NOVUS LogBox-DA User Manual


- MANUAL V1.1x D


LogBox-DA is an electronic data logger with two i npu t channel s , on e
analog and one digital. Input data is stored in the logger internal memory, for later download t o a PC for visual ization and analysi s in the form of tables or graphs. The data is easily exported to spreadsheets.
The LogChart-II is the software used to configure the logger, download and visualize data. The logger configuration allows defining the logger operation mode, including programming the start/stop time of data acquisition. O ther parameters such as signal input type, logging interval, multi plication fac tor, scale range, etc, ar e easily selected through the LogChart-II software.
The LogBox-DA also provides a s ignal for commanding an ex ternal power supply (battery) of a device connected to the logger. This feature allows that external devices, such as a transmitter, be powered only during the meas urement sample time, thus ex tending the autonomy of these external batteries.


Two memory storage capacities are offered: 32K or 64K records:
32k Model: Allows up to 32,000 records;
64k Model: Allows up to 64,000 records;
Memory capacity is always shared between enabled channels. In case there are two channels enabled, each gets 50 percent of the memory available. When only a single c hannel is enabled, it has the entire memory at its disposal.
Memory capacity is indi cated on the identi ficati on label placed on th e logger case.


Data can be acquired by means of two different modes. In channel 1, which counts pulses, the number of input pulses
counted in the logging time i nterval i s stored in the log ger mem ory at the end of the interval. The maxi mum numbe r of l og gi ngs that c a n be stored depends on the memory capacity of the device model.
In channel 2, specific for analog signals, the logger can be configured to perform a single measurement at the end of the selected time interval storing the value read; 10 measurements within the time interval and store the mean of values read, or, yet, record the minimum or maximum values read in the interval.


The logger operation mode is user-defined in the LogChart-II software. To access or change this configuration, the IR-LINK3 interface is required. The user mus t install the LogChart-II software in a computer and run the logger config uration accor ding to i nstructions defined in the LogChart-II installation section of this manual.
After configuration and input elec tric connecti ons made, th e device i s ready to measure and log inpu t signals. The status indi cators show the logger current status.


The Status Indicators (see Fig. 2) are located in the logger front panel. They indicate the current working conditions of the unit.
LOG Indicator (Logging): While in stand-by (not logging ) or after a series of acquisitions is ended, it flashes once at every four seconds. While logging is active, it flashes twice every four seconds.
Fig. 1 – Lateral identification label


Channel 1 (IN 1) counts el ectric pulse signals. T hey can be voltage pulses, a dry contact (switch) or open col l ector s ignal s, as selec ted in the configuration.
Channel 2 (IN 2) measures linear analog signals, which can be 0­20mA, 4-20mA, 0-50mV or 0-5V, user defined.
Note: For the channel 2, dependi ng on the input signal selected, it may be necessary to configure an internal jumper.
ALM Indicator (alarm): Alerts the user regardi ng ala rm c ondit ions .
Once triggered, the alarm LED keeps flashing once at every four seconds until a new configuration is entered.
Fig. 2 – LED Indicators and IR communicat ion


Channel 1 was designed to count electric pulses from liquid flow meters (litters per pulse, for example). The amount of liquid corresponding to each pulse and the unit of flow can be easily configured.
Although suited to flow measurements, channel 1 c an measure any variable whose signal is an electric pulse (energy, production batches, etc). The user can define a new unit by typing it in the corresponding text box. The expres sion l/pulse in the multiplication factor is meaningless in this case, so please disregard it.
Fig. 5 – Infrared interface position



To install the LogChart II, execute the LC_II_Setup.exe program provided in the CD. The installation wizard will then guide you throughout the installation process.


Start the program. The main window will appear on the scr een, as in
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3 – LogChart-II main window
The LogChart II requires a communicati on port to talk to the logger. Clicking on the menu Port, all free communic ation ports available i n the computer will be listed, including the USB port if the driver is installed. Select one and connect the corresponding wand (IR­LINK3/RS232 or IR-LINK3/USB) to it. The chosen port will be remembered next times the LogChart II is initiated.
When the selected port is succes sfully opened, the LogChar t II initial screen is opened, enabling the buttons below:
Click the
button to start the communi cation between the l ogger and the software; the Parameters Configuration window is then displayed (Fig. 6), showing the c urrent configuration a nd information about the logger. New configuration parameters defining the operation mode for a new applicati on can be entered. The fields of the configuration window are described bellow.
Fig. 6 – Config urat i on wi n do w


General information on the t op of the screen info rms the model, seri al number, logger current date/time, PC date/time, firmware version (logger model version), memory capacity and used memory.
The time is constantly updated in this screen, provided that the logger and the PC are communicating.
Fig. 4 – Buttons enabled when the communication port of choice is valid


Configuring, monitoring or downloadi ng data from the logger through LogChart-II requires that the IR-LINK3 communication interface be connected to your PC. This interface is sold separately.
The IR-LINK3 interface sends and rec eives data to/from the logger through infrared signals.
The Windows wizard for new USB devices pops-up automatically. Select then the IRLink driver p rovide d in d:\IRLink_Driver. (d: is the driver used in the installation). After instal lation is complet ed, the IR­LINK3 interface is recognized whenever it is connected to the PC.
NOTE: After the USB driver installation, the LogChart II must be opened again. In the “Port” menu, choose the same port selec ted for the optical interface communication (COM1, COM2,…or USB).


Make sure the IR-LINK3 wand is connected to the PC port selected. The interface must be pointed towards the logger communication window (see Fig. 5) at a distance of about 15 cm.
ACQUISITIONS Interval: It determines the i nterval be tween r eadings i n the hh:m m:s s
format. New data is stored in the logger memory after each time interval.
External Battery Switch time: Defines an interval of time prec eding each measurement for turning on the power supply of external devices (4-20 mA transmitters, for ex ample). This feature i s intended for saving power when the external power sup ply is battery powered and the logging interval is long. This signal is disabled when a measurement is completed.
This time is limited to 10 seconds and must be less than half of the interval between readings.
When channel 2 (analog input) is configured to Instantaneous readings, the measurements are taken at the end of the defined interval between readings. For Average, Minimum and Maximum readings, the logger executes 10 readings within this interval. This must be taken into account when defining the time to active the external power supply (1/2 of interval/10).
Estimated Time: It informs the estimated time for the accomplishment of programmed readings based on the logging “Interval” and on the number of programmed readings.
Daily Repetition: Allows loggings to be repeated everyday, for example, recording data from 8 AM to 5 PM day after day. The start and stop times are defined in the f ields “Start time” and “Stop time.
START LOGGINGS Immediately: The logger starts logging as s oon as the configuration
is applied. Not valid when the option ‘Daily Repetition’ is selected. Day / Hour: Logging starts at a defined date and time. The date
defined is used for the Daily Repetitions option as well.
STOP LOGGINGS At Full Memory: Loggings can be stored up to the full memory
capacity is reached. Wrap around: Logging never stops. The LogBox-DA will keep on
recording the readings and when the memory is full it will overwrite the oldest record in a circular or wrap around manner.
After a defined number of readings: The logger will stop logging after the number of readings here de fined is reached. Not v alid when the option Daily Readings is selected.
Day / Hour: The LogBox-DA will stop logging at the user-defined date and time. Not valid when the option ‘Daily Repetition’ is selected.


By selecting the “Channels” tab, the user is able to choose the individual settings for each input channel, as Fig. 7 shows.
LOW defines the mi nimum value under which the ala rm is triggered; HIGH defines the maximum value above which the alarm is
triggered. Once activated, the alarm LED indicator stays so even after the alarm-triggering situation has ceased.


The options provided for Channel 2 configurations are: Tag: Defines a name (up to 8 c haracters) for i dentifying the va riable
to be measured. Input: The signal applied to the l ogger second input is defined her e.
The following options are offered: None (disabled), 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-50 mV, 0-10 V. The option s elected must be compat ible with the LogBox internal jumper configuration. See configurations on Table 1.
Unit: Defines the variable unit. Scale: Defines the rang e, in engineering units, for representing the
input variable measured in input 2. Adjustable from –32000 to +32000.
Offset: Allows fine offset corrections on the measured value. Value: Defines readings recording mode:
- Instantaneous: The instant value read at the logging time;
- Average: Arithmetic average of 10 consecutive samples equally spaced over the logging interval;
Fig. 7 – Parameters for Input Channels Conf iguration


Configuration options provided for Channel 1 are: Tag: Defines a name (up to 8 c haracters) for i dentifying the vari able
to be measured.
Sensor: selects the input type of the channel: Unabled, PNP/Voltage, NPN, Dry Contact
Unit: Defi nes the input variable unit. Flow measurement is default, however, other units can be defined by typing the unit in the text box.
Sensor Factor: Defines the amount of i nput per pulse. Liquids flow measurement is default (liters per pul se.) It can assume any value between 0.000001 and 16383.
Scale Factor: A djusts the readings such as to represent a particul ar flow measurement unit. This factor can be automatically cal culated (the software computes the value taking into account the interval between loggings and the sensor factor) by using the button:
It can assume values between 0,000001 and 65535. Alarm: The routines for alarms LOW and HIGH are executed at the
end of the logging period, informing the oc currence of an alarm by flashing the alarm LED in the front panel.
- Minimum: Records in memory the minimum value of 10 consecutive readings in the logging interval;
- Maximum: Records in memory the minimum value of 10 consecutive readings in the logging interval;
Alarm: The routines for alarms LOW and HIGH are executed ev ery time the logger samples the inputs, informing the occurrence of an alarm by flashing the alarm LED in the front panel.
LOW defines the mi nimum value under which the ala rm is triggered; HIGH defines the maximum val ue above which the alarm sensor is
triggered. Once activated, the alarm LED indicator stays so even after the alarm-triggering situation has ceased.
After filling all the fields, send the configuration to the logger by clicking on the button
To stop loggings, click on the button:


Only the input channels connections and the Exte rnal Battery Swi tch (when used) are needed. The logger is exc lusively powered by its internal battery.
In the IP65 models, the inputs and the signal for activating the external power supply are l ocated i nside the logger case, whic h must be opened for accomplishing the connections.
In the IP67 model, proper connec tors are provided for thi s purpose, as shown in Fig. 9.


Open the logger’s cover to get access to the bl ock terminal s and the configuration jumpers. Connection cables must pass through the compress fitting located at the botto m of the case. F igure 8 indicates the signals polarity.
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