Pin Descriptions (Continued)
TABLE II. ICSS1002 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
Pin Name
Pin No
Type Function
(V Pkg.)
D0–D7 33–40 I/O Data Bus: This is the parallel port data bus.
RD 42 T Read: This is the parallel port read control. Used with Chip Enable it allows the
parallel port to be read.
WR 43 T Write: This is the parallel port write control. Used with Chip Enable it allows the
parallel port to be written.
CE 44 T Chip Enable: This is the parallel port enable to read or write. It is active low.
DRV EN 45 O Drive Enable: This is the transmit enable signal used by the Analog chip to disable
the receiver mode and enable the transmitter mode
MTP4–MTP7 46–49 O Test Points: These output pins provide access to one of the filter outputs of the
detector integration bus
7F 50 O Seventh Harmonic Overtone Cancellation Signal: This is the seventh harmonic
overtone cancellation signal used to convert FSQWV to a sine wave in the Analog
chip D/A
5F 51 O Fifth Harmonic Overtone Cancellation Signal: This is the fifth harmonic overtone
cancellation signal used to convert FSQWV to a sine wave in the Analog chip D/A
3F 52 O Third Harmonic Overtone Cancellation Signal: This is the Third harmonic overtone
cancellation signal used to convert FSQWV to a sine wave in the Analog chip D/A
FSQWV 53 O Square Wave Transmit Signal: This is the Manchester-encoded frequency mixed
signal, ready for transmission to the power line
AD CLK 55 O A/D Clock: This is the clock for the Analog chip AID converter. It is used to latch the
AD output. It is the A/D sample rate. This is the CLK divided by 16. This output goes
is LOW.
AD3–AD0 56 – 59 T Received Data: These pins are the digital four bit bus from the Analog chip which
contains the ones complement A/D converted signal from the power line
C2–C0 61–63 O Analog Gain Control: These signals are used to set the gain of the Analog chip gain
controlled amplifier
Power on AC 64 O Power on Reset RC Node: This is the power on reset Resistor/Capacitor connect
point. An external RC network charges up to the gate threshold to release the RESET
signal. When this pin is LOW the RESET is active.
SEL4X8 66 T Select 4X or 8X: This is the select line used to set the digital filter clock sample rate
CLK 67 T Clock: This is the 16 MHz clock input
SEL TP 68 T Select Test Points: This signal selects which internal nodes are brought out on the
Test Point Bus and whether Raw Data is inverted or not
4, 22, 41, 60 P VCC: These are positive voltage power supply pins to the part
GND 12, 17, 32, P GND: These are the negative (or 0V) power supply pins to the part
54, 65
TABLE III. ICSS1003 Pin Descriptions
Pin Name
Pin No.
Type Function
(V Pkg.)
GCO 1 Gain Control Amplifier Test Point: A test point to monitor the gain of the gain amplifier
AGND 2 P Analog Ground: The ground reference pin for the gain control amplifier
3PDigital Positive Power Supply Pin: The VCCpin for the digital portion of the ASIC
C0–C2 4–6 I Gain Control Amplifier Gain Setting: These pins set the gain of the gain control amplifier.
These signals are generated by the digital ASIC.
ERR 7OA/D Overflow Signal: This signal goes HIGH if the Analog signal from the gain control
amplifier to the Analog to Digital Converter is being clipped by the A/D converter