GPS-534 and GPS-534-C
The GPS-534 is an active
antenna designed to operate at
the GPS L1 and L2 frequencies,
1575.42 and 1227.60 MHz and
across the L-Band from 1525 to
1560 MHz. The GPS-534-C
version is aircraft certified for
navigation. This guide provides
the basic information you need to install and begin using your
new antenna.
• A device with an antenna input port that both receives the RF
signal and provides 2.5 to 24.0 VDC to the antenna is required
to set up the GPS-534. (NovAtel GPS receivers provide the
necessary power through their antenna RF connectors.)
• Coaxial cable with a male TNC connector
Both the input DC power and the output RF signal flow over a
single coaxial cable that is connected to the unit's TNC female
The antenna can be attached to a surface by means of an
ARINC-743 Bolt Pattern.
Four screws pass through the housing of the antenna.
Install the antenna as follows:
1. The antenna is supplied with an o-ring. Place it in the o-ring
groove of the antenna base.
User-supplied o-ring grease can be used to hold the o-ring in
the groove during installation.
2. Pre-drill the mounting holes and the connector hole on the
surface, see the Mechanical Drawings sectio n of this guide
for details on the ARINC-743 mounting pattern.
3. Attach the antenna to the surface using the four mounting
screws supplied. The o-ring compresses and creates a seal
between the surface and the antenna.
Ref. # Description Ref.# Description
1 534 antenna 4 O-ring
2 Countersink screws 5 Pre-drilled mounting holes
3 Mounting surface
4. Remove the dust cap from the antenna’s TNC connector.
5. Attach the male TNC connector of the coaxial cable to the
antenna’s TNC connector.
Ref. # Description
1 Antenna
screwed into
3 TNC connector
4 Coaxial cable
6. Attach the other end of the coaxial cable to the antenna inpu t
port of the receiving device, which must provide power as
detailed in the SPECIFICATIONS section of this guide. All
NovAtel GPS receivers provide the necessary power
through their antenna RF connectors.
The graphic above shows examples of wher e th e 53 4 an te n na
may be placed on an aircraft or vehicle (not to scale).
The GPS-534 is designed to withstand the elements, including
rain, snow , and dust. However, to e nsure your an tenna per forms
optimally, keep the radome clean and brush off any ice and
snow. In addition, ensure the TNC connector remains clean and
dry and replace the dust cap when a cable is not connected.
L1: 1575.42 ±13 MHz
3 dB pass band (typical)
Out-of-band rejection (typical) > 40 dBc
Gain at zenith (
Gain roll-off (zenith to horizon) L1/LB: +8 dB, L2:+8 dB
LNA gain 40 dB ±3
Polarization Right-hand circular
Noise figure (typical) 1.9 dB
Nominal impedance 50 Ω
VSWR < 1.5 : 1
Input voltage 2.5 - 24.0 VDC
Current < 35 mA
Weight 191 g (6.8 oz.)
Maximum altitude 21336 m (70000 ft.)
Operating temperature -55°C to +85°C (-67°F to +185°F)
Storage temperature -55°C to +85°C (-67°F to +185°F)
Designed to meet these
a. If you purchased the GPS-534-C version, your antenna has
the full FAA TSO-C144 certification.
θ = 90°) (min)
L2: 1227.60 ±13 MHz
LB: 1542.50 ±17.5 MHz
L1: +4.1 dBic, L2:+3.9 dBic,
LB: +5.7 dBic
Width 76.20 mm (3.000”)
Length 119.38 mm (4.700”)
Height 20.00 mm (0.788”)
RTCA DO-160D, RTCA DO-228,
MIL-C-5541, MIL-E-5400,
MIL-I-45208A, MIL-STD-810
and SAE J1455

L-Band Peak Gain: 5.7 dB
L-Band: Max 5.7 dB
L2 Peak Gain: 3.9 dB
L2: Max 3.9 dB
L1 Peak Gain: 4.1 dB
L1: Max 4.1 dB
Dimensions are in inches
followed by [mm]
Please refer to the Mechanical Drawings on the previous panel
and the close-up of the label below before reading this section.
Antenna model
H/W Rev: 1.00 P/N: 0101xxxx
MADE IN CANADA www.novatel.com
HEIGHT = Vertical phase center offset from antenna reference
For relative offset numbers and phase center variation (PCV)
tables, please visit the U.S. National Geodetic Survey (NGS)
website at www.ngs.noaa.gov/ANTCAL/.
For absolute offset numbers and to download PCV tab les,
please visit the GEO++ website at www.geopp.com.
When using either of the websites mentioned above, look for the
NovAtel listing of your antenna model and its hardware revision.
At the time of print, we are unable to provide typical absolute and
relative offset numbers for the current 534 antenna model.
Hardware Revision
point or antenna reference plane (ARP), see the
MECHANICAL DRAWINGS section of this guide.
NovAtel Inc. warrants that its Global Positioning System (GPS) products are free from
defects in materials and workmanship, subject to the conditions set forth below, for the
following periods of time:
Date of sale shall mean the date of the invoice to the original customer for the product.
NovAtel's responsibility respecting this warranty is limited solely to product repair at an
authorized NovAtel location only. Determination of repair will be made by NovAtel personnel
or by technical personnel expressly authorized by NovAtel for this purpose.
The foregoing warranties do not extend to
(i) nonconformities, defects or errors in the products due to accident, abuse, misuse or negli-
gent use of the products or use in other tha n a normal and cu stomary manner, environmental
conditions not conforming to NovAtel’s specifications, or failure to follow prescribed installation, operating and maintenance procedures, (ii) defect s, errors or nonconformities in the
products due to modifications, alteration s, additions or changes not made in accordance with
NovAtel’s specifications or authorized by NovAtel, (iii) normal wear and tear, (iv) damage
cause by force of nature or act of any third person, (v) shipping damage; or (vi)service or
repair of product by the dealer without prior written consent from NovAtel.
In addition, the foregoing warranties shall not apply to products designated by NovAtel as
beta site test samples, experimental, developmental, preproduction, sample, incomplete or
out of specification products or to returned products if the original identification marks have
been removed or altered.
The warranties and remedies are exclusive and all other warranties, express or implied,
written or oral, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular
purpose are excluded.
NovAtel shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising directly or indirectly out of
the purchase, installation, operation, use or licensing or products or services. In no event
shall NovAtel be liable for special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind
or nature due to any cause.
There are no user-serviceable parts in the GPSAntenna and no maint enance is required. If
the unit is faulty, replace with anot her unit and ret urn the fau lty uni t to NovAtel Inc. You must
obtain a RETURN MATERIAL AUTHORIZATION (RMA) number by calling NovAtel
Customer Service at 1-800-NOV ATEL (U.S. and Canada only) or 403-295-4900 before shipping any product to NovAtel or a dealer. Once you have obtained an RMA number , you will
be advised of proper shipping procedures to return any defective product. When returning
any product to NovAtel, please return the defective product in the original p ackaging to a void
GPSAntenna™ Modules: One (1) Year from date of sale
Cables and Accessories: Ninety (90) Days from date of sale
Please check our website for updates to this manual at http://
www.novatel.ca/support/docupdates.htm and the websites
mentioned above.
Before shipping any material to NovAtel or our Dealer, please obtain a Ret ur n Materi al
Authorization (RMA) number from the point of purchase. You may also visit our website
(http://www.novatel.com) and select Support | Repair Request from the side menu.
If you need any further advice on this matter, please visit our
website at www.novatel.com. Other methods of contacting
Customer Service can be found on the last panel of this guide.
If you have any questions or comments regarding your 534 or 534-C antenna, please
contact NovAtel Customer Service using one of methods provided below.
Email: support@novatel.com
Web: www.novatel.com
Phone: 1-800-NOVATEL (U.S. & Canada)
Fax: 403-295-4901
© Copyright 2005-2006 NovAtel Inc. All rights reserved.Printed in Canada on recycled paper .
Unpublished rights reserved under international copyright laws. Recyclable.
OM-20000096 Rev 2 March 6, 2006
403-295-4900 (International)