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Novell Trademarks
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Third-Party Materials
All third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This cross-platform user guide describes how to install and use the iFolder® 3.7 and later client on
Linux*, Macintosh*, and Windows* platforms in combination with Novell
enterprise server and how to access iFolders via the iFolder 3.7 and later Web Access server.
Chapter 1, “Overview of iFolder,” on page 13
Chapter 2, “What’s New,” on page 19
Chapter 3, “Using iFolder with Novell iFolder 3.7 and Later Versions,” on page 23
Chapter 4, “Comparing Novell iFolder 2.x with 3.7 and Later Versions,” on page 29
Chapter 5, “Getting Started,” on page 35
Chapter 6, “Novell iFolder Migration And Upgrade,” on page 41
Chapter 7, “Managing iFolder Accounts and Preferences,” on page 49
Chapter 8, “Managing Your iFolders,” on page 75
Chapter 9, “Using Web Access for Novell iFolder 3.7 and Later Versions,” on page 107
Chapter 10, “Troubleshooting,” on page 117
Appendix A, “Uninstalling the iFolder Client,” on page 123
Appendix B, “Documentation Updates,” on page 125
iFolder® 3.7 and later
This guide is intended for users of the iFolder client and iFolder Web access for Novell iFolder 3.7
and later versions.
We want to hear your comments and suggestions about this manual and the other documentation
included with this product. Please use the User Comment feature at the bottom of each page of the
online documentation, or go to and enter your
comments there.
Documentation Updates
For the most recent version of iFolder 3.8 client documentation, see the following:
In Novell documentation, a greater-than symbol (>) is used to separate actions within a step and
items in a cross-reference path.
A trademark symbol (®, TM) denotes a Novell trademark. An asterisk (*) denotes a third-party
About This Guide11
When a single pathname can be written with a backslash for some platforms or a forward slash for
other platforms, the pathname is presented with a backslash. Users of platforms that require a
forward slash, such as Linux* or UNIX*, should use forward slashes as required by your software.
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
12Novell iFolder 3.8 Cross-Platform User Guide
Overview of iFolder
iFolderTM is a file-sharing application for Linux, Windows, and Macintosh clients. You can share
files in multiple iFolders, each with different users or LDAPGroups. You control who can
participate in an iFolder and the access level for each member. You can also participate in iFolders
that others share with you.
iFolder 3.7 and later versions provide a simple, hassle-free user interface for client-side migration
from iFolder 2.x to iFolder 3.7 and later versions, and for a client-side upgrade from iFolder 3.x to
iFolder 3.7 and later versions.
This section familiarizes you with the various benefits and features of iFolder:
Section 1.1, “Benefits of iFolder,” on page 13
Section 1.2, “Component Overview,” on page 14
Section 1.3, “iFolder Accounts,” on page 15
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Section 1.4, “Key Features of iFolder,” on page 15
Section 1.5, “What’s Next,” on page 18
1.1 Benefits of iFolder
iFolder provides the following benefits:
iFolder integrates with your native desktop environment, making it easy to create and manage
multiple iFolders.
iFolder is highly scalable and flexible, with no practical limit on the number of iFolders per
user or on the number of members per iFolder.
With encryption enabled, iFolder protects data as it travels across the wire and is stored on the
iFolder server.
With the enhanced Web Access console, you can access your files on the iFolder server from
any workstation without the iFolder client, and use a Web browser to perform all the operations
of iFolder client.
You can easily and selectively share personal and business files.
iFolder can migrate and upgrade your iFolder data to the latest version.
iFolder supports LDAPGroups.
You can control the access level of member users of the iFolders you own, or where you have
the necessary rights to control the access rights of members.
iFolder transparently updates your files to member iFolders on multiple workstations.
When iFolder is running, it tracks and logs changes made while you work offline, and
synchronizes those changes when you connect to the server.
iFolder provides secure authentication of members who access an iFolder to synchronize its
iFolders offers an alternative to exchanging files via e-mail, which avoids the file-size limits on
e-mail attachments and reduces your e-mail storage requirements.
Overview of iFolder
1.2 Component Overview
Section 1.2.1, “The iFolder Client,” on page 14
Section 1.2.2, “iFolder Server,” on page 14
Section 1.2.3, “iFolder Web Access Console,” on page 14
1.2.1 The iFolder Client
The iFolder client integrates with your operating system to provide iFolder services in your native
desktop environment. The iFolder client allows you to manage your own iFolders and to select
which shared iFolders to set up on each computer. iFolder supports the following operating systems:
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 10 SP1 and above
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 11
openSUSE 11.1
The iFolder Linux client requires the Mono framework for Linux and a GNOME* desktop for
iFolder Nautilus plug-in support.
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Windows XP SP2 and above
Windows Vista SP1 and above
Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Macintosh OS X (Intel architecture) v10.4.11 and later (requires Mono 1.2.5 ). PowerPc
architecture is not supported.
1.2.2 iFolder Server
The iFolder enterprise server is a central repository for storing iFolders and synchronizing files.
Before you start using iFolder, you need to connect to an iFolder server by using the IP address
given by the administrator. For more information on iFolder accounts, see Section 1.3, “iFolder
Accounts,” on page 15.
iFolder 3.7 and later versions support multi-server configuration, in which multiple servers
participate in a single iFolder domain. A master-slave setup constitutes a multi-server configuration,
where one or more slave servers are connected to a master server. This helps to host a large amount
of data on your iFolder domain. For more information, see Chapter 3, “Using iFolder with Novell
iFolder 3.7 and Later Versions,” on page 23.
1.2.3 iFolder Web Access Console
Web Access console for iFolder 3.7 and later versions provide an interface for remote access to
iFolders on the iFolder enterprise server. For more information on the Web Access Console, see
Chapter 9, “Using Web Access for Novell iFolder 3.7 and Later Versions,” on page 107.
14Novell iFolder 3.8 Cross-Platform User Guide
1.3 iFolder Accounts
An iFolder account is created when an iFolder services administrator provisions you as an iFolder
user for an iFolder server. The administrator provides you with a username and password. For an
enterprise, this might be your username or e-mail address and the related password. You must
configure at least one iFolder account before you can create iFolders. For more information, see
Section 7.3, “Configuring an iFolder Account,” on page 53.
An iFolder session begins when you log in to an iFolder services account and ends when you log
out, or when you exit the iFolder client. Your iFolders synchronize files with other active iFolders
only when your session is active and you are working online. You can access data in your local
iFolders at any time, whether you are logged in to the account, or not. For information, see
Section 7.3, “Configuring an iFolder Account,” on page 53.
1.4 Key Features of iFolder
Before you begin to use iFolder, it is important to understand the following key features:
Section 1.4.1, “iFolder Sharing,” on page 15
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Section 1.4.2, “iFolder Access Rights,” on page 16
Section 1.4.3, “LDAPGroup Support,” on page 17
Section 1.4.4, “SSL Support,” on page 17
Section 1.4.5, “Merge,” on page 17
Section 1.4.6, “File Synchronization,” on page 17
Section 1.4.7, “Encryption,” on page 17
Section 1.4.8, “Migration,” on page 18
Section 1.4.9, “Upgrade,” on page 18
Section 1.4.10, “Default iFolder,” on page 18
Section 1.4.11, “Enhanced Web Access,” on page 18
Section 1.4.12, “Synchronization Log,” on page 18
1.4.1 iFolder Sharing
Typically, when you work in multiple locations or in collaboration with others, you must
conscientiously manage file versions. With iFolder, the most recent version of your files can follow
you to any computer where you have installed the iFolder client and created an iFolder for them.
iFolder also allows you to share multiple iFolders and their separate content with other authorized
users or LDAPGroups. For more information on shared iFolder, see “Shared iFolders” on page 16.
The iFolder client supports sharing by synchronizing files across multiple computers through a
central server. It allows you to do the following:
Share files across computers
Share files with others
Own multiple iFolders
Participate in multiple iFolders that other users share with you
Participate as the owner or a member of iFolders in multiple accounts
Overview of iFolder15
You work with iFolders directly in your file manager or in the iFolder browser that is part of the
client. Within the iFolder, you can set up any subdirectory structure that suits your personal or
corporate work habits. The subdirectory structure is constant across all member iFolders.
Shared iFolders
An iFolder is a local directory that selectively shares and synchronizes files via a central server with
user-specified users. The iFolder files are accessible to all iFolder members and can be changed by
those with the rights to do so. You can access your iFolders across multiple workstations and share
them with both individual users and LDAPGroups.
You decide who participates in each iFolder and the level of access for each member. Similarly, you
can participate in shared iFolders that are owned by others in your collaboration environment. When
you share an iFolder, member users with the Write permission can modify the directory structure,
and those changes apply to all copies of the iFolder. Each user can locate the shared iFolder
anywhere on his or her own computer if it satisfies the requirements in Section 8.1, “Guidelines for
the Location and Use of iFolders,” on page 75.
1.4.2 iFolder Access Rights
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
The iFolder client supports the owner and three levels of access for members of an iFolder:
IMPORTANT: Members of an LDAPGroup inherit the access rights set for that group.
Owner: Only one user serves as the owner of an iFolder. This is typically the user who creates
the iFolder. The owner user can use the iFolder client to transfer ownership to another member
of the iFolder.
The owner of an iFolder has the Full Control right. This user has Read/Write access to the
iFolder, manages membership and access rights for member users, and can remove the Full
Control right for any member.
If an LDAPGroup owns an iFolders, all the member users of that group are given the full
control right.
Full Control: A member of the shared iFolder, with the Full Control access right. This member
has Read/Write access to the iFolder and manages membership and access rights for all users
except the owner.
Read/Write: A member of the shared iFolder, with the Read/Write access right to the
directories and files in the iFolder. This member can modify a file, but the local changes are
synchronized to other members’ copies of the iFolder.
Read Only: A member of the shared iFolder, with the Read Only access right to directories
and files in the iFolder. This member can modify a file, but the local changes are not
synchronized to other members’ copies of the iFolder.
Any iFolder user or LDAPGroup can own some iFolders and be a member of other iFolders. As an
owner user, you always have the Full Control right. As a member user, your level of access in each
shared iFolder can differ, depending on the access granted to you by any member with the Full
Control right.
16Novell iFolder 3.8 Cross-Platform User Guide
1.4.3 LDAPGroup Support
iFolder supports LDAPGroups. You can share iFolders with LDAPGroups. Members of the
LDAPGroup can create, own and share iFolders with other individual users or other LDAPGroups.
1.4.4 SSL Support
Novell iFolder allows you use a secure channel to synchronize between iFolders on the server and
on the local machine. You can enable secure channel for both regular and encrypted iFolders.
1.4.5 Merge
With Merge, you can consolidate the iFolder data and minimize the data transfer between the
iFolder client and the server. Merge also allows you to move an existing folder to a different location
on the client machine. For more information, see Section 8.8, “Merging iFolders,” on page 90.
1.4.6 File Synchronization
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When you are connected to the server, iFolder can synchronize iFolder membership and files in the
background as you work. When you set up an iFolder account, you can enable Remember My Password so that iFolder can remember the password on that machine, and next time when you
launch iFolder, it automatically connects to the server and synchronize the data without prompting
for the password.
You can configure the iFolder client to run automatically each time you log in to your computer’s
desktop environment. The session runs in the background as you work with files in your local
iFolders, tracking and logging any changes you make.
You can synchronize the files manually or at specified intervals.
iFolder also has delta synchronization capabilities. When you make any changes to an iFolder file,
only the deltas or changes are synchronized to the server. In other words, delta synchronization only
retrieves updates since the last synchronization between the iFolder client and the server. This
increases the efficiency, because it reduces the synchronization time.
1.4.7 Encryption
iFolder provides higher security for your confidential iFolder files, to protect them from intentional
or unintentional access by unauthorized people. In the past, data security was not ensured on the
server side, so the data was accessible to the administrator or to anyone who gained unauthorized
access to the server. In addition, when you access iFolder files via an ISP provider, there is a chance
that an unauthorized individual can inadvertently stumble across your confidential files. Now, you
can encrypt and save your files on the server, and retrieve them through a passphrase known only to
you. If you forget your passphrase, the Recovery agent you have selected during the creation of the
encrypted iFolder helps you recover your data.
For more information on encryption, see “Managing Passphrase for Encrypted iFolders” on page 94.
IMPORTANT: You cannot share an Encrypted iFolder.
Overview of iFolder17
1.4.8 Migration
Novell iFolder provides a simple, hassle-free migration from iFolder 2.x to the iFolder client for
Novell iFolder 3.7 and later versions. The Migration Wizard provided in the iFolder client helps you
migrate the data for iFolder 2.x to iFolder 3.7 and later versions quickly and easily. For more
information, see “Novell iFolder Migration And Upgrade” on page 41.
1.4.9 Upgrade
Novell iFolder 3.7 and later versions provide a simple upgrade from iFolder 3.x to the iFolder client
for Novell iFolder 3.7 and later versions. For more information, see Section 6.2, “Upgrading iFolder
3.x Clients,” on page 45.
1.4.10 Default iFolder
iFolder allows you to set up a default iFolder when you configure a new account. Whenever you
configure a new iFolder account, iFolder automatically checks for the presence of the default
iFolder. If you have not created a default iFolder, iFolder prompts you to create one. If it already
exists, the iFolder client prompts you to download. You are also allowed to ignore both these
options. For more information, see Step 7 on page 58 in the Section 7.3, “Configuring an iFolder
Account,” on page 53.
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
1.4.11 Enhanced Web Access
iFolder provides an enhanced Web interface that allows you to access your iFolder files on remote
servers. With the Web Access console, you can use a Web browser to access your files on the
iFolder server from any workstation without the iFolder client. The Web Access interface enables
you to perform all the operations of the iFolder client.
When compared to the previous iFolder versions, iFolder 3.7 and later versions lets you create,
browse, share, upload, and delete iFolders via the enhanced Web access console. Mobile users can
also make use of this facility through the Web.
1.4.12 Synchronization Log
The synchronization log displays a log of your iFolder background activity, such as uploading and
downloading files for different iFolders, policy violations, excluded files, and non-synchronized
files. Whenever a synchronization error occurs, a synchronization log window is displayed listing all
the error messages.To view the log of your background activity, you must open the Synchronization
Log from the View menu.
1.5 What’s Next
For information about configuring using the iFolder client, see the following:
Chapter 7, “Managing iFolder Accounts and Preferences,” on page 49
Chapter 8, “Managing Your iFolders,” on page 75
18Novell iFolder 3.8 Cross-Platform User Guide
What’s New
The iFolderTM client for Novell® iFolder® 3.x offers many new capabilities. This section identifies
the new features and compares client services, management, and functions to iFolder 2.x.
Section 2.1, “What’s New for iFolder 3.8,” on page 19
Section 2.2, “What’s New for iFolder 3.7,” on page 19
Section 2.3, “What’s New for iFolder 3.6,” on page 20
Section 2.4, “What’s New for iFolder 3.4,” on page 20
Section 2.5, “What’s New for iFolder 3.2,” on page 20
Section 2.6, “What’s New for iFolder 3.1,” on page 20
Section 2.7, “What’s New for iFolder 3.0,” on page 20
Section 2.8, “What’s Next,” on page 21
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
2.1 What’s New for iFolder 3.8
The following capabilities and features were added in the iFolder client for Novell iFolder 3.8:
Passphrase recovery wizard. For more information, see Section 8.11.1, “Recovering an
Encrypted iFolder,” on page 94
Password change feature. For more information, see Section 7.9, “Changing the iFolder
account password,” on page 71 and Section 9.6, “Changing the iFolder account password,” on
page 113.
Enhanced user interface.
iFolder client for openSUSE 11.1 and SLED 11.
64 bit version of iFolder client for Vista64.
Enhanced iFolder client startup performance.
2.2 What’s New for iFolder 3.7
The following capabilities and features were added in the iFolder client for Novell iFolder 3.7:
Added support for LDAP Groups.
Added support for SSL communication.
Added support for Vista and Macintosh platforms.
Improved file conflict management.
Added support for server migration.
Added Merge functionality.
Added client support for openSUSE 10.3
What’s New
2.3 What’s New for iFolder 3.6
The following capabilities and features were added in the iFolder client for Novell iFolder 3.6:
Web Access features in parity with the iFolder 3.6 client operations.
Optional encryption support to protect data as it travels across the wire and while it is stored on
the iFolder server.
Flexibility in data transfer and security.
Improved iFolder sharing.
Consistency in user experience across different platforms.
User interface for client-side migration and upgrade.
2.4 What’s New for iFolder 3.4
The following capabilities and features were added in the iFolder client for Novell iFolder 3.4:
Support was added for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10.
The user interface was redesigned for improved usability.
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
2.5 What’s New for iFolder 3.2
The following features are new in the iFolder client for Novell iFolder 3.2:
Updates were made to address known defects.
User help for the iFolder client was localized.
A option was added to allow the iFolder administrator to specify whether users log in with their
network user ID (LDAP common name) or their e-mail addresses. For information, see
Section 7.3, “Configuring an iFolder Account,” on page 53.
2.6 What’s New for iFolder 3.1
Novell iFolder 3.1 includes the following enhancements:
Improved consistency in labels and messages across client platforms. For information on cross-
platform differences, see Section 7.1, “Cross-Platform Considerations,” on page 49.
The version of Mono
used for Linux and Macintosh clients in 3.1 is
2.7 What’s New for iFolder 3.0
Novell iFolder 3.0 includes several important new features:
Multiple iFolders: You can create as many iFolders as desired and manage each one
separately. Each iFolder functions independently to synchronize its own set of files. You
specify the local path for each iFolder.
Shared iFolders: Each iFolder can be kept private or shared with a different group of users.
For a shared iFolder, if you own it or are a member with the Full Control right, you can control
who participates in the iFolder and control the level of access granted to each member, such as
Full Control, Read/Write, or Read Only.
20Novell iFolder 3.8 Cross-Platform User Guide
Centralized iFolder Synchronization and Storage: iFolder data is automatically
synchronized by the iFolder client to the iFolder enterprise server over an IP network. The
enterprise server stores files for each iFolder, then synchronizes them to other member
computers. Your iFolder administrator controls whether data is transported securely with
HTTPS (SSL) connections during synchronization, or if data is transported with standard
HTTP connections.
Multiple iFolder Accounts: You can concurrently access iFolder accounts on multiple
Web Access to iFolders: You access your iFolder accounts from any computer with Internet
access. You can create subdirectories, upload files, and download files to any of your iFolders.
All iFolders for the account are available, whether you are the owner or a member.
2.8 What’s Next
For more information on iFolder, see the following:
Chapter 3, “Using iFolder with Novell iFolder 3.7 and Later Versions,” on page 23
Chapter 4, “Comparing Novell iFolder 2.x with 3.7 and Later Versions,” on page 29
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Chapter 5, “Getting Started,” on page 35
Chapter 6, “Novell iFolder Migration And Upgrade,” on page 41
What’s New21
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
22Novell iFolder 3.8 Cross-Platform User Guide
Using iFolder with Novell iFolder
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
3.7 and Later Versions
This section discusses how the iFolderTM client works with Novell® iFolder® 3.7 and later versions.
Section 3.1, “Novell iFolder 3.7 and Later Versions,” on page 23
Section 3.2, “Benefits of Using iFolder 3.7 and Later Services,” on page 23
Section 3.3, “Sharing iFolders Through iFolder Enterprise Server for 3.7 and Later Versions,”
on page 24
Section 3.4, “Key Features of iFolder 3.7 and Later Versions,” on page 25
Section 3.5, “What’s Next,” on page 27
3.1 Novell iFolder 3.7 and Later Versions
Novell iFolder 3.7 and later versions deliver all the benefits of earlier iFolder versions and add new
features for greater productivity and flexibility for managing files securely in a collaborative
NOTE: Your administrator must configure Novell iFolder 3.7 and later services. For more
information, see the Novell iFolder 3.8 Administration Guide (
Enterprise Server
The iFolder enterprise server for 3.7 and later versions provide central storage, synchronization, and
backup of files in your local iFolders. It allows local files to automatically follow you
everywhere—online, offline, all the time—across computers. You simply save your files locally, as
you have always done. The client automatically updates your iFolders’ local files to the iFolder 3.7
and later enterprise server, which delivers them to other user computers that share the iFolders.
Web Access Server
For mobile users, the Web Access server for iFolder 3.7 and later versions provide anywhere,
anytime access to your iFolder files on the iFolder 3.7 and later enterprise server. All you need is a
Web browser and an Internet or network connection.
3.2 Benefits of Using iFolder 3.7 and Later
In addition to the benefits mentioned in Section 1.1, “Benefits of iFolder,” on page 13, using the
iFolder client with Novell iFolder 3.7 and later versions provides the following capabilities:
You can create iFolders and store files securely on a central enterprise server for anytime,
anywhere access through a passphrase known only to you. If you forget your passphrase, the
Recovery agent helps you recover your data. You can also reset your passphrase for future use.
Using iFolder with Novell iFolder 3.7 and Later Versions
You can synchronizes files at any time through a central server, with improved availability,
reliability, and performance over other sharing methods.
You can back up local files to a server.
You can back up iFolders to backup media.
You can restore files or entire iFolder contents from backup media.
You can centrally manage all iFolders in the enterprise server with policy-based administration
You can manage all iFolders on the server via an enhanced Web Access console.
3.3 Sharing iFolders Through iFolder Enterprise
Server for 3.7 and Later Versions
In the following example, Ulrik owns an iFolder named Denmark and shares it via his iFolder
enterprise account with Nigel, Luc, and Alice. Nigel travels frequently, so he also sets up the iFolder
on his laptop. iFolder members can upload and download files from the Denmark iFolder from
anywhere, using the iFolder Web Access server. In addition, Alice shares a non-work iFolder with
her friend Ulrik. In this example, an asterisk next to the folder name indicates the iFolder owner.
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Figure 3-1 Collaboration and Sharing with iFolder
The iFolder client synchronizes the most recent version of documents to all authorized users of your
shared iFolder. All that you and other iFolder members need is an active network connection and the
iFolder client. With an enterprise server, your iFolders are stored centrally where they are easily
accessed by all iFolder members in a multi-server environment.
24Novell iFolder 3.8 Cross-Platform User Guide
3.4 Key Features of iFolder 3.7 and Later
In addition to the features described in “Key Features of iFolder” on page 15, using the iFolder
client with Novell iFolder 3.7 and later versions provide enhanced capabilities for the following
Section 3.4.1, “The iFolder Client,” on page 25
Section 3.4.2, “iFolder Enterprise Server Account,” on page 25
Section 3.4.3, “Shared iFolders,” on page 26
Section 3.4.4, “iFolder Access Rights,” on page 26
Section 3.4.5, “Encryption Policy Settings,” on page 26
Section 3.4.6, “Security Settings,” on page 27
Section 3.4.7, “Multi-Server Support,” on page 27
Section 3.4.8, “Multi-Volume Support,” on page 27
Section 3.4.9, “File Synchronization and Data Management,” on page 27
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
3.4.1 The iFolder Client
Use the version of the iFolder client that is approved by your system administrator. Typically,
compatible iFolder clients are downloadable from the enterprise server’s iFolder 3 Welcome page.
Contact your system administrator for this information.
For prerequisites and installation instructions, see “Getting Started” on page 35.
3.4.2 iFolder Enterprise Server Account
Your administrator provisions an account for you on at least one iFolder enterprise server. iFolder
supports only one account for a given iFolder server domain under your current local login identity.
If you have multiple identities on the local computer, each identity can have its own account on the
same server. However, only one local user identity at a time can log in to the iFolder server from that
Each local identity on a computer must have its own copy of the iFolders related to its accounts. If
you share iFolders between users who share the same computer, multiple copies of those iFolders
must be stored locally where each user can modify the files within the user’s assigned workspace.
iFolder 3.7 introduces a new feature, auto-account creation, which helps the iFolder administrator to
create and configure an account for you. If your iFolder administrator has enabled auto-account
creation, you don’t need to configure an account for yourself. When you start an iFolder for the first
time, you are prompted to enter your password. Enter your password to complete configuring the
If auto-account creation is not enabled, contact your system administrator for the IP address (such as
enterprise server where you have been assigned an account. Log in to the server with the username
and password for the account.
) or DNS name (such as
Using iFolder with Novell iFolder 3.7 and Later Versions25
) of each iFolder 3.7 and later
You must set up your enterprise server account before you can set up iFolders for it. The iFolder
client allows you to set up multiple accounts, where a single account represents a given enterprise
server. You specify the server address, username, and password to uniquely identify an account. On
your computer, log in as the local user identity you plan to use to access an account and its iFolders,
then set up the iFolder. Under your local login, you can set up multiple iFolder accounts, but each
account must belong to a different iFolder enterprise server.
For information, see Section 7.3, “Configuring an iFolder Account,” on page 53.
3.4.3 Shared iFolders
For your enterprise server account, you can share iFolders only with other users who also have an
account on the same enterprise server. Contact your system administrator if you need to share
iFolders with a user or group of users who are not yet provisioned for services on that server.
The server hosts every iFolder created for that account. When you create an iFolder, the enterprise
server makes it available to the specified list of users.
3.4.4 iFolder Access Rights
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
When you use the iFolder client with iFolder 3.7 and later versions, the administrator can provide
the following support services:
Transfer ownership of an iFolder to any user on the iFolder server, even if the user is not
currently a member of the iFolder.
Modify the access right for a member.
Set a disk quota policy that restricts the amount of disk space that a user can consume for his or
her iFolders. The policy can apply system-wide for all users or can be set for an individual user.
To view the disk quota setting for your account, see Section 7.5, “Viewing and Modifying
iFolder Account Settings,” on page 62 after you set up your enterprise server account.
If an owner user is deleted as a user for the iFolder enterprise server, the iFolders owned by the
user are orphaned. Orphaned iFolders are assigned temporarily to the iFolder administrator,
who serves as a temporary custodial owner. Membership and synchronization continues while
the iFolder administrator determines whether an orphaned iFolder should be deleted or
assigned to a new owner.
3.4.5 Encryption Policy Settings
iFolder 3.7 and later versions provide higher security for your sensitive files. With encryption policy
set to On, all your iFolder files are transferred and stored encrypted on the iFolder enterprise server.
Your iFolder admin determines the encryption policy for your iFolders. If encryption is enabled,
You will have the option to choose between encrypted and regular. If you choose the former, the
data is encrypted with your secret passphrase as it travels across the wire and stored on the iFolder
server. For more information, see Section 8.11, “Managing Passphrase for Encrypted iFolders,” on
page 94.
26Novell iFolder 3.8 Cross-Platform User Guide
3.4.6 Security Settings
Whenever iFolder connects to an enterprise server to synchronize files, it connects with HTTP
connections to the server, and the server authenticates the user against its LDAP directory service.
Your iFolder administrator determines whether iFolder traffic uses HTTP based iFolder settings. If
there are no policy settings to set, you can choose HTTP from the client policy settings.
You might need to configure the following settings on your local computer to accommodate this
Section 7.7, “Configuring Local Firewall Settings for iFolder Traffic,” on page 69
Section 7.8, “Configuring Local Virus Scanner Settings for iFolder Traffic,” on page 71
3.4.7 Multi-Server Support
Handling large amount of data and provisioning multiple enterprise users in a corporate
environment is a major task for any administrator. iFolder 3.7 and later versions simplify these tasks
with multi-server configuration and lets administrators provision many users and host large amount
of data on your iFolder domain. Your Admin can scale up the domain across servers to enterpriselevel requirements by adding multiple servers to a single domain. This allows you to leverage the
under-utilized servers in an iFolder domain.
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
3.4.8 Multi-Volume Support
One of the key features of iFolder is its storage scalability. With multi-volume support, Internet
service providers and enterprise data centers can manage large amounts of data above the file system
restrictions per volume. This facilitates moving data between the volumes, based on file size and
storage space availability.
3.4.9 File Synchronization and Data Management
Your iFolder files are synchronized through the iFolder server, where the iFolder administrator can
optionally back up the iFolder files from the server to backup media. Contact your administrator if
you need to recover a backup copy of a deleted or modified file.
3.5 What’s Next
If you currently use Novell iFolder 2.x or 3.x in your environment, make sure to read the following:
To Understand This FunctionalityRead This
Comparing the capabilities of Novell iFolder 2.x
with Novell iFolder 3.7 and later versions.
Coexistence and migration of iFolder client for
Novell iFolder 3.7 and later versions and the
Novell iFolder 2.x client.
Chapter 4, “Comparing Novell iFolder 2.x with 3.7
and Later Versions,” on page 29
Section 6.1, “Migrating from iFolder 2.x to iFolder
3.7 and later Versions,” on page 41
Section 6.3, “Coexistence of Novell iFolder 2.x
and iFolder Clients,” on page 47
How to upgrade the iFolder 3.4 client to iFolder
3.7 and later versions
Section 6.2, “Upgrading iFolder 3.x Clients,” on
page 45
Using iFolder with Novell iFolder 3.7 and Later Versions27
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
28Novell iFolder 3.8 Cross-Platform User Guide
Comparing Novell iFolder 2.x with
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
3.7 and Later Versions
This section compares the features and capabilities of Novell® iFolder® 2.x with Novell iFolder 3.7
and later versions.
Section 4.1, “Client Features and Capabilities,” on page 29
Section 4.2, “Web Access Features and Capabilities,” on page 32
4.1 Client Features and Capabilities
The following table compares the features and capabilities of iFolder 3.7 and later client with Novell
iFolder 2.x.
Table 4-1 Comparison of Novell iFolder 2.x with 3.7 and later versions
Feature or CapabilityNovell iFolder 2.x Client
Download locationThe iFolder download page is
the IP address or DNS name of
your iFolder server. For example,
iFolder Client with a Novell iFolder
3.7 and later Enterprise Server
The administrator provides a
download site where users can
download the iFolder client, such
as the iFolder 3.7 on the iFolder
enterprise server.
The path is case sensitive.
Default location of the iFolder
directory on a client
Connect to server Log in to one account at a time.Set up accounts for multiple
Comparing Novell iFolder 2.x with 3.7 and Later Versions
Anywhere you want to create an
iFolder on your Windows or Linux
iFolder domains and log in to one
or more as desired.
Yes, with username and
password authentication via your
LDAP server.
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Feature or CapabilityNovell iFolder 2.x Client
Encrypted data transferYes, with the encrypted iFolder
The Blowfish algorithm is applied
with a user-specified passphrase.
iFolder data stored encrypted on
the server
iFolder data stored encrypted on
Create an iFolder Yes, by logging in to the server
Yes, with the encrypted iFolder
The user must specify a
passphrase when first creating
the iFolder account.
iFolder data is stored
unencrypted on the client. Use
third-party local encryption
options, if needed.
for the first time after being
provisioned for iFolder services.
iFolder Client with a Novell iFolder
3.7 and later Enterprise Server
Yes, with encrypted iFolder
The Blowfish algorithm is applied
with a user-specified passphrase.
Administrators control whether
connections use encryption or
Yes, with the encrypted iFolder
The user must specify a
passphrase when first creating
the iFolder account.
iFolder data is stored
unencrypted on the client. Use
third-party local encryption
options, if needed.
Yes, by selecting any local
directory and making it an iFolder.
You can create multiple iFolders
in each of your iFolder accounts.
Maximum iFolders per username OneMultiple. You can own or
participate in an almost-unlimited
number of iFolders in one or
multiple accounts.
Share an iFolder across multiple
Share an iFolder with other users Not as designed, but it is
Yes, by logging in to an iFolder
server from a computer with the
iFolder client, or by accessing the
iFolder via the Web with
The administrator can create a
username for this purpose.
Membership in the iFolder is
determined by who has access to
the password for that username
and its iFolder account.
Yes, by logging in to an iFolder
account from another computer
with an iFolder client and setting
up the available iFolder.
You can select which of the
iFolders you own or participate in
to set up on each computer,
according to your needs at each
Yes, as the owner user or a
member user with the Full Control
For each iFolder, specify a
list of users.
For each member of an
iFolder, specify different
levels of access with the Full
Control, Read/Write, or
Read Only right.
30Novell iFolder 3.8 Cross-Platform User Guide
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