The DP83850C 100 Mb/s TX/T4 Repeater Interface Controller, known as 100RIC, is designed specifically to meet
the needs of today's high speed Ethernet networking systems. The DP83850C is fully compatible with the IEEE
802.3 repeater's clause 27.
The DP83850C supports up to twelve 100 Mb/s links with
its network interface ports. The 100RIC can be configured
to be used with either 100BASE-TX or 100BASE-T4 PHY
technologies. Larger repeaters with up to 372 ports may
be constructed by cascading DP83850Cs together using
the built-in Inter Repeater bus.
In conjunction with a DP83856 100 Mb/s Repeater Information Base device, a DP83850C based repeater
becomes a managed entity that is compatible with IEEE
802.3u (clause 30), collecting and providing an easy interface to all the required network statistics.
System Diagram
100 Mb/s
Repeater Interface Controller
■ IEEE 802.3u repeater and management compatible
■ Supports Class II TX translational repeater and Class I
T4 repeater
■ Supports 12 network connections (ports)
■ Up to 31 repeater chips cascadable for larger hub appli-
cations (up to 372 ports)
■ Separate jabber and partition state machines for each
■ Management interface to DP83856 allows all repeater
MIBs to be maintained
■ Large per-port management counters - reduces management CPU overhead
■ On-chip elasticity buffer for PHY signal re-timing to the
DP83850C clock source
■ Serial register interface - reduces cost
■ Physical layer device control/status access available via
the serial register interface
■ Detects repeater identification errors
■ 132 pin PQFP package
100 Mb/s
Repeater Information Base
Inter Repeater Bus
Management Bus
RX Enable [11..0]
100 PHY
Note: The above system diagram depicts the repeater configured in 100BASE-TX mode.
FAST® is a registered trademark of Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation.
is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
RXD[3:0]I—Receive Data: Nibble data inputs from each Physical layer chip. Up to 12 ports are sup-
RXE[11:0]O, L high (low) Receive Enable: Asserted to the respective Physical Layer chip to enable its Receive
RX_DVIhighReceive Data Valid: Asserted High when valid data is present on RXD[3:0].
RX_ERIhighReceive Error: The physical Layer asserts this signal high when it detects receive error.
RXCI—Receive Clock: Recovered clock from the Physical Layer device. RXD, RX_DV, and
CRS[11:0]IhighCarrier Sense: Asynchronous carrier indication from the Physical Layer device.
TXE[11:0]O, LhighTransmit Enable: Enables corresponding port for transmitting data.
TX_RDYO, LhighTransmit Ready: Indicates when a transmit is in progress. Essentially, this signal is the
TX_ERO, MhighTransmit Error: Asserted high when a code violation is requested to be transmitted.
TXD[3:0]O, HhighTransmit Data: Nibble data output to be transmitted by each Physical Layer device.
Note: A table showing pin type designation is given in section 2.5
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
Data. These pins are either active high or active low depending on the polarity of RSM3
pin as shown below:
Active HighUnconnected or pulled high
Active LowPulled down
Note: To ensure that during idle, when 100PHYs TRI-STATE®, this signal is NOT interpreted as “logic one” by the repeater, a 1kΩ pull down resistor must be placed on this
pin. The location on this pull down should be between the repeater and the nearest tristateable component to the repeater.
When this signal is asserted, the 100PHY (TX or T4) device indicates the type of error
on RXD[3:0] as shown below. Note that this data is passed only to the Inter Repeater
Bus, and not onto the TX Bus:
RX_ERRXD[3:0]Receive Error Condition
0dataNormal data reception
10hSymbol code violation
Elasticity Buffer Over/Under-run
12hInvalid Frame Termination
The 100PHY must be configured with the Elasticity Buffer bypassed; hence this error
10Mb Link Detected
code will never be generated.
These error codes will only appear when CRS from the 100PHY is not asserted. Since
the DP83850C only enables a 100PHY when its CRS is asserted, these error codes will
never be passed through the chip.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-down.
RX_ER are generated from the falling edge of this clock.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-down.
logical 'OR' of all TXEs.
2.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
2.2 Inter Repeater and Management Bus Interface
Signal NameTypeActiveDescription
IRD[3:0]I/O/Z, M—Inter Repeater Data: Nibble data input/output. Transfers data from the “active”
/IRD_ERI/O/Z, MlowInter Repeater Data Error: This signal carries the RX_ER state across the Inter Re-
/IRD_VI/O/Z, MlowInter Repeater Data Valid: This signal carries the inverted RX_DV state across the
IRD_CKI/O/Z, M—Inter Repeater Data Clock: All Inter Repeater signals are synchronized to the rising
IRD_ODIRO, Lhigh Inter Repeater Data Outward Direction: This pin indicates the direction of data for
/IR_ACTIVEI/O/OC, MlowInter Repeater Activity: This “open-collector” type output is asserted when the re-
/IR_COL_INIlowInter Repeater Collision In: Indication from another DP83850C that it senses two or
/IR_COL_OUT O/OC, MlowInter Repeater Collision Out: Asserted when the DP83850C senses two or more
IR_VECT[4:0] I/O/OC, M high Inter Repeater Vector: When the repeater senses at least one of its ports active, it
MD[3:0]I/O/Z, Mhigh Management Data: Outputs management information for the DP83856 manage-
/M_DVI/O/Z, MlowManagement Data Valid: Asserted when valid data is present on MD[3:0].
M_CKI/O/Z, M—Management Clock: All data transfers on the management bus are synchronize to
/M_ERI/O/Z, MlowManagement Error: Asserted when an Elasticity Buffer overrun or under-run error
DP83850C to all other “inactive” DP83850Cs. The bus master of the IRD bus is determined by IR_VECT bus arbitration.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
peater bus. Used to track receive errors from the physical layer in real-time
Inter Repeater bus. It is used to frame good packets.
Note: A recommended 1.5K pull-up prevents first repeated packet corruption .
edge of this clock.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
an external transceiver. It is HIGH when IRD[3:0], /IRD_V, /IRD_CK, and /IRD_ER
are driven out towards the Inter Repeater bus, and LO W when data is being received
from the bus.
peater senses network activity.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
more ports receiving or another DP83850C has detected a collision.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
ports receiving or non-idle, either 1) within this DP83850C or 2) in another
DP83850C, using the IR_VECT number to decide (the IR_VECT number read will differ from the number of this DP83850C if another device is active).
drives its unique vector (from RID[4:0]) onto these pins. If the vector v alue read bac k
differs from its own (because another vector is being asserted by another device),
then this DP83850C will:
1) not drive IRD_ODIR signal and,
2) the IRD[3:0], /IRD_ER, /IRD_V, and IRD_CK signals will be placed in TRI-STATE
Howev er, if the value read back is the same as its own RID number, this DP83850C
will continue to drive the Inter Repeater bus signals. Note that these v ectors are driven onto the bus for the duration of /ACTIVEO assertion.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
ment chip. During packet reception the DP83850C drives its RID number and the port
number of the receiving port onto this bus.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
the rising edge of this clock.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
has been detected.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
2.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameTypeActiveDescription
/IR_BUS_ENO,LlowInter-Repeater Bus Enable: This signal is asserted at all times (either when the
RDIOI/O/Z, L—Register Data I/O: Serial data input/output transfers data to/from the internal regis-
RDCI—Register Data Clock: All data transfers on RDIO are synchronized to the rising edge
/SDVIlowSerial Data Valid: Asserted when a valid read or write command is present. Used to
/ACTIVEOO/OC, MlowActive Out: Enable for the IR_VECT[4:0] and /IR_ACTIVE signals. Used in multi-
Note: A table showing pin type designation is given in section 2.5
100RIC is driving the bus or receiving from the bus) and it is deasserted only when
the 100RIC switches direction from an input (receiving) mode to an output (driving)
mode. After this switch, this signal becomes asserted again.
ters. Serial protocol conforms to the IEEE 802.3u MII (Media Independent Interface)
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
of this clock. RDC is limited to a maximum frequency of 2.5 MHz. At least 3 cycles
of RDC must be provided during assertion of /RST (pin 103) to ensure proper reset
of all internal blocks.
detect disconnection of the management bus so that synchronization is not lost. If not
used, tie this pin to GND.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
DP83850C systems to enable the external buff ers driving these Inter Repeater Bus
A pull up of 680 1/2 must be used with this signal.
2.3 EEPROM Interface
Signal Name Type ActivePin Description
EE_CSO, Lhigh EEPROM Chip Select: Asserted during reads to EEPROM.
EE_CKO, L-EEPROM Serial Clock: Local Clock ÷ 32 = 0.78125MHz
EE_DOI-EEPROM Serial Data Out: Connected to the serial data out of the EEPROM.
EE_DIO, L-EEPROM Serial Data In: Connected to the serial data in of the EEPROM.
2.4 Miscellaneous
Signal NameTypeActivePin Description
LCKI—Local Clock: Must be 25 MHz ± 50ppm. Used for TX data transfer to Physical Layer
RID[4:0]I—Repeater Identification Number: Provides the unique vector for the IR_VECT[4:0]
/RSTIlowReset: The chip is reset when this signal is asserted low.
GRDIOI/O/Z, L—Gated Register Data Input/Output: This I/O is a gated version of RDIO. When the
BRDCO, L—Buffered Register Data Clock: Buffered v ersion of RDC. Allows more devices to be
RDIRO, Lhigh Register Data Direction: Direction signal for an external bi-directional buffer on the
devices, TX Bus data transfers and DP83850C internal state machines.
signals used in Inter Repeater bus arbitration. These bit are also used to uniquely identify this chip for serial register accesses. The RID value is latched when reset is deasserted.
Note: The arbiter cannot use the value 1Fh as its arbitration vector. This is the
IR_VECT[4:0] bus idle state, therefore RID[4:0] must never be set to this value.
“phy_access” bit in the CONFIG register is set high, the RDIO signal is passed through
to GRDIO for accessing the physical layer chips.
Note: Input buffer has a weak pull-up.
chained on the MII serial bus.
RDIO signal.
0 = RDIO data flows into the DP83850C
1 = RDIO data flows out of the DP83850C
Defaults to 0 when no register access is present.
2.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameTypeActivePin Description
PART[5:0]O, L—Partition: Used to indicate each port's Jabber and Partition status. PART[3:0] cycle
RID_ERO, Lhigh Repeater ID Error: This pin is asserted under the conditions which set the RID_error
MODE[1:0]I—Mode Inputs: The 100RIC may be configured in the following modes:
Note: A table showing pin type designation is given in section 2.5
I/O, L—Repeater State Machine Output/ RXE Polarity: This pin is an input during reset and
I/O, L O, L—Test Outputs indicating the state of the Repeater State Machine.
through each port number (0-11) continuously. PART[4] indicates the Partition status
for each port (1 = Port Partitioned). PART[5] indicates the Jabber status for each port
(1 = Port Jabbering). These pins are intended to be decoded to drive LEDs.
bit in the DEVICEID register.
it is used to latch the desired polarity of RXE[11:0] signals.
When this pin is pulled high or it is unconnected, then the RXE signals become active
high. However, if this signal is pulled low, then the RXE signals become active low.
In all other non-reset times, this pin reflects the output of the Repeater State Machine.
I/O/ZBi-directional Buffer with high impedance output
O/ZOutput Buffer with high impedance capability
OCOpen Collector like signals. These buffers are
either driven low or in a high-impedance state.
LOutput low drive: 4 mA
MOutput medium drive: 12 mA
HOutput high drive : 24 mA
3.0 Functional Description
The following sections describe the different functional
blocks of the DP83850C 100 Mb/s Repeater Interface Controller. The IEEE 802.3u repeater specification details a
number of functions a repeater system is required to perform. These functions are split between those tasks that
are common to all data channels and those that are specific to each individual channel. The DP83850C follows
this split task approach for implementing the required functions. Where necessary , the diff erence betw een the TX and
T4 modes is discussed.
3.1 Repeater State Machine
The Repeater State Machine (RSM) is the main block that
governs the overall operation of the repeater. At any one
time, the RSM is in one of the following states: Idle,
Repeat, Collision, One Port Left, or Noise.
3.1.1 Idle State
The RSM enters this state after reset or when there is no
activity on the network and the carrier sense is not present.
The RSM exits from this state if the above conditions are
no longer true.
3.1.2 Repeat State
This state is entered when there is a reception on only one
of the ports, port N. While in this state, the data is transmitted to all the ports except the receiving port (por t N). The
RSM either returns to Idle state when the reception ends,
or transitions to Collision state if there is reception activity
on more than one port.
3.1.3 Collision State
When there is receive activity on more than one port of the
repeater, the RSM moves to Collision state. In this state,
transmit data is replaced by Jam and sent out to all ports
including the original port N.
There are two ways for the repeater to leave the Collision
state. The first is when there is no receive activity on any
of the ports. In this case, the repeater moves to Idle state.
The second is when there is only one port experiencing
collision in which case the repeater enters the One Port
Left state.
3.1.4 One Port Left State
This state is entered only from the Collision state. It guarantees that repeaters connected hierarchically will not jam
each other indefinitely. While in this state, Jam is sent out
to all ports except the port that has the receive activity. If
more receive activity occurs on any other port, then the
repeater moves to Collision state.
Otherwise, the repeater will transition to Idle state when the
receive activity ends.
3.1.5 Noise State
When there is an Elasticity Buffer overflow or underflow
during packet reception, then the repeater enters the Noise
state. During this state, the Jam pattern is sent to all transmitting ports. The repeater leaves this state by moving
either to the Idle state, if there is no receive activity on any
ports, or to the Collision state, if there is a collision on one
of its segments.
3.2 RXE Control
When only one port has receive activity, the RXE signal
(receive enable) is activated. If multiple ports are active
(i.e. a collision scenario), then RXE will not be enabled for
any port. The Port Select Logic asserts the open-collector
outputs /IR_COL_OUT and /IR_ACTIVE to indicate to
other cascaded DP83850Cs that there is collision or
receive activity present on this DP83850C.
The polarity of the RXE signal can be set through an external pull down resistor placed at the RSM[3] pin. That is, if
the RSM[3] pin is unconnected or pulled high, then the
RXE is active high and when the RSM[3] is pulled low, then
the RXE is active low.
3.3 TXE Control
This control logic enables the appropriate ports for data
transmission according to the four states of the RSM. For
example, during Idle state, no ports are enabled; during
Repeat state, all ports but port N are enabled; in Collision
state, all ports including port N are enabled ; during One
Port Left state, all ports except the port experiencing the
collision will be enabled.
3.4 Data Path
After the Port Selection logic has enabled the active port,
receive data (RXD), receive clock (RXC), receive error
(RX_ER) and receive data valid (RX_DV) will flow through
the chip from that port out onto the Inter Repeater (IR) bus
if no collisions are present. The signals on the IR bus flow
either in to or out of the chip depending upon the
Repeater’s state.
If the DP83850C is currently receiving and no collisions are
present, the IR signals flow out of the chip. The
DP83850C's Arbitration Logic guarantees that only one
DP83850C will gain ownership of the IR bus. In all other
states, the IR signals are inputs.
When IR signals are inputs, the signals flow into the Elasticity Buffer (EB). Here, the data is re-timed and then sent
out to the transmit ports. The Transmit Control logic determines which ports are enabled for data transmission.
If a collision occurs, a Jam pattern is sent out from the EB
instead of the data. The Jam pattern (3,4,3,4,..... from the
DP83850C, encoded by the Physical Layer device as
1,0,1,0,.....) is transmitted for the duration of the collision
If the repeater is configured in the preamble regeneration
mode (T4 mode), approximately 12 clock cycles after the
assertion of /IR_ACTIVE (indicating a packet reception on
a segment), the 100RIC begins to transmit the preamble
pattern onto the other network segments. While the preamble is being transmitted, the EB monitors the received
clock and data signals. When the start of the frame delimiter "SFD" is detected, the received data stream is written
into the EB. After this point, data from the EB is sent out to
the Transmit interface. The preamble is always generated
in its entirety (i.e. fifteen 5’s and one D) even if a collision
3.5 Elasticity Buffer
The elasticity buffer, or a logical FIFO buffer, is used to
compensate for the variations and timing differences
between the recovered Receive Clock and the local clock.
This buffer supports maximum clock skews of 200ppm for
the preamble regeneration (T4) mode, and 100ppm for the
TX mode, within a maximum packet size of 1518 bytes.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
3.6 Jabber Protection State Machine
The jabber specification for 100BASE-T is functionally different than 10BASE-T.
In 10BASE-T, each port's Jabber Protect State machine
ensures that Jabber transmissions are stopped after 5ms
and followed by 96 to 116 bit times silence before the port
is re-enabled.
In 100BASE-T, when a por t jabbers, its receive and transmit ports are cutoff until the jabber activity ceases. All other
ports remain unaffected and continue normal operation.
The 100BASE-T Jabber Protect Limit (that is, the time for
which a port can jabber until it is cutoff) for the DP83850C
is reached if the CRS is active for more than 655µs.
A jabbering port that is cut off will be re-enabled when the
jabber activity ceases and the IDLE line condition is
3.7 Auto-Partition State Machine
In order to protect the network from a port that is experiencing excessive consecutive collisions, each port must
have its own auto-partition state machine.
A port with excessive consecutive collisions will be partitioned after a programmed number of consecutive collisions occur on that port. Transmitting ports will not be
The DP83850C has a configuration bit that allows the user
to choose how many consecutive collisions a port should
experience before partitioning. This bit can be set for either
32 or 64 consecutive collisions. The IEEE802.3u
100BASE-T standard specifies the consecutive collisions
limit as greater than 60. A partitioned port will be reconnected when a collision-free packet of length 512 bits or
more (that is, at least a minimum sized packet) is transmitted out of that port.
The DP83850C also provides a configuration bit that disables the auto-partition function completely.
3.8 Inter Repeater Bus Interface
The Inter Repeater bus is used to connect multiple
DP83850Cs together to form a logical repeater unit and
also to allow a managed entity. The IR bus allows received
data packets to be transferred from the receiving
DP83850C to the other DP83850Cs in the system. These
DP83850Cs then send the data stream to their transmit
enabled ports.
Notification of collisions to other cascaded DP83850Cs is
as important as data transfer across the network. The arbitration logic asynchronously determines if more than one
100RIC, cascaded together, are receiving simultaneously.
The IR bus has a set of status lines capable of conveying
collision information between DP83850Cs to ensure their
main state machines operate in the appropriate manner.
The IR bus consists of the following signals:
■ Inter Repeater Data. This is the transfer data, in nibble
format, from the active DP83850C to all other cascaded
■ Inter Repeater Data Error. This signal carries the receive error status from the physical layer in real-time.
■ Inter Repeater Data Valid. This signal is used to frame
good packets.
■ Inter Repeater Data Clock. All IR data is synchronized
to this clock.
■ Inter Repeater Data Outward Direction. This pin indicates the direction of the data flow with respect to the
DP83850C. When the DP83850C is driving the IR bus
(i.e. it contains port N) this signal is HIGH and when the
DP83850C is receiving data from other DP83850Cs
over the IR bus this signal is LOW.
■ Inter Repeater Bus Enable. This signal (connected to
the /ENABLE pin of the external transceivers on the IR
bus) is used in conjunction with the IRD_ODIR signal
(connected to the DIR pin of the transceivers) to TRISTATE these transceivers during the change of direction
from input to output, or vice versa. This signal is always
active allowing the IR bus signals to pass through the
transceivers into or out of the 100RIC. However when
the 100RIC switches from input mode (IRD_ODIR=0) to
output mode (IRD_ODIR=1), the /IR_BUS_EN signal is
deasserted allowing the transceivers to TRI-STATE during the direction change. After this turn-around, this
signal is asserted back again. (IRD_ODIR assertion
(high) to /IR_BUS_EN low timing is a minimum of 0.1 ns.
and a maximum of 1.0. The time from /IR_BUS_EN
(high) to the IRD_ODIR high is a minimum of 10 ns. and
a maximum of 20 ns. In addition, /ACTIVEO assertion
(low) to /IR_BUS_EN high timing is a maximum of 1.0
■ Inter Repeater Activity. When there is network activity
the DP83850C asserts this output signal.
■ Inter Repeater Collision Output. If there are multiple receptions on ports of a DP83850C or if the DP83850C
senses concurrent activity on another DP83850C it asserts this output.
■ Inter Repeater Collision Input. This input indicates that
one of the cascaded DP83850Cs is experiencing a collision.
■ Inter Repeater Vector. When there is reception on a port
the DP83850C drives a unique vector onto these lines.
The vector on the IR bus is compared with the Repeater
ID (RID). The DP83850C will continue to drive the IR
bus if both the vector and RID match.
The following figure shows the conditions that cause an
open collector vector signal to be asserted on the backplane bus.
Figure 1. Open Collector /IR_VECT[n]
As seen, if the RID[n]=1, and the repeater is receiving on a
port, then the /IR_VECT[n] value would be 1 due to the
pull-up on this pin. In the case that RID[n]=0, then a zero is
driven out on the /IR_VECT[n] signal.
As an example assume that two repeaters with RIDs equal
to RID #1=00010 and RID #2=00011 are connected
through the Inter-RIC bus. The following diagrams depict
the values of /IR_VECT signals over the backplane.
■ Active Output. This signal is asserted by a DP83850C
when at least one of its ports is active. It is used to enable
external bus transceivers.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
Activity on the 100RIC
with RID=00010
Activity on the 100RIC
with RID=00011
/IR_Vect value on
the backplane
Activity on the 100RIC
with RID=00011
Activity on the 100RIC
with RID=00010
/IR_VECT value on
the backplane
Figure 2. RID to /IR_VECT Mapping
3.9 Management Bus
The task of network statistics gathering in a repeater system is divided between the DP83850C and DP83856
devices. Together, these devices collect all the required
management information (compliant to IEEE 802.3u clause
30) associated with a packet.
Each time a packet is received by a DP83850C, it drives
the device and the port number onto the management bus
in 3 contiguous nibbles of data.
During a single reception, only one DP83850C drives this
information onto the management bus. During a collision,
the management bus will TRI-STATE (because the information on this bus becomes invalid).
The first nibble of management data contains the least significant 4 bits of the RID number, the second contains the
most significant bit of the RID number and the third contains the number of the receiving port.
When the 100RIC is not receiving a packet, it monitors the
RID numbers from other 100RICs. If there is a match
between any of these numbers and 100RIC’s own RID,
then a RID contention error signal (RID_ER) is asserted.
The management bus also indicates whether an elasticity
buffer error (due to under-run or over-run) has occurred by
asserting the /M_ER signal.
3.10 Management Event Flags and Counters
Repeater management statistics are supported either
directly by using the DP83850C's on-chip event flags and
counters, or indirectly, by the DP83850C providing the
information to the DP83856 via the management and
transmit bus.
Management information is maintained within the
DP83850C in two ways: event flags and counters.
3.10.1 Event Flags
These are the events that provide a snapshot of the operation of the DP83850C. These events include:
■ Auto-Partition State, indicating whether a port is currently partitioned.
■ Jabber State, indicating whether a port is in jabber state.
■ Administration State, indicating if a port is disabled.
3.10.2 Event Counters
The event counters maintain the statistics for events that
occur too frequently for polled flags, or are collision oriented. Each port has its own set of event counters that
keep track of the following events:
■ Port Collisions. A 32-bit counter providing the number of
collision occurrences on a port.
■ Port Partitions. A 16-bit counter indicating the number of
times that the port has partitioned.
■ Late Events. A 32-bit counter indicating the number of
times that a collision took place after 512 bit times (nominal). In the case of late events, both the late event and
the collision counters will be incremented.
■ Short Events. A 32-bits wide counter indicating the number of packets whose length is 76 bits (nominal) or less.
One port left
One port left
3.11 Serial Register Interface
The DP83850C has 64 registers held in two pages of 32
(Register Page 0 and Register Page 1). The registers are
16 bits wide. Only one page of registers can be accessed
at a time.
After power-up and/or reset, the DP83850C defaults to
Register Page 0. Register P age 1 can be accessed by writing 0001h to the PAGE register in Register Page 0, whereupon further accesses will be to Register Page 1.
+ 25 hidden pages
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