Stop looking at those dirty drain pans!
Stop clogs in drain pans! PanGuard time- PanGuard also cares for your environment.
released detergents work for 24 hours a day, PanGuard has been certified as
7 days a week, for up to 6 months to assure with the following attributes:
free-flowing drains in all your air
conditioning units. — Biodegradable
— Causes no ozone depletion
The action takes place in our secret non- — Reduces six fold the impact on earth’s
dissolving polymer core where thousands of natural resources
tiny pores hold the cleansers. In the — Contains no environmentally harmful
presence of water, PanGuard slowly substances
releases these cleansers and wetting agents — Reduces the use of operational
to keep dirt in suspension. The result is a maintenance labor
drain pan that is guaranteed crystal clean — Complies to substantial additional
for up to six months. restrictions on ingredients, packaging,
and oxidizing/flammability requirements
Step up to Sparkling Clean Drip Pans
Step Up To PanGuard
Call Today!
Controlled Release Technologies, Inc.
Controlled Release Technologies, Inc.
Toll Free (800) 766-9057 Fax: (727) 573-5344 www.cleanac.com
1010 Industry Dr • Shelby • North Carolina 28152
(800) 766-9057 • www.cleanac.com
Tel: (866) 433-6682 Fax: (866) 433-6684
Tel: (281) 359-8538 Fax: (281) 359-0084
Timed Release Condensate Cleaner
There are obvious reasons for the superior performance of PanGuard over other
products. ItÕs timed-release formulation puts it head and shoulders over other
products-and improvements do not stop there.
Our superior cleaning
agents makes PanGuard
your best buy.
The green knit enclosure lets water pass through to contact all of the surfaces.
The orange knit enclosure, a familiar trademark of PanGuard, lets water pass through
to contact all of the surfaces.
A blending of wetting agents, surfactants, detergents, and C10 corrosion inhibitor.
Slim strip design releases cleansers over a greater expanse of the pan surface, allowing the
condensate to carry the cleaners into the entire pan, not just a small area.
Flexible polymer aids in placement of the product into hard to reach places.
Retains constant weight in water.
Water-permeable orange fabric enclosure helps keep the product intact and visible for
easy removal.
Leaves no chemical residue in the pan.
Engineered for all sizes of air-conditioning pans.
Non-dissolving polymer core with:
1. Superior Cleaning Agents
2. Dispersants to break up and
remove dirt.
3. Wetting Agents to penetrate
4. Exclusive C-10 Corrosion
Inhibitor to protect galvanizing
The ingredients are not volatile and will not travel through the air stream.
Controlled Release Technologies, Inc.
Controlled Release Technologies, Inc.
1016 Industry Dr • Shelby • North Carolina 28152
Toll Free (800) 766-9057 Fax (727) 573-5344 www.cleanac.com custserv@cleanac.com
(800) 766-9057 • www.cleanac.com