) Before installing the Display driver, make sure your Windows 95/98/2000/NT
was installed in VGA mode and functions properly.
) For Windows 95 systems, please install DirectX before attempting to use the
MPEG Movie Player.
) To use an AGP graphics card with NT4.0, you m ay need to re-install NT with
Service Pack 3 (SP3) or later version before installing the AGP card.
) If you are running Windows NT4.0, please note that some drivers are not
compatible with earli er releases of Windows NT. Consult your dealer or local
support to ensure you have the most recent releases for Windows NT and the
) The pictures in this chapter are only for Win98 reference.
Before You Begin
If your system is running Windows 95/98/2000/NT, the New Hardware Found
dialog box will appear after restart. Select Driver from disk provided by
hardware manufacturer, click OK, then follow all on-screen instructions. If the
New Hardware Found dialog box does not appear, follow the instructions below.
Setup VGA Mode
Click the right mouse but ton anywhere on the Windows 95/98/2000/NT deskt op and
select Properties from the pop-up menu that appears on screen. Select Settings │
Change Display Type (For OSR2 users, please select Settings││││ Advanced
Properties. For Windows 98 users, please select Settings││││Advanced. For
Windows NT users, please select Setting││││Display Type) and then click the
[Change] button for Adapter Type. When the Select Device dialog box appears on
the screen, please select [Standard display types] from the manufacturers list and
select Standard Display Adapter (VGA) from the list of models then click OK.
Chapter 3 Software Installation