Range: –76 to 932°F / –60 to 500°C
Resolution: 0.1° (-9.9 to 199.9)
1° (otherwise)
Press and continue to hold down the
trigger to take temperature readings.
The unit will take temperature readings
while the trigger is pressed and held
(SCAN appearing on the display indicates
measurements are being taken).
After the trigger is released, the last
temperature measured will be displayed
for approximately 15 seconds and the
display will turn off automatically. HOLD
will appear on the display when the
trigger has been released to indicate that
the unit is no longer taking temperature
Selecting unitS of meaSuRe
Each press of the °C/°F button will toggle
between °C and °F.
laSeR taRgeting
Laser targeting is always active when
the trigger is being pressed. Each time
the trigger is pressed and held, the laser
beam will be emitted.
CAUTION: Eye damage may result from
direct exposure to laser light.
maXimum tempeRatuRe
While taking measurements, the unit
will automatically record the maximum
temperature reading that has been
measured. This value will appear on the
display to the right of MAX.
DiStance Spot/Ratio
There are other factors that may affect
measurement accuracy. The target
must completely ll the spot diameter
seen by the infrared sensor; otherwise
readings will be inuenced by the
surface surrounding the target. The ratio
of the distance to the size of the spot
being measured is 11:1. For example,
an object’s diameter of 100mm can be
measured from 1100mm.
DiSplaY meSSageS
“Er2” will appear on the display when
the unit is exposed to rapid changes in
ambient temperature.
“Er3” will appear on the display when
the ambient temperature is below 32° F
(0° C) or above 122° F (50° C).
“Er” will appear on the display when the
unit needs to be reset. To reset the unit,
remove the batteries, wait 2 minutes and
then re-install the batteries.

all opeRational DifficultieS
If this thermometer does not function
properly for any reason, replace the
batteries with new high quality batteries
(see Battery Replacement section). Low
battery power can occasionally cause
any number of “apparent” operational
difculties. Replacing the batteries
with new fresh batteries will solve most
BatteRY Replacement
Erratic readings, faint readings, no display,
or appearing on the display are all
indications that the batteries must be
replaced. Open the battery compartment
by sliding the battery cover in the direction
indicated by the arrow and then lift the
battery cover. Remove the exhausted batteries and replace them with two (2) new
AAA alkaline batteries. Make certain to
install the new batteries in the directions indicated in the battery compartment. Close
the battery cover.
WaRRantY, SeRVice, oR
For warranty, service, or recalibration,
4455 Rex Road
Friendswood, Texas 77546 USA
Ph. 281 482-1714 • Fax 281 482-9448
E-mail sales@control3.com • www.control3.com
Control Company is ISO 9001 Quality-Certied by
DNV and ISO 17025 accredited as a Calibration
Laboratory by A2LA.
Traceable® is a registered trademark of Control Company.
©2007 Control Company. 92-4470-10 Rev. 1 050307