Thank You for choosing Oben!
The Oben AC-1300/14 00 Se ries are ve rsati le a nd
dur ab le tripods t hat are des igned for quick and
precise camer a placement as well as securit y for your
AC-1300/14 00 Se ries tr ipods featu re flip loc ks f or
fas t an d easy he ight adjust me nt fo r eac h telescopic
leg. F or stable support when shooting o n uneven
ter ra in , each leg can be positioned in depen dently at
three l ock ing angles (2 4˚, 55˚, or 80˚), an d a bu ilt-in
bubble lev el helps keep the tripod a ligned wit h the
hor izon. The center colu mn lock ing kn ob rele ases
the c ent er co lumn w ith a simple t wist a llow in g for
eo rt less height a dju st ment. T he center column is
grooved to prev ent it from ro tat in g accidental ly and
has a spr ing-loade d wei ght hook for ad ded sta bi lity
in windy con ditions . Th e cen ter c olu mn is also
rev ersible to facil itate lo w-a ngle shooting.
The tripod i s eq uip ped w ith a dua l-sized mou nting
screw for compatibility w ith a wide range of hea ds ,
cam eras, and accesso ri es. A dditiona l secur ity for
cam eras is provided b y the th ree set sc rews on t he
mou nting plate. O th er note wor thy feat ures in clude
closed-cel l foam leg wa rm ers on two of t he legs ,
which pr ov ide ease of operation in e xt reme weather,
and a str ap moun t for a ttaching a ca rry strap.
Please r ead this enti re m anual bef ore u si ng the AC1300/1400 S eries t ripod .
Note: Images are for illustrative purposes only. Actual
product may vary.
Key Features 4
Leg Length Adjustment 6
Leg Angle Adjustment 6
Center Column Adjustment 7
Low-Angle Setup 7
Counterweight 9
Mounting a Head 10
Warnings 11