Getting Started 3
Revision 1.1 900023376
2. Do not use the modem if the antenna is damaged. Operate the modem with only the supplied
antenna or an a pproved r eplacemen t antenna .
3. Unauthorized modifications, attachments or antennas not expressly approved by
Novatel Wirel ess ca n void t he user ’s auth ority to o perate t his equipm ent and v iolate F CC
4. If you use medica l devices such as a pacemaker or hearing aid, consult the manufacturer
of the device to determ ine if i t is ade quately sh ielded f rom RF en ergy. Persons with
pacemakers should always maintain a separation distance of at least 6 inches (15 cm)
from the modem when the modem is powered on. Wireless products can interfere with some
hearing aids. Consult with your hearing aid manufacturer to discuss alternative solutions.
5. This product is not to b e used in a ny environment where radio frequency equipment is
prohibited or restricted i n its use. This includes aircraft, a irports, ho spitals, an d other
sensitive elec tr o ni c ar ea s . To ensure that your m ode m is d ea ct iva ted and power can n ot be
applied accide ntly to t he modem, you shoul d remove the modem from your computer
under the above co nditions.
6. Under ext end ed op era t io n t h e Mer l in fo r GP RS mo de m w i ll g ene r at e a n ot ic ea ble a mo un t of
heat. Like all PC Cards, th e modem generates heat dur ing norma l operatio ns and i s also
heated by the host co mpute r. For this reason it is r ecomm ended that yo u allo w the m odem
to cool down after exte nsiv e oper ation so th at it is cool to the touch when you rem ove it fr om
your computer.
7. Do not remove the anten na from the modem du ring operation.
The following items are required to set up and use your Merlin for GPRS PC Card modem:
• Portable PC with Pentium lll or higher with Type II PC Card slot, 16 MB hard drive space
and CD-ROM d rive
• Microsoft® Win dows 98 S E™ or Wi ndows 20 00™ or Win dows XP™ or Windows ME™
• Installation CD, incl uded with y our Merlin fo r GPRS PC C ard modem
• GSM/GPRS accoun t with a wire less IP serv ice provide r in your a rea
• SIM card containing your GSM/GPRS account information
• Internet brows er softwar e (for exa mple, Mi crosoft In ternet Ex plorer®)
Note: Please ensure that you have the latest BIOS for your computer. You can contact the
computer manufac turer to obtain it or you ma y be able to obtain it from the ir web site.
Technical Support
If you require tech nical support , please contact th e suppl ier of you r SIM c ard or you r local GSM/
GPRS service provider.