Thank you for purchasing the NICO® Non-Invas ive Cardiac Output monitor from Novame tr i x .
measures cardiac output through respiratory gas analysis based on the well accepted
Fick Principle, providing continuous and accurate display of cardiac output. The monitor also
operates in Respiratory Mechanics-only mode, providing the clinician with a respiratory profile of
the patient through a combination of capnography, airway flow and pressure, and pulse
We expect that you will fi nd the application and u se o f NI C O
to adopt th is exciti n g tec hno log y in to your clin ic al p ractic e . NICO® can provide accurate cardiac
output values without the need for invasive procedures, benefitting the patient, the clinician,
and the health care system in general.
We appreciate your patro na ge and look forwar d to de velo p ing a long-term rela tionship with you
and your institution.
extremely simple, making it easy
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PHONE 205-265-7701
FAX 205-284-0753
Customer Service
Technical Service
Rev. 05NICO User’s Manualiii
About this manualThis manua l is wr itten fo r clin ical pers onne l us ing t he No vametr ix NI CO
Output Monitor , Model 7300, and the sensors and accessories intended for use with the monitor .
This document contains information which is proprietary and the property of Novametrix Medical
Systems Inc., and may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, translated, transcribed,
or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, without the prior explicit written permission of
Novametrix Medical Systems Inc. Novametrix reserves the right to change specifications without
NICO® Monitor
Technical Description
Quality & Safety
Declaration of
Per requirements of IEC 601-1, the NICO® monitor is classified as class II equipment, internally
powere d, wit h typ e BF applie d pa rt, and an enc losur e prot ecti on rat ing o f IPX0 . The NIC O
monitor is Year 2000 compliant.
Transport/Storage: -10 to +55° C (14-131° F), 10-95% R.H. no n-condensing
Operating Conditions: 10 to +40° C (50 to 104° F), 10-90% R.H. non-condensing
service personn el. A t echn ical Service Manual is availab le for use by technical personnel.
The Novametrix Medical Systems Inc. manufacturing facility is certified to both ISO 9001 and
EN46001 (MDD93/42/EEC Annex II). Novametrix’ products bear the “CE 0086” mark. The
product is certified by Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL) to bear the UL mark; and tested by TÜV
Rheinland to IEC 601-1/EN60 601-1.
The Autho r ized Repr es entative f or Novametr ix equipment is:
monitor, Model 7300, contains no use r serv iceab le parts. Refer servicing to qualified
Confor mity with
European Union
D.R.M. Green
European Compliance Services Limited,
Oakdene Hou s e,
Oak Road,
Swindon, Wilts SN6 8TD
United Ki ngdom
Non-Invasive Cardiac
Trademarks and
Manual Revision
CAPNOSTAT CO2 Sensor and NICO are regis ter ed tr ade mar ks (®); NICO2 and the stylized NICO
with CO2 shadow, NICO Sensor, NICO Loop and CObar (cardiac output confidence b ar),
SuperBright and Y-Sensor are trademarks (™) of Novametrix Medical Systems Inc. Other
trademarks and registe r ed tra d em arks are the pr o perty of their r espective own er s.
and its sensors and accessories are covered by the following USA patents: 4,859,858,
4,859,859, 4,914,720, 5,146,092, 5,153,436, 5,190,058, 5,206,511, 5,251,121, 5,347,843,
5,369,277, 5,379,650, 5,398,680, 5,535,633, 5,616,923, 5,693,944, 5,789,660, 5,793,044,
5,820,550, 5, 891,026 , 5, 999,834 , 6,098 ,62 2, 6,12 6,6 10, D42 4,19 3, 6,17 9,7 84. Oth er pate nts
NICO®, a Non-Invasive Cardiac Output monitor from Novametrix Medical Systems Inc., noninvasively m ea sures an d d isp lays card ia c out put (C .O.). Th e NI C O
displays cardiac index and stroke volume, as well as various respiratory monitoring parameters
including CO
mode, NICO® can be used as a respiratory profile monitor, without cardiac output displayed. In
either mod e, NIC O
efficien t pa tient man ag ement.
IndicationsThe NI CO
Output mode, t he m onitor is use d for t he m onito ring of cardi ac out put a nd various resp iratory
parameters of adult patients receiving mechanical ventilation. In Respiratory Mechanics mode,
the NICO
neonatal patients. NICO® is not intended for any other purpose.
ContraindicationsIn Cardiac Output mode, use of the NICO
small rise (3-5 mmHg, 0.4-0.67 kPa) in their PaCO2 level cannot be tolerated.
Front Panel
elimination (VC O2) and alveolar minute ventilation. In Respiratory Mechanics
provide s the clinic ian wi th im porta nt inf ormat ion t o aid in pre cise and
monitor is in dicat ed for use b y techn ically sk illed cli nical pe rsonnel . In Cardi ac
monitor is used for monitoring the respiratory parameters of adult, pediatric and
monitor, Model 7300, also
monitor is contraindicated in patients in whom a
The NICO® monitor ’s front pane l includ es a di splay sc reen, se nsor inp ut conn ector s, a cont rol
knob, and operational push button keys and indicators that are explained below.
Rev. 05NICO User’s Manual1
Rear Panel
1 Display Screen. The screen displays NICO
waveforms and messages, along with setup and configuration data.
Sensor, Catalog Number 9567-00 here.
CO2 Sensor Inpu t C o nnec to r. Connect only a Novametrix CAPNOSTAT®
data, respiratory mechanics, trends,
3 Connector Isolation Icon. Identifies t h e connector to either side of this icon as a type
Number 8950-00, 8951-00 a nd 89 52-00 or Novametrix CO
Number 9765-00, 9766-00 a nd 97 67-00.
/Flow sensors, Catalog
6 KNOB. The KNOB is used to select monitoring screens, scroll through menus and to
change or enter values. The KNOB is generally turned to access different monitoring
screens and to highlight menu options, and pressed to accept or change those selections.
7 DATA ENTRY key. Press to activ ate the DATA ENTRY screen and illuminate the key’s green
icon. Press th e key again to return t o th e p r evio usly displayed s cr een. From the
DATA ENTRY screen, you can enter patient information including height, weight and
respiratory gas mixture, and access the ABG DATA ENTRY screen.
8 MENU key. Press to activate the SELECT A SCREEN menu and illuminate the key’s green
icon. Press th e key again to return t o th e p r evio usly displayed s cr een. From the
SELECT A SCREEN menu you can, by turning the knob, highlight the screen you wish to
display. Press the MENU key or the KNOB to display that selected screen .
9 SILENCE key. The SILENCE key is used to mute/prevent audible alerts. It also visua lly
indicates the presence of a “High Priorit y Alert”. The Silence feat u r e ope rate s in two
modes; a temporary “2 Minute Silence” mode and an “Audio Disabled” mode.
• 2 Minute Silence — Press and release to activate or deactivate the two minute silence.
The key’s icon illuminates amber when active and audible alerts will be muted for two
minutes, after which the icon turns off and any audible alert will sound.
• Audio Disabled — Press and hold for one second to prevent or allow any audible alerts.
The key’s icon illumin a t es a nd f las h es a mb er to ind icate that all audible alerts are
being suppressed.
• High Priority Alerts — (See “NICO® Aler t Prio r it ies” on page 56) The SILENCE key’s
icon illuminates and fla shes red to indicate High Prior it y Alert is active. The icon
alternately flashes red and amber if the audio is disabled and a High Priority Alert is
automatic rebrea thi n g pr ocess. Subsequent presses will stop (amber indicato r
illuminated) or continue (amber indicator off) the rebreathing process. Press and hold for
two seconds to reset the NICO
cleared. The STOP/CONTINUE REBREATHING key will be amber and ina c t ive in
Respiratory Mechanics mode.
algorithm; the C.O. value and averaging filter will b e
monitoring and the
11 AC Mains Power Indicator. This ico n illuminates green to indicate AC Ma ins power is
applied to the mon it o r. To illum inate the icon, the m on it o r must be plugged into t he AC
outlet and the monitor’s rear panel power switch must be on (“|”).
12 OPERATE/STANDBY key. Press this key to turn the monitor on. If connected to the AC
outlet, the mon itor uses AC power, o t h erwise it powers up us ing its internal bat te r y
(provided the battery is cha r ged). Pres s th e OPERATE/STANDBY key aga in to put the
monitor into Standby mode (if using AC power) or to turn it off (if using battery power).
13 Kickstand (front and rear). The NICO
from above or below by extending the kickstand at the front or rear of the monitor.
monitor c an be positioned for better view ing
Rear Panel
The NICO® monitor’s rea r panel inc ludes an AC Mai ns pow er input mo dule , three R S232 ser ial
communications ports, an analog inpu t/outp ut port, equip otenti al connector, fan and ventilation
slots, and th e monitor ’s seri a l nu m b er label. These ar e explained belo w.
2NICO User’s ManualRev. 05
14 AC Mains Power Cord Connection. Connect only approved hospital-grade line cords to
this connector.
15 AC Mains Power Switch. This switch controls the flow of AC current into the NICO
monitor. Press the “|” portion of the switch to supply the monitor with AC power, or the
“O” portion of the switch to interrupt the flow of AC power. If supplied with AC power, the
monitor illuminates the front panel AC Mains Power Indicator, energizes the fan and
recharges the internal battery.
16 RS232 Communications Ports. Three 9-pin serial communications ports provide for
digital communications with the NICO® monitor. (See “RS232 Communications” ).
17 Fan. The fan draws air in through the monitor. Do not block the fan’s air intake slots.
18 Serial Number Label. The N ICO
servicing to qualifie d p erso nnel.
monitor’s serial number is shown here. Refer
19 Power cord retaining clip. If desired, remove the screw, slip the cord through the clip
and insert and tighten the screw. Use only the supplied screw to secure the clip.
20 Equipotentiality. Connection to the monitor’s chassis (earth ground system).
21 Analog Input/ O ut put Por t. This 15-pin connector provides analog signal output
capability for the NICO® monitor (Input reserved for future use).
22 Ventilation Slots. Do no t block the air v en tilation slots.
These sy mbols may be found o n the NICO® monitor, its sensors, accessories and
Consult manual for detailed
Single Patient Use
Treat in accordance with protocol
for “single patient use” items.
Patient Isolatio n
Identifies the patient iso la tio n
connection as type BF.
AC Mains Power Switch
“|” ON-connectio n to m a ins;
“O” OFF-disconnection from mains
Rev. 05NICO User’s Manual3
AC/Battery Opera tion
Mains Fuse Rating
Mains rating for replacement fuses
Separate colle ction
Take appropriate steps to ensure
that spent batteries ar e collected
separately when disposed of. This
symbol is found on the internal
battery and the monitor enclosure.
Recyclable item
This symbol is found on the internal
battery an d the monitor en clo sure.
AC/Battery Operation
The NICO® monitor is designed to be operated from AC Mains power. An internal battery
provides uninterrupted monitoring and trending capability for short periods (no more than 45
minutes) if the AC power is removed.
AC Mains OperationTo ope ra te NICO
1 Plug the line cord into the r ear pan e l co n nect o r and the AC Mains power outlet.
2 Set the rear panel power switch to the On “|” position.
• The front panel AC Mains Power indicator illuminates.
• The monitor’s fan turns on.
• The inte r n al battery s tarts to rec h arge.
from AC Mains power:
Connection to monitor’s chassis.
Heavy Metal Content
Indicates heavy metal content,
specifically le ad. This symbol is
found on the internal battery and
the moni to r enc losure.
3 Press the front panel Operate/Standby key to tu r n th e m o n itor on and of f.
Battery OperationThe NICO
from AC Ma ins powe r if the AC sou rce is r emoved. A fu lly
charged battery will power the moni tor fo r up t o 45 minutes.
While on battery pow er, NICO
“drains” as power is consume d .
The battery icon starts to flash when approximately 5
minutes of battery power remain. An audible alert tone also
Reconnect to AC Mains power or the monitor will
automati ca lly shut o ff. A deplet ed ba tt ery may re quire 12 -16
hours to fully recharge.
To ope ra te NICO
1 Unplug the line cord or set the rear panel power switch
to the Off “O ” p o s ition.
2 Press the front panel Operate/Standby key to tu r n th e m o n itor on and of f.
monitor automatically switches to battery power
displays a battery icon that
on battery power:
• The front panel AC Mains Power indicator turns off.
Battery icon shows capacity
4NICO User’s ManualRev. 05
NICO® Parameter List
NICO® Paramet er List
Cardiac Output modeThe NICO
monitor displays the parameters described in thi s tabl e.
Vd alvAlveolar deadspace0-500 mlDifference between physiologic and
airway deadspace
Vt alvAlveolar tidal volume0-2400 ml adult
0-1200 ml pediatric
Tidal volume less airway
Numerics, SBCO2 &
ABG Data E ntr y
Numerics, SBCO
ABG Data E ntr y
Numerics, SBCO
Tabular Data
0-160 ml neonatal
VteExpired Tidal Volume200-3000 ml adult
30-400 ml pediatric
Volume of gas exhaled per breathAll except Flow/
Pressure & Loops
1-100 ml neonatal
Vte-mExpired Ti da l Volume -
200-3000 ml adult
30-400 ml pediatric
Volume of mechanically exhaled
gas, per breath
Tabular Data
1-100 ml neonatal
Vte-sExpired Tidal Volume -
200-3000 ml adult
30-400 ml pediatric
Volume of spontaneously exhaled
gas, per breath
Tabular Data
1-100 ml neonatal
VtiInspired Tidal Volume200-3000 ml adult
30-400 ml pediatric
Volume of gas inhaled per breathAll except Flow/
Pressure & Loops
1-100 ml neonatal
Vti-mInspired Tidal Volu m e -
200-3000 ml adult
30-400 ml pediatric
Volume of mechanically inhaled
gas, per breath
Tabular Data
1-100 ml neonatal
Vti-sInspired Tidal Volume -
200-3000 ml adult
30-400 ml pediatric
Volume of spontaneously inhaled
gas, per breath
Tabular Data
1-100 ml neonatal
Principles of Operation
Non-Invasive Cardiac
Output (NICO)
8NICO User’s ManualRev. 05
NICO® calculates cardiac output (C.O.) non-invasively based on respiratory gas analysis, using a
technique known as “differential Fick partial rebreathing.” The key to this technique is a NICO
Sensor™, consisting of a rebreathing valve and a combined CO
breathing circuit. The NICO Sensor™ is placed into th e ventilator circuit betw een the patient
/Flow s ensor plac ed in the
elbow and ven tilator w ye. The rebreath ing valve is automat ically con trolled b y the m onitor.
When the valve is activated, the flow of the inspired and expired gas is diverted through a
rebreathing NICO Loop.™ When the valve is deactivated, this additional rebreathing volume is
bypassed and normal ventilation resumes. Every three minutes, a baseline, rebreathing and
stabilization pha se occurs. (See “The NICO® Cycle” o n p a ge 27.) A non-invasive ca r d ia c ou t put
calculation is made following the end of each three minute cycle. The calculation is based on the
changes induced in CO
The increase in end tidal CO
0.67 kPa) and returns to baseline in less than 30 seconds.
The Fick equation using CO
elimination divided by the ven ou s-a r te r ia l d if fe r ence in the CO2 content: VCO2/(CvCO2-CaCO2).
elimination and end tidal CO2 in response to the r ebreat hing vol ume.
, which ref lects the incr eas e in PaCO2, is usually 3-5 m mHg (0.4 -
as an indicator states that cardiac output is equal to CO
The partial rebreathing method yields a differential form of the Fick equation, eliminating the
need to me asure mixed venous CO
(assumed constant during the rebreathing period and
therefore cancels out of the equation). This indirect Fick method is then corrected for shunt,
Principles of Operation
based on the Nunn’s iso-shunt curves using SpO2 (or entered PaO2) and a user-entered value
for FiO2 (INSP O2).
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)NICO
uses the CAPNOSTAT® CO2 Sensor to measure CO2 by using the infrared absorption
technique. The principle is based on the fact that CO2 molecule s absorb infrare d (IR) light
energy of specific wavelengths, with the amount of energy absorbed being directly related to the
concentration. When an IR beam is passed through a gas sample containing CO2, the
electronic signal from the photodetector (which measures the remaining light energy) can be
obtained . This sig nal is t hen comp ared to the e nergy of the IR s ource a nd calibrat ed to
accurately reflect CO
a known concentration of CO
channel accounts for optical changes in the sensor, allowing the system to remain in calibration
concentration in the sample. To calibrate, the photodetector’s response to
is stored at the fac tory in the m onitor ’s memory. A reference
without us er in terventio n .
Flow and PressureFlow and pressure measurements in the NICO
pressure pneumotachometer. Respired gas flowing through the flow sensor causes a small
pressure drop across th e two tubes conne cted to the sensor. This pressure drop is transmitted
through the tubing to a differential pressure transducer located inside the monitor, and is
correlated to flow according to the factory stored calibration. User calibration is not required due
to the ability of the p lastic injection mo ld to repeate dly produce p recision flow sen sors. The
Carbon Dioxide
Elimination (VCO2)
pressure transducer is automatically “zeroed” to correct for changes in ambient temperature
and electronics. The NICO
volume measurem ents in th e presence o f high oxygen concent rations, anes thetic gas es and
helium-oxygen mixtures. When compensated, gas density and viscosity effects do not cause
significant errors in f lo w m eas ur e m e n t.
Carbon dioxide elimination (VCO2) is a key measurement for NICO® calculations. It is calculated
based on a mathematical integration of the measured flow and CO2 signals. These signals are
obtained from practically the same point at the patient’s airway, thereby insuring optimal
accuracy. Both the flow and CO
monitor system software compensations allow accurate flow and
sensors are integral components of the NICO Sensor™.
monitor are made by a fixed orifice differential
Oxygen Saturation
) & Puls e Rate
Oxygen saturation (SpO2) is used by the NICO® monitor to calculate the shunt correction of the
NICO® calculation, and the p ulse rate is used to calculate stroke volu me.
is determine d using se nsors con tain ing red and infrared light emit ting diod es (LED s). The
light from each LED is be amed throug h a pulsati ng vascular b ed su ch as the patient ’s finger or
toe. The remaining light not absorbed by the tissue reaches a photodiode light receptor in the
sensor. Oxygen saturated blood absorbs different amounts of light at each wavelength as
compared to unsaturated blood. Therefore, the amount of light absorbed by the blood in each
pulse can be u s ed to c al c u la te oxygen saturat io n .
is calibrate d to display “fu nctional ” saturation . This diffe rs from the “f ractional”
saturation value displayed by most co-oximeters. Functional saturation represents the amount
of oxyhemoglobin as a perce ntage of the he moglobin that can be oxygenated. Dy sfunctional
hemoglobins, (COHb and METHb) are not included in the measurement of functional saturation.
• Functional Saturation = HbO
COHb is carboxyhemoglobin, and METHb is methemoglobin.
/100-(COHb+METHb ); Hb O2 is fractional hemoglobin,
Pulse Rate, derived from the pulse oximetery sensor, is calculated by measuring the time
interval between the peaks of the infrared light waveform. The inverse of this measurement is
displayed as pulse rate.
Rev. 05NICO User’s Manual9
Areas of the Display
Navigating in
Cardiac Output mode
Areas of the Display
The major sections of the Cardiac Output mode screen are identified below.
Stroke Volume (SV) and Cardiac Index
(CI) are displayed in all views. A batter y
icon also appear s if on bat te r y power.
A General Message area
for status, alert and error
information. Displayed in
all views (here shown
A Cardiac Output Message
area for C.O. info rmation is
displayed in all views.
The Rebreathing Bar is
displayed during the
rebreathing por tion of the
Cardiac Output (C.O.) value is displayed
in all views. The CObar™ confidence
indicator is replaced by FAST MODE when
in fast mode.
The lower half of the disp la y pre sen t s tre n d, waveform,
respiratory and numeric data to the user. Various data
entry, setup and aler t menus are also presented here. Use
the KNOB and the MENU and DAT A ENTRY keys to select
the various displays.
Navigating the Display System
Use the KNOB, MENU, and DATA ENTRY keys to navigate the NICO® display system
(as outlined in the following sections).
10NICO User’s ManualRev. 05
KNOB selectable Monitoring Sc reen s
KNOB selectable Monitoring Screens
The KNOB is used to p age through monitoring screens, scroll through menus and make
selections, and to change or enter values. The KN OB is generally turned to access different
monitoring screens and to highlight menu options, and pressed to accept or change select ions.
C.O. Trend Screen
Rebreathing Curves Scre en
CO2/SpO2 Screen
(No Options)
Flow/Pressure Screen
(No Options)
Numerics Screen
(No Options)
Rev. 05NICO User’s Manual11
KNOB selectable Monitoring Sc reen s
KNOB Selectable
Respiratory Screens
The following Respiratory Screens are available in the monitoring mode only when activated.
Press the MENU key and se lect RESP SCREENS from the SELECT A SC RE EN m enu by tur n ing a nd the n
pressing the KNOB.
From the ADD RESPIRATORY SCREENS menu, highlight and then select which screens will appear in
the base m oni toring mode by tur ning and the n pre ssing the KNOB . Wh en ena bled, select ed
screens can be di splayed by tur n ing the KNOB while vie wing any m on it o rin g scr een.
Respiratory Numerics
Flow Volume Loop and
Pressure Volume Loop
Single Breath CO2 Waveform
/MValv Trend
12NICO User’s ManualRev. 05
MENU key Screen Displays
MENU key Screen Displays
Press the MENU key to activate the SELECT A SCREEN menu and illumina te th e key ’s green ic o n.
Press the key again to re tu r n to th e previousl y di s played scre en . From the SE L EC T A SC RE EN menu
turn the KNOB to highlight the screen you wish to d isplay. Press the MENU key or the KNOB to
display that selected screen.
Rev. 05NICO User’s Manual13
DATA ENTRY key Screen Displays
DATA ENTRY key Screen Displays
Press the DATA ENTRY key to activate the DATA ENTRY screen and illuminate the key’s green icon.
Press the key again to return to the previously displayed screen. From the DATA ENTRY screen,
you can enter patient information including height, weight and respiratory gas mixture, and
access the ABGDATA ENTRY scr een. (See “Enterin g Pat ien t D at a ” o n pa ge 28 for det ail s .)
14NICO User’s ManualRev. 05
DATA ENTRY key Screen Displays
ABG Data Entry
From the DATA ENTRY screen, select ABG DATA ENTRY. Turn and press the KNOB to enter PaCO2,
, and Hemoglobin entry screens. (See “Entering Patient Data” on page 28 for details.)
Rev. 05NICO User’s Manual15
Areas of the Display
Navigating in
Respiratory Mechanics mode
Areas of the Display
The major sections of the Respiratory Mechanics mode screen are identified below.
Respiratory data including end tida l
CO2, respiration rate, saturation, and
pulse rate is displayed in all views.
A General Message area for
status, alert and error
information is disp layed in
all views . A battery ic o n
also appears if on bat te r y
The lower half of the display presents trend, waveform, respiratory
and numeric data to the user. Various data entry, setup and alert
menus are also presented here. Use the KNOB and the MENU and
DATA ENTRY keys to select the various displa ys.
Parameters change
depending o n selected
Navigating the Display System
Use the KNOB, MENU, and DATA ENTRY keys to navigate the NICO® display system
(as outlined in the following sections).
16NICO User’s ManualRev. 05
KNOB selectable Monitoring Sc reen s
KNOB selectable Monitoring Screens
The KNOB is used to p age through monitoring screens, scroll through menus and make
selections, and to change or enter values. The KN OB is generally turned to access different
monitoring screens and to highlight menu options, and pressed to accept or change select ions.
CO2/SpO2 Screen
Flow/Pressure Screen
Flow Volume Loop and
Pressure Volume Loop
/MValv Trend
Vtalv/Vdaw Trend
Single Breath CO2 Screen
Respiratory Numerics Screen
Rev. 05NICO User’s Manual17
MENU key Screen Displays
MENU key Screen Displays
Press the MENU key to activate the SELECT A SCREEN menu and illumina te th e key ’s green ic o n.
Press the key again to re tu r n to th e previousl y di s played scre en . From the SE L EC T A SC RE EN menu
turn the KNOB to highlight the screen you wish to d isplay. Press the MENU key or the KNOB to
display that selected screen.
18NICO User’s ManualRev. 05
DATA ENTRY key Screen Displays
DATA ENTRY key Screen Displays
Press the DATA ENTRY key to activate the DATA ENTRY screen and illuminate the key’s green icon.
Press the key again to return to the previously displayed screen. From the DATA ENTRY screen,
you can enter patient information including height, weight and respiratory gas mixture, and
access the ABGDATA ENTRY scr een. (See “Enterin g Pat ien t D at a ” o n pa ge 28 for det ail s .)
Rev. 05NICO User’s Manual19
DATA ENTRY key Screen Displays
ABG Data Entry
From the DATA ENTRY screen, select ABG DATA ENTRY. Turn and press the KNOB to enter PaCO2,
, and Hemoglobin entry screens. (See “Entering Patient Data” on page 28 for details.)
20NICO User’s ManualRev. 05
For maxim um patient and operator safety, observe th e fo llowing warni n gs , cautions and notes .
Indicates a potent ia lly harmful condition th at can le ad to pe r son a l inju ry.
• Explosion Haza rd: Do not use the NICO® monitor in the presence of flammable
anesthet ics . Use of this inst r u ment in such an env ir o n ment may pres ent an explosio n
• Electrical Shock Hazard: Always turn the NICO
with a damaged externa l p o wer sour ce . Refer ser vicing to qualified service personnel.
• Connect the AC Mains power cord to a properly grounded hospital-gra de outlet. The NICO
monitor should be connected to the same electrical circuit as other equipment in use on
the pati en t. Outlets o f the same cir cuit can be identified by mem bers of the h ospital’s
engineering department.
• Failure of Operation: If the monit or fails to respond as described, do not use it until the
situation has been co rr ect ed by qua lif ied pe r so nn e l.
• Reuse (disassembly, cleaning, disinfecting, resterilizing, etc.) of the CO
NICO Sensors™ may compromise device functionality and system performance and cause
a potential patient hazard. Performance is not guaranteed if a sensor is reused.
•Inspect the CO
• Do not use if they appear to be damaged or broken.
• Do not att em pt to rotat e the NICO Se n so r™ in the br eathing circ uit by gras ping the
pneumatic tubes exiting the flow sensor.
• Do not apply excessive tension to any cable or pneumatic tubing.
• Periodically inspect sensor tubing lines for kinks.
• Replace the CO
observed in the tubing.
• Do not use the NICO
• In the ev ent the message NICO SENSOR FAILUR E is displayed, remove the NICO Sensor™ from
•The CO
• NICO Sensors™ increa ses airway deadspace by 35 cc (m inim um). At low tidal volumes,
• NICO Sensors™ ar e not for pediatri c u s e.
automatically identifies the type of sensor (small, standard or large NICO S ensor™,
or neonatal, pediatric or adult CO
identification message is not displayed when a sensor is first connected, DO NOT use the
sensor. If the condition persists, refer the monitor to qualified service personnel.
NICO Sensor™. If the condition persists, refer the monitor to qualified service personnel.
the pati ent circuit .
/Flow or NICO Sensor™ connector should be properly inserted into the front panel
receptacle prior to connecting a sensor to the breathing circuit, in order to avoid a circuit
leak, or occlusion of sensor tubing.
compensatory changes to ventilation protocol should be considered.
, CO2/Flow, SpO2 and NICO Sensors™ prior to use.
, CO2/Flow, or NICO Sensor™ if excessive moisture or secretions are
/Flow sensor ) when it is connected. If a sensor
monitor if it is unable to prop erly identify a CO2/Flow sensor or a
monitor off before cleaning it. Do not use
, CO2/Flow and
Rev. 05NICO User’s Manual21
• Patient Safety: Care should be exercised to assure continued peripheral perfusion distal to
the SpO
sensor site after application.
•Inspect the SpO
sensor site for adequate circulation at least once every four hours.
• When applying sensors take note of patient’s physiological condition. For example,
burn patien ts may exhibit mor e sen sitivity to heat and pressure and therefore
additional consideration such as more frequent site checks may be appropriate.
• Periodically check sensors and tubing for excessive moisture or secretion build up.
Although NICO
automatically purges the lines, excessive moisture or secretions may still
• While using the sensors, a system leak, such as that caused by uncuf fed endot racheal
tubes or a damaged sen sor may sig nif ica n t ly aff ect flow r e lat ed rea d in gs . These include
flow, volume, pressure, deadspace, CO
production and other respiratory mechanics
• Do not position sensor cables or tubing in any manner that may cause entanglement or
monitor is not intended to be used as an apnea monitor.
monitor has no protection against the ingress of water.
Indicates a condition that may lead to equipment damage or malfunction.
• Use only Novametrix approved sensors and accessories with the NICO® monitor.
• Do not operate the NICO
• Do not operate the product if it appears to have been dropped or damaged.
• Never sterilize or immerse the monitor in liquids.
• Do not sterilize or immers e sen so rs except as directed in this manual.
• No tension should be applied to any sensor cable or tubing.
• To avoid the effects of excessive moisture in the NICO Sensor™, insert it in the ventilator
circuit with the pneumatic tubes upright. Excessive moisture in the NICO Sensor™ ma y
affect the accuracy of the measurements.
• T o a void the effects of excessive moisture in the measurement circuit, insert the CO
sensor in the ventila tor circuit with the tubes upr ig ht. I m p rop e r plac ement may result in
erroneous data.
• Excessive moisture in th e CO
• It is recommended that CO
whenever an aerosolized medication is delivered. This is due to the increased viscosity of
the medications which may contaminate the sensor windows, causing the sensor to fail
• Operate the monitor at temperatures between 10 to +40° C (50 to 104° F),
10-95% R.H. non-condensing.
• Avoid storing the moni to r at temperatures less th an -10° C or greater than +55° C
(<14° F or >131° F) 10-95% R.H. non-condensing
• Observe pr ecautions for electrosta tic discharg e (E SD) and elec tromagne tic interfer en ce
(EMI) to and from other equipment.
• Where electromagnetic devices (i.e., electrocautery) are used, patient monitoring may be
interrupted due to electromagneti c inte r fe ren ce . E lectromagnetic field s up t o 3 V/m will
not adversely affect system performance.
• Cautio n: F e der al (U .S.A .) law r es tric ts thi s de vi ce to sal e, distr ibu ti on, or us e by or on the
order of a l icensed medical pra c titioner.
monitor when it is wet du e to spills or conden sa ti o n .
/Flow sensor tubing may affect the accuracy of the
/Flow or NICO Sensors™ be removed from the circuit
22NICO User’s ManualRev. 05
A point of particular interest or emphasis intended to provide more efficient or convenient
• In order to ensure proper monitoring of oxygenation and ventilation:
• The use of pulse oximetry is rec o m mended dur in g NI C O® monitoring.
•Setting of ETCO
• A “NO RESPIRATION” alert is not generated when both the CAPNOSTAT
the NICO Sensor™ or CO
• Be certa in that the m onitor is no t in Demo mode while m o n i to r i ng. Demo m ode can be
identified by the flashing DE MO MOD E label in the General Message area o f th e di s p l ay. To
exit De m o m ode and return to normal monitoring m ode, turn the power o ff and back on.
monitor contains no user serviceable parts. Refer servicing to qualified service
personnel. A technical Service Manual is available for use by technical personnel.
•Do not attach an SpO
processed when the cuff is inflated. Attach the sensor to the limb opposite to the site used
for the blood pre s s u r e cuff.
• This product and its accessories which have patient contact are free of latex.
monitor is Year 2000 compliant.
• Data Validity : Inaccurate SpO
• Incorrect application or use of a sensor
• Significant levels of dysfunctional hemoglobin; carboxyhemoglobin or methemoglobin
• Significant levels of ind o cya nine green, methylene blue , o r oth er intravascular dyes
• Exposure to excessive illum i n atio n such a s sur gic al lam p s—e sp ecially ones with a
xenon light source, or direct sunlight
• Excessive patient movement
•Venous pulsations
• Electrosurgical interf erence
•Use of an IABP.
measurements will occu r provided the following conditions are met:
• The NICO Senso r™ assembly is properly installed in the patient’s breathing circuit .
• Valid flow and CO
is greater than 20 mL/min.
is between 15 and 85 mmHg (2.0 - 11.5 kPa or %) during base li n e
•ETCO2 is between 15 and 100 mmHg (2 . 0 - 13.5 kPa or %) during rebreat hin g
• The tidal volume is greater than 200ml (sma ll and stan d a rd sizes)
• The tidal volume is greater than 400 ml (large size ).
• The respiratory rate is between 3 and 60 br/min.
•The STOP/CONTINUE REBREATHING key is not illuminated.
is not paused by the monitor for any other reason (displayed in the C.O.
message area)
•When a new CAPNOSTAT
monitor to another, it must be zeroed before use.
• After the life cycle of the equipment and accessories has been met, disposal should be
accomplished follo wing national and local req uir e m ents.
and SpO2 alert limits is recommended.
CO2 senso r and
/Flow sensor are disconnected from the NICO® monitor.
sensor distal to a blood pressure cuff. Valid data cannot be
and Pulse Rate values may be caused by:
signals are detected with no significant signal artifact.
CO2 sensor is attached to the monitor, or is moved from one
Rev. 05NICO User’s Manual23
Preparing for Use
Monitoring Cardiac Output
This section detail s th e steps ne eded to begi n pa tient mon ito r i ng with the N IC O® monitor.
Preparing for Use
InspectBefore monitoring, take a few moments to inspect the NICO
that all items are cle an, dry, and physically intact wit h n o bro ken o r dam a g ed com pon e n t s .
Turn on the monitorTurn the NICO
1 Press the Operate/Standby key to turn the monitor on
and off.
2 The monitor performs a quick self-test.
3 The message PRESS KNOB TO ERASE STORED TRENDS is displayed for 5 seco nds .
4 The power up sequence is completed and a monitori ng scre en is disp layed.
monitor on.
• An audible tone sounds, the key indicators illum inate, and a SELF-TEST IN PROGRESS
• To erase the contents of the monitor’s trend memory, press the knob. TRENDS ERASED
• To retain the contents of the monitor’s trend memory, do not press the knob. Wait the
• Note: If the internal battery becomes fully discharged, the messag e CHECK DATE/TIME
• If the monitor is in Respiratory Mechanics mode, connecting a NICO Sensor™ will
• The monitor is in a READY state and the parameters will be dashed and alerts will not
• Parameters will display and their alerts will become active as they are calculated.
can operate from its internal battery or
from the AC Mains. (See “AC/Ba ttery Operation”
on page 4 for details.)
message is briefly displayed.
is brief l y display ed.
5 seconds and TRENDS RETAINED is displayed.
(MENU -> SETUP) will appear before the PRESS KNO B T O ER ASE STOR ED T REN DS message. (See
“Setup Scre en” on page 45 for details .)
displays the screen that was displayed when the monitor wa s last turne d off.
cause the monitor to automatically switch to Cardiac Output mode.
be active until parameters are calculated and displayed.
monitor and its sensors. Check
Connect and apply
the sensors
Connect the sensors to the monitor, ventilator circuit, and patient.
1 Connect the SpO
patient. (See “Pulse Oximetry Sensors” on page 67.)
2 Connect the CAPNOSTAT
(See “CAPNOSTAT® CO2 Sensor” on page 65.)
sensor to the monitor and apply it to the
CO2 Sensor to th e monitor.
3 Select a NICO Sensor™, see “Choosing a NICO Sensor™ size” on
page 60.
4 Connect the NICO Sensor™ to the monitor and attach a
. (See “NICO Sensor™” on page 59.)
5 Use the Initial Adjustment Template as a guide and adjust the NICO Loop™ to match the
ventilator’s tidal volume set ting , then discard the templ at e. (S ee Instructions on the
24NICO User’s ManualRev. 05
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