NXP Semiconductors KTFRDM34933EVBUG User Manual

FRDM-34933EVB evaluation board
Rev. 1.0 — 15 March 2017 User guide
1 FRDM-34933EVB
Figure 1. FRDM-34933EVB with FRDM-KL25Z Freedom Development Platform
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FRDM-34933EVB evaluation board
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2 Important notice
NXP provides the enclosed product(s) under the following conditions:
This evaluation kit is intended for use of ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY. It is provided as a sample IC pre-soldered to a printed circuit board to make it easier to access inputs, outputs, and supply terminals. This evaluation board may be used with any development system or other source of I/O signals by simply connecting it to the host MCU or computer board via off-the­shelf cables. This evaluation board is not a Reference Design and is not intended to represent a final design recommendation for any particular application. Final device in an application will be heavily dependent on proper printed circuit board layout and heat sinking design as well as attention to supply filtering, transient suppression, and I/O signal quality.
The goods provided may not be complete in terms of required design, marketing, and or manufacturing related protective considerations, including product safety measures typically found in the end product incorporating the goods. Due to the open construction of the product, it is the user's responsibility to take any and all appropriate precautions with regard to electrostatic discharge. In order to minimize risks associated with the customers applications, adequate design and operating safeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. For any safety concerns, contact NXP sales and technical support services.
Should this evaluation kit not meet the specifications indicated in the kit, it may be returned within 30 days from the date of delivery and will be replaced by a new kit.
NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. NXP makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typical”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts.
NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. NXP products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the NXP product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur.
Should the Buyer purchase or use NXP products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, the Buyer shall indemnify and hold NXP and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges NXP was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.
NXP and the NXP logo are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © NXP B.V. 2017.
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FRDM-34933EVB evaluation board
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3 Getting started
3.1 Kit contents/packing list
The kit contents include:
Assembled and tested evaluation board/module in an anti-static bag
Quick Start Guide, Analog Tools
Warranty card
3.2 Jump start
NXP’s analog product development boards provide an easy-to-use platform for evaluating NXP products. The boards support a range of analog, mixed-signal and power solutions. They incorporate monolithic ICs and system-in-package devices that use proven high-volume technology. NXP products offer longer battery life, a smaller form factor, reduced component counts, lower cost and improved performance in powering state of the art systems.
1. Go to the tool summary page: http://www.nxp.com/FRDM-34933EVB
2. Locate and click:
3. Download the documents, software and other information.
Once the files are downloaded, review the user guide in the bundle. The user guide includes setup instructions, BOM and schematics. Jump start bundles are available on each tool summary page with the most relevant and current information. The information includes everything needed for design.
3.3 Required equipment
To use this kit, you need:
DC power supply (2.0 V to 7.0 V, 0.1 A to 1.0 A, depending on stepper motor
USB A to mini-B cable
Oscilloscope (preferably 4-channel) with current probe(s)
Digital multimeter
FRDM-KL25Z Freedom Development Platform
Typical loads (stepper motor, brushed DC motors, or power resistors)
3/16" blade screwdriver
One 12-pin (PPTC062LFBN-RC), two 16-pin (PPTC082LFBN-RC), and one 20-pin
(PPTC102LFBN-RC) female connector, by Sullins Connector Solutions, or equivalent soldered to FRDM-KL25Z
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FRDM-34933EVB evaluation board
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3.4 System requirements
The kit requires the following:
USB-enabled PC with Windows® XP or higher
4 Getting to know the hardware
4.1 Board overview
The evaluation board features the dual H-bridge ICs, which features the ability to drive either a single two phase stepper motor or two brushed DC motors. The dual H-bridge ICs incorporate internal control logic, a charge pump, gate drive, high current, and low R
MOSFET output circuitry.
4.2 Board features
The evaluation board is designed to easily evaluate and test the main component, the H­bridge devices. The board's main features are as follows:
Compatible with Freedom series evaluation boards such as FRDM-KL25Z
Built in fuse for both part and load protection
Screw terminals to provide easy connection of power and loads
Test points to allow probing of signals
Built-in voltage regulator to supply logic level circuitry
LED to indicate status of logic power supply of the evaluation board, as well as a
general purpose indicator
4.3 Device features
The evaluation board feature the following NXP product:
Table 1. Device features
Evaluation board Device Device features
FRDM-34933EVB MC34933 (16-pin QFN) The NXP MC34933 is a four channel dual H-bridge
IC that is ideal for portable electronic applications to control single stepper motor or two Brush DC motors.
2.0 V to 7.0 V dual H-bridge motor driver with
enable and tristate bridge control via a parallel MCU interface. Output current 1.0 A continuous,
1.4 A peak.
The IC has low RDS on-resistance of 1.0 Ohm
(max.) and the drivers can be PWM-ed up to 200 kHz control frequency.
Contains an integrated charge pump and level
shifter (for gate drive voltages), in addition to integrated shoot through current protection and under voltage circuit detector to avoid malfunction
Four output control modes: forward, reverse,
brake, tristate (open)
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FRDM-34933EVB evaluation board
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4.4 Board description
The following sections describe the additional hardware used to support the dual H­bridge driver.
Figure 2. Board description
Table 2. Board description
Name Description
U5 16-pin QFN H-bridge motor drive IC (MC34933)
F1 Overcurrent fuse
D5 LED output
OUT1A Connect motor phase 1A to this terminal
OUT1B Connect motor phase 1B to this terminal
OUT2A Connect motor phase 2A to this terminal
OUT2B Connect motor phase 2B to this terminal
VPWR Power supply Input terminal
GND Ground terminal
JA1 Interface connection to FRDM-KL25Z
JA2 Interface connection to FRDM-KL25Z
JA3 Interface connection to FRDM-KL25Z
JA4 Interface connection to FRDM-KL25Z
4.4.1 LED display
An LED is provided as a visual output device for the board.
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FRDM-34933EVB evaluation board
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Table 3. LED display
LED ID Description
D5 Indicates when power is supplied to the board via JP2
4.4.2 Test point definitions
The following test points provide access to signals on the board.
Table 4. Test point definitions
TP# Signal name Description
TP1 VPWR Power input after fuse
TP2 EN Enable signal
TP3 GND1 Ground
TP4 GND2 Ground
TP5 IN1A H-bridge Input signal for OUT1A
TP6 IN1B H-bridge Input signal for OUT1B
TP7 IN2A H-bridge Input signal for OUT2A
TP8 IN2B H-bridge Input signal for OUT2B
4.4.3 Input signal definitions
The motor drive IC has as many as five input signals that are used to control certain outputs or functions inside the circuit.
Table 5. Input signal definitions
Name on board Description
IN1A Controls OUT1A
IN1B Controls OUT1B
IN2A Controls OUT2A
IN2B Controls OUT2B
EN This signal enables output 1 and output 2
4.4.4 Output signal definitions
The motor drive IC has four output signals that are used to drive a single DC stepper motor or two DC brushed motors.
Table 6. Output Signal Definitions
Name Description
OUT1A H-bridge 1 driver output phase 1A
OUT1B H-bridge 1 driver output phase 1B
OUT2A H-bridge 2 driver output phase 2A
OUT2B H-bridge 2 driver output phase 2B
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FRDM-34933EVB evaluation board
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4.4.5 Screw terminal connections
The board features screw terminal connections to allow easy access to device signals and supply rails.
Table 7. Screw terminal connections
Name Pin Signal
Signal description
1 VPWR_IN Power input (5.0 V to 9.0 V)J5
2 GND Ground
1 OUT1A Driver output 1AJ6
2 OUT1B Driver output 1B
1 OUT2A Driver output 2AJ7
2 OUT2B Driver output 2B
1 INT1 Auxiliary MCU signal (interrupt)
Not populated
2 IO5 Auxiliary MCU signal (GPIO)
Not populated
1 AN2 Auxiliary MCU signal (analog)
Not populated
2 AN1 Auxiliary MCU signal (analog)
Not populated
4.4.6 Jumpers
The board features jumper connections as shown in Table 8.
Table 8. Jumpers
Name Description
JP1 Fuse bypass (not populated)
JP3 VDD select (needs jumper on to power driver IC logic)
5 FRDM-KL25Z Freedom Development Platform
The NXP Freedom development platform is a set of software and hardware tools for evaluation and development. It is ideal for rapid prototyping of microcontroller-based applications. The NXP Freedom KL25Z hardware, FRDM-KL25Z, is a simple, yet sophisticated design featuring a Kinetis L Series microcontroller, the industry's first microcontroller built on the ARM® Cortex®-M0+ core.
5.1 Connecting FRDM-KL25Z to the board
The kit may be used with many of the Freedom platform evaluation boards featuring Kinetis processors. The FRDM-KL25Z development platform has been chosen specifically to work with the kit because of its low cost and features. The FRDM-KL25Z
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FRDM-34933EVB evaluation board
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board makes use of the USB, built in LEDs, and I/O ports available with NXP’s Kinetis KL2x family of microcontrollers. The main functions provided by the FRDM-KL25Z are to allow control of a stepper motor using a PC computer over USB, and to drive the necessary inputs on the evaluation kit to operate the motor.
The board is connected to the FRDM-KL25Z using four dual row headers. The connections are shown in Table 9.
Table 9. Header connections
FRDM LV stepper motor FRDM-KL25Z
Header Pin Name Header Pin Name
JA1 1 AUX_INT1 J1 2 PTA1
JA1 2 EN J1 4 PTA2
JA1 3 J1 6 PTD4
JA1 4 J1 8 PTA12
JA1 5 J1 10 PTA4
JA1 6 IN1A J1 12 PTA5
JA1 7 IN1B J1 14 PTC8
JA1 8 J1 16 PTC9
JA2 1 IN2A J2 2 PTA13
JA2 2 IN2B J2 4 PTD5
JA2 3 J2 6 PTD0
JA2 4 J2 8 PTD2
JA2 5 J2 10 PTD3
JA2 6 J2 12 PTD1
JA2 7 GND J2 14 GND
JA2 8 J2 16 VREFH
JA2 9 J2 18 PTE0
JA2 10 J2 20 PTE1
JA3 8 VIN J3 16 P5-9V_VIN
JA3 7 GND J3 14 GND
JA3 6 GND J3 12 GND
JA3 5 J3 10 P5V_USB
JA3 4 3V3 J3 8 P3V3
JA3 3 J3 6 RESET/PTA20
JA3 2 J3 4 P3V3
JA3 1 J3 2 SDA_PTD5
JA4 6 J4 12 PTC1
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FRDM-34933EVB evaluation board
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FRDM LV stepper motor FRDM-KL25Z
Header Pin Name Header Pin Name
JA4 5 J4 10 PTC2
JA4 4 AUX_IO5 J4 8 PTB3
JA4 3 J4 6 PTB2
JA4 2 AUX_AN2 J4 4 PTB1
JA4 1 AUX_AN1 J4 2 PTB0
6 Installing the software and setting up the hardware
The latest version of the Motor Control GUI is designed to run on any Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, or XP-based operating system. To install the software, go to www.nxp.com/analogtools and select your kit. Click on that link to open the corresponding tool summary page. Look for “Jump Start Your Design”. Download the Motor Control GUI software to your computer desktop (LVMC-Steppermotor- setup.exe).
Run the installed program from the desktop. The Installation Wizard guides you through the rest of the process.
To use the Motor Control GUI, go to the Windows Start menu, then Programs, then Motor Control GUI, and then click the NXP icon. The Motor Control Graphic User Interface (GUI) appears. The GUI is shown in Figure 3. The hex address numbers at the top are loaded with the vendor ID for NXP (0x15A2), and the part ID (0x138). The panel on the left side displays these numbers only if the PC is communicating with the FRDM-KL25Z via the USB interface.
Figure 3. Motor Control GUI
6.1 Configuring the hardware
Figure 4 and Figure 5 show the configuration diagrams for single stepper motor and DC
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FRDM-34933EVB evaluation board
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Figure 4. Setup for Stepper motor
Figure 5. Setup for DC motors
6.2 Step-by-step instructions for setting up the hardware using Motor Control GUI
When using the board make sure that the following operating parameters are followed or damage may occur.
The maximum motor supply voltage (VM) cannot exceed 7.0 V, and must be at least
3.3 V
The nominal operating current of the stepper motor cannot exceed 1.0 A (1.4 A peak)
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FRDM-34933EVB evaluation board
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In order to perform the demonstration example, first set up the evaluation board hardware and software as follows:
1. Setup the FRDM-KL25Z to accept code from the mbed online compiler. mbed is a
developer site for ARM based microcontrollers. The instructions are at mbed.org (https://mbed.org/handbook/mbed-FRDM-KL25Z-Upgrade). Switch to the other USB port (programming port) on the FRDM-KL25Z, and back after you load the project.
2. Go to the NXP page on mbed.org and look for the repository named "LVHB Stepper
Motor Drive" (https://developer.mbed.org/teams/NXP/code/LVHB-Stepper-Motor-
3. Import main.cpp source code into compiler.
4. Save the compiled code on your local drive, and then drag and drop it onto the mbed
drive (which is the FRDM-KL25Z) while connected to the programming OpenSDA port. Move the USB connector back to the other USB port on the FRDM-KL25Z. Note: Create a user before you can download the code. Connect the board to the FRDM-KL25Z. This is best accomplished by soldering the female connectors to the FRDM-KL25Z, and then connecting to the male pins provided on the board.
5. Ready the computer and install the Stepper Motor Driver GUI software.
6. Attach DC power supply (without turning on the power) to the VM and GND terminals.
7. Attach one set of coils of the stepper motor to the OUT1A and OUT1B output
terminals. Attach the other phase coil of the stepper motor to terminals OUT2A and OUT2B. Launch the Stepper Motor Driver GUI software.
8. Make sure the GUI recognizes the FRDM-KL25Z. This is determined by seeing the
hex Vendor ID (0x15A2), and Part ID (0x138) under USB connection in the upper left­hand corner of the GUI. If the GUI does not recognize the FRDM-KL25Z, you need to disconnect and reconnect the USB cable to the FRDM-KL25Z.
9. Turn on the DC power supply.
10.Select Enable Target on the GUI. The demo is now ready to run.
11.Select Direction, Step Mode, and Acceleration Enabled.
Acceleration enabled controls motor speed slowly increasing from stop to maximum number of steps selected by Step Time slider control.
12.Click Run to run the motor. Notice that some options of the GUI are disabled while
the motor is running. To make changes, click Stop on the GUI, make the desired changes, and then click Run on the GUI to continue.
13.When finished, click Enable Target on the GUI, and then Quit. Turn off DC power
supply. Remove USB cable.
6.3 Installing CodeWarrior
This procedure explains how to obtain and install the latest version of CodeWarrior (version 10.6 in this guide).
Note: The sample software in this kit requires CodeWarrior 10.6 or newer. The component and some examples in the component package are intended for Kinetis Design Studio 3.0.0. If you have CodeWarrior 10.6 and Kinetis Design Studio 3.0.0 already installed on your system, skip this section.
1. Obtain the latest CodeWarrior installer file from the NXP CodeWarrior website: http://
2. Run the executable file and follow the instructions.
3. In the Choose Components window, select the Kinetis component, and then click
Next to complete the installation.
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FRDM-34933EVB evaluation board
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Figure 6. Select components GUI
6.4 Downloading the LVHBridge component and example projects
The examples used in this section are based on a preconfigured CodeWarrior project. You must first download the project and its associated components:
1. Go to the NXP website: www.nxp.com/LVHBRIDGE-PEXPERT.
2. Download example projects and H-bridge component zip file.
3. Unzip the downloaded file and make sure the folder contains the files listed in Table
Table 10. LVHBridge example project and components
Folder name Folder contents
CodeWarrior_Examples Example project folder for CodeWarrior
LVH_KL25Z_brush_MC34933 Example project for DC brush motor control using
FRDM-34933EVB H-bridge board and FRDM-KL25Z MCU board
LVH_KL25Z_brush_MPC17510 Example project for DC brush motor control using
FRDM-17510EVB H-bridge board and FRDM-KL25Z MCU board
LVH_KL25Z_stepper Example project intended to control stepper motor using
FRDM-34933EVB H-bridge board and FRDM-KL25Z MCU board
LVH_KL25Z_stepper_ramp Example project intended to control stepper motor using
FRDM-34933EVB H-bridge board and FRDM-KL25Z MCU board. Acceleration ramp is enabled
Component Processor Expert component folder
KDS_Examples Example project folder for Kinetis Design Studio 3.0.0 or newer
LVH_K20D50M_brush_MC34933 Example project for DC brush motor control using
FRDM-34933EVB H-bridge board and FRDM-K20D50M MCU board
LVH_K20D50M_brush_MPC17510 Example project for DC brush motor control using
FRDM-17510EVB H-bridge board and FRDM-K20D50M MCU board
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