2002 National Semiconductor Corporation www.national.com
October 2002
LM9702 Real Time Digital Image Processor
General Description
The LM97 02 co ntai ns all function s nee de d to build a VGA digita l
stil l and/or video camera. It incorporate s a 16 bit RISC micr oprocessor, a flexible image processing pipeline, hardware JPEG
compression, and the required periphery modules in a single IC.
This architecture allows a very fast click-to-click time and full resolution video wi thout sac rificing image qua lity or c ost; becau se
the co mp uta t io n ex tensive op er a ti on s ar e p r oc es s ed by c i r cu itry
dedica ted to image processing. T he highly o ptimized mem ory
manage ment provided by the LM9702 keeps the memor y cost of
the complete camera to a minimum.
A chip set compr ising of the LM9702 and a National VGA CMOS
image sensor complemented by a lens, battery, compact flash,
power management for the battery, and LCD (optional) yields a
comple te high perfo rmance cost effective digital still and/or video
! Embedded 16 bit RISC processor system
- Up to 16M-bytes of external memory addressing space
- 16K-bytes Internal RAM
- 6 channe l DMA
- 8 channel versatile timer
- Interrupt controller
- 16 input wake up module
- Full dupl ex USA RT
- µwire/SPI serial port
- 16 ge neral purpose IOs (GPIO)
- SD Memory Card Interface (SPI Mode)
! Glueless CMOS image sensor interface
! ACCESS.bus serial interface for imager sensor control
! Integrated USB v1.1 for connection to PC
! Raw Image Data Processor
- Defective pixel correction
- Digital gain and brightness adju stment
- Raw data statistics measurement engine
! Color Im age processing
- Bayer to RGB Interpolation
- Fully programmable color correc tion
- Image sharpening
- Programmable gamma correction
- Thumbn ai l ge ne r at ion
- RGB to YCrCb Conversion
- Digital Gain
! Hardware JPEG Co mp r e ss io n f or both video an d sn aps ho t
! System management
- Internal Clock generation from 12MHz Crystal
- Power management
- Reset generation
! JTAG based serial on-chip debug interface
! PC Cameras
! Dual Mode Cameras
! Digital Still Cameras
! Clip-on Cameras for PDA’s, Cell Phones, etc.
! Embedded Cameras for PDA’s, Cell Phones, etc.
! Industria l Cam er as
Key Specifications
Array Formats
Input Color Form a t
Bayer Pattern
Digital I m ag e Pr oc es s or
10 bit (12 bit internal)
Base Li ne JPE G
Video In Frame Rate
up to 15MHz pixel clock
Video O utputs
up to 921.6K-bits per second
960K-byt e/s
External CR16C Memory
- Memory Type
- Address Space
- Speed
SRAM, Flash, Compact Flash,
up to 16 Mbyte
up to 36MHz
Serial Interfaces
- ACCESS.bus
- µwire/SPI
up to 400KHz
up to 6.0 MHz
16 bit RISC Processor
- Internal Memory
up to 36
16K-byt es
Clock Spee d
up 60Mhz fr om 12MHz Crystal
Power Supply
2.25 to 2.75 Volt
2.7 to 3.6 Volt
Average Power Dissipation
128 Laminated CSP
Opera tin g t e mp erature
C to +85oC
System Block Diagr am
CMOS Sensor
LM9702 Real Time Digital Image Processor