 4
Mount Ballhead To Tripod 6
Converting Mounting Thread 6
Main Locking Knob Operation 6
Mount Quick-Release Plate 7
Mount Camera 7
Tension Thumbscrew 8
Adjusting Friction 8
Panoramic Base 10
Warnings 11