NVT NV-EC1701U User Manual

Complete Installation Guide
Model NV-EC1701U
with PoE, PoE+, or High Power PoE
Access to the interior of this unit shall be made only by
a qualied technician.
To ensure adequate cooling of the equipment, a 2-inch unobstructed space must be provided around all sides
of the unit. To prevent the risk of shock or re hazard, replace fuse with same type and rating.
Der Zugang ins Innere des Gerätes ist nur einem
fachlich qualizierten Techniker gestattet. Um die Kühlung des Gerätes nicht zu beeinträchtigen,
ist es notwendig, an allen Seiten des Gerätes ca 5 cm
Raum zu lassen.
Zur Vermeidung der Stromschlag-und Feuergefahr beim Auswechseln Sicherungen des gleichen Typs und
der gleichen Nennleistung einsetzen.
Seul un spécialiste doit avoir accès l’appareil. An de ne pas nuire au processus de refroidissement, il
est nécessaire de laisser un espace d’environ 5 cm de
chaque côté de l’appareil. An d’éviter tout risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution, remplacez les fusibles par des fusibles de même type et de même ampérage.
El acceso al interior de esta unidad deberá ser realizado únicamente por un técnico cualicado.
Para asegurar un enfriamiento adecuado del equipo, se debe proporcionar un espacio sin obstrucciones de 2 pulgadas alrededor de todos los lados de la
Para evitar el riesgo de choque o peligro de incendio,
reemplace el fusible con el mismo tipo y clasicación.
L’accesso all’interno di questa unità `deve essere
e󰀨ettuata solo da un tecnico qualicato. Per garantire un adeguato ra󰀨reddamento dell’apparecchiatura, uno spazio libero da 2 pollici deve essere fornita intorno a tutti i lati dell’unità. Per evitare che la prevenzione del rischio di scossa o
di pericolo di incendio, sostituire il fusibile con lo stesso
tipo e valore.
Достъп до вътрешността на този уред трябва да се извършва само от квалифициран техник. За да се осигури подходящо охлаждане на оборудването, трябва да се осигури 2-инчово свободно пространство около всички страни на устройството. За да предотвратите опасност от удар или пожар, сменете предпазителя със същия тип и квалификация.
Juurdepääs interjööri selle üksuse tehakse ainult
kvalitseeritud tehnik.
Jahutuse tagamiseks seadme, 2-tolline vaba ruum
peab olema ümber kõik küljed üksus.
Selleks, et vältida riski ning tulekahjuoht, vaheta kaitse
sama tüüpi ja hinnang.
Η πρόσβαση στο εσωτερικό της μονάδας πρέπει να γίνεται μόνο από εξειδικευμένο τεχνικό. Για να εξασφαλιστεί η κατάλληλη ψύξη του εξοπλισμού, πρέπει να υπάρχει ένας ελεύθερος χώρος 2 ιντσών γύρω από όλες τις πλευρές της μονάδας. Για να αποφύγετε τον κίνδυνο κρούσης ή πυρκαγιάς, αντικαταστήστε την ασφάλεια με τον ίδιο τύπο και την ίδια βαθμολογία.
Piekļuve interjera šīs vienības veic tikai kvalicēts tehniķis. Lai nodrošinātu pietiekamu dzesēšanu iekārtu, 2 collu aizsegts telpu jānodrošina ap visām pusēm vienības. Lai novērstu risku, ka trieciena vai ugunsgrēka briesmas, nomainīt drošinātāju ar tāda paša veida un reitingu.
Prieiga prie šio įrenginio viduje, turi būti atlikti tik kvalikuotas specialistas. Siekiant užtikrinti tinkamą aušinimą įranga, 2 colių užgriozdinti erdvę turi būti pateikta apie visus įrenginio pusių. Siekiant užkirsti kelią šoko ar gaisro pavojus riziką, pakeiskite saugiklį su tos pačios rūšies ir įvertinimas.
A készülék belsejét csak szakképzett szakember végezheti. A berendezés megfelelő hűtésének biztosítása
érdekében egy 2 hüvelykes, akadálytalan helyet kell
biztosítani a készülék minden oldalán. Az ütésveszély vagy a tűzveszély elkerülése érdekében cserélje ki az azonos típusú és minősített biztosítékot.
Toegang tot het interieur van dit toestel wordt alleen
door een gekwaliceerde technicus uitgevoerd.
Om een adequate afkoeling van de apparatuur te garanderen, moet een 2-inch vrijstaande ruimte rondom
alle kanten van het apparaat worden aangebracht.
Om het risico op schokken of brandgevaar te voorkomen,
vervang de zekering met hetzelfde type en de waarde.
Tilgang til det indre av denne enheten skal kun utføres
av en kvalisert tekniker.
For å sikre tilstrekkelig kjøling av utstyret, må det være
2 tommers uhindret plass rundt alle sider av enheten.
For å unngå fare for støt eller brannfare, bytt sikring
med samme type og karakter.
Dostęp do wnętrza tego urządzenia wykonuje tylko wykwalikowany technik. W celu zapewnienia odpowiedniego chłodzenia urządzenia, wokół wszystkich stron urządzenia musi być umieszczona 2-calowa przestrzeń bez przeszkód. Aby uniknąć ryzyka porażenia prądem lub pożaru, wymień bezpiecznik na ten sam typ i poziom.
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888.901.3633 | +44 (0) 208 977 6614 www.nvtphybridge.com
Copyright © 2017 NVT Phybridge
Complete Installation Guide
Model NV-EC1701U
with PoE, PoE+, or High Power PoE
O acesso ao interior desta unidade deve ser efectuado
apenas por um técnico qualicado.
Para assegurar o resfriamento adequado do equipamento, um espaço sem obstruções de 2 polegadas deve ser fornecido em torno de todos os
lados da unidade. Para evitar o risco de choque ou incêndio, substitua o fusível pelo mesmo tipo e classicação.
Accesul la interiorul acestui aparat trebuie efectuat
numai de către un tehnician calicat. Pentru a asigura o răcire adecvată a echipamentului, trebuie prevăzut un spațiu liber de 2 inci pe toate laturile unității. Pentru a preveni riscul de șoc sau de pericol de incendiu, înlocuiți siguranța cu același tip și clasicare.
Dostop do notranjosti te enote se izvede le strokovnjak. Da bi zagotovili ustrezno hlajenje opreme, mora 2-palčni neoviran prostor, je treba zagotoviti okoli vse strani enote. Da bi preprečili nevarnost udara ali nevarnosti požara, zamenjajte varovalko iste vrste in jakosti.
Přístup k vnitřku tohoto přístroje musí provádět pouze kvalikovaný technik. Aby bylo zajištěno přiměřené chlazení zařízení, musí být kolem všech stran jednotky zajištěn volný prostor o průměru 2 palce. Abyste předešli nebezpečí úrazu nebo požáru, vyměňte pojistku stejného typu a typu.
Aðgangur að innanverðu þessa eininga skal aðeins
gerð af viðurkenndum tæknimanni.
Til að tryggja fullnægjandi kælingu búnaðarins verður
að vera með 2 tommu óhindrað pláss fyrir alla hliðum tækisins. Til að koma í veg fyrir hættu á losti eða eldhættu skal skipta um öryggi með sömu tegund og einkunn.
Aċċess għall-intern ta ‘din l-unità għandha ssir biss minn tekniku kkwalikat. Biex jiġi żgurat tkessiħ adegwat tat-tagħmir, 2-pulzier spazju mhux mxkel għandhom ikunu provduti madwar naħat kollha tal-unità. Biex ikun evitat ir-riskju ta ‘xokk jew perikolu ta’ nar, jissostitwixxu fjus bil istess tip u ratika.
Adgang til det indre af denne enhed skal kun foretages
af en kvaliceret tekniker.
For at sikre tilstrækkelig afkøling af udstyret skal der være en 2-tommers uhindret plads på alle sider af
For at undgå risiko for stød eller brandfare udskiftes
sikringen med samme type og rating.
Prístup do interiéru tohto prístroja môže vykonať iba kvalikovaný technik. Aby bolo zabezpečené dostatočné chladenie zariadenia, musí byť okolo všetkých strán jednotky k dispozícii 2-palcový neobmedzený priestor. Aby ste zabránili nebezpečenstvu výbuchu alebo požiaru, vymeňte poistku rovnakého typu a typu.
Tämän laitteen sisätilojen saa suorittaa ainoastaan
pätevä teknikko.
Laitteen riittävän jäähdytyksen varmistamiseksi on järjestettävä 2 tuuman esteettömät tilat laitteen kaikkien
puolien ympärille.
Vaihda sulake saman tyyppisellä ja luokalla, jotta iskun
tai tulipalon vaara ei onnistu.
Tillgång till det inre av denna enhet ska endast utföras
av en kvalicerad tekniker.
För att säkerställa tillräcklig kylning av utrustningen måste ett 2-tums fritt utrymme tillhandahållas runt alla
sidor av enheten.
För att undvika risk för chock eller brandfara, byt ut
säkring med samma typ och betyg.
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888.901.3633 | +44 (0) 208 977 6614 www.nvtphybridge.com
Copyright © 2017 NVT Phybridge
Complete Installation Guide
Model NV-EC1701U
with PoE, PoE+, or High Power PoE
Transmit 10/100 BaseT Full Duplex Ethernet up to 1,000ft (305m)* over 4-pair cat5; 750ft (228m) over 18/2 (or similar 2-wire cable); 500ft (150m) over Shielded Twisted­ Pair
Powers PoE entry stations (or other PoE, PoE+, or High Power devices), up to 60 watts*
55VDC is distributed over 2-wire cable to all connected IP devices
One NVT Eo2TM transceiver at the network-end can support multiple remote Eo2TM transceivers and connected devices
Up to four Eo2TM transceivers can be rack mounted on an NV-RMEC16U-90 Eo2TM Rack Mount Tray Kit, connecting up to 16 entry stations or contact closures
Easy conguration, no PC required
Transparently supports all networking protocols (UDP, TCP/IP, HTTP, Multicast etc.)
Advanced 128-bit AES encrypted transmission and PoE+ power technology
Built-in transient protection; Industrial temperature range
Available in 1-4 device Eo2TM System Kits
Limited lifetime warranty
The NVT Phybridge Model NV-EC1701U Eo2TM Ethernet over 2-Wire Transceiver is a compact media converter that allows 10/100 BaseT Ethernet and PoE power to be transmitted
using UTP, STP,18/2, or similar cable. These devices are often used in legacy installations where existing wire is re-used as part of an upgrade to IP devices. 55VDC class 2 power is
delivered to one transceiver, which distributes it to up to four remote transceivers, and their
PoE or PoE+ devices.
These transceivers are extremely simple to use, with no PC conguration required. Status LEDs indicate power and link connectivity/activity for RJ45 and 2-wire ports. The NV-EC1701U is backed by NVTP’s award winning customer support and limited lifetime warranty.
*Distance and number of devices supported may be lower due to attenuation/voltage-drop on the wire. See Wire Distance charts on page 9.
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888.901.3633 | +44 (0) 208 977 6614 www.nvtphybridge.com
Copyright © 2017 NVT Phybridge
NV-EC1701U Eo2 transceivers transmit high bandwidth encrypted Ethernet signals over conventional 2-wire cables. To provide utmost signal integrity and security, the
Complete Installation Guide
Model NV-EC1701U
with PoE, PoE+, or High Power PoE
NV-EC1701U transceivers must be configured to communicate exclusively with other transceivers within their Network Group. This group typically consists of one NV-EC1701U located at the control room (usually connected to an ethernet switch or router), and up to four remote NV-EC1701U transceivers (usually connected to IP cameras or other remote IP devices).
The NV-EC1701U now comes in auto join mode for easy and quick deployments. The joining process is now only required when deploying more than 1 group of NV-EC1701 units. When deploying more than 1 group (max 4 end points and 1 head end) you are required to factory default the groups after the first group. You must first factory default the units in the next group so they can be joined together into a group. Follow the un-joining method listed below and once factory defaulted you can then move to Step 3 to join the newly factory defaulted units together.
Step One: Gather Materials
Step One: Gather Materials
NV-EC1701U transceivers 55V power supply & line-cord (NV-PS55-60W) Hook-up wire or BNC cable (not supplied)
Coax jumper
Small paper-clip, partially straightened: Device labels IP Network Documentation Log
Step Two: Connect Hardware
Remove and discard the “Configure Before Use” labels.
Paper-clip (slightly straightened)
NV-EC1701U transceivers
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Connect two NV-EC1701U transceivers using hook-up wire or a BNC cable. Observe polarity. Units will not power-up if the polarity is reversed. Do not connect anything to the RJ45 connector.
Connect a 55V power supply to transceiver #1; Apply power.
Verify that the blue POWER LED on each transceiver illuminates.
Before proceeding to next step, wait for any green BNC LED that came on
during start up to go off, approximately 10 seconds.
Step Three: Joining
On transceiver #1, using the straightened paper-clip to access the small push-button located behind and slightly above the RJ45 LED. Firmly press and release this button.
55V power supply
& line-cord
Step Two: Connect Hardware
Transceiver #1 Transceiver #2
E the
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ve r C
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iv er
The blue Power LED will begin blinking.
Then firmly press and release the same push-button on transceiver #2. The blue Power LED will begin blinking.
Both transceivers have now entered Join Mode. They will find each other and establish encrypted communication. In about 10 seconds, the blue Power LEDs on both transceivers will return to a steady on condition, 'and the green BNC LEDs will illuminate indicating a successful join.
Step Four: Adding Transceivers
(if required)
Transparent view of push-button location
Step Three:
Disconnect transceiver #2 and replace it with a new un-joined transceiver (#3, or #4, or #5).
Repeat steps two and three to add additional transceivers to the same Network Group.
Ethernet over Coax EoC
Step Five: Documentation
Label the configured transceivers with a unique Network Group ID of your choice.
This will help you identify them after they have been deployed.
Record this Network Group information in your IP Network Documentation Log. This log may include essential documentation which will help you identify all system devices during and after deployment:
Camera Number Camera Position/Location Camera Make & Model Camera MAC & IP Address Camera Login & Password
Camera-end NVT Phybridge Transceiver MAC Address NVT Phybridge Transceiver Network Group Name Control Room NVT Phybridge Transceiver MAC Address
Control Room Router Port Number
Un-Joining a Transceiver
If you need to move a transceiver from one Network Group to another, it must first un-learn its previous Network Group and be returned to an un-joined state. Do this by performing these steps:
Disconnect the transceiver from the old network.
Connect a 55 VDC power supply to a transceiver.
Wait until its green BNC LED is lit.
Using the straightened paper-clip to access the small push-button located behind and slightly above the RJ45. Press and hold this button for 10-12 seconds until all of the LEDs flash.
Release the paperclip. Observe that the green BNC LED goes on for ten seconds and then goes off.
Un-joining is now complete. If you are not sure that un-joining has been successful, remove and then re-apply power, and repeat.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device must not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
+ 48-55 VDC 0.03 MIN - 1.6A MAX
C L A S S 2 O N LY ( S E LV )
Step Five: Transceiver MAC Address
55V power supply & line-cord
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888.901.3633 | +44 (0) 208 977 6614 www.nvtphybridge.com
Copyright © 2017 NVT Phybridge
6 Watt IP Camera
NV-EC1701U NV-EC1701U
Complete Installation Guide
Model NV-EC1701U
with PoE, PoE+, or High Power PoE
Ethernet over Coax EoC Transceiver
Figure 1 - Typical Installation
Most installations that use the NV-EC1701U transceiver involve the replacement of old analog equipment with new
IP devices, while reusing the installed wire.
To prevent damage, disconnect all analog equipment
before installing the IP equipment. The NV-EC1701U uses the wire to deliver 55VDC.
Transceiver Conguration
NV-EC1701U transceivers must be congured to
communicate exclusively with other transceivers within their
Network Group. The conguration process is described on page 3.
Connecting the Camera End
Install the new IP device. Mount the NV-EC1701U nearby or within 328 feet (100 meters). Connect an RJ45 cable
between the network connector (PoE) of the IP device and
the RJ45 jack on the NV-EC1701U.
Connect the screw-terminal adaptor to the BNC jack on the NV- EC1701U and connect one wire conductor to a terminal
marked “+”. Connect the other wire conductor to a terminal marked “-”. Observe polarity so that it will match that of
the control-room end.
For most installations, the IP device’s power will be low enough, and the wire distance short enough, so that the IP device and its NV-EC1701U can receive power through the
wire. In most cases, a power supply will not be needed at this end. For additional details, see pages 6 & 7.
Set the NV-EC1701 PoE toggle switch (located near the BNC connector) to ON if the connected IP device requires PoE to be delivered by the NV-EC1701 and to OFF if PoE
should not be delivered by NV-EC1701. This setting relates to power delivery at the Ethernet RJ45 connection.
Ethernet over Coax EoC Transceiver
55VDC Power Supply
This will provide power to the entire system, including the
cameras. The Blue “Power” LEDs will illuminate on both transceivers.
If the LEDs do not light, check the wire polarity. If the blue LEDs blink, then the power supply is cycling on and o󰀨 due to an overload condition. Check for wire faults or excessive loading.
Connect an RJ45 patch-cord between the RJ45 jack on
the NV-EC1701U and your ethernet switch.
The Green LEDs will illuminate when a network link is
established, and will blink when data tra󰀩c is present.
The NV-EC1701U transceivers communicate with each
other using a bus-architecture. This means that multiple
remote NV-EC1701Us may be connected together to
an NV-EC1701U at the control-room. The cables are connected together using the screw-terminal adaptor.
Extra screw terminals are provided to allow easy
connection. Star, daisychain, or any combination of
topologies, including mixing of UTP and coax media may
be used.
Unlike coax-based signal distribution, the high frequency signals that are transmitted can be susceptible to very small amounts of crosstalk from other NV-EC1701U
network groups. For this reason, do not transmit signals from di󰀨erent network groups within adjacent wire pairs.
The NV-EC1701U transceiver supports full PoE, PoE+, and High Power cameras, as well as non-powered legacy
Connecting the Control-room End
Install a second NV-EC1701U at the control-room end of
the wire.
Connect the screw-terminal adaptor to the BNC jack on the NV-EC1701U and connect one wire conductor to a terminal
marked “+”. Connect the other wire conductor to a terminal marked “-”. Be sure to match the polarity of the remote-end NV-EC1701U.
If rack-mounting is desired, use the NV-RMEC16U-90 tray,
which supports up to four NV-EC1701U transceivers.
Connect a class 2 (SELV) 55VDC power supply to the
power jack on the NV-EC1701U.
Page 5 of 14
Unlike conventional PoE, voltage-drop and load current
must be conrmed by the installer. See “High Power
Extended Distance Considerations” on page 6 and use
the IP Distance Calculator at www.nvtphybridge.com.
NVT Phybridge’s Class 2 current limiting ensures safety of the installation during fault conditions, while delivering
higher power (up to 90 watts) with more e󰀩cient allocation amongst loads. Up to two power supplies may be used
within a network group.
888.901.3633 | +44 (0) 208 977 6614 www.nvtphybridge.com
Copyright © 2017 NVT Phybridge
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