Pin Description
VCCand GND are the power supply pins.
CKI is the clock input. This can come from an external
source, a R/C generated oscillator or a crystal (in conjunction with CKO). See Oscillator description.
RESET is the master reset input. See Reset description.
PORT I is a 4-bit Hi-Z input port.
PORT L is an 8-bit I/O port.
There are two registers associated with the L port: a data
register and a configuration register. Therefore, each L I/O
bit can be individually configured under software control as
shown below:
Port L Port L Port L
Config. Data Setup
0 0 Hi-Z Input (TRI-STATE)
0 1 Input with Weak Pull-up
1 0 Push-pull Zero Output
1 1 Push-pull One Output
Three data memory address locations are allocated for this
port, one each for data register [00D0], configuration register
[00D1] and the input pins [00D2].
Port L has the following alternate features:
L7 MIWU or MODOUT (high sink current capability)
L6 MIWU (high sink current capability)
L5 MIWU (high sink current capability)
L4 MIWU (high sink current capability)
The selection of alternate Port L functions is done through
registers WKEN [00C9] to enable MIWU and CNTRL2
[00CC] to enable comparator and modulator.
All eight L-pins have Schmitt Triggers on their inputs.
PORT G is an 8-bit port with 6 I/O pins (G0–G5) and 2 input
pins (G6, G7).
All eight G-pins have Schmitt Triggers on the inputs.
There are two registers associated with the G port: a data
register and a configuration register. Therefore each G port
bit can be individually configured under software control as
shown below:
Port G Port G Port G
Config. Data Setup
0 0 Hi-Z Input (TRI-STATE)
0 1 Input with Weak Pull-up
1 0 Push-pull Zero Output
1 1 Push-pull One Output
Three data memory address locations are allocated for this
port, one for data register [00D4], one for configuration register [00D5] and one for the input pins [00D6]. Since G6 and
G7 are Hi-Z input only pins, any attempt by the user to configure them as outputs by writing a one to the configuration
register will be disregarded. Reading the G6 and G7 configuration bits will return zeros. Note that the device will be
placed in the Halt mode by writing a “1” to the G7 data bit.
Six pins of Port G have alternate features:
G7 CKO crystal oscillator output (selected by mask option)
or HALT restart input/general purpose input (if clock
option is R/C or external clock)
G6 SI (MICROWIRE serial data input)
G4 SO (MICROWIRE serial data output)
G3 TIO (timer/counter input/output)
G0 INTR (an external interrupt)
Pins G2 and G1 currently do not have any alternate func-
The selection of alternate Port G functions are done through
registers PSW [00EF] to enable external interrupt and CNTRL1 [00EE] to select TIO and MICROWIRE operations.
PORT D is a four bit output port that is preset when RESET
goes low. One data memory address location is allocated for
the data register [00DC].
Note: Care must be exercised with the D2 pin operation. At RESET, the ex-
ternal loads on this pin must ensure that the output voltages stay
above 0.8 V
to prevent the chip from entering special modes. Also
keep the external loading on D2 to less than 1000 pF.
Functional Description
The internal architecture is shown in the block diagram. Data
paths are illustrated in simplified form to depict how the various logic elements communicate with each other in implementing the instruction set of the device.
ALU and CPU Registers
The ALU can do an 8-bit addition, subtraction, logical or shift
operations in one cycle time. There are five CPU registers:
A is the 8-bit Accumulator register
PC is the 15-bit Program Counter register
PU is the upper 7 bits of the program counter (PC)
PL is the lower 8 bits of the program counter (PC)
B is the 8-bit address register and can be auto incre-
mented or decremented.
X is the 8-bit alternate address register and can be auto
incremented or decremented.
SP is the 8-bit stack pointer which points to the subroutine
stack (in RAM).
B, X and SP registers are mapped into the on chip RAM. The
B and X registers are used to address the on chip RAM. The
SP register is used to address the stack in RAM during subroutine calls and returns. The SP must be preset by software
upon initialization.
The memory is separated into two memory spaces: program
and data.
Program memory consists of 1024 x 8 ROM or 2048 x 8
ROM. These bytes of ROM may be instructions or constant
data. The memory is addressed by the 15-bit program
counter (PC). ROM can be indirectly read by the LAID instruction for table lookup.
The data memory address space includes on chip RAM, I/O
and registers. Data memory is addressed directly by the instruction or indirectly through B, X and SP registers. The device has 64 or 128 bytes of RAM. Sixteen bytes of RAM are
COP820CJ/COP840CJ Family 10