1. Introduction:
The AutofilTM filtration system has been designed for use in laboratory
environments. The materials of construction are compatible with common
disinfectants and sanitizing agents. The smooth contoured design is readily
cleaned by spraying or applying a disinfectant and wiping as required.
Under normal operating conditions, fluids should not come in contact with the
internal plumbing of the Autofil
do come in contact with the internal plumbing, the following procedure can be
followed to decontaminate the system.
2. Preparing the Sanitizing Agent:
a) The following sanitizing agents can be used:
• Iodophors (follow manufacturers recommended dilution)
• Alcohols (effective dilution is 70-85%)
• Commercially available disinfectants
Use of hypochlorite (bleach) is not recommended. Prolonged exposure
to hypochlorite may cause corrosion to internal stainless steel
components. Adequate water rinsing is necessary if hypochlorite
solution is used.
b) Prepare 500mL of sanitizing agent in a proper flask or container following
manufacturer’s recommendation.
3. Prepare the pedestal or cradle ring stand for sanitation (refer to illustration below)
a) 1) Inserting a blunt point into the hole and gently remove rubber gasket
from the pedestal or cradle ring stand. 2) Insert vacuum tube adaptor into
main vacuum port.
pedestal or cradle ring stand. In the event fluids