Oakton TDSTestr 1, TDSTestr 2, TDSTestr 3, TDSTestr 4 Instruction Manual

Before you Begin:
Remove electrode cap. Switch unit on for 15 min­utes to stabilize the batteries. Soak electrodes for a few minutes in alcohol to remove oils.
Select a calibration standard appropriate for your waterproof TDSTestr:
TDSTestr 1: between 300 ppm and 1990 ppm TDSTestr 2: between 3 ppt and 10.00 ppt TDSTestr 3: between 300 µS and 1990 µS TDSTestr 4: between 3 mS and 19.90 mS
It is best to select a standard close to the test solu­tion value, and one that has a similar chemical make-up to the test solution.
1. Pour calibration standard into two separate
containers and tap or deionized water into a third.
2. Rinse electrode in the deionized water, then
rinse it in first container of standard, then dip it into the second container of standard.
3. Switch unit on (ON/OFF button). Wait several
minutes to allow display to stabilize.
4. Using a small
screwdriver, adjust the trimpot (located inside the Testr ’s battery compartment) until the display reads the same value as the standard.
5. Rinse the electrode in the tap or deionized
water and proceed with testing.
TDS Testing:
1. Remove cap from electrode. Switch unit on
(ON/OFF button).
2. Dip the electrode into the test solution. Stir
once and let the reading stabilize.
3. Allow time for the Automatic Temperature
Compensation to correct the readings for solu­tion temperature changes.
4. Note the reading once the display is stable. If
the solution is above the range of the TDSTestr, the display will show
5. Press ON/OFF to turn off Testr.
Replace cap.
Instrument Maintenance:
To improve performance, clean the stainless steel electrodes by periodically rinsing them in alcohol for 10-15 minutes.
Replace all 4 batteries if the display becomes faint or disappears, or if the readings are unsta­ble or constant.
If drift is detected while electrodes are continuously exposed to solution for longer than one hour, allow electrode to fully dry off periodically.
NOTE: Testr life is dependent on meter and elec­trode care. If the electrode is exposed to damag­ing materials, electrode life will be shortened.
When you need a new electrode, see “Electrode Replacement” on insert in back of box.
Changing batteries
1. Open battery compartment lid (with attached
lanyard loop).
2. Remove old
batteries; replace with fresh ones. Note polarity (shown in battery compartment and in picture at right).
3. Recalibrate Testr after battery change. Specifications
Electrode replacement:
You can replace the electrode module at the fraction of the cost of a new Testr. When the Testr fails to cali­brate, gives fluctuating readings in buffers, shows error messages ‘E2’ or ‘OR’in a buffer, and the proce­dures in the Maintenance section do not help, you need to change the electrode.
1. With dry hands, grip the ribbed Testr collar
with electrode facing you. Twist the collar counter clockwise. (see diagram A). Save the ribbed Testr collar and O-ring for later use.
2. Pull the old electrode module away from the
3. Align the four tabs on the new module
so they match the four slots on the testr. (see diagram B).
4. Gently push the module onto the slots to seat
it in position. Push the smaller O-ring fully onto the new electrode module. Push the col­lar over the module and thread it into place by firmly twisting clockwise.
The waterproof TDSTestr 1-4 meter body is war­ranted against defects in materials and workman­ship for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase; the electrode module is warrantied for a period of 6 months from the date of purchase. If repair, adjustment or replacement is necessary and has not been the result of abuse or misuse within the time period, please return the Testr— freight pre-paid—and correction will be made without charge. Out of warranty products will be repaired on a charge basis.
Return of Items:
Authorization must be obtained from your OAKTON Distributor before returning items for any reason. When applying for authorization, please include information regarding the reason the item(s) are to be returned.
Note: We reserve the right to make improve­ments in design, construction and appearance of products without notice. Prices are subject to change without notice.
Waterproof TDSTestrs 1-4 Instructions
TDSTestr 1 2 3 4
0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to
Range 1990 10.00 1990 19.90
ppm ppt µS mS
10 0.10 10 0.10
ppm ppt µS mS Accuracy ±2% full scale Calibration 1-point calibration with trimpot
300 to 3 to 300 to 3 to
1990 10.00 1990 19.90
ppm ppt µS mS Operating
32 to 122ºF / 0 to 50ºC
Temperature ATC
32 to 122°F / 0 to 50°C (1.11% per °F / 2% per °C)
Four 1.5V alkaline batteries (Eveready A76BP; supplied)
100 hrs. continuous use Alternate replacement Model Eveready 303 silver oxide,
70 hrs. continuous use. Dimensions 6.5" L x 1.5" Dia. (165 x 38 mm) Weight 3.25 oz (90 gms)
Small O-Ring (hidden)
Rotate collar
away from you
Ribbed Collar
Large O-Ring
Large Tab
Small Tab
Insert Electrode
Electrode module