North Star 27500 PTOG, 165937 Owner's Manual

MODEL 27500 PTOG ITEM # 165937
Proven Performance
Power T
ake-Off Generator
Any Questions, Comments, or Pr oblems?
Call Custo mer Service at 1-800-270- 0810
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Saturday 7:30 to 11:30 AM CST
Thank you for purchasi ng a NorthStar Power Take-Off Generator. Your machi ne is desi gned
for long life, dependabil ity, and the top performance you dem and. Pl ease take the time now to read through this m anual so you can better understand the machi ne’s operation, maintenance and
safety precautions. Everyone who operates this generator must read and understand this m anual. T he time you t ake now will p rolong you r ge ne rat or’s lif e and p repare you for its safe operation.
Enj oy the exceptional performance of your NorthStar PTO Generator.
If this machine is used by anyone who i s not the owner or is loaned or rented, make certain the
- Is instructed in safe and proper operation of this m achine.
- Reads and understands the manuals pertai ning to this machine.
K-BAR Industries Incorporated reserves the right to make improvements in design and/or
changes in specifications at any time without incurring any obligation to install them on units previousl y sold.
Thank you 1 Specifications 2 A NSI safety definitions 2 Machine com ponent ident ification 3
Gener ator f eature s 4 Introduction 4 Rules for saf e operation 4-5 Installation 5-6 Load applic ation 6-7
Pre- star t up prepar ation s 7-8 Gener ator car e 8
Troubleshooting 9
Item Numb er #165937
Maximum Outp ut 27500 Wat ts (W ) Continuous Output 24000 W Voltage 120 / 240 Volt (V) Phase Single pha s e ( 4- wire)
Frequency 59.0- 63.0 H er tz ( Hz ) Power Fact or 1.0 Min imum P TO HP 48 HP at 540 RP M Input Shaf t 1 3/8” Diameter, 6 spl ine 120V Recept ac le (2) 20 Amp (A) duplex (NE M A 5- 20R)
30A Twistloc k ( NE MA L5-30R)
120/240V Recept ac le 60A St r aight blade (NEMA 14-60R)
100A Pin and sle eve (4100R 12W)
Circuit Breaker (2) 20A thermal, push to reset style
30A thermal, push to reset style
60A ther mal ma gnetic
100A ther ma l m agnetic Gear B ox Gear Ratio 1:7 Gear Oil SAE 80W-90
Oil Capac ity .53 Qt. (.5 L) Dimensions Length 36.95” ( 93.9 cm) Width 16.85” ( 42.8 cm) Height 20.79” ( 52.8 cm)
Gr os s Weight 425 lb. ( 193. 2 k g)
DANGER i ndi ca te s a n im mine ntl y h azard ou s sit ua ti on whi ch, i f no t a voide d, will
result in death or serious injury. This signal word is to be limited to the most extreme situations.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situati on which, if not avoided, could
r es ult in a d eath or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous si tuation, which if not avoi ded, may
result in minor or moderate inj ury. It m ay also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
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