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This chapter provides detailed information about the three boards (CPU, Debug,
Personality) and identifies the locations of the connectors and switches.
Table 1.1 Chapter Summary
3-Stack Platform“About the 3-Stack Platform System” on page 3
CPU“CPU Board” on page 6
Debug“Debug Board” on page 7
Personality“Personality Board” on page 10
About the 3-Stack Platform System
Freescale introduces the 3-Stack Platform System, which you use to develop multimedia
and connectivity applications using the i.M31 Applications Processor and the MC13783
Audio and Power Management device.
The 3-Stack Platform System decreases the time between first development and final
product release by providing you (as the system designer) with a near-to-final product
design, which you can use as a development platform for software and hardware.
There are two Board Support Packages (BSP) for the 3-Stack Platform System, with one
BSP for WinCE and one BSP for Linux operating systems. These BSPs contain drivers
optimized for multimedia operations using the i.MX31 and MC13783 devices.
Freescale's 3-Stack Platform System consists of three small boards: CPU, Debug, and
• A CPU board contains the i.MX31 CPU, memories and the MC13783 Power
Management IC (PMIC).
• A Debug board provides the debug interfaces (like JTAG), and also has a CPLD that
implements an external Ethernet and serial controller for debug purposes.
• The Personality board implements the functionality of the 3-Stack board system, and
contains hardware for WiFi connectivity, FM receiver, and so on. The Personality
board can be modified to meet your specific requirements without the need to modify
the other two boards (CPU, Debug). The Personality board was designed to support
common multimedia applications, and has a 2.8-inch VGA display, image sensor
i.MX31 3-Stack Quick Start Guide for Linux
About the Boards
About the 3-Stack Platform System
camera, WiFi 802.11g/b, FM receiver, SD Card connector, USB OTG, USB Host,
2.4 QVGA smart display panel connector, ATA connector and TV-Out connector.
As the 3-Stack Platform continues to evolve, more Personality boards will be created
to meet new multimedia requirements.
Table 1.2
describes the 3-Stack Platform features in detail.
Table 1.2 3-Stack Platform Features
All boards• Near to final product form-factor demonstration
CPU board• i.MX31 ARM-11 Applications Processor
Personality board• Peripheral components
Debug board• Two RS-232 interfaces
modules and working platforms.
• Solid reference schematics that closely resemble
final products to aid customers' designs.
• MC13783 Atlas power management chip
• 256 MB of NAND Flash Memory
• 128 MB of 32 bit DDR SDRAM memory
• 37.914 mm x 67.517 mm
• Interface connectors
• 71.428 mm x 129.462 mm
• 10/100 Base-T Ethernet connector
• Current measure connectors
• 71.400 mm x 174.900 mm
Expansion Headers• Utilizing reliable high density connector to interface
Battery Support• +4.2 V 2400mAh Battery power supply and Battery
LCD Display• 2.8 inch TFTLCD display panel with touch panel and
Smart LCD Connector• 2.4 inch QVGA smart display panel connector
Camera Interface• Image sensor camera connector
Selectable Clock
Debug Port• RealView-ICE debug support
i.MX31 3-Stack Quick Start Guide for Linux
between boards, 3 board assembly for software
development and 2-board assembly (without debug
board) for demonstration
Charging Function
LED backlight
• Two selectable system clock sources: 32.768 KHz
and 26 Mhz
Table 1.2 3-Stack Platform Features
About the Boards
About the 3-Stack Platform System
Video and Audio
GPS Connector• One connector to outboard GPS module
FM Receiver
TV Out• TV decoder that supports 8-bit color, NTSC and PAL
PC Card Expansion• SD card connectors, with card sense
Keypad• Onboard keypad and keypad connector
Network Support• WiFi 802.11g/b and BT2.0 + EDR Combo Module
USB• One USB OTG high-speed transceiver with mini-
ATA SupportATA5 controller with
• Stereo microphone jack, headphone and video jack,
stereo and mono (ear piece) speaker terminals
• One Ethernet jack connector (for application/debug)
USB connector
• One USB high-speed host transceiver, with
standard USB host connector
• One 44-position dual row 2 mm header for small
form-factor disk drivers
• One 40-pin ZIF connector for Toshiba HDD
Accelerometer• Onboard accelerometer with sensitivity in three
separate axes (X, Y, Z)
Serial PortTwo RS-232 interfaces with DB-9 connectors
• One RS-232 interface is driven by a UART channel
internal to the MX31, and it supports DCE with
optional full modem controls
• The other RS-232 interface is DTE with optional full
modem controls
Cables• 5.0V/2.4A universal power supply kit
• RS-232 standard serial cable
• High Speed USB cables with mini-AB connectors for
• High speed cable with standard A-to-mini-B
• Mini-USB adaptor
• Ethernet cables (2) with RJ45-8 connectors
i.MX31 3-Stack Quick Start Guide for Linux
About the Boards
J1 Board-to-Board Connector
CPU Board
Table 1.2 3-Stack Platform Features
Software• Sample Windows® embedded CE binary image
Development Tools
CPU Board
from Freescale
• Windows embedded CE BSP available from
• ATK software
• Platform Builder 5.0/6.0
• Visual Studio 2005
You use the J1 board-to-board connector (500 pins) to connect the CPU board to either of
the other two boards:
• Connect the CPU board to a Personality board, for running demos (no Debug board
is needed).
• Connect the CPU board to a Debug board, (and connect the Personality board to the
Debug board) for developing software. The Personality board plugs into the other
side of the Debug board.