3. Demonstration
3.1 Setup the environment
After the Hardware is assembled and connected, the computer has to be set up in order
to operate the payment demonstration: the TWR_POS_K81 module embeds a USB to
Serial converter, accessed through the mini USB port connected to the computer.
When this USB is connected, the host computer should display an unknown device in the
device manager.
The dedicated driver for this device has to be installed so that the computer gets a new
COM port that will be used to connect to the POS Reader Solution Kit. This can be done
following the below steps:
Locate the .inf file for this driver: It is delivered with the software package. It is called
fsl_ucwxp.inf and is located in the folder
Open the device manager
Locate the unknown device. This should be a device with a Yellow Bang, named
Fig 17.
Right click on this device, and choose “Update Driver Software”
Select “Browse my computer for driver software”
“Let me pick from a list…”
“Show all devices” then “Next”
“Have Disk”
Click “Browse”, navigate to the folder containing the above mentioned .inf file, and
select this .inf file.
Windows should propose a Virtual COM port (see Fig 18). Select it then click “Next”
Note that Windows may show a warning saying that the driver is not digitally signed.
To install it anyway, the computer must be configured to disable driver signature
If the computer is not correctly configured, it can be done following Microsoft help.
Note that the above link may not give the exact process depending on the computer
OS version.
Windows may then show some messages asking to confirm that you want to install
this driver. Accept by selecting “Install this driver Software anyway”
Windows will install the driver
When the driver is installed, it may happen that Windows shows a message
informing that the driver cannot start. In such a case, unplug then plug back the USB
connection. This should restart the driver, so that it is seen as running (no error) in
the device manager (see
Fig 19).