You are entering a new era of microprocessor controlled stage lighting technology. The powerful NSI Micro-Ple x designs involve the
electrical marriage of microprocessor technology and digitally controlled multiple xing. The result is a control packag e with the flexiblity
for a variety of innovative applications.
The NSI NCM 72 Series Lighting Console features an advanced microprocessor based design containing many benefits found in
today's personal computers. This technology provides for the option of adding programmable Memory Scene Masters and Chase
effects to the simplicity of a familiar two scene console.
The NSI Micro-Plex technology found in aIl NSI products allows components of your lighting system t o be interconnected by way of
standard 3-conductor microphone cables or audio snakes. Up to 128 individual control sign als may be transmitted to dimmer packs
through a single microphone cable and the returned phantom power eliminates the need for AC power cords on NSI co ntrollers. This
makes the remote placement of the NCM 72 Series Lighting Console easy and convenient.
The NSI NCM 72 Series Lighting Console represents our continuing commitment of leading the industry in defining technological
advances for stage lighting.
Welcome to the era of microprocessor controlled stage lighting!
NCM 7216 / 7232 Installation\Setup
Software Revision 1.44 and above Power Supply Requirements
2 Installation\Setup
Power Supply Requirements
The NCM 72 SERIES requires a source of 15 volts DC (600 ma) in or der to operate satisfactorily, When used with NSI dimming
equipment, power is provided through the Micro-plex microphone cord. Connect the console to at least two or more operating NSI
dimmer packs.
NOTE: It is recommended that when using satellite type Dimmer Packs, at least two(2) operational dimmer packs be used to
power the 72 SERIES console. Using only one dimmer pack may result in insufficient power and erratic operation.
Long MICRO-PLEX control cable runs ( 50 ft.) of light gauge cable (less than 18ga.) may also require the addition of an external power
supply near the console in-line with the control cable.
The NSI DMX-16 demultiplexer may be used as an external power supply or contact your dealer for alternative po wer supplies. When
using the NCM 72 SERIES with alternate multiplex systems (AMX-192, DMX-512) an external p ower supply must be us ed since these
other multiplex systems have no provision for phantom power.
Dimmer Equipment Connection
Connecting the NCM 72 SERIES to NSI dimming systems is very simple. You only need to connect a single 3 conduct or audio cable
(standard microphone cable with 3-pin XLR Equipm ent connectors) or equivalent shielded cable to the Microplex o utput jack on the
back of Connection the console. The other end of the cable is then conn ected to the first NSI dimmer pack. Another 3 c onductor cable
is used to connect the first dimmer pack to the second dimmer pack. Additional NSI dimmer packs may be connected in the same
NOTE: 18ga. cable is highly recommended in the run between the console and the dimmers to prevent low DC power to the
console. This heavy duty cable is required in runs over 50ft. If the console's DC power drops below 13 volts, the LCD will
display "CHECK POWER" and the console may operate unreliably.
If the NCM 72 SERIES is being connected to a DMX-512 or AMX-192 multiplex dimming system then a standard 5 pin "DIN"
connector (ie. Switchcraft #05JL5M) must be wired to the multiplex cable to the dimming system as illustrated. Insert the multiplex
cable into the MPX jack on the back of the console.
If an external power supply is used it should be located near the consol e and connected with a short "mic" cord to the remaining
MICRO-PLEX jack on the back of the console.
The first time the NCM 72 SERIES is used, the configuration parameters may need to
be set, otherwise the unit may appear to be operating improperly. Please see reference part of manual on CONFIGURE MODE.
Please read through the trouble-shooting checklist at the end of this manual, prior to using this console, to help avoid common
NCM 7216 / 7232 Quick Operation Guide
Software Revision 1.44 and above Short Cuts
3 Quick Operation Guide
Short Cuts
It Is Advisable To Read Your Owners Manual Completely In Order To Fully Understand The capabilities of your new NSI 72 series
console. However, if you need to operate the unit immediately, it can be quickly configured as a two scene controller by following
these steps.
1. Connect the microphone cable from the dimmer packs.
2. LCD display will light and display name banner.
3. After a few seconds, either 2SC or STD will appear in upper right hand corner of display.
¾ If 2SC is shown; two scene operation is locked on, so pr oceed to step 6.
¾ Otherwise follow the next steps.
4. Press the CONF MODE button; LCD will prompt for configuration.
5. Press MEMORY SCENE #6 to set the console mode. The LCD display will indicate "STANDARD" mode.
¾ Press MEMORY SCENE button #1 and the "TWO SCENE" mode should n ow appear in LCD.
¾ Note that pressing MEMORY SCENE button #1 again will toggle the console back and forth between "STANDARD"
and "TWO SCENE" mode.
¾ Leave the console in the "T WO SCENE" mode an d hit the B/O button.
6. The X-Y crossfaders are now assigned to SCN A and SCN B and function as follows:
¾ Whenever both the X and Y CROSSFADER controls are in the fully up position; SCN A slide controls will
directly operate lights.
¾ Whenever both CROSSFADER controls are in the down position; SCN B will operate lights.
¾ BUMP buttons will flash respective lighting channels.
¾ The MASTER LEVEL control must be up for lights on stage to operate.
¾ The B/O button will cause all stage lights to fade out at the set fade rate, and one or both of the X-Y
CROSSFADER LEDS will flash indicating a blackout condition. You can move the MASTER LEVEL to full down
to reset the X-Y CROSSFADER controls.
7. For more details see section on "Two Scene Operation .
NCM 7216 / 7232 Basic Operation Guide
Software Revision 1.44 and above Two Scene Mode
4 Basic Operation Guide
Two Scene Mode
The 72 SERIES console may be placed in a "two-scene" operating mode which simulates the operation of simple manual lighting
This operating mode is recommended for learning basic operation of the 72 SERIES. It is also us eful for times when an operator is
unfamiliar with the advanced features of the console and would feel more comfortable with t wo-scene co ntrol constantly available.
To place the console in the two-scene operating mode follow these steps.
1. Press CONF MODE button. The LCD will prompt for a configuration selection.
2. Press MEMORY SCENE #6 to access console mode configuration.
3. Press MEMORY SCENE #1 to toggle console operating mode until LCD display reads T WO-SCENE.
4. Press B/O button to leave configure mode.
The console will remain in the two-scene mode until either re-configured or power is removed.
NOTE: The console can be set to power-up in this or other operating mode by following directions listed under Installation
Parameters located in the reference section of the manual.
Bump Buttons
The BUMP BUTTONS on the NCM 72 series console are used to force any lighting channels to full intensity regardless of other
console settings. These buttons are useful for flashing lights, turning lights on momentarily, or "panic" buttons for when something
unexpected happened that you were not set up for and you need to turn on some lights fast.
To demonstrate the function of the BUMP BUTTONS simply press one or any combination of BUMP BUTTONS and notice that the
respective lights immediately come to full intensity.
Channel Level Leds
A row of clear LEDS along the top of the NCM 72 series console is for displaying the relative lighting levels sent to stag e. Note that the
MASTER LEVEL control affects the stage lighting levels without affecting the LEDS.
NCM 7216 / 7232 Basic Operation Guide
Software Revision 1.44 and above Two Scene Operation
Two Scene Operation
The following instructions will guide you through the simple proc edures for basic creation and and execution of lighting cues.
NOTE: This section assumes that the console is in the "TWO-SCENE" operating mode as outlined above.
The term "Two-Scene" refers to having two complete sets of identical controls (or "presets") for all lighting channels. These controls
are used to create combinations or lighting levels for a particular "look" on stage (or "scene ").
All lighting control output from the console is controlled by the MASTER LEVEL control. Each of the two sets of presets has a slide
control which controls the overall intensity of each set of lighting levels cal led a crossfader. The crossfader control for SCENE A is at
maximum when in the fully up position, while the crossfader control for SCENE B is at maximum when in the fully down positi on. This
allows the two scenes to blend from one to another by moving both controls simultaneously up or down together, thereby "crossfading"
from one scene to another.
While SCENE A is fully on (or "active") SCENE B can be reset to new lighting levels for the new cue. Then by moving both the
crossfader controls, SCENE B is made active and SCENE A can be reset if desired. This type of operation allows easy composition
and execution of lighting cues. To demonstrate TWO-SCENE operation:
1. First move the MASTER LEVEL slide control and both the X and CROSSFADER controls to the fully down position.
2. Now, preset a lighting scene by moving several of the SCENE A slide controls to approximate desired lighting levels.
Nothing will happen on stage at this point.
3. To bring up this scene, move both the X and Y CROSSFADER controls to fully up and move the MASTER LEVEL
control to fully up. Stage lights should now come up to levels preset on SCENE A slide controls.
4. Preset another lighting scene using SCENE B slide controls.
5. Slowly move both X and Y CROSSFADER controls to the fully down position. Stage lights should gradually change to
levels preset on SCENE B slide controls.
6. Preset another lighting scene using SCENE A slide controls.
7. Slowly move both X and Y CROSSFADER controls to the fully up position. Stage lights should gradually change to levels
The BLACK-OUT button on the NCM 72 Series consoles allows for a c o nveni ent meth od to caus e al l functions to gra duall y fad e out or
instantly go to black.
The BLACK-OUT button is "touch sensitive" in that a light tap will cause all lights to fade out at a setting determined by the fade rate
control. While a press and hold motion will cause an instant blackout.
In order to blackout SCENE A and SCENE B presets, the X CROSSFADER must be moved fully down while the Y CROSSFADER
must be moved fully up. Since the console cannot physically move the crossfader controls, in order to blackout the SCENE A and
SCENE B presets, it must take over control of either or both of the crossfaders electronically. When this happens the LED below the
crossfader control will flash quickly indicating the crossfader is temporarily inoperative. To regain control when needed you can do one
of three things:
¾ Move the MASTER LEVEL control to the fully down position.
¾ Move the affected crossfader to the minimum position.
¾ Tap the LOAD BUTTON below the crossfader causi ng the scene affected to fade back on.
The following steps demonstrate the use of the BLACKOUT BUTTON with the crossfader controls.
1. Move the MASTER LEVEL control to the fully up position.
2. Set up a scene on the SCENE A presets and crossfade to it by moving both crossfaders to the fully up position. The
scene should now be on stage.
3. Move the fade rate slide control to about mid position. The LCD display win show the fade time in seconds from "F00" to
4. Tap the BLACKOUT button and the B/O LED should light and the stage lights along with the channel level LEDS should
gradually fade out. The LOAD LED beneath the X CROSSFADER should start flashing, indicating that the console h as
taken over control of the crossfader.
5. Move the MASTER LEVEL control to the fully down position and notice that the LED stops flashing and the channel leve l
LEDS will restore to previous levels. This is the usual procedure to follow after a blackout. Now you would normally set
up the console for the next event and then raise the MASTER level control when ready.
6. Repeat steps 1 - 4 above and try moving the X crossfader fully down and then slowly raise it again.
7. Repeat steps 1 - 4 above and try tapping the LOAD button for the X crossfader to restore the scene.
The 72 series consoles have the ability to store scenes in digital memory for later recall. Scene memory may be either programmed
from the setting of the SCENE A channel level slide controls or may be copied from an actual look on stage.
The memory of the console is divided up into 8 pages. A page is a collection of 16 or 32 scen es (depending on the capacity of the
console). Once a page is selected, the scenes of 1/2 of the page are available for storage or recall at the touch of one of the MEMORY
SCENE buttons. Whether the first half or second half of the page is available is dependent upon the setting of the SCENE SELECT
For Example;
¾ The NCM 7216 has 8 pages of 16 scenes each.
¾ Either scenes 1 - 8 or scenes 9 - 16 can be made available.
¾ The NCM 7232 has 8 pages of 32 scenes each.
¾ Either scenes 1 - 16 or scenes 17 - 32 can be made available.
Tapping the PROGRAM SCENE A button followed by tapping a MEMORY SCENE button will store the settings of the SCENE A
channel level controls into memory at a location determined by the MEMORY SCENE button pressed and the current page and
SCENE SELECT settings. This is called "blind" programming because the lighting levels are not presented on stage.
Tapping the PROGRAM STAGE button follow by tapping an appropriate MEMORY SCENE button will store the stage levels
regardless of the setting of the MASTER LEVEL control) into a specific memory location: This is called "live" programming bec ause
lighting levels programmed are the actual levels on stage.
To recall a memory scene; Tap the desired MEMORY SCENE button by itself (make s ure neither of the PROGRAM leds are fit). The
green led above the button will light and t he scene stored at the selected memory location will fade on at the fade rate set by the
FADE RATE control. If the same MEMORY SCENE button is tapped again the green led will extinguish and the scene will fade out. If
the MEMORY SCENE button is held down when recalling a scene, the scene will fade up quickl y, after a .2 second delay.
When the scene fades up it will add to any other scenes activated on the conso le (including manual scenes). If the SCENE SPLIT is
off, any previous memory scene will be deactivated and will fade out at the set rate. If SCENE SPLIT is on then only the memory
scenes on the same side of the split will be canceled.
The following steps demonstrate blind programming and recalling of memory scenes:
1. First press and hold down B/O to blackout any manual and memory scenes currently active. Do not reset the manual X-Y
2. Now using the SCENE A slide controls, create a lighting scene by moving the controls to desir ed levels.
3. Make sure that the SCENE SELECT button is in either the 1-8 or 1-16 position. Tap the button to set the correct mode.
4. Tap the SCENE A PROGRAM button and the LCD will prompt for scene to program.
5. Tap a desired MEMORY SCENE button and the channel level settings of SCENE A will be stored in memory.
6. Now by setting the FADE RATE control to a 5 - 10 second fade time and then tapping the same MEMORY SCENE
button, the programmed memory scene should fade up.
Note: lower right hand corner of LCD indicates progress of fade up or fade down.
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