NSC DP83257VF-MPC Datasheet

DP83256/56-AP/57 PLAYER
Device (FDDI Physical Layer Controller)
October 1994
DP83256/56-AP/57 PLAYER
Device (FDDI Physical Layer Controller)
General Description
The DP83256/56-AP/57 Enhanced Physical Layer Control­ler (PLAYER
device) implements one complete Physical Layer (PHY) entity as defined by the Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) ANSI X3T9.5 standard.
device integrates state of the art digital clock recovery and improved clock generation functions to enhance performance, eliminate external components and remove critical layout requirements.
FDDI Station Management (SMT) is aided by Link Error Monitoring support, Noise Event Timer (TNE) support, Op­tional Auto Scrubbing support, an integrated configuration switch and built-in functionality designed to remove all strin­gent response time requirements such as PCÐReact and CFÐReact.
Single chip FDDI Physical Layer (PHY) solution
Integrated Digital Clock Recovery Module provides en­hanced tracking and greater lock acquisition range
Integrated Clock Generation Module provides all neces­sary clock signals for an FDDI system from an external
12.5 MHz reference
Alternate PMD Interface (DP83256-AP/57) supports UTP twisted pair FDDI PMDs with no external clock re­covery or clock generation functions required
No External Filter Components
Connection Management (CMT) Support (LEM, TNE, PCÐReact, CFÐReact, Auto Scrubbing)
Full on-chip configuration switch
Low Power CMOS-BIPOLAR design using a single 5V supply
Full duplex operation with through parity
Separate management interface (Control Bus)
Selectable Parity on PHY-MAC Interface and Control Bus Interface
Two levels of on-chip loopback
4B/5B encoder/decoder
Framing logic
Elasticity Buffer, Repeat Filter, and Smoother
Line state detector/generator
Supports single attach stations, dual attach stations and concentrators with no external logic
DP83256 for SAS/DAS single path stations
DP83257 for SAS/DAS single/dual path stations
DP83256-AP for SAS/DAS single path stations that re­quire the alternate PMD interface
TL/F/11708– 1
FIGURE 1-1. FDDI Chip Set Overview
TRI-STATEÉis a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. BMAC
and TWISTERTMare trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation.
1995 National Semiconductor Corporation RRD-B30M115/Printed in U. S. A.
Table of Contents
1.1 FDDI 2-Chip Set
1.2 FDDI TP-PMD Solutions
2.1 Block Overview
2.2 Interfaces
3.1 Clock Recovery Module
3.2 Receiver Block
3.3 Transmitter Block
3.4 Configuration Switch
3.5 Clock Generation Module
3.6 Station Management Support
3.7 PHY-MAC Interface
3.8 PMD Interface
4.1 Run Mode
4.2 Stop Mode
4.3 Loopback Mode
4.4 Device Reset
4.5 Cascade Mode
5.1 Mode Register (MR)
5.2 Configuration Register (CR)
5.3 Interrupt Condition Register (ICR)
5.4 Interrupt Condition Mask Register (ICMR)
5.5 Current Transmit State Register (CTSR)
5.6 Injection Threshold Register (IJTR)
5.7 Injection Symbol Register A (ISRA)
5.8 Injection Symbol Register B (ISRB)
5.9 Current Receive State Register (CRSR)
5.10 Receive Condition Register A (RCRA)
5.11 Receive Condition Register B (RCRB)
5.12 Receive Condition Mask Register A (RCMRA)
5.13 Receive Condition Mask Register B (RCMRB)
5.14 Noise Threshold Register (NTR)
5.15 Noise Prescale Threshold Register (NPTR)
5.16 Current Noise Count Register (CNCR)
5.17 Current Noise Prescale Count Register (CNPCR)
5.18 State Threshold Register (STR)
5.19 State Prescale Threshold Register (SPTR)
5.20 Current State Count Register (CSCR)
5.21 Current State Prescale Count Register (CSPCR)
5.22 Link Error Threshold Register (LETR)
5.23 Current Link Error Count Register (CLECR)
5.24 User Definable Register (UDR)
5.25 Device ID Register (DIR)
5.26 Current Injection Count Register (CIJCR)
5.27 Interrupt Condition Comparison Register (ICCR)
5.28 Current Transmit State Comparison Register (CTSCR)
5.29 Receive Condition Comparison Register A (RCCRA)
5.30 Receive Condition Comparision Register B (RCCRB)
5.31 Mode Register 2 (MODE2)
5.32 CMT Condition Comparison Register (CMTCCR)
5.33 CMT Condition Register (CMTCR)
5.34 CMT Condition Mask Register (CMTCMR)
5.35 Reserved Registers 22H-23H (RR22H-RR23H)
5.36 Scrub Timer Threshold Register (STTR)
5.37 Scrub Timer Value Register (STVR)
5.38 Trigger Definition Register (TDR)
5.39 Trigger Transition Configuration Register (TTCR)
5.40 Reserved Registers 28H-3AH (RR28H-RR3AH)
5.41 Clock Generation Module Register (CGMREG)
5.42 Alternate PMD Register (APMDREG)
5.43 Gain Register (GAINREG)
5.44 Reserved Registers 3EH-3FH (RR3EH-RR3FH)
6.1 DP83256VF Signal Descriptions
6.2 DP83256VF-AP Signal Descriptions
6.3 DP83257VF Signal Descriptions
7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
7.2 Recommended Operating Conditions
7.3 DC Electrical Characteristics
7.4 AC Electrical Characteristics
8.1 DP83256VF Connection Diagram/Pin Descriptions
8.2 DP83256VF-AP Connection Diagram/Pin Descrip-
8.3 DP83257VF Connection Diagram/Pin Descriptions
9.1 Land Patterns
9.2 Mechanical Drawings
1.0 FDDI Chip Set Overview
National Semiconductor’s next generation FDDI 2-chip set consists of two components as shown in
Figure 1-1
. The
device integrates the features of the DP83231
Clock Recovery Device, DP83241 CDDTMClock
Distribution Device, and DP83251/55 PLAYER
Layer Controller. In addition, the PLAYER
device contains
enhanced SMT support.
National Semiconductor’s FDDI TP-PMD Solutions consist of two componentsÐthe DP83222 CYCLONE
Twisted Pair FDDI Stream Cipher Device and the DP83223A TWISTER
Twisted Pair FDDI Transceiver Device.
For more information on the other devices of the chip set, consult the appropriate datasheets and application notes.
DP83256/56-AP/57 PLAYER
Device Physical Layer Controller
The PLAYERadevice implements the Physical Layer (PHY) protocol as defined by the ANSI FDDI PHY X3T9.5 standard.
Single chip FDDI Physical Layer (PHY) solution
Integrated Digital Clock Recovery Module provides en­hanced tracking and greater lock acquisition range
Integrated Clock Generation Module provides all neces­sary clock signals for an FDDI system from an external
12.5 MHz reference
Alternate PMD Interface (DP83256-AP/57) supports UTP twisted pair FDDI PMDs with no external clock re­covery or clock generation functions required
No External Filter Components
Connection Management (CMT) Support (LEM, TNE, PCÐReact, CFÐReact, Auto Scrubbing)
Full on-chip configuration switch
Low Power CMOS-BIPOLAR design using a single 5V supply
Full duplex operation with through parity
Separate management interface (Control Bus)
Selectable Parity on PHY-MAC Interface and Control Bus Interface
Two levels of on-chip loopback
4B/5B encoder/decoder
Framing logic
Elasticity Buffer, Repeat Filter, and Smoother
Line state detector/generator
Supports single attach stations, dual attach stations and concentrators with no external logic
DP83256/56-AP for SAS/DAS single path stations
P83257 for SAS/DAS single/dual path stations
In addition, the DP83257 contains the additional PHYÐDa­ta.request and PHYÐData.indicate ports required for con­centrators and dual attach, dual path stations.
DP83266 MACSITMDevice Media Access Controller and System Interface
The DP83266 Media Access Controller and System Inter­face (MACSI) implements the ANSI X3T9.5 Standard Media Access Control (MAC) protocol for operation in an FDDI token ring and provides a comprehensive System Interface.
The MACSI device transmits, receives, repeats, and strips tokens and frames. It produces and consumes optimized data structures for efficient data transfer. Full duplex archi­tecture with through parity allows diagnostic transmission and self testing for error isolation in point-to-point connec­tions.
The MACSI device includes the functionality of both the DP83261 BMAC device and the DP83265 BSI-2 device with additional enhancements for higher performance and reli­ability.
Over 9 Kbytes of on-chip FIFO
5 DMA Channels (2 Output and 3 Input)
12.5 MHz to 33 MHz operation
Full duplex operation with through parity
Real-time VOID frame stripping indicator for bridges
On-chip Address bit swapping capability
32-bit wide Address/Data path with byte parity
Programmable transfer burst sizes of 4 or 8 32-bit words
Receive frame filtering services
Frame-per-Page mode controllable on each DMA channel
Demultiplexed Addresses supported on ABus
New multicast address matching
ANSI X3T9.5 MAC standard defined ring service op­tions
Supports all FDDI Ring Scheduling Classes (Synchro­nous, Asynchronous, etc.)
Supports Individual, Group, Short, Long, and External Addressing.
Generates Beacon, Claim, and Void frames
Extensive ring and station statistics gathering
Extension for MAC level bridging
Enhanced SBus compatibility
Interfaces to DRAMs or directly to system bus
Supports frame Header/Info splitting
Programmable Big or Little Endian alignment
DP83222 CYCLONE Twisted Pair FDDI Stream Cipher Device
General Description
The DP83222 CYCLONE Stream Cipher Scrambler/Des­crambler Device is an integrated circuit designed to inter­face directly with the serial bit streams of a Twisted Pair FDDI PMD. The DP83222 is designed to be fully compatible with the National Semiconductor FDDI Chip Sets, including twisted pair FDDI Transceivers, such as the DP83223A Twisted Pair Transceiver (TWISTER). The DP83222 re­quires a 125 MHz Transmit Clock and corresponding Re­ceive Clock for synchronous data scrambling and descram­bling. The DP83222 is compliant with the ANSI X3T9.5 TP-PMD standard and is required for the reduction of EMI emission over unshielded media. The DP83222 is specified to work in conjunction with existing twisted pair transceiver signalling schemes and enables high bandwidth transmis­sion over Twisted Pair copper media.
Enables 100 Mbps FDDI signalling over Category 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable and Type 1 Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)
Reduces EMI emissions over Twisted Pair media
Compatible with ANSI X3T9.5 TP-PMD standard
Requires a singlea5V supply
Transparent mode of operation
Flexible NRZ and NRZI format options
Advanced BiCMOS process
Signal Detect and Clock Detect inputs provided for en­hanced functionality
Suitable for Fiber Optic PMD replacement applications
DP83223A TWISTER High Speed Networking Transceiver Device
General Description
The DP83223A Twisted Pair Transceiver is an integrated circuit capable of driving and receiving either binary or (MLT-3) encoded datastreams. The DP83223A Transceiver is designed to interface directly with standards compliant FDDI, 100BASE-TX or STS-3c ATM chip sets, allowing low cost data links over copper based media. The DP83223A allows links of up to 100 meters over both Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) and datagrade Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) or equivalent. The electrical performance of the DP83223A meets or exceeds all performance parameters specified in the ANSI X3T9.5 TP-PMD standard, the IEEE 802.3 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet Specification and the ATM Fo­rum 155 Mbps Twisted Pair PMD Interface Specification. The DP83223A also provides important features such as baseline restoration, TRI-STATE
capable transmit outputs, and controlled transmit output edge rates (to reduce EMI radiation) for both binary and MLT-3 modes of operation.
Compliant with ANSI X3T9.5 TP-PMD standard
Compliant with IEEE 802.3 100BASE-TX Ethernet draft standard
Compliant with ATM Forum 155 Mbps Twisted Pair Specification
Integrated baseline restoration circuit
Integrated transmitter and receiver with adaptive equali­zation circuit
Programmable binary or MLT-3 operation
Isolated TX and RX power supplies for minimum noise coupling
Controlled transmit output edge rates for reduced EMI
TRI-STATE capable current transmit outputs
Loopback feature for board diagnostics
Programmable transmit voltage amplitude
2.0 Architecture Description
The PLAYERadevice is comprised of six blocks: Clock Recovery, Receiver, Configuration Switch, Transmitter, Sta­tion Management (SMT) Support, and Clock Generation Module as shown in
Figure 2-1
Clock Recovery
The Clock Recovery Module accepts a 125 Mbps NRZI data stream from the external PMD receiver. It then provides the extracted and synchronized data and clock to the Receiver block.
The Clock Recovery Module performs the following opera­tions:
Locks to and tracks the incoming NRZI data stream
Extracts data stream and synchronized 125 MHz clock
During normal operation, the Receiver Block accepts serial data as inputs at the rate of 125 Mbps from the Clock Re­covery Module. During the Internal Loopback mode of oper­ation, the Receiver Block accepts data directly from the Transmitter Block.
The Receiver Block performs the following operations:
Optionally converts the incoming data stream from NRZI to NRZ.
Decodes the data from 5B to 4B coding.
Converts the serial bit stream into 10-bit bytes composed of 8 bits data, 1 bit parity, and 1 bit control information.
Compensates for the differences between the upstream station clock and the local clocks.
Decodes Line States.
Detects link errors.
Presents data symbol pairs (bytes) to the Configuration Switch Block.
Configuration Switch
An FDDI station may be in one of three configurations: Iso­late, Wrap or Thru. The Configuration Switch supports these configurations by switching the transmitted and received data paths between PLAYER
devices and one or more
MACSI devices.
The configuration switch is integrated into the PLAYER
device, therefore no external logic is required for this func­tion.
Setting the Configuration switch can be done explicitly via the Control Bus Interface or it can be set automatically with the CFÐReact SMT Support feature.
TL/F/11708– 2
FIGURE 2-1. PLAYERaDevice Block Diagram
2.0 Architecture Description (Continued)
The Transmitter Block accepts 10-bit bytes composed of 8 bits data, 1 bit parity, and 1 bit control information from the Configuration Switch.
The Transmitter Block performs the following operations:
Encodes the data from 4B to 5B coding.
Filters out code violations from the data stream.
Generates Idle, Master, Halt, Quiet, or other user defined symbol pairs upon request.
Converts the data stream from NRZ to NRZI format for transmission.
Provides smoothing function when necessary.
During normal operation, the Transmitter Block presents se­rial data to the PMD transmitter. While in Internal Loopback mode, the Transmitter Block presents serial data to the Re­ceiver Block. While in the External Loopback mode, the Transmitter Block presents serial data to the Clock Recov­ery Module.
Clock Generation Module
The Clock Generation Module is an integrated phase locked loop that generates all of the required clock signals for the PLAYER
device and an FDDI system from a single
12.5 MHz reference.
The Clock Generation Module features:
High precision clock timing generated from a single
12.5 MHz reference.
Multiple precision phased (8 ns/16 ns) 12.5 MHz Local Byte Clocks to eliminate timing skew in large multi-board concentrator configurations.
LBC timing which is insensitive to loading variations over a wide range (20 pF to 70 pF) of LBC loads.
A selectable dual frequency system clock.
Low clock edge jitter, due to high VCO stability.
Station Management (SMT) Support
The Station Management Support Block provides a number of useful features to simplify the implementation of the Con­nection Management (CMT) portion of SMT.
These features eliminate the time critical CMT response time constraints imposed by PCÐReact and CFÐReact times.
Integrated counters and timers eliminate the need for addi­tional external devices.
The following are the CMT features supported:
Auto Scrubbing (TCF Timer)
Timer, Idle Detection (TID Timer)
Noise Event Counter (TNE Timer)
Link Error Monitor (LEM Counter)
device connects to other devices via five functional interfaces: PMD Interface, PHY Port Interface, Control Bus Interface, Clock Interface, and the Miscellane­ous Interface.
PMD Interface
The PMD Interface connects the PLAYER
device to a standard FDDI Physical Media Connection such as a fiber optic transceiver or a copper twisted pair transceiver. It is a 125 MHz full duplex serial connection.
The DP83256-AP and DP83257 PLAYER
devices contain two PMD interfaces. The Primary PMD Interface should be used for all PMD implementations that do not require an external scrambler/descrambler function, clock recovery function, or clock generation function, such as a Fiber Optic or Shielded Twisted Pair (SDDI) PMD. The second, Alter­nate PMD Interface can be used to support Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) PMDs that require external scrambling, and allows implementation with no external clock recovery or clock generation functions required.
PHY Port Interface
The PHY Port Interface connects the PLAYER
device to
one or more MAC devices and/or PLAYER
devices. Each PHY Port Interface consists of two byte-wide interfaces, one for PHY Request data input to the PLAYER
device and
one for the PHY Indicate data output of the PLAYER
de­vice. Each byte-wide interface consists of a parity bit (odd parity), a control bit, and two 4-bit symbols.
The DP83257 PLAYER
device has two PHY Port Interfac-
es while the DP83256 has one PHY Port Interface.
Control Bus Interface
The Control Bus Interface connects the PLAYER
device to a wide variety of microprocessors and microcontrollers. The Control Bus is an asynchronous interface which pro­vides access to 64 8-bit registers which monitor and control the behavior of the PLAYER
The Control Bus Interface allows a user to:
Configure SMT features.
Program the Configuration Switch.
Enable/disable functions within the Transmitter and Re­ceiver Blocks (i.e., NRZ/NRZI Encoder, Smoother, PHY Request Data Parity, Line State Generation, Symbol pair Injection, NRZ/NRZI Decoder, Cascade Mode, etc.).
The Control Bus Interface also can be used to perform the following functions:
Monitor Line States received.
Monitor link errors detected by the Receiver Block.
Monitor other error conditions.
Clock Interface
The Clock Interface is used to configure the Clock Genera­tion Module and to provide the required clock signals for an FDDI system.
The following clock signals are generated:
5 phase offset 12.5 MHz Local Byte Clocks
25 MHz Local Symbol Clock
15.625 or 31.25 MHz System Clock
Miscellaneous Interface
The Miscellaneous Interface consists of:
A reset signal.
User definable sense signals.
User definable enable signals.
Synchronization for cascading PLAYERadevices (a high-performance non-FDDI mode).
Device Power and Ground pins.
3.0 Functional Description
The PLAYERadevice is comprised of six blocks: Clock Recovery, Receiver, Transmitter, Configuration Switch, Clock Generation, and Station Management Support.
The Clock Recovery Module accepts a 125 Mbps NRZI data stream from the external PMD receiver. It then provides the extracted and synchronized data and clock to the Receiver block.
The Clock Recovery Module performs the following opera­tions:
Locks onto and tracks the incoming NRZI data stream
Extracts the data stream and the synchronized 125 MHz clock
The Clock Recovery Module is implemented using an ad­vanced digital architecture that replaces sensitive analog blocks with digital circuitry. This allows the PLAYER
de­vice to be manufactured to tighter tolerances since it is less sensitive to processing variations that can adversely affect analog circuits.
The Clock Recovery Module is comprised of 5 main func­tional blocks:
Digital Phase Detector
Digital Phase Error Processor
Digital Loop Filter
Digital Phase to Frequency Converter
Frequency Controlled Oscillator
Figure 3-1
, Clock Recovery Module Block Diagram.
The Digital Phase Detector has two main functions: phase error detection and data recovery.
Phase error detection is accomplished by a digital circuit that compares the input data (PMID) to an internal phase­locked 125 MHz reference clock and generates a pair of error signals. The first signal is a pulse whose width is equal to the phase error between the input data and a reference clock and the second signal isa4nsreference pulse. These signals are fed into the Digital Phase Error Processor block.
The data recovery function converts the incoming encoded data stream (PMID) into synchronized data and clock sig­nals. When the circuit is in lock the rising edge of the recov­ered clock is exactly centered in the recovered data bit cell.
The digital phase detector uses a common path for phase error detection and data recovery so as to minimize clock Static Alignment Error (SAE). Phase error averaging is also included so that phase errors generated by positive and negative PMID edges equally affect the clock recovery cir­cuit. This greatly improves the immunity to Duty Cycle Dis­tortion (DCD) in the data recovery circuit.
The Digital Phase Error Processor is responsible for sam­pling the Phase Detector’s phase error outputs and produc­ing two digital outputs that indicate to the digital loop filter how to adjust for a difference between the data phase and reference phases.
The Phase Error Processor is designed to eliminate the ef­fects of different clock edge densities between data sym­bols and the various line state symbols on the PLL’s loop gain.
TL/F/11708– 3
FIGURE 3-1. Clock Recovery Module Block Diagram
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
Since the loop gain is held constant regardless of the in­coming signal edge density, PLL characteristics such as jit­ter, acquisition rate, locking range etc., are deterministic and show minimal spread under various operating environments.
The phase error processor also automatically puts the loop in open-loop-mode when the incoming data stream contains abnormal low edge rates. When the PLL is in open-loop­mode, no update is made to the PLL’s filter variables in the filter block. The PLL can then use the pretrained frequency and phase contents to perform data recovery. Since the loop is implemented digitally, these values (the frequency and phase variables) are retained. The resolution of the fre­quency variable is about 1.3 ppm of the incoming frequency. The resolution of the phase variable is about 40 ps.
The digital loop filter emulates a 1-pole, 1-zero filter and uses an automatic acquisition speed control circuit to dy­namically adjust loop parameters.
The digital loop filter takes the phase error indicator signals Data Valid and Up/Down from the Phase Error processor and accumulates errors over a few cycles before passing on the Data Valid and Up/Down signals to the Phase Error to Frequency converter.
The filter has 4 sets of bandwidth and damping parameters which are switched dynamically by an acquisition control circuit. The input Signal Detect (SD) starts the sequence and, thereafter, no user programming is required to finish the sequence.
At the completion of the locking sequence, the loop has the narrowest bandwidth such that the loop produces minimal recovered clock jitter. The PLL can track an incoming fre­quency offset of approximately
200 ppm. After the acqui­sition sequence, the equivalent natural frequency of the loop is reduced to about 7 kHz (
56 ppm) of frequency
The automatic tracking mechanism allows the loop to quick­ly lock onto the initial data stream for data recovery (typical­ly less than 10 ms) and yet produce very little recovered clock jitter.
The Phase Error to Frequency Converter takes the Data Valid and Up/Down signals modified by the Digital Loop Filter and converts them to triangle waves. The frequency of the triangle waves is then used to control the Frequency Controlled Oscillator’s (FCO) 250 MHz oscillations.
Each valid Up or Down signal causes a partial 7-bit counter (using only 96 counts) to increment or decrement at the
–F converter’s clock rate of 15.625 MHz (250 MHz/16). When the Data Valid signal is not asserted, the counter holds count.
The counter value is used to produce 3 triangle waves that are offset in phase by 120 degrees. This is done with a special Pulse Density Modulator waveform synthesizer which takes the place of a traditional Digital-Analog convert­er. The frequency of the triangle waves tells the Frequency Controlled Oscillator how much to adjust oscillation. The phase relationships (leading or lagging) between the 3 sig­nals indicates the direction of change.
The minimum frequency of the triangle waves is 0 and cor­responds to the case when the PLL is in perfect lock with the incoming signal.
The maximum frequency that the
–F converter can pro­duce determines the locking range of the PLL. In this case the maximum frequency of each triangle wave is 162.76 kHz, which is produced when the
–F converter gets a
continuous count in one direction that is valid every
–F converter clock cycle of 15.625 MHz (250 MHz/16). The triangle waves have an amplitude resolution of 48 digital steps, so a full rising and falling period takes 96 counts which produces a maximum frequency of 162.76 kHz (1/(1/15.625 kHz * 96)).
The 96 digital counts of the triangle waves also lead to a very fine PLL phase resolution of 42 ps (4 ns/96 counts). This high phase resolution is achieved using very low fre­quency signals, in contrast to a standard PLL which must operate at significantly higher frequencies than the data be­ing tracked to achieve such high phase resolution.
The frequency controlled oscillator produces a 250 MHz clock that, when divided by 2, is phase locked to the incom­ing data’s clock.
The FCO uses three 250 MHz reference clock signals from the Clock Generation Module and three 0 Hz to 162.76 kHz error clock signals from the Phase Error to Frequency Con­verter as inputs. Each signal in a triplet is 120 degrees phase shifted from the next.
Each corresponding pair (one 250 MHz and one error sig­nal) of signals is mixed together using an amplitude switch­ing modulator, with the error signal modulating the refer­ence. All of the outputs are then summed together to pro­duce the final 250 MHz
fmphase locked clock signal,
where f
is the error frequency.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
During normal operation, the Receiver Block accepts serial data input at the rate of 125 Mbps from the Clock Recovery Module. During the Internal Loopback mode of operation, the Receiver Block accepts input data from the Transmitter Block.
The Receiver Block performs the following operations:
Optionally converts the incoming data stream from NRZI to NRZ.
Decodes the data from 5B to 4B coding.
Converts the serial bit stream into the National byte-wide code.
Compensates for the differences between the upstream station clock and the local clock.
Decodes Line States.
Detects link errors.
Presents data symbol pairs to the Configuration Switch Block.
The Receiver Block consists of the following functional blocks:
NRZI to NRZ Decoder
Shift Register
Framing Logic
Symbol Decoder
Line State Detector
Elasticity Buffer
Link Error Detector
Figure 3-2.
The NRZI to NRZ Decoder converts Non-Return-To-Zero­Invert-On-Ones data to Non-Return-To-Zero format.
NRZ format data is the natural data format that the receiver block utilizes internally, so this function is required when the standard NRZI format data is fed into the device. The re­ceiver block can bypass this conversion function in the case where an alternate data source outputs NRZ format data.
This function can be enabled and disabled through bit 7 (RNRZ) of the Mode Register (MR). When the bit is cleared, it converts the incoming bit stream from NRZI to NRZ. This is the normal configuration required. When the bit is set, the incoming NRZ bit stream is passed unchanged.
The Shift Register converts the serial bit stream into sym­bol-wide data for the 5B/4B Decoder.
The Shift Register also provides byte-wide data for the Framing Logic.
The Framing Logic performs the Framing function by detect­ing the beginning of a frame or the Halt-Halt or Halt-Quiet symbol pair.
The J-K symbol pair (11000 10001) indicates the beginning of a frame during normal operation. The Halt-Halt (00100
00100) and Halt-Quiet (00100 00000) symbol pairs are de­tected for Connection Management (CMT).
TL/F/11708– 4
FIGURE 3-2. Receiver Block Diagram
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
Framing may be temporarily suspended (i.e. framing hold), in order to maintain data integrity.
Detecting JK
The JK symbol pair can be used to detect the beginning of a frame during Active Line State (ALS) and Idle Line State (ILS) conditions.
While the Line State Detector indicates Idle Line State the receiver ‘‘reframes’’ upon detecting a JK symbol pair and enters the Active Line State.
During Active Line State, acceptance of a JK symbol (re­framing) is allowed for any on-boundary JK which is detect­ed at least 1.5 byte times after the previous JK.
During Active Line State, once reframed on a JK, a subse­quent off-boundary JK is ignored, even if it is detected be­yond 1.5 byte times after the previous JK.
During Active Line State, an Idle or Ending Delimiter (T) symbol will allow reframing on any subsequent JK, if a JK is detected at least 1.5 byte times after the previous JK.
During Idle Line State, the detection of a Halt-Halt, or Halt­Quiet symbol pair will still allow the reframing of any subse­quent on-boundary JK.
Once a JK is detected during Active Line State, off-bounda­ry Halt-Halt, or Halt-Quiet symbol pairs are ignored until the Elasticity Buffer (EB) has an opportunity to recenter. They are treated as violations.
After recentering on a Halt-Halt, or Halt-Quiet symbol pair, all off boundary Halt-Halt or Halt-Quiet symbol pairs are ig­nored until the EB has a chance to recenter during a line state other than Active Line State (which may be as long as
2.8 byte times).
The Symbol Decoder is a two level system. The first level is a 5-bit to 4-bit converter, and the second level is a 4-bit symbol pair to byte-wide code converter.
The first level latches the received 5-bit symbols and de­codes them into 4-bit symbols. Symbols are decoded into two types: data and control. The 4-bit symbols are sent to the Line State Detector and the second level of the Symbol Decoder. See Table 3-1 for the 5B/4B Symbol Decoding list.
The second level translates two symbols from the 5B/4B converter and the line state information from the Line State Detector into the National byte-wide code.
The ANSI X3T9.5 FDDI Physical Layer (PHY) standard specifies eight Line States that the Physical Layer can transmit. These Line States are used in the Connection Management process. They are also used to indicate data within a frame during normal operation.
The Line States are reported through the Current Receive State Register (CRSR), Receive Condition Register A (RCRA), and Receive Condition Register B (RCRB).
TABLE 3-1. 5B/4B Symbol Decoding
Symbol Incoming 5B Decoded 4B
0 11110 0000 1 01001 0001 2 10100 0010 3 10101 0011 4 01010 0100 5 01011 0101 6 01110 0110 7 01111 0111 8 10010 1000 9 10011 1001 A 10110 1010 B 10111 1011 C 11010 1100 D 11011 1101 E 11100 1110 F 11101 1111
I (Idle) 11111 1010 H (Halt) 00100 0001 JK (Starting 11000 and 1101
Delimiter) 10001
T (Ending 01101 0101
Delimiter) R (Reset) 00111 0110 S (Set) 11001 0111 Q (Quiet) 00000 0010 V (Violation) 00001 0010 V 00010 0010 V 00011 0010 V 00101 0010 V 00110 0010 V 01000 0010 V 01100 0010 V 10000 0010
Note: VÊdenotes PHY Invalid or an Elasticity Buffer stuff byte I
denotes Idle symbol in ILS or an Elasticity Buffer stuff byte
Active Line State
The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Active Line State upon the reception of the Starting Delimiter (JK symbol pair).
The Line State Detector continues to indicate Active Line State while receiving data symbols, Ending Delimiter (T symbols), and Frame Status symbols (R and S) after the JK symbol pair.
Idle Line State
The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Idle Line State upon the reception of 2 Idle symbol pairs nominally (plus up to 9 bits of 1 in start up cases).
Idle Line State indicates the preamble of a frame or the lack of frame transmission during normal operation. Idle Line State is also used in the handshake sequence of the PHY Connection Management process.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
Super Idle Line State
The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Super Idle Line State upon the reception of 8 consec­utive Idle symbol pairs nominally (plus 1 symbol pair).
The Super Idle Line State is used to insure synchronization of PCM signalling.
No Signal Detect
The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the No Signal Detect state upon the deassertion of the Signal Detect signal or lack of internal clock detect from the Clock Recovery Module, and reception of 8 Quiet symbol pairs nominally. No Signal Detect indicates that the incom­ing link is inactive. This is the same as receiving Quiet Line State (QLS).
Master Line State
The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Master Line State upon the reception of eight consec­utive Halt-Quiet symbol pairs nominally (plus up to 2 symbol pairs in start up cases).
The Master Line State is used in the handshaking sequence of the PHY Connection Management process.
Halt Line State
The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Halt Line State upon the reception of eight consecu­tive Halt symbol pairs nominally (plus up to 2 symbol pairs in start up cases).
The Halt Line State is used in the handshaking sequence of the PHY Connection Management process.
Quiet Line State
The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Quiet Line State upon the reception of eight consecu­tive Quiet symbol pairs nominally (plus up to 9 bits of 0 in start up cases).
The Quiet Line State is used in the handshaking sequence of the PHY Connection Management process.
Noise Line State
The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Noise Line State upon the reception of 16 noise sym­bol pairs without entering any known line state.
The Noise Line State indicates that data is not being re­ceived correctly.
Line State Unknown
The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Line State Unknown state upon the reception of 1 inconsistent symbol pair (i.e. data that is not expected). This may signify the beginning of a new line state.
Line State Unknown indicates that data is not being re­ceived correctly. If the condition persists the Noise Line State (NLS) may be entered.
The Elasticity Buffer performs the function of a ‘‘variable depth’’ FIFO to compensate for phase and frequency clock skews between the Receive Clock (RXC
) and the Local
Byte Clock (LBC).
Bit 5 (EBOU) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB) is set to 1 to indicate an error condition when the Elasticity Buffer cannot compensate for the clock skew.
The Elasticity Buffer will support a maximum clock skew of 50 ppm with a maximum packet length of 4500 bytes.
To make up for the accumulation of frequency disparity be­tween the two clocks, the Elasticity Buffer will insert or de­lete Idle symbol pairs in the preamble. Data is written into the byte-wide registers of the Elasticity Buffer with the Re­ceive Clock, while data is read from the registers with the Local Byte Clock.
The Elasticity Buffer will recenter (i.e. set the read and write pointers to a predetermined distance from each other) upon the detection of a JK or every four byte times during PHY Invalid (i.e. MLS, HLS, QLS, NLS, NSD) and Idle Line State. The Elasticity Buffer is designed such that a given register cannot be written and read simultaneously under normal op­erating conditions. To avoid metastability problems, the EB overflow event is flagged and the data is tagged before the over/under run actually occurs.
The Link Error Detector provides continuous monitoring of an active link (i.e. during Active and Idle Line States) to insure that it does not exceed the maximum Bit Error Rate requirement as set by the ANSI standard for a station to remain on the ring.
Upon detecting a link error, the internal 8-bit Link Error Mon­itor Counter is decremented. The start value for the Link Error Monitor Counter is programmed through the Link Error Threshold Register (LETR). When the Link Error Monitor Counter reaches zero, bit 4 (LEMT) of the Interrupt Condi­tion Register (ICR) is set to 1. The current value of the Link Error Monitor Counter can be read through the Current Link Error Count Register (CLECR). For higher error rates the current value is an approximate count because the counter rolls over.
There are two ways to monitor Link Error Rate: polling and interrupt.
The Link Error Monitor Counter can be set to a large value, like FF. This will allow for the greatest time between polling the register. This start value is programmed through the Link Error Threshold Register (LETR).
Upon detecting a link error, the Line Error Monitor Counter is decremented.
The Host System reads the current value of the Link Error Monitor Counter via the Current Link Error Count Register (CLECR). The Counter is then reset to FF.
The Link Error Monitor Counter can be set to a small value, like 5 to 10. This start value is programmed through the Link Error Threshold Register (LETR).
Upon detecting a link error, the Line Error Monitor Counter is decremented. When the counter reaches zero, bit 4 (LEMT) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) is set to 1, and the interrupt signal goes low, interrupting the Host Sys­tem.
Miscellaneous Items
When bit 0 (RUN) of the Mode Register (MR) is set to zero, or when the PLAYER
device is reset through the Reset pin (ERST), the internal signal detect line is internally forced to zero and the Line State Detector is set to Line State Unknown and No Signal Detect.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The Transmitter Block accepts 10-bit bytes consisting of 8 bits data, 1 bit parity, and 1 bit control information, from the Configuration Switch.
The Transmitter Block performs the following operations:
Encodes the data from 4B to 5B coding.
Filters out code violations from the data stream.
Is capable of generating Idle, Master, Halt, Quiet, or oth­er user defined symbol pairs.
Converts the data stream from NRZ to NRZI for trans­mission.
Serializes data.
During normal operation, the Transmitter Block presents se­rial data to a PMD transmitter.
While in Internal Loopback mode, the Transmitter Block presents serial data to the Receiver Block. While in the Ex­ternal Loopback mode, the Transmitter Block presents seri­al data to the Clock Recovery Module.
The Transmitter Block consists of the following functional blocks:
Data Registers Parity Checker 4B/5B Encoder Repeat Filter Smoother Line State Generator Injection Control Logic Shift Register NRZ to NRZI Encoder
Figure 3-3
, Transmitter Block Diagram.
TL/F/11708– 5
FIGURE 3-3. Transmitter Block Diagram
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
Data from the Configuration Switch is stored in the Data Registers. The 10-bit byte-wide data consists of a parity bit, a control bit, and two 4-bit data symbols as shown below.
b9 b8 b7 b0
Parity Bit Control Bit Data Bits
FIGURE 3-4. Byte-Wide Data
The parity is odd parity. The control bit determines whether the Data bits represent Data or Control information. When the control bit is 0 the Data field is interpreted as data and when it is 1 the field is interpreted as control information according to the National Semiconductor control codes.
The Parity Checker verifies that the parity bit in the Data Register represents odd parity (i.e. odd number of 1s).
The parity is enabled and disabled through bit 6 (PRDPE) of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR).
If a parity error occurs, the Parity Checker will set bit 0 (DPE) in the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) and report the error to the Repeat Filter.
The 4B/5B Encoder converts the two 4-bit data symbols from the Configuration Switch into their respective 5-bit codes.
See Table 3-2 for the Symbol Encoding list.
TABLE 3-2. 4B/5B Symbol Encoding
Symbol 4B Code 5B Code
0 0000 11110 1 0001 01001 2 0010 10100 3 0011 10101 4 0100 01010 5 0101 01011 6 0110 01110 7 0111 01111 8 1000 10010 9 1001 10011 A 1010 10110 B 1011 10111 C 1100 11010 D 1101 11011 E 1110 11100 F 1111 11101
N 0000 11110 or
JK (Starting 1101 11000 and
Delimiter) 10001
T (Ending 0100 or 01101
Delimiter) 0101
R (Reset) 0110 00111
Note: The upper group of symbols are sent with the Control/Data pin set to Data, while the bottom grouping of symbols are sent with the Control/Data pin set to Control.
The Repeat Filter is used to prevent the propagation of code violations to the downstream station.
Upon receiving violations in data frames, the Repeat Filter replaces them with two Halt symbol pairs followed by Idle symbols. Thus the code violations are isolated and recov­ered at each link and will not be propagated throughout the entire ring.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
TL/F/11708– 6
FIGURE 3-5. Repeat Filter State Diagram
Note: Inputs to the Repeat Filter state machine are shown above the transition lines, while outputs from the state machine are shown below the transition lines.
Note: Abbreviations used in the Repeat Filter State Diagram are shown in Table 3-3.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
TABLE 3-3. Abbreviations used in the
Repeat Filter State Diagram
FÐIDLE: Force IdleÐtrue when not in Active
Transmit Mode.
W: Represents the symbols R, or S, or T
TPARITY: Parity error
nn : Data symbols (for C
0 in the PHY-MAC
N: Data portion of a control and data symbol
X: Any symbol (i.e. don’t care)
: Violation symbols or symbols inserted by
the Receiver Block
: Idle symbols or symbols inserted by the
Receiver Block
ALSZILSZ: Active Line State or Idle Line State (i.e.
PHY Invalid)
ALSZILSZ: Not in Active Line State nor in Idle Line
State (i.e. PHY Valid)
H: Halt Symbol
R: Reset Symbol
S: Set Symbol
T: Frame ending delimiter
JK: Frame start delimiter
I: Idle symbol (Preamble)
V: Code violations
The Repeat Filter complies with the FDDI standard by ob­serving the following (see
Figure 3-5
1. In Repeat State, violations cause transitions to Halt State
and two Halt symbol pairs are transmitted (unless JK or Ix occurs) followed by transition to Idle State.
2. When Ix is encountered, the Repeat Filter goes to the Idle
State, during which Idle symbol pairs are transmitted until a JK is encountered.
3. The Repeat Filter goes to the Repeat State following a JK
from any state.
The END State, which is not part of the FDDI PHY standard, allows an R or S prior to a T within a frame to be recognized as a violation. It also allows NT to end a frame as opposed to being treated as a violation.
The Smoother is used to keep the preamble length of a frame to a minimum of 6 Idle symbol pairs.
Idle symbols in the preamble of a frame may have been added or deleted by each station to compensate for the difference between the Receive Clock and its Local Clock. The preamble needs to be maintained at a minimum length to allow stations enough time to complete processing of one frame and prepare to receive another. Without the Smooth­er function, the minimum preamble length (6 Idle symbol pairs) cannot be maintained as several stations may con­secutively delete Idle symbols.
The Smoother attempts to keep the number of Idle symbol pairs in the preamble at 7 by:
Deleting an Idle symbol pair in preambles which have more than 7 Idle symbol pairs
Inserting an idle symbol pair in preambles which have less than 7 idle symbol pairs (i.e. Extend State).
The Smoother Counter starts counting upon detecting an Idle symbol pair. It stops counting upon detecting a JK sym­bol pair.
Figure 3-6
describes the Smoother state diagram.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The Line State Generator allows the transmission of the PHY Request data and can also generate and transmit Idle, Master, Halt, or Quiet symbol pairs which can be used to implement the Connection Management procedures as specified in the FDDI Station Management (SMT) standard document.
The Line State Generator is programmed through Transmit bits 0 to 2 (TM
2:0l) of the Current Transmit State Regis-
ter (CTSR).
Based on the setting of these bits, the Transmitter Block operates in a Transmit Mode where the Line State Genera­tor overwrites the Repeat Filter and Smoother outputs.
See INJECTION CONTROL LOGIC section for a listing of the injection Transmit Modes.
Table 3-4 describes the Transmit Modes.
TABLE 3-4. Transmit Modes
Transit Mode Behavior
Active Transmit Mode Transmit data that comes
from Configuration Switch
Off Transmit Mode Transmit Quiet symbol
pairs and disable the PMD Transmitter
Idle Transmit Mode Transmit Idle symbol pairs
Master Transmit Mode Transmit Halt-Quiet
symbol pairs
Quiet Transmit Mode Transmit Quiet symbol
Reserved Transmit Mode Reserved for future use. If
Mode selected, Quiet symbol pairs will be transmitted.
Halt Transmit Mode Transmit Halt Symbol
Notes: TL/F/11708– 7
SE: Smoother Enable
C: Preamble Counter
FÐIDLE: ForceÐIdle (Stop or ATM
: Current Byte
: Previous Byte
FIGURE 3-6. Smoother State Diagram
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The Injection Control Logic replaces the data stream with a programmable symbol pair. This function is used to transmit data other than the normal data frame or Line States. The injection modes can be used for station diagnostic software.
The Injection Symbols overwrite the Line State Generator (Transmit Modes) and the Repeat Filter and Smoother out­puts.
These programmable symbol pairs are stored in the Injec­tion Symbol Register A (ISRA) and Injection Symbol Regis­ter B (ISRB). The Injection Threshold Register (IJTR) deter­mines where the Injection Symbol pair will replace the data symbols.
The Injection Control Logic is programmed through the bits 0 and 1 (IC
1:0l) of the Current Transmit State Register
(CTSR) to one of the following Injection Modes (see
1. No Injection (i.e. normal operation)
2. One Shot
3. Periodic
4. Continuous
In the No Injection mode, the data stream is transmitted unchanged.
In the One Shot mode, ISRA and ISRB are injected once on the nth byte after a JK, where n is the programmed value specified in the Injection Threshold Register.
In the Periodic mode, ISRA and ISRB are injected every nth symbol.
In the Continuous mode, all data symbols are replaced with the content of ISRA and ISRB. This is the same as periodic mode with IJTR
The Shift Register converts encoded parallel data to serial data. The parallel data is clocked into the Shift Register by the Local Byte Clock (LBC1), and clocked out by the Trans­mit Bit Clock (TXC
) (externally available on the DP83257.)
The NRZ to NRZI Encoder converts the serial Non-Return­To-Zero data to Non-Return-To-Zero-Invert-On-One format.
This function can be enabled and disabled through bit 6 (TNRZ) of the Mode Register (MR). When programmed to ‘‘0’’, it converts the bit stream from NRZ to NRZI. When programmed to ‘‘1’’, the bit stream is transmitted NRZ.
One Shot (Notes 1,3)
TL/F/11708– 8
Periodic (Notes 2,3)
TL/F/11708– 9
Continuous (Note 3)
TL/F/11708– 10
Note 1: In one shot, when ne0, the JK is replaced
Note 2: In periodic, when n
0, all symbols are replaced.
Note 3: Max value on n
FIGURE 3-7. Injection Modes
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The Configuration Switch consists of a set of multiplexers and latches which allow the PLAYER
device to configure the data paths without any external logic. The Configuration Switch is controlled through the Configuration Register (CR).
The Configuration Switch has four internal buses: the AÐRequest bus, the BÐRequest bus, the Receive bus, and the PHYÐInvalid bus. The two Request buses can be driv­en by external input data connected to the external PHY Port interface. The Receive bus is internally connected to the Receive Block of the PLAYER
device, while the PHYÐInvalid bus has a fixed 10-bit SMT PHY Invalid con­nection (LSU) pattern (1 0011 1010), which is useful during the connection process.
The configuration switch also has three internal multiplex­ers, each can select any of the four buses to connect to its
respective data path. The first two are PHY Port interface output data paths, AÐIndicate and BÐIndicate, that can drive output data paths of the external PHY Port interface. The third output data path is connected internally to the Transmit Block.
The Configuration Switch is the same on the DP83256 de­vice, the DP83256-AP device, and the DP83257 device. However, the DP83257 has two PHY Port interfaces con­nected to the Configuration Switch, whereas the DP83256 and DP83256-AP have one set of PHY port interfaces. The DP83257 uses the AÐRequest and AÐIndicate paths as one PHY Port interface and the BÐRequest and BÐIndi­cate paths as the other PHY Port interface (See
Figure 3-8
). The DP83256 and DP83256-AP, having one port interface, use the BÐRequest and AÐIndicate paths as its external port. The AÐRequest and BÐIndicate paths of the DP83256 and DP83256-AP are null connections and are not used by the device (See
Figure 3-9
TL/F/11708– 11
FIGURE 3-8. Configuration Switch
Block Diagram for DP83257
TL/F/11708– 12
FIGURE 3-9. Configuration Switch
Block Diagram for DP83256
and DP83256-AP
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
Single Attach Station (SAS)
The Single Attach Station can be connected to either the Primary or Secondary ring via a Concentrator. Only 1 MAC is needed in a SAS.
The DP83256, DP83256-AP, and DP83257 can be used in a Single Attach Station. The DP83256 and DP83256-AP can be connected to the MAC via its only PHY Port interface. The DP83257 can be connected to the MAC via either one of its 2 PHY Port Interfaces.
Figure 3-10
Figure 3-11
TL/F/11708– 13
FIGURE 3-10. Single Attach Station
Using the DP83256 or DP83256-AP
TL/F/11708– 14
FIGURE 3-11. Single Attachment Station (SAS)
Using the DP83257
Dual Attach Station(DAS)
A Dual Attach Station can be connected directly to the dual ring, or, optionally to a concentrator. There are two types of Dual Attach Stations: DAS with a single MAC and DAS with two MAC layers. See
Figure 3-12
Figure 3-13
Two DP83256 or DP83256-AP parts can be connected to­gether to build a Dual Attach Station, however this configu­ration does not support the optional ThruÐB configuration. When the optional ThruÐB configuration is desired, it is rec­ommended that the DP83257 be used.
A DAS with a single MAC and two paths can be configured as follows (see
Figure 3-12
B Indicate data of PHYÐA is connected to A Request input of PHYÐB. BÐRequest input of PHYÐA is con­nected to A Indicate output of PHYÐB.
The MAC can be connected to either the A Request in­put and the A Indicate output of PHYÐAortheBRe­quest input and the B Indicate output of PHYÐB.
A DAS with a single MAC and one path using the DP83256 or DP83256-AP can be configured as follows (see
Figure 3-
BÐRequest input of PHYÐA is connected to A Indicate output of PHYÐB.
The MAC is connected to the B Request input of PHYÐB and the AÐIndicate output of PHYÐA.
A DAS with dual MACs can be configured as follows (see
Figure 3-14
B Indicate data of PHYÐA is connected to A Request input of PHYÐB. BÐRequest input of PHYÐA is con­nected to A Indicate output of PHYÐB.
MACÐ1 is connected to the BÐIndicate output and the BÐRequest Input of PHYÐB.
MACÐ2 is connected to the AÐIndicate output and the AÐRequest Input of PHYÐA.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
TL/F/11708– 15
FIGURE 3-12. Dual Attachment Station (DAS), Single MAC (DP83257)
TL/F/11708– 16
FIGURE 3-13. Dual Attachment Station (DAS), Single MAC (DP83256/56-AP)
TL/F/11708– 17
FIGURE 3-14. Dual Attachment Station (DAS), Dual MACs
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
There are 2 types of concentrators: Single Attach and Dual Attach. These concentrators can be designed with or with­out MAC(s). The configuration is determined based upon its type and the number of active MACs in the concentrator.
Using the PLAYER
device, a concentrator can be built with many different configurations without any external log­ic.
The DP83256, DP83256-AP, and DP83257 can be used to build a Single Attach concentrator.
See Application Note AN-675, Designing FDDI concentra­tors and Application Note AN-741, Differentiating FDDI con­centrators for further information.
A concentrator is comprised of 2 parts: the Dual Ring Con­nect portion and the Master Ports.
The Dual Ring Connection portion connects the concentra­tor to the dual ring directly or to another concentrator. If the concentrator is connected directly to the dual ring, it is a part of the ‘‘Dual Ring of Trees’’. If the concentrator is con­nected to another concentrator, it is a ‘‘Branch’’ of the ‘‘Dual Ring of Trees’’.
The Master Ports connect the concentrator to its ‘‘Slaves’’, or S-class, Single Attach connections. A slave could be a Single Attach Station or another concentrator (thus forming another Branch of the Dual Ring Tree).
When a MAC in a concentrator is connected to the primary or secondary ring, it is required to be situated at the exit port of that ring (i.e. its PHÐIND is connected to the IND Inter­face of the last Master Port in the concentrator (PHYÐMn) that is connected to that ring).
A concentrator can have two MACs, one connected to the primary ring and one to the secondary ring. In addition, rov­ing MACs can be included in the concentrator configuration. A roving MAC can be used to test the stations connected to the concentrator before allowing them to join the dual ring.
This may require external multiplexers, if used in conjunc­tion with two other MAC layers.
Single Attach Concentrator
A Single Attach concentrator is a concentrator that has only one PHY at the dual ring connect side. It cannot, therefore, be connected directly to the dual ring. A Single Attach con­centrator is a branch to the dual ring tree. It is connected to the ring as a slave of another concentrator.
Multiple Single Attach concentrators can be connected to­gether hierarchically to build a multiple levels of branches in a dual ring.
The Single Attach concentrator can be connected to either the primary or secondary ring depending on the connection with its concentrator (the concentrator that it is connected to as a slave).
Figure 3-15
shows a Single Attach concentrator with a sin-
gle MAC.
Dual Attach Concentrator
A Dual Attach concentrator is a concentrator that has two PHYs on the dual ring connect side. It is connected directly to the dual ring and is a part of the dual ring tree.
The Dual Attach concentrator is connected to both the pri­mary and secondary rings.
Dual Attach Concentrator with Single MAC
Figure 3-16
shows a Dual Attach concentrator with a single
Because the concentrator has one MAC, it can only transmit and receive frames on the ring to which the MAC is con­nected. The concentrator can only repeat frames on the other ring.
Dual Attach Concentrator with Dual MACs
Figure 3-17
shows a Dual Attach concentrator with dual
Because the concentrator has two MACs, it can transmit and receive frames on both the primary and secondary rings.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
TL/F/11708– 18
FIGURE 3-15. Single Attach Concentrator (SAC), Single MAC
TL/F/11708– 19
FIGURE 3-16. Dual Attach Concentrator (DAC), Single MAC
TL/F/11708– 20
FIGURE 3-17. Dual Attach Concentrator (DAC), Dual MACs
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The Clock Generation Module is an integrated phase locked loop that generates all of the required clock signals for the PLAYER
device and the rest of an FDDI system from a
single 12.5 MHz reference.
The Clock Generation Module features:
High precision clock timing generated from a single
12.5 MHz reference.
Multiple precision phased (8 ns/16 ns) 12.5 MHz Local Byte Clocks to eliminate timing skew in large multi-board concentrator configurations.
LBC timing which is insensitive to loading variations over a wide range (20 pF to 70 pF) of LBC loads.
A selectable dual frequency system clock.
Low clock edge jitter, due to high VCO stability.
The Clock Generation Module is comprised of 6 main func­tional blocks:
Reference Selector Phase Comparator Loop Filter 250 MHz Voltage Controlled Oscillator Output Phasing and Divide by 10
Figure 3-18
, Clock Generation Module Block Diagram.
The Reference Selector block allows the user to choose between 2 sources for the Clock Generation Module’s
12.5 MHz reference clock.
The simplest reference clock source option is to use an external 12.5 MHz reference signal fed into the REFÐIN input. This input can come from a crystal oscillator module or from a Local Byte Clock generated by another PLAYER
device. Using the appropriate crystal oscillator ensures cor­rect operating frequency without having to adjust any dis­crete components.
Using an LBC clock from another PLAYER
device allows
device to create a master clock to which
other PLAYER
devices in a system can be synchronized.
Another reference clock source option is a local 12.5 MHz crystal circuit. An example crystal circuit with component values is shown in
Figure 3-19.
This circuit is designed to
operate with a crystal that has a C
of 15 pF. The capacitor values may need to be slightly adjusted for an individual application to accomodate differences in parasitic loading.
The REFÐSEL signal selects between the two references.
Component Values
Crystal: 12.50000 MHz R: 270X 5% C
: 56 pF (1%)
: 54 pF (1%)
: 54 pF (1%)
TL/F/11708– 22
FIGURE 3-19. Crystal Circuit
The Phase Comparator uses two signal inputs: the selected
12.5 MHz reference from the Reference Select Block and a Local Byte Clock that has been selected for the feedback input, FBKÐIN. Typically, LBC1 is used as the feedback clock.
The Phase Comparator generates a pulse of current that is proportional to the phase difference between the two sig­nals. The current pulses are used to charge and discharge a control voltage on the internal Loop Filter. This control volt­age is used to minimize the phase difference between the two signals.
The Loop Filter is a simple internal filter made up of one capacitor in parallel with a serial capacitor and resistor com­bination. One end of the filter is connected to Ground and the other node is driven by the Phase Comparator and con­trols the internal 250 MHz Voltage Controlled Oscillator. This node can be examined for diagnostic purposes on the LPFLTR pin when the FLTREN bit of the CGMREG register is enabled. The LPFLTR pin is provided for diagnostic pur­poses only and should not be connected in any application.
TL/F/11708– 21
FIGURE 3-18. Clock Generation Module Block Diagram
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The voltage on the Loop Filter is set by the current pulses generated by the Phase Comparator. The voltage on the Loop Filter node controls the frequency of the 250 MHz VCO.
The internal Voltage Controlled Oscillator is a low gain VCO whose primary frequency of oscillation centers around 250 MHz. The VCO produces little clock jitter due to its exceptional stability under all circumstances.
The VCO’s output frequency is proportional to the voltage on the Loop Filter node.
The Output Phasing block is a precision clock division circuit that produces clock signals of 4 distinct frequencies. Within the 12.5 MHz frequency, 5 clock signals with selectable 8 ns or 16 ns phase difference are produced.
The following clock signals are produced:
System Clock (CLK16/CLK32) Local Symbol Clock (LSC) Local Byte Clocks 1 –5 (LBCn) (Divide by 10)
System Clock (CLK16/CLK32)
The System Clock is provided as an extra set of clock fre­quencies that may be used as a clock for non-FDDI chipset portions of a system or as a higher frequency System Inter­face clock for the MACSI device. This clock is derived by dividing the 125 MHz clock by 8 or 4 times.
The frequency is selectable through the CLKSEL bit of the MODE2 register. The output has built-in glitch suppression so that changing the CLKSEL bit will not result in glitches appearing at the output.
Local Symbol Clock (LSC)
The Local Symbol Clock is a 40% HIGH/60% LOW duty cycle clock provided for use by the MACSI device and any external logic that needs to be synchronized to the Symbol timing.
This clock is derived by dividing the 125 MHz clock by 5.
Local Byte Clocks 1 –5 (LBCn)
The Local Byte Clocks are provided for use by the MACSI device, by any external logic that needs to be synchronized to the Byte timing, and for use in concentrators to synchro­nize the timing between multiple PLAYER
These clocks are derived by dividing the 125 MHz clock by
10. The different phase relationships between the LBCs are achieved by tapping off of different outputs of a Johnson counter inside the Output Phasing block.
The phase relationship (separation by 8 ns or 16 ns) of the LBCs is selected using the PHÐSEL pin.
One of the LBCs must be used as the source of the feed­back input, FBKÐIN, which requires a 12.5 MHz frequency. When the PLAYER
device is using a crystal as a refer­ence it does not matter which LBC is used as the feedback input. Typically the least loaded LBC is used. However, when using an external reference that is supplied by anoth­er PLAYER
device, it is important to select the LBC that keeps your system properly synchronized. Typically, all de­vices will use LBC1 as the feedback input.
The Station Management Support Block provides a number of useful features to simplify the implementation of the Con­nection Management (CMT) portion of SMT.
These features eliminate the most severe CMT response time constraints imposed by the PCÐReact and CFÐReact times. The many integrated counters and timers also elimi­nate the need for additional external devices.
The following CMT features are supported:
Auto Scrubbing (TCF Timer)
Timer, Idle Detection (TID Timer)
Noise Event Counter (TNE Timer)
Link Error Monitor (LEM Counter)
PCÐReact is one of the timing restrictions imposed by Con­nection Management (CMT). It is one of the two most crit­ical timing restrictions imposed (the other being CFÐRe­act.)
The ANSI SMT standard states that ‘‘PCÐReact is the max­imum time for PCM[Physical Connection Management]to make a state transition to PCÐBreak when QLS, a fault condition, or PCÐStart signal is present. This maximum time also places a limit on the time to react to a PCÐStop signal. This limitation does not apply to any other PCM tran­sitions.’’ PCÐReact puts a sharp time limit on how long it takes to transition to the PCÐBreak state and transmit the correct line state when a PCÐBreak transition is required.
The range for the timer is PCÐReact
3.0 ms and has a
default value equal to 3.0 ms.
device contains a Trigger Definition Regis­ter and a set of CMT Condition Registers that can be used to satisfy the PCÐReact timing.
The Trigger Definition Register (TDR) controls two func­tions. First, it allows the selection of the line state(s) on which to trigger (SILS, MLS, HLS . . . ). For PCÐReact, the line states used would be the ones that caused a transition to the PCÐBreak state from the current PCM state.
Second, it allows specification of a line state to be transmit­ted when the trigger condition is met. For PCÐReact, this is the line state that needs to be transmitted when a transition to the PCÐBreak state occurs, which is Quiet Line State (QLS).
The set of CMT Condition registers controls interrupt gener­ation when a trigger condition occurs. The CMT Condition Register set includes a CMT Condition Register (CMTCR), a CMT Condition Comparison Register (CMTCCR), and a CMT Condition Mask Register (CMTCMR).
Line state triggering for PCÐReact is enabled by selecting line states to trigger on from the Trigger Definition Register (TDR) bits 3-7.
The Trigger Condition Occurred (TCO) bit of the CMTCR is automatically set when the trigger condition specified by the TDR register is met.
The line state specified by the Trigger Definition Register (TDR) bits 0 – 2 is then loaded into the Current Transmit Mode Register (CTSR), causing the line state to be trans­mitted.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
If the TCO Mask (TCOM) bit of the CMTCMR is set, then whenever the CMTCR.TCO bit becomes set the Receive Condition Register B’s Connection Service Event (RCRB.CSE) bit will be set. This allows an interrupt to be generated for the trigger event.
As an example, suppose the PCM state machine is in the ACTIVE state. From this state, if a Halt Line State (HLS) or Quiet Line State (QLS) is detected, or the Noise Threshold is reached, the state machine must move to the PCÐBreak state and begin transmitting QLS. To implement this behav­ior when the PCÐACTIVE state is entered, set TDR.TTM2–0 to 110 (Quiet Transmit), set TDR.TOHLS, TDR.TOQLS, and TDR.TONT and reset all other bits (TO­SILS and TOMLS). Also set CMTCMR.TCOM if an interrupt is desired.
CFÐReact is one of the timing restrictions imposed by Con­nection Management (CMT). It is one of the two most crit­ical timing restrictions imposed (the other being PCÐReact).
The ANSI SMT standard states that ‘‘CFÐReact is the max­imum time for CFM[Configuration Management]to recon­figure to remove a non-Active connection from the token path.’’
The range for the timer is CFÐReact
3.0 ms and has a
default value equal to 3.0 ms.
device contains a Trigger Transition Config­uration Register and a set of CMT Condition Registers that can be used to satisfy the CFÐReact timing.
he Trigger Transition Configuration Register (TTCR) holds the new configuration switch settings to be loaded into the Configuration Register (CR) when a trigger condition occurs.
Enabling line state triggering with the Trigger Definition Reg­ister (TDR) bits 3 – 7 also enables the CFÐReact response. This means that whenever trigger conditions are actively used for PCÐReact, the value of the TTCR register will be used also. This implies that it either must always then be loaded with the current configuration setting, causing no change to the CR, or it must be loaded with the appropriate value to accommodate the CFÐReact function.
The Trigger Transition Configuration Register (TTCR) must be set the configuration desired when the trigger condition occurs. When the trigger condition occurs the value of this register is loaded into the Configuration Register (CR). Dur­ing this time writes to the CR are inhibited.
To continue the example from the PCÐReact description, suppose that when in the ACTIVE state for the PCM state machine, the CFM state machine is also in the THRUÐA state. If trigger conditions are enabled via the CMTCMR.TCOM bit and it is desired to not implement CF
React, TTCR must be set to the present value of CR. If it is desired to not implement CFÐReact then TTCR should be set to the value which would change the configuration to the WRAP state. The wrap conditions WRAPÐA or WRAPÐB depend on which PHY gets reconfigured.
Auto Scrubbing is an additional CMT feature that further enhances the automatic configuration switch setting in or­der to meet the CFÐReact timing. When enabled, Auto Scrubbing causes 2 PHYÐInvalid symbols followed by Scrub Symbol pairs (Idles) to be sourced for a user select­able duration (the scrubbing time) after a trigger condition (the same one used for PCÐReact and CFÐReact) occurs and prior to a change in the configuration switch setting on all indicate ports that will be changed.
Auto Scrubbing is enabled by setting the Enable Scrubbing on Trigger Conditions (ESTC) bit of Mode Register 2 (MODE2).
The Scrub Timer Threshold Register (STTR) defines the du­ration of the scrubbing, which can last up to approximately 10ms. The Scrub Timer Value Register (STVR) can be used to examine a snapshot of the upper 8 bits of the STTR register.
The Idle Detection Timer is required to flag the continued presence of the Idle Line State for a duration of 8 Idle Sym­bol pairs plus 1 symbol pair.
This feature is implemented in the Receiver Block by the Super Idle Line State (SILS).
The Noise Event Counter can be used to time the duration between Noise Events (which are described in detail below) and to count frame sizes. The first feature is the most often recognized, but the second is often overlooked and can lead to potential difficulty if not properly set.
The Noise Event Counter is implemented as a pair of down counters: one the actual Noise Counter and the other a Noise Counter Prescaling value. The Noise Threshold Reg­ister (NTR) and the Noise Prescale Threshold Register (NPTR) can be programmed to the counter’s initial value while the Current Noise Count Register (CNCR) and the Current Noise Prescale Count Register (CNPCR) provide a snapshot of the actual counter.
The Noise Event Counter decrements whenever a Noise Line State (NLS), Line State Unknown (LSU), or Active Line State (ALS) is received and has its start value reloaded whenever it receives Halt Line State (HLS), Idle Line State (ILS), Master Line State (MLS), Quiet Line State (QLS), or No Signal Detect (NSD). The Noise Event Counter is also reset for a Start or End Delimiter. This means the Noise counter increments for bad events as well as for every data symbol in a frame. Should the Noise Counter expire, it indi­cates that a new line state (including ALS) has not been entered for NTÐMAX time. This indicates that either a frame is too long or that noise is being received.
For this reason it is important to choose a value for the counter that is larger than the longest frame of 4500 bytes. The ANSI SMT specification recommends a value for NTÐMAX of 1.3ms for the noise threshold.
A Noise Event is defined as follows:
A noise event is a noisebyte, or a byte of data which is not in line with the current line state, indicating error or corruption.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
TABLE 3-5. Noise Event Description
Noise Event
Logical AND
Logical OR
Logical NOT
Signal Detect
Clock Detect
Previous Byte
Previous Line State
Idle Line State
Active Line State
Unknown Line State
Halt Line State
Quiet Line State
Master Line State
Noise Line State
Unknown Line State
Idle symbol
First symbol of start delimiter
Second symbol of start
Reset symbol
Set symbol
End Delimiter
any data symbol
Link Error Monitoring is accomplished in the PLAYERade­vice through the Link Error Monitor Counter. The initial value of this down counter is set using the Link Error Threshold Register (LETR). A snapshot of the counter can be taken with the Current Link Error Count Register (CLECR).
A Link Error is defined as follows:
TABLE 3-6. Link Error Event Description
Link Error[ALS#(IEIaxVaVxaHEH)
Set LinkÐErrorÐFlag
Clear LinkÐErrorÐFlag
E e
Logical NOT
Logical OR
Logical AND
Idle Line State
Active Line State
Unknown Line State
Any symbol
Idle symbol
Halt symbol
First symbol of start delimiter
Second symbol of start
Violation symbol
Reset symbol
Set symbol
End delimiter symbol
Data symbol converted to
0000 by the PLAYER
device Receiver Block in symbol pairs that contain a data and a control symbol
Previous Line State
Signal Detect
Stuff Byte: Byte inserted by EB before a JK symbol pair for recentering or due to off-axis JK
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
device outputs the National byte-wide code from its PHY Port Indicate Output to the MAC device. Each National byte-wide code may contain data or control codes or the line state information of the connection. Table 3-7 lists all the possible outputs.
During Active Line State all data and control symbols are being repeated to the PHY Port Indicate Output with the exception of data in data-control mixture bytes. That data symbol is replaced by zero. If only one symbol in a byte is a control symbol, the data symbol will be replaced by 0000 and the whole byte will be presented as control code. Note that the Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data
to be in the Active Line State upon reception of the Starting Delimiter (JK symbol pair).
During Idle Line State any non Idle symbols will be reflected as the code I
uILS. If both symbols received during Idle Line State are Idle symbols, then the Symbol Decoder generates I
kILS as its output. Note the coded Known/Unknown Bit (b3) and the Last Known Line State (b2 – 0). The Receive State is 4 bits long and it represents either the PHY Invalid (0011) or the Idle Line State (1011) condition. The Known/ Unknown Bit shows if the symbols received match the line state information in the last 3 bits.
During any line state other than Idle Line State or Active Line State, the Symbol Decoder generates the code V
kLS if the incoming symbols match the current line state. The symbol decoder generates V
uLS if the incoming symbols
do not match the current line state.
TABLE 3-7. National Byte Wide Code
Current Line State
Symbol 1 Symbol 2 National Code
Control Bit Data Control Bit Data Control Bit Data
ALS 0 n 0 n 0 n-n ALS 0 n 1 C 1 N-C ALS 1 C 0 n 1 C-N ALS 1 C 1 C 1 C-C ILS 1I 1I 1I
ILS 1 I x Not I 1 I
-u-LS ILS x Not I 1 I 1 IÊ-u-LS ILS x Not I x Not I 1 I
-u-LS Stuff Byte during ILS x x x x 1 I
-k-ILS Not ALS and Not ILS 1 M 1 M 1 V
Not ALS and Not ILS 1 M x Not M 1 V
Not ALS and Not ILS x Not M 1 M 1 V
-u-LS Not ALS and Not ILS x Not M x Not M 1 VÊ-u-LS Stuff Byte during Not ALS x x x x 1 VÊ-k-LS, VÊ-u-LS
or L
-u-ILS EB Overflow/Underflow 1 0011 1011 SMTÐPI Connection (LSU) 1 0011 1010 Scrub Symbol Pair 1 1011 1000
Any data symbol inÀ0, 1, 2 . . . F
CeAny control symbol inÀV, R, S, T, I, H
Ne0000eCode for data symbol in a data control mixture byte
IeIdle Symbol
Any symbol that matches the current line state
1011eFirst symbols of the byte in Idle Line State
0011ePHY Invalid
LSeLine State
Indicates symbol received does not match current line state
Indicate symbol received matches current line state
Don’t care
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
National Byte-Wide Code Example
Incoming 5B Code Decoded 4B Code National Byte-Wide Code (w/o parity)
98765 43210 C 3210 C 3210 C 7654 3210
11111 11111 (II) 1 1010 1 1010 (II) 1 1011 0001 (IÊ-k-ILS)*
11111 11111 (II) 1 1010 1 1010 (II) 1 1011 0001 (IÊ-k-ILS)
11111 11111 (II) 1 1010 1 1010 (II) 1 1011 0001 (IÊ-k-ILS)
11000 10001 (JK) 1 1101 1 1102 (JK) 1 1101 1101 (JK Symbols)
–––- –––- (xx) 0 ––– 0 ––– (xx) 0 –– – –– – (Data Symbols)
–––- –––- (xx) 0 ––– 0 ––– (xx) 0 –– – –– – (Data Symbols)
–––- –––- (xx) 0 ––– 0 ––– (xx) 0 –– – –– – (Data Symbols)
(More dataÐ)
–––- –––- (xx) 0 –– – 0 –– – (xx) 0 –– – ––– (Data Symbols)
–––- –––- (xx) 0 –– – 0 –– – (xx) 0 –– – ––– (Data Symbols)
–––- –––- (xx) 0 –– – 0 –– – (xx) 0 –– – ––– (Data Symbols)
01101 00111 (TR) 1 0101 1 0110 (TR) 1 0101 0110 (T and R Symbols)
00111 00111 (RR) 1 0110 1 0110 (RR) 1 0110 0110 (Two R Symbols)
11111 11111 (II) 1 1010 1 1010 (II) 1 1010 1010 (Idle Symbols)
11111 11111 (II) 1 1010 1 1010 (II) 1 1010 1010 (Idle Symbols)
11111 11111 (II) 1 1010 1 1010 (II) 1 1011 0001 (IÊ-k-ILS)
11111 11111 (II) 1 1010 1 1010 (II) 1 1011 0001 (IÊ-k-ILS)
11111 11111 (II) 1 1010 1 1010 (II) 1 1011 0001 (IÊ-k-ILS)
00100 00100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 1 1011 1001 (IÊ-u-ILS)
00100 00100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 1 1011 1001 (IÊ-u-ILS)
00100 00100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 1 1011 1001 (IÊ-u-ILS)
00100 00100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 1 1011 1001 (IÊ-u-ILS)
00100 00100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 1 1011 1001 (IÊ-u-ILS)
00100 00100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 1 1011 1001 (IÊ-u-ILS)
00100 00100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 1 1011 1001 (IÊ-u-ILS)
00100 00100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 1 0011 0101 (VÊ-k-HLS)
00100 00100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 1 0011 0101 (VÊ-k-HLS)
00100 00100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 1 0011 0101 (VÊ-k-HLS)
11111 11111 (II) 1 1010 1 1010 (II) 1 0011 1101 (VÊ-u-HLS)
11111 11111 (II) 1 1010 1 1010 (II) 1 1011 0001 (IÊ-k-ILS)
11111 11111 (II) 1 1010 1 1010 (II) 1 1011 0001 (IÊ-k-ILS)
*Assume the receiver is in the Idle Line State.
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The PMD Interface connects the PLAYER
device to a standard FDDI Physical Media Connection such as a fiber optic transceiver or a copper twisted pair transceiver. It is a 125 MHz full duplex serial connection.
The DP83256 PLAYER
device contains one PMD inter­face. This PMD Interface should be used for all PMD imple­mentations that do not require an external scrambler/ descrambler function, clock recovery function, or clock generation function, such as a Fiber Optic or Shielded Twisted Pair (SDDI) PMDs.
The DP83256-AP and DP83257 PLAYER
devices contain two PMD interfaces. The PMD Interface should be used for all PMD implementations that do not require an external scrambler/descrambler function, clock recovery function,
or clock generation function, such as a Fiber Optic or Shielded Twisted Pair (SDDI) PMDs. The second, Alternate PMD Interface can be used to support Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) PMDs that require external scrambling, and al­lows implementation with no external clock recovery or clock generation functions required. See
Figure 3-21.
The following figures illustrate how the PLAYERadevice can be connected to various types of PMDs.
Figure 3-20
shows how the DP83256, DP83256-AP, or
device is connected to a Fiber Optic or Shielded Twisted Pair (SDDI) PMD using the Primary PMD Interface.
Figure 3-21
shows how the DP83256-AP or DP83257
device is connected to an Unshielded Twisted
Pair (UTP) PMD using the Alternate PMD Interface.
TL/F/11708– 47
FIGURE 3-20. Fiber Optic or STP PMD Connection
TL/F/11708– 48
FIGURE 3-21. UTP PMD Connections
3.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The Primary PMD Interface is always enabled.
The Alternate PMD Interface is enabled by programming a PLAYER
register bit. To enable the interface, writea1to the APMDEN bit in the APMDREG register. The interface is off by default and should be left that way unless it is being used.
It will also probably be necessary to enable the Transmit Clocks when using the Alternate PMD Interface. The Trans­mit Clocks (TXC) are enabled by writing a 1 to the TXCE bit
in the CGMREG register. The transmit clocks are disabled by default and should be left that way unless it is being used.
Note that when the Alternate PMD Interface is active, the Primary PMD Interface can not be used without the Alter­nate PMD Interface connections. Also note that the Long Internal Loopback (LILB) can not be used when the Alter­nate PMD Interface is activated.
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