NSC LM5116EVAL Datasheet

LM5116 Evaluation Board
National Semiconductor Application Note 1596 Robert Sheehan May 2007
The LM5116 evaluation board is designed to provide the de­sign engineer with a fully functional power converter based on Emulated Current Mode Control to evaluate the LM5116 controller IC. The evaluation board provides a 5V output with a 7A current capability. The wide input voltage ranges from 7V to 60V. The design operates at 250kHz, a good compro­mise between conversion efficiency and solution size. The printed circuit board consists of 4 layers, 2 ounce copper top and bottom, 1 ounce copper internal layers on FR4 material with a thickness of 0.06 inches. This application note contains the evaluation board schematic, Bill-of-Materials (BOM) and a quick setup procedure. Refer to the LM5116 datasheet for complete circuit design information.
FIGURE 1. Efficiency with 6 µH Cooper Inductor
The performance of the evaluation board is as follows: Input Range: 7V to 60V Output Voltage: 5V Output Current: 0 to 7A Frequency of Operation: 250 kHz Board Size: 2.55 X 2.65 X 0.5 inches Load Regulation: 1% Line Regulation: 0.1% Over Current Limiting
FIGURE 2. Efficiency with 5.6 µH Pulse Inductor
Powering and Loading Considerations
Read this entire page prior to attempting to power the evalu­ation board.
QUICK SETUP PROCEDURE Step 1: Set the power supply current limit to 15A. Turn off the
power supply. Connect the power supply to the VIN terminals. Step 2: Connect the load, with a 7A capability, to the V
terminals. Positive connection to P3 and negative connection to P4.
Step 3: The EN pin should be left open for normal operation. Step 4: Set VIN to 48V with no load applied. V
should be
in regulation with a nominal 5V output. Step 5: Slowly increase the load while monitoring the output
voltage, V
should remain in regulation with a nominal 5V
output as the load is increased up to 7 Amps. Step 6: Slowly sweep the input voltage from 7 to 60V, V
should remain in regulation with a nominal 5V output. Step 7: Temporally short the EN pin to GND to check the
shutdown function. Step 8: Increase the load beyond the normal range to check
current limiting. The output current should limit at approxi­mately 11A. Cooling is critical during this step.
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LM5116 Evaluation Board AN-1596
Prolonged operation with high input voltage at full power will cause the MOSFETs to overheat. A fan with a minimum of 200 LFM should always be provided.
FIGURE 3. Temperature Rise at 48VIN with 6 µH Cooper
FIGURE 4. Temperature Rise at 48VIN with 5.6 µH Pulse
Using the enable pin provided will allow powering up the source supply with the current level set low. It is suggested that the load be kept low during the first power up. Set the current limit of the source supply to provide about 1.5 times the anticipated wattage of the load. As you remove the con­nection from the enable pin to ground, immediately check for 5 volts at the output.
A quick efficiency check is the best way to confirm that ev­erything is operating properly. If something is amiss you can be reasonably sure that it will affect the efficiency adversely. Few parameters can be incorrect in a switching power supply without creating losses and potentially damaging heat.
For operation at 7VIN with full load, a 100 µF aluminum elec­trolytic capacitor installed across VIN will prevent input filter
oscillation for a typical bench test setup. See the LM5116 data sheet for complete design information.
The evaluation board is configured with over-current protec­tion. The output current is limited to approximately 11A. The thermal stress is quite severe while in an overloaded condi­tion. Limit the duration of the overload and provide sufficient cooling (airflow).
FIGURE 5. Short Circuit at 24VIN Room Temperature
FIGURE 6. Short Circuit at 48VIN 125°C
For sustained short circuit protection, adding C7 1 µF will limit the short circuit power dissipation. D2 should be installed when using C7.
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FIGURE 7. Short Circuit Recovery into Resistive Load
with C7 = 1 µF and D2 Installed
This test point supports evaluation of an auxiliary supply volt­age derived from V
. For output voltages between 7V and 14V, a zero ohm resistor may be installed for R12. The se­lected MOSFETs need greater than 6V gate drive to fully enhance them for lowest R
, so R12 is not recommended
for the 5V output. Under no circumstances should an external voltage source
be connected to VCCX when VIN < VCC. Damage to the con­troller will result. A series diode from the input voltage source to pin 1 is required to accommodate VIN < VCC.
A SYNC pin has been provided on the evaluation board. This pin can be used to synchronize the regulator to an external clock. Refer to the LM5116 datasheet for complete informa­tion.
FIGURE 8. Synchronization at 12V
Figure 12 shows a typical start-up characteristic into a con­stant current active load. This type of load can exhibit an initial short circuit, which is sustained well beyond the normal soft­start cycle. Overshoot of the output voltage is possible with this condition. Increasing the soft-start time to be longer than the initial short circuit period of the active load will minimize any possible overshoot. When using C7, the hiccup off-time may also need adjustment.
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Typical Performance Waveforms
FIGURE 9. Full Synchronous Operation at 48VIN with
JMP1 Removed
FIGURE 10. Discontinuous Operation using Diode
Emulation Mode at 60VIN with JMP1 Installed
FIGURE 11. Transient Response at 24V
FIGURE 12. Start-up into Active Load at 24V
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