Au to off .... ......... ......... .... ..... .... ......... .......18
Au to-of f t ime ........ ......... ......... .... ..... .... ....18
Pa cking li st....... .... ..... .... ......... ......... .... ....1 9
Di agram of se ries pro ducts .. .... ......... .......20
.. ..
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.. .
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Your excellent helper in cable test!
Your excellent helper in cable test!
NF-8200 is capable
of av oi di ng current inteferenc e . The equ ip me nt is compos ed
of thr ee par ts: main te st er (NF -8 20 0) , receiver (N F- 82 00 -S ) and
remote iden ti fi er ( NF -8200-R). It h as c ou pl es o f circuit sta te t es ti ng
functions including length tes t, cab le lin e finding, line-to-l in e,
crosstalk an d bre aking poin t, se rv ing as a pr actical tool fo r low
vo ltag e s y ste m i nst a l lat i o n and m a i nte n a nce t echn i c ian s
of co mm un ic ation c ir cu its a nd comprehe ns iv e wirin g circuits. I t is
widely used i n th e fi el ds l ike telepho ne s ys te m, c omputer netwo rk s
and other met al l ea d ci rc uits.
newly develop ed by our compa ny whic h ar e
Anti-EI Wire Tracer
LC D Ne two rk
Le ng th Tes te r
NF-820 0
NF-820 0-S
Anti-EI Wire Tracer
LCD N et wor k
Len gt h Tes ter
NF-82 00-R
Main functions
Capable to te st o pe n, s ho rt , cross conn ec ti on , re verse, pairin g
connectio n an d br ok en w ire positio ni ng ( R J11,RJ45) .
● To perform cros st al k te st o n network cab le t o so lv e th e potential
problem of sl ow s pe ed .
● To quickly find t he t ar ge t wi re or cable amo ng k in ds o f wi res.
● Measure len gt h of n et wo rk cable, tel ep ho ne c ab le u p to 2500m,
no need of remo te u ni t wh en m easuring le ng th .
● To make a accurat e de te rm in ation of shor t ci rc ui t po sition .
● To trace cable on e xc ha ng er o r Router with ou t cu rr en t
inteferen ce .
● Low voltage p ro mp t fu nc tion is avail ab le (<4 .5 V) .
● Functionso fst or ag e an d memory.
● Automatic d el ay p ow er o n-off a nd b ac kl ig ht function .
● Lanuage& li gh t br ig ht ness can be set i n th e sy st em .
● Single chip s of tw ar e wa tchdog desi gn r un s re li ab ly.
Technical parame ters
Overall dim en si on s
Main tester : 18 0X 80 X4 0mm; Receiv er : 21 8X 46 X29mm
Remote iden ti fi er : 68 X34X26mm.
Dot matrix 12 8X 64 ( Effecti ve v is ib le a rea 64X32mm).
(3). Power su pp ly
Main tester : 1. 5V b at te ries of four .
Receiver: 9 V ba tt er y.
(4).Tes ti ng c ab le types
STP/UTP 5E, 6 E ne twork cable , te le ph on e cable, and
common meta l wi re s co nn ected with al li ga to r cl ip.
Your excellent helper in cable test!
Main tester
Receive r
(NF-820 0- S)
Remote iden ti fi er
(NF-8200- R)
Your excellent helper in cable test!
(5).Detect in g ca bl e ty pes
STP/UTP 5E, 6 E ne twork cable , te le ph on e ca ble,and com mo n
metal wires c on ne ct ed w ith alligat or c li p.
(6).Operat in g en vi ro nment tempe ra tu re /h umidity
-10~ +60/20% ~ 70%;℃ ℃
(7).Tes ti ng d ev ice interfa ce
Main unit: RJ 45 ( M) , RJ 45 ( S)loop inte rf ac e, R J11main in te rf ac e;
Remote iden ti fi er : RJ 45, connector。RJ11
(8).Length m ea su re me nt
Range: 1-25 00 m;
Calibrati on p re ci si on: 2% (+/-0. 5m , or + /- 1. 5 feet); (calib ra ti on ;
cable >10m) m ea su re me nt precisio n: 3 % (( +/ -0 .5m, or +/-1.5 fe et );
(AMP, CAT5 E, 6E cable mater ia l)
Display uni t: m et er, i nc h, yard.
(9).Length c al ib ra ti on, storage a nd d at a lo ad
User can set a le ng th v al ue a t a known lengt h, s to re t he v alue in
the system, wh ic h ca n be u sed for futur e ch oi ce . an d the calibrati on
length shou ld b e ov er 1 0m .
(10). Line seq ue nc e an d ca ble failure p os it io ni ng
Open, short , re ve rs e , cr oss, crosst al k, e tc .
(11). Languag e se t
Users can cho os e En gl is h or Chinese fo r op er at io n.
(12). Setu p
Unit & brig ht ne ss & Au to -power off ti me c an be set in this m en u.
Product interface and key introduction
NF-8200 -S
Anti-EI Wire Tracer
LCD N etw or k
Len gth T est er
NF-820 0-R
LC D Net wo rk
Le ngt h Tes te r
Anti-EI Wire Tracer
Main test er ( NF -8 200)Receive r (N F- 82 00-S)
Main unit port instructions
(1). Two RJ 45 interfa ces on the main unit:
one of them is “MAIN” interfa ce (“M” for short ),
and the other is “SCAN” inter face (“S” for sho rt);
One RJ11 interf ace.
(2). M interface is used for measu ring leng th and
others, but not for cable tra cing; “S” int erface is
used for cable tracin g test and “local ” connection test ;
(3). RJ11 interf ace is used for line- to-line,
length testin g and line tracin g.
Your excellent helper in cable test!
Remote iden ti fi er ( NF -8200-R)
Your excellent helper in cable test!
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