This Guide shows screen pictures made with Windows® XP. The
appearance may vary under other Operating Systems.

Why are PDF files popular?
The Portable Document Format has become a de-facto standard for
document exchange across platforms and computing environments.
More than 200 million PDF documents are posted on the World Wide
Web. Key benefits that have driven this popularity are:
• Integrity: PDF files look like the original documents they were
created from. They conserve their appearance after sharing regardless of platform, operating system, installed fonts or local
settings on each computer or device.
• File size: In many cases, PDF files can be more compact than their
source documents - ideal for file transfer.
• Security: PDF files can be digitally signed and password protected
to prevent unauthorized changes.
• Sharing: While the basic document content can be frozen,
commenting and mark-up tools allow collective authoring and
document review.
PDF file viewers are freely available, but there are fewer options when it
comes to creating PDF files. This is the role of PDF Create 6.
What PDF Create does for you
Nuance® PDF Create 6 lets you create PDF files from a wide range of file
types. The Print dialog box in your print-capable applications will offer a
printer named ScanSoft PDF Create!
The PDF Create Assistant lets you compile a list of files generated by
different applications. Each file can be converted to a separate PDF file,
or they can be combined, overlaid or packaged into a single file.
When working in Microsoft® WordTM, Excel®, or PowerPoint you can
call on the program to create a PDF file directly from your current
document. During conversions hyperlinks and comments can be
transferred and you can set bookmarks to be generated from the
structure of the Word document, each worksheet in Excel or for each
slide in a PowerPoint presentation. When working in Microsoft
Outlook® or Lotus Notes®, message attachments can be saved as PDF

files. As you write a new message or a reply, you can choose a non-PDF
file from your computer to have it converted to PDF and attached. You
can convert a web page in Internet Explorer to a PDF.
The program can create PDF files in versions 1.3 to 1.7 and PDF/A. Files
can be protected by passwords and can include watermarks.
Compression and font settings give you control over PDF file size and
The PDF Product family
Nuance Communications, Inc. offers three PDF products:
• Nuance PDF Converter to unlock PDF and XPS files
• Nuance PDF Create to create PDF files
• Nuance PDF Converter Professional to unlock, create, edit,
comment and share PDF files and to unlock and create XPS files.
Installation and Activation
PDF Create 6 detects previous versions and prompts for your
confirmation to remove them. You should have administrator rights on
the computer to install and activate the program. You need web access
for activation.
1. Insert the CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive
The installation program will start automatically. If it does not, locate
your CD-ROM drive in Microsoft
double-click the program's autorun.exe file. Select a language for
installation. The InstallShield
(If you have downloaded the program from the Nuance web site,
double-click its autorun.exe file.)
2. License and Serial Number
You must accept the license agreement in order to proceed. You must
enter a serial number. You will find this on the CD sleeve or on the
Nuance web site, or a reseller’s site at the download location. Some
resellers let you see the serial number at a later time, by returning to your
purchase order. Be sure to keep the serial number in a safe place; it is
Windows® Explorer and
Wizard will appear.

fully checked only during product activation and is also needed for any
3. Location and Setup Type
The installer offers a default location for the program. Accept it or define
a different one. Select Complete or Custom Setup. Choose Custom to
enable or disable the integration of PDF Create in other programs. By
default, all the programs offered in the PDF Create Integration panel of
the InstallShield Wizard will be enabled. You can change integration
settings later by choosing the program under Add or Remove Programs
in the Control Panel and clicking Change and then Repair.
4. Click Finish
Registration runs at the end of installation. Select Register Online to
establish a connection to the Nuance web site. We provide an easy
electronic form that can be completed in a few moments. When the form
is filled, click Submit. If you decide not to register or to be reminded
later, you can go to
http://www.nuance.com to register online any time
later. Click on Support and from the main support screen choose
Product Registration. For a statement on the use of your registration
data, please see Nuance's Privacy Policy.
5. Activate
You will be invited to activate the product at the end of installation.
Please ensure that web access is available. Provided your serial number is
found at its storage location and has been correctly entered, no user
interaction is required and no personal information is transmitted. If you
do not activate the product at installation time, you will be invited to do
this each time you invoke the program. PDF Create can be launched only
five times without activation.
How to Get Help
This guide is available in a PDF file on the CD and after installation in the
program folder. It can also be accessed from the About panel. When the
program is delivered electronically, this PDF is available at the download
site and is included in the download.