Thank You for choosing Oben!
This Oben BA S eri es ba ll head is a compa ct and
lightweight hea d that provides n im ble , relia ble
operation. The single lo ck make s it easy to rapid ly
adjust t he ba ll a nd cali brated base. A snap-in q uickrelease plate is i ncluded for eor tless mounting
and dis mou nting of the c amera . The dua l-locking
qu ick-r elease k eeps the camera se curely attach ed
to th e ballhead and prevent s the cam era f rom being
accidenta lly r ele ased. Fo r add itiona l secur ity, the
bal lhead i s con struc ted w ith e xt ra te nsi on to o er
greater cont rol when r epositioning t he came ra.
Integr ated bub ble l eve ls en su re accurate align men t
of th e camera wit h the hor izo n. T he ca libra ted base
of th e ballhead allow s for f ul l 360 ° panning, as we ll
as pr ecise placement of the cam era .
Please read through this entire manual before using the
BA series ballhead.
Note: Images are for illustrative purposes only. Actual
product may vary.
Key Features 4
Mount Ballhead To Tripod 5
Converting Mounting Thread 5
Main Locking Knob Operation 5
Calibrated Base 6
Dual-Locking Quick-Release 6
Mount Quick-Release Plate 6
Mount Camera 7
Warnings 7