Novell OPENOFFICE 2.X Setup Guide 2.x
Setup Guide
[Setup Guide 2.0] [Rev A_10] First edition: [2005-02-24] First English edition: [2005-02-24]


Copyright and trademark information.................................................................................................iii
Modifications and updates..............................................................................................................iv
General Installation Information...........................................................................................................3
RPM-based Installation........................................................................................................................5
Debian-based Installation.....................................................................................................................7
Installing .debs.................................................................................................................................7
Removing .debs................................................................................................................................7
Installing from Linux RPMs............................................................................................................7
Solaris Installation................................................................................................................................9
FreeBSD Installation...........................................................................................................................11
Quick method.................................................................................................................................11
Gentoo installation..............................................................................................................................13
Additional Information..................................................................................................................14
Slackware Installation.........................................................................................................................15
Removing ......................................................................................................................................15
Installation on Other UNIX systems..................................................................................................17
Mac OS X Installation........................................................................................................................19
Installing X11.................................................................................................................................19
Using Java 1.5................................................................................................................................21 2.x Setup Guide i
Before OOo 2.0.2.................................................................................................................22
After OOo 2.0.2....................................................................................................................23
Windows® 98/ME/NT/2000/XP Installation.....................................................................................25
Single-User Installation.................................................................................................................25
Multiple User Environment under Windows® NT/2000/XP.......................................................30
User Configuration from a Multi-user install................................................................................33
Customizing an Installation................................................................................................................37
Auto installation.............................................................................................................................37
Installing individual modules from RPMs....................................................................................37
Installing multiple instances of with the same version number.........................38
Appendix 1 — MacOSX Extras.........................................................................................................41
Installing X11.................................................................................................................................41
How to install X11 with Mac OS X 10.3 or 10.4 ?.......................................................................41
Installing X11 on Panther(10.3)...........................................................................................41
Installing X11 on Tiger(10.4)...............................................................................................41
Launching X11.....................................................................................................................41
X11 claims to be already installed.......................................................................................42
Check and Select X11 settings :...........................................................................................42
1.6 How to get rid of the Xterm that starts without asking ?..............................................42
Public Documentation License, Version 1.0......................................................................................43 2.x Setup Guide ii

Copyright and trademark information

Copyright and trademark information
The contents of this Documentation are subject to the Public Documentation License, Version
1.0 (the "License"); you may only use this Documentation if you comply with the terms of this License. A copy of the License is available at:
The Original Documentation is Setup Guide 2.0. The Initial Writer(s) of the Original
Documentation is/are G. Roderick Singleton © 2005. All Rights Reserved. (Initial Writer
contact(s):G. Roderick Singleton.)
Contributor(s): Jacqueline McNally, Sophie Gautier_________________________________.
Portions created by G. Roderick Singleton are Copyright © 2005. All Rights Reserved. (Contributor contact(s):G. Roderick Singleton.
Portions created by Marko Moëller are Copyright © 2005. All Rights Reserved. (Contributor contact(s):Marko. Moeller.
All trademarks within this guide belong to legitimate owners.
[Note: a copy of the PDL is included in this template and is also available at:]


Please direct any comments or suggestions about this document to: 2.x Setup Guide iii


Derek Dreger for taking care of the 1.x.x Setup Guides. for Debian install from rpm, Jaqueline for Windows®, Shaun
McDonald for the Mac section, and too many others to mention individually.

Modifications and updates

Version Date Description of Change
[0.15a] [2005-08-18] [Markomlm/grs: Solaris Part added and minor edits for style]
[0.16] [2005-08-29] [grs: 16th -- added upgrade from 1.1.x warning]
[0.17] [2005-08-31] [grs: 17th – changed install script hyperlink]
[0.18] [2005-09-05] [grs: 18
[0.19] [2005-09-07] [grs: 19
[0.20] [2005-09-20] [grs: 20
[0.21] [2005-10-02] [grs: 22nd Updated with Slackware installation ]
[Rev A] [2005-10-12] [grs: Rev A – First non draft version ]
[Rev. A_01] [2005-10-13] [markomlm: – First non draft version linked pictures]
[Rev. A_02] [2005-10-18] [grs: – minor edits and spelling corrections]
[Rev. A_03] [2005-10-23] [grs: – create A4 version and spelling corrections]
[Rev. A_04] [2005-10-26] [grs: – installing modules added]
[Rev. A_05] [2005-12-31] [grs: – new customization added and pzisson Getnoo changes
[Rev. A_06] [2006-02-13] [grs: – multi-instance section added]
[Rev. A_08] [2006-06-10] [grs: – X11 install for MacOSX]
[Rev. A_09] [2006-06-13] [smsm1: – MacOSX corrections]
[Rev. A_10] [2006-06-13] [grs: – fix formatting]
-- fixed typos, remove Ubuntu script note
-- Changed debian section to reflect new filenames
-- Updated to Uhv methods in RPM section 2.x Setup Guide iv
Acknowledgments 2.x Setup Guide v


This document is designed to provide users with instructions on installing 2.x and its successors on their systems.
Overview 2.0 Setup Guide 1
Overview 2.0 Setup Guide 2

General Installation Information

General Installation Information
Starting with 2.x, installation is done using the native installers available on each system. This means that installation only requires that you unpack the download image and then launch the local tool.
Using the native installers will provide better upgrades et cetera.
Language packs are mostly available from each Native Language Community and may also be available from plus the appropriate release. For example,
Warning: Please keep in mind that upgrading from 1.1.x to any 2.x release is NOT recommended, keep the installation of each separate. 2.0 Setup Guide 3
General Installation Information 2.0 Setup Guide 4

RPM-based Installation


1. Unpack the downloaded image into a directory. For example,Currently, the following command would unpack into the current directory:
tar xvzf Ooo_2.0.xxx_LinuxIntel_install.tar.gz .
1. su to root, if necessary.
2. cd into the directory with the unpacked image. This could be RPMS.
3. Then execute rpm -Uvh *rpm for the standard installation in /opt. If you prefer to install in another directory, try
rpm -Uvh --prefix /<where_ooo_should_go>/ *.rpm or something similar. When relocating, only relocate the base rpms, in other words, do not include
any user interface RPMs as these must go in their default locations for proper system integration.
Note: Upgrade the core first and then upgrade the user interface. Separating steps 3 and 4 ensures a good upgrade.
RPM-based Installation
4. cd into the desktop-integration directory and execute rpm -Uvh for the menu rpm that applies to your system. For example, on a RedHat­based system, you would use
rpm -Uvh<release>.noarch.rpm or similar.
5. Download and install any language packs needed for For example, if you relocated, you need
rpm -Uvh --prefix //<where_ooo_should_go>/ <name_of_pack>.rpm
Please read the man page for the rpm that comes with your distribution and select the options that best apply to your situation. The examples above are only that, examples.
Installing individual components is the same as above but only requires the specific module be installed. For example, install all core rpms and then install those for each module you wish, such as, to install only Impress.
Other modules may also be necessary.
Note: You may substitute -ihv for -Uhv in any of the above commands to install without upgrading.


I found the following useful:
rpm -qa\* | xargs rpm --erase -–nodeps
Another method of removing an release is to use a file that lists the modules as follows: 2.0 Setup Guide 5
RPM-based Installation
rpm -qa | grep openoffice > rmlist which records what is installed in the file rmlist. The grep string will, of course, vary according to the release. Edit rmlist for anything you do not want to remove. Then when it is time to remove a release one simply has to enter:
rpm -e `cat rmlist`
Warning: Using rpm -e\* does not work. under FC3 or Suse 9.3 and possibly other distributions.
Remember with the development and beta releases that it may be best to remove <installdir>/openoffice* and any $HOME/.openoffice* files and directories
before installing a new version.
There may be better ways to do this but I find the above effective. Please check for example
install and uninstall scripts or use them as a model for your own. 2.0 Setup Guide 6

Debian-based Installation

Debian-based Installation

Installing .debs

The simplest way to install the package you've downloaded is use the command dpkg -i (short for dpkg –install).
1. First log on as root or from the GUI, open a root terminal.
2. Type:
dpkg -i -–force-overwrite*.deb \ desktop-integration/*.deb
and will be installed. If you already had an older version, dpkg will upgrade it rather than installing both versions at once.
3. Install any language packs needed for

Removing .debs

4. If you want to remove a package, you have two options. The first is most intuitive: dpkg -r This will remove the package
(-r is short for --remove).
Note that you give only the '' for --remove, while --install requires the entire .deb filename.

Installing from Linux RPMs

1. Download Ooo_2.0.xxx_Linux<NeededCPUArchitecture>_install.tar.gz.
2. Unpack downloaded .tar.gz archive, for example with command 'tar xvzf'
3. cd into the RPMS subfolder, which will be created after unpacking the .tar.gz
4. Run su (or sudo -s, if your system uses sudo and you are allowed to run a shell as root with sudo -s. For example, Debian-based Ubuntu Linux uses sudo as the default utility that permits a user to become administrator (root)
5. Delete any*menus*.rpm files that do not apply to your system. For example*.rpm and*.rpm are not for Debian.
6. Install the alien utility for converting RPM packages to native Debian packages (.DEB) with command 'apt-get install alien' or by manually downloading from 2.0 Setup Guide 7
Debian-based Installation
Note: alien versions 8.50 and earlier are known not to set the correct file permissions for some files. Please refer to issue 54163 Solution: Use alien version 8.51 or newer or workaround the problem by manually correcting the file-permissions
1. Run command 'alien -k *.rpm' to produce .deb packages
2. Install .deb packages with command
dpkg -i -–force-overwrite*.deb
Note: Using -–force-overwrite option can prevent errors where files belong to several packages.
3. Optionally install java runtime environment (j2re) from
4. Install any language packs needed for (also converted to .deb format with alien utility)
5. Exit from administrator (root) shell with command 'exit'
6. Now you can run OpenOffice with the command /opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/soffice.
Note: For those willing to accept development snapshots, there is another possibility, simply grab the debs from in the 680 directory. Pick your
release and let us know which works for you. 2.0 Setup Guide 8
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