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This Upgrade Guide introduces the process of upgrading Novell® ZENworks® Orchestrator 1.3 to
upgrading and explains which components are compatible. Further, it provides specific instructions
for performing the upgrade. The guide is organized as follows:
The contents of this guide are of interest to the following individuals:
VM Administrator: A PlateSpin Orchestrate virtual machine (VM) administrator manages the life
cycle of the VMs in the enterprise, including creating, starting, stopping, migrating, and deleting
VMs. For more information about the Orchestrate VM Client tasks and tools used by the VM
administrator, see the PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 VM Client Guide and Reference. For more
information about the Orchestrate Development Client tasks and tools used by the VM
administrator, see the PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Virtual Machine Management Guide.
Orchestrate Administrator: A PlateSpin Orchestrate Administrator deploys jobs, manages users,
and monitors distributed computing resources. Administrators can also create and set policies for
automating the usage of these computing resources. For more information about the tasks and tools
used by the Orchestrate Administrator, see the PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Administrator Reference
and the PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Command Line Reference.
Orchestrate 2.0.2. The guide provides an introductory overview of the requirements for
on page 15
User: The end user of PlateSpin Orchestrate, also called a “Job Manager,” runs and manages jobs
that have been created by a Job Developer and deployed by the administrator. It is also possible that
the end user could be a developer who has created applications to run on distributed computing
resources. For more information about the tasks and tools used by the Job Manager, see the
PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Server Portal Reference.
Job Developer: The developer has control of a self-contained development system where he or she
creates jobs and policies and tests them in a laboratory environment. When the jobs are tested and
proven to function as intended, the developer delivers them to the PlateSpin Orchestrate
administrator. For more information about the tasks and tools used by the job developer, see the
PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Developer Guide and Reference.
Prerequisite Skills
As data center managers or IT or operations administrators, it is assumed that users of the product
have the following background:
General understanding of network operating environments and systems architecture.
Knowledge of basic Linux* shell commands and text editors.
About This Guide7
We want to hear your comments and suggestions about this manual and the other documentation
included with this product. Please use the User Comments feature at the bottom of each page of the
online documentation, or go to (http:// and enter your comments there.
Documentation Updates
For the most recent updates for this Upgrade Guide, visit the PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Web site
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items in a cross-reference path.
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8PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Upgrade Guide
Upgrade Overview
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
PlateSpin® Orchestrate from Novell® has been engineered to allow upgrading of Novell
environment. The upgrade process affects the following Orchestrator components:
the Orchestrator Server (1.3) upgrades to PlateSpin Orchestrate Server (2.0.2)
the Orchestrator Console (1.3) upgrades to PlateSpin Orchestrate Development Client (2.0.2)
the Orchestrator Agent (1.3) upgrades to the PlateSpin Orchestrate Agent (2.0.2)
the Orchestrator Virtual Machine Builder (1.3) upgrades to the PlateSpin Virtual Machine
the Orchestrator VM Manager client (1.3) upgrades to PlateSpin Orchestrate VM Client (2.0.2)
the Orchestrator Virtual Machine Builder Agent
the Orchestrator Monitoring Server
the Orchestrator Monitoring Agent
This section explains what you must do prior to initiating the upgrade process, how the process
works, and how you can see the upgrade process happening. The following information is included:
Section 1.1, “Basic Functions of the Upgrade,” on page 9
Section 1.2, “Compatibility Checking Behavior,” on page 10
Section 1.3, “Configuring the Upgrade,” on page 13
Orchestrator 1.3 components to continue working in the PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0
Builder (2.0)
NOTE: The upgrade process from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 is identical to the upgrade from 1.3 to 2.0.2.
1.1 Basic Functions of the Upgrade
Before you begin the PlateSpin Orchestrate upgrade process, you need to know the underlying
assumptions of the process so that you can better understand how to proceed. The following list
details the most important of those assumptions:
To check the installed Orchestrator components for version number, run the following
command on a Linux machine where agent, client, or server components are installed.
rpm -qa | grep 'novell-zen'
To check version numbers on a Windows machine, open the Add or Remove Programs console
in Windows and look for the agent or client version number in the programs list.
The upgrade to PlateSpin Orchestrate must be done for all Orchestrator Server, Orchestrator
Console, and all Orchestrator Agent components. Running older agents with newer server
components or running older consoles and interfaces with newer server components (or vice
versa) is not supported.
Upgrading a prior release of a 32-bit ZENworks Orchestrator installation to a newer 64-bit
version of PlateSpin Orchestrate is not supported. Similarly, upgrading a prior release of a 64bit ZENworks Orchestrator installation to a newer 32-bit version of PlateSpin Orchestrate is
not supported.
Upgrade Overview
The ZENworks Orchestrator Server must be upgraded before Orchestrator Agents are
upgraded. The Orchestrate Server operates with older agents running, but older agents cannot
communicate with the PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Server. You can upgrade the agents by
selecting the Upgrade option on the Resource Registration dialog in the Development Client
(formerly referred to as the ZENworks Orchestrator Console). For more information, see
“Walkthrough: Creating a Resource Account” in the PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Installation and
Configuration Guide.
NOTE: Upgrading an agent before upgrading the server causes the agent to terminate and to
throw the following message:
11.05 06:23:39 : ERROR: Agent software version mismatch.
11.05 06:23:39 : ERROR: Current agent version: 2.0.2
After you upgrade the server components, older versions of the ZENworks Orchestrator
Agents, the ZENworks Orchestrator Console, and the Orchestrator VM Manager GUI might
not work with the newer server components. The Orchestrate Development Client identifies the
managed nodes that have non-compatible agents. For more information about component
compatibility, see Section 1.2, “Compatibility Checking Behavior,” on page 10.
The ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 VM Manager interface is not upgraded; it is replaced entirely
by the PlateSpin Orchestrate VM Client. However, any previous version should be uninstalled
before installing version 2.0.
Errors can occur during the upgrade process. These errors can be resolved and the upgrade
process can be re-run. For more information about how the recovery works, see Section 2.3,
“Recovering from a Failed Orchestrator Server Upgrade,” on page 33.
After the PlateSpin Orchestrate Server is upgraded and started, rolling back to ZENworks
Orchestrator 1.3 is not supported.
Step-by-step information about the events occurring during the upgrade process is recorded in
, located in the
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
1.2 Compatibility Checking Behavior
For managed agents (nodes), the agents report the version incompatibility in the agent log file. On
the server, the attempted connection by an incompatible agent is detected, and the agent is listed on
the Orchestrator Console as incompatible and in need of either an upgrade or downgrade to the
correct version. Also, an incompatible agent connection attempt causes the node manager on the
server to raise a
need of upgrade.
This section includes the following information:
Section 1.2.1, “Behavior Shown by the Orchestrate VM Client When Detecting
Incompatibility,” on page 11
Section 1.2.2, “Development Client Behavior When Detecting Incompatibility,” on page 11
10PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Upgrade Guide
event that can be caught to provide custom handling of agents in
1.2.1 Behavior Shown by the Orchestrate VM Client When
Detecting Incompatibility
The information in this section lists the known behaviors exhibited when the PlateSpin Orchestrate
VM Client (formerly referred to as Orchestrator VM Manager) is upgraded to version 2.0 when
other Orchestrator components are not upgraded.
Even when the Orchestrator Monitoring Server is newer or older than the installed VM Management
Interface, it is not necessarily incompatible with the interface. The interface does not detect or
display the version of the Monitoring Server. The Monitoring Server uses Internet browser
capabilities to display its information in HTML format, so the monitored information is still
1.2.2 Development Client Behavior When Detecting
The PlateSpin Orchestrate Development Client detects incompatibility only in the Orchestrate
Agent. The information in the following sections details that behavior.
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
“If the Orchestrate Server Is Not Compatible with the Development Client” on page 11
“When an Agent Version Does Not Match the Server Version” on page 12
If the Orchestrate Server Is Not Compatible with the Development Client
When the Orchestrate Development Client detects an older version of the ZENworks Orchestrator
Server, the console displays an “old” icon overlay over the grid object.
Figure 1-1 PlateSpin Orchestrator Development Client Displaying an “Old” Icon
The Orchestrate Development Client displays a “new” icon overlay on the Grid Object if the Grid
Object is newer than the Development Client. (The same behavior happens if you are using the
ZENworks Orchestrator Console.) The version of the server is included in the tool tip display of the
grid object in the Explorer tree view. The logged-in server shows the version at the bottom of the
Upgrade Overview11
When an Agent Version Does Not Match the Server Version
When an older, incompatible version of the agent communicates with the server, the server detects it
and flags the agent as “old.” This incompatibility is displayed in the Orchestrate Development
Client, where an older version of the agent is shown in the Tree view with an “old” icon or in the
Monitor view with an “old” icon. At this point, the agent also logs a fatal connection error.
Figure 1-2 Old Orchestrate Agent Resource Displayed in Tree View
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Figure 1-3 Old Orchestrate Agent Resource Displayed in Tree View and Monitor View
12PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Upgrade Guide
1.3 Configuring the Upgrade
Following the installation of the new software, you need to configure the software for your
PlateSpin Orchestrate system. You can do this by launching either a terminal-based config script or a
GUI Configuration Wizard from the command line.
When you use the GUI Configuration Wizard, you have the option of configuring the software now
or saving the config script for use during an automated mass upgrade. For more information, see
Section 2.7, “Running the Upgrade Configuration on an Enterprise Scale,” on page 48.
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Upgrade Overview13
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14PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Upgrade Guide
Upgrading ZENworks
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Orchestrator 1.3 Components to
PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0
This section provides information about upgrading from Novell® ZENworks® Orchestrator 1.3 to
Orchestrator components you have installed in the sequence that follows:
Section 2.1, “Upgrading the ZENworks Orchestrator Server Components,” on page 15
Section 2.2, “Orchestrator Components That Are Not Upgraded,” on page 32
Section 2.3, “Recovering from a Failed Orchestrator Server Upgrade,” on page 33
Section 2.4, “Restoring ZENworks Orchestrator If the Upgrade Fails,” on page 33
Section 2.5, “Upgrading the ZENworks Orchestrator Agents and Clients,” on page 37
Section 2.6, “Upgrading the ZENworks VM Manager Console to PlateSpin Orchestrate VM
Section 2.7, “Running the Upgrade Configuration on an Enterprise Scale,” on page 48
Section 2.8, “Upgrading a ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 High Availability Configuration,” on
Orchestrate 2.0 from Novell. It is important that you upgrade the ZENworks
Client,” on page 48
page 48
NOTE: The upgrade process from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 is identical to the upgrade from 1.3 to 2.0.2.
2.1 Upgrading the ZENworks Orchestrator
Server Components
The following information lists the upgrade steps in the order that they should be performed.
1. Section 2.1.1, “Checking Out the VMs that Are to be Used in PlateSpin Orchestrate,” on
page 16
2. Section 2.1.2, “Backing Up the Orchestrator Server Prior to Upgrading,” on page 16
3. Section 2.1.3, “Checking the Current Version of ZENworks Orchestrator,” on page 16
4. Section 2.1.4, “Snapshotting the Existing Server Installation,” on page 17
5. Section 2.1.5, “Upgrading the ZENworks Orchestrator Server Packages,” on page 18
If you use the command line tools to upgrade, we recommend that you also clean up any
obsolete packages after the upgrade. Follow the steps in “Removing Obsolete and Unneeded
ZENworks Orchestrator Patterns” on page 22.
6. Section 2.1.6, “Removing Obsolete and Unneeded ZENworks Orchestrator Patterns,” on
page 22.
7. Section 2.1.7, “Revising An Outdated, Required .conf File,” on page 22
8. Section 2.1.8, “Running Discover on VM Images,” on page 23
Upgrading ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 Components to PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0
9. Section 2.1.9, “Checking the Upgraded Version of the Orchestrate Server,” on page 23
10. Section 2.1.10, “Configuring the Upgraded Server Packages,” on page 24
NOTE: To perform a mass upgrade of ZENworks Orchestrator Server 1.3 components, we
recommend that you use a reputable application software distribution method to upgrade to the
newer versions that ship with PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0. For example, you can use ZENworks Linux
Management to distribute new agents and clients to Linux servers.
If you choose to use ZENworks Linux Management, you should enable the rollback command. This
will let you easily roll back to the prior version of ZENworks Orchestrator prior if the upgrade to
PlateSpin Orchestrate is unsuccessful.
For more information, see Section 2.7, “Running the Upgrade Configuration on an Enterprise
Scale,” on page 48.
2.1.1 Checking Out the VMs that Are to be Used in PlateSpin
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Any VMs that are checked in to the ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 Warehouse cannot be discovered in
PlateSpin Orchestrate VM Client. Therefore, to continue to use VMs that were created in ZENworks
Orchestrator, you must check them out of the Warehouse before upgrading to PlateSpin Orchestrate.
For information on checking out VMs from the 1.3 Warehouse, see Checking Out a Virtual Machine
b9ugoht.html#b9ugov1) in the Novell ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 Virtual Machine Management
2.1.2 Backing Up the Orchestrator Server Prior to Upgrading
As with the installation of any software, it is always a wise precaution to back up a working copy of
the older version of ZENworks Orchestrator before you install the newer version of PlateSpin
Orchestrate. To back up the old version, copy the
directory. Of course, because ZENworks Orchestrator jobs are nearly always running, the only
guaranteed “safe” way to make this copy is to stop the server before you make the backup. Even so,
if the server is not too busy, making a backup when it is running is usually acceptable.
If you want to restore the older version of ZENworks Orchestrator, stop the Orchestrator Server,
copy the backup of the
location, and restart the Orchestrator Server.
directory into its original
2.1.3 Checking the Current Version of ZENworks Orchestrator
Before you upgrade the ZENworks Orchestrator packages from version 1.3 to the PlateSpin
Orchestrate 2.0.2 packages, you should check which packages of the older Orchestrator version need
to be upgraded and which non-Novell packages are included in the product packages.
To do this, run the following command:
rpm -qa | grep 'novell-zen'
16PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Upgrade Guide
We recommend that you record the results of this command so that you can compare it with the
results of a similar task following the upgrade (see Section 2.1.9, “Checking the Upgraded Version
of the Orchestrate Server,” on page 23).roo
2.1.4 Snapshotting the Existing Server Installation
Before you begin the upgrade process of the ZENworks Orchestrator Server, make sure that all
running jobs are complete. If the jobs have not completed on their own, the upgrade processes
forcibly cancels them, which is the normal behavior when the server is shut down. The effect on the
jobs is that they are terminated abruptly before they finish running. The specific consequence of this
termination depends on the job that is terminated.
When you are sure that the jobs are complete, you need to run a specific shutdown command to
prepare a “snapshot” of the current configuration of the server so that a new version of a server can
be started with the configuration of the old server.
When an upgrade of server components occurs, all of the current server settings (configuration) and
state (model) for the current instance is written to a platform-independent XML encoded snapshot.
This snapshot is read in by a newly upgraded server instance to initialize its settings and state to that
of the previous server instance.
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
The snapshot data is read when a newly upgraded server instance is first started, initializing its
settings and its state to that of the previous server instance. The snapshot files must exist in
Use the following steps to perform the snapshot:
1 Check the running status of the server:
/etc/init.d/novell-zosserver status
If the Orchestrator Server is already stopped, you must start it before a snapshot can be created:
/etc/init.d/novell-zosserver start
2 Create a snapshot of the server’s current configuration with the following command:
/etc/init.d/novell-zosserver stop --snapshot
You can also create the snapshot by using the Development Client to shut down the server. To
do so, select Server > Shutdown Server to display the Server Shutdown Confirmation dialog
Select Perform Snapshot of Server State, then click Shutdown.
Upgrading ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 Components to PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.017
2.1.5 Upgrading the ZENworks Orchestrator Server Packages
There are two methods for upgrading ZENworks Orchestrator Server Packages.
If you want to use a graphical user interface (GUI) see “Upgrading ZENworks Orchestrator
Server Packages Using YaST” on page 18.
If you want to use the command line to upgrade the packages, see “Upgrading ZENworks
Orchestrator Server Packages at the Command Line” on page 20.
If you use ZENworks Linux Management tools to upgrade the packages, we recommend that
you use the same tools to clean up the environment, see
Upgrading ZENworks Orchestrator Server Packages Using YaST
Use the following procedure if you want to use YaST, a graphical user interface, to upgrade the
ZENworks Orchestrator packages. If you want to use the command line to upgrade, see “Upgrading
ZENworks Orchestrator Server Packages at the Command Line” on page 20.
1 Download the appropriate PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0.2 ISO (32-bit or 64-bit), then prepare it for
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
(Optional) Burn a DVD of the ISO image and load it into the DVD drive of the target
(Optional) Copy the ISO image to the local file system. For more information, see
“Adding a Local Mount Point As An Installation Source in YaST” on page 19.
(Optional) Mount the ISO image file on the machine where PlateSpin Orchestrate is to be
installed (the “target” machine). For details, see “Adding a Local Directory As An
Installation Source in YaST” on page 20.
(Optional) If you are installing the ISO image to a large network, extract the product files
from the ISO image to a web server / ftp server that can be accessed by the target machine
without the need for authentication or anonymous login. For details, see “Adding an ISO
or Web URL As An Installation Source in YaST” on page 20.
2 Upgrade ZENworks Orchestrator Server software packages:
2a Log in to the target SLES server as
, then open YaST2.
2b In YaST2, select Software > Add-on Product, select the method to open the product ISO
on your machine, click Next, then follow the procedures to mount the ISO.
2c From the License Agreement page, select the option to agree to the license terms, then
click Next.
2d In YaST2, open the Filter drop-down list, select Patterns to display the Patterns and
Packages view, then click Details to close the information pane and open the Package
2e In the Patterns frame (left-hand side of the view), select a PlateSpin Orchestrate pattern
already installed on this server. The Package frame lists the packages either installed or
not yet installed for this pattern.
18PlateSpin Orchestrate 2.0 Upgrade Guide
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