Basic Config Register (Continued)
10 PCM_ALWAYS_ON This bit should be set if another codec is using the PCM bus. When set, the LM4930 will
drive the clock and sync signals in all modes except Powerdown (Note 12)
11 I2S_M/S I2S master or slave select. If set then I2S = master. Cleared = slave
12 I2S_RES I2S resolution select. If set then 32 bits per frame. If cleared then 16 bits per frame
13 RSVD RESERVED (Note 13)
14 RSVD RESERVED (Note 13)
15 RSVD RESERVED (Note 13)
Voice/Test Config Registers
This register configures the voiceband codec, sidetone attenuation, and selected control functions. The 7 bit address for the
VOICE TESTCONFIG register is XX10001. (X=0ifADDR is set to logic 0) (X=1ifADDR is set to logic 1)
VOICETESTCONFIG (XX10001). (Set = logic 1, Clear = logic 0)
BIT 15 14 131211109876543210
RESET 0 0 00000000000000
Address Register Description
0 CLASS If set, configures the chip for use with an external class D or linear amplifier and turns the
BTL speaker output into a buffer. (Note 12)
4:1 SIDESTONE_ATTEN Programs the attenuation of the digital sidetone. Attenuation is set as follows:
4:1 Sidetone
4:1 Sidetone Attenuation
0000 Mute 1000 -9dB
0001 -30dB 1001 -6dB
0010 -27dB 1010 -3dB
0011 -24dB 1011 0dB
0100 -21dB 1100 Mute
0101 -18dB 1101 Mute
0110 -15dB 1110 Mute
0111 -12dB 1111 Mute
5 AUTOSIDE This feature is included for use with the mono speaker in hands-free applications where
sidetones may not be desirable. If set, the sidetone is always muted in voice over mono
speaker modes (0010, 0100, 1001, and 1010), otherwise the sidetone is present at whatever
level is set in the gain control register
6 CLOCK_DIV If set, allows for the use of a 24.576MHz crystal. Default setting is for 12.288MHz crystal.
(Note 12)
7 ZXD_DISABLE Disables the zero crossing detect in the stereo DAC to guarantee immediate mode changes
rather than waiting for a zero cross. (Note 11)
8:9 RSVD RESERVED (Note 13)
10:11 CAP_SIZE Set to accomodate different bypass capacitor values to give correct turn-off delay and
click/pop performance. Value is set as follows: (Note 12)
10:11 Delay Bypass Capacitor Size
00 25ms 0.1µF
01 50ms 0.39µF
10 85ms 1µF
12 ZXDS_SLOW If set, this forces the stereo DAC outputs to wait for a zero crossing before powering down
13 MUTE_LS If set, mutes the loudspeaker amplifier in any mode where it is not already muted
14 MUTE_HP If set, mutes the headphone amplifier in any mode where it is not already muted
15 MUTE_MIC If set, mutes the microphone preamp